Thursday, February 28, 2019
An essay about a social world
An essay ab come forth a amicable cyberspace Faceable is iodine of the roughly crucial social network today, and one of the most familiar ranges from the internet. Social network turn ups (Sons) were al musical modes fashionable and race designmed to be attracted by the idea of creating a profile where they buttocks put breeding about them and keep in penetrate with their friends, or even brass for dates, jobs and many early(a)s. But with Faceable, the idea of a social network site became much more important, because it grew so big that it became a link that citizenry accessed every day, and in a way or another, it is an important thing in many stack lives.It all in all started with the young Mark Seersucker and his college roommates. In the beginning it was cal lead Faces, which was comparable to Hot or Not, a website where Harvards students could vote amongst two pictures Of girls from college, deciding which one was hotter. The site was pull ind with the help of hacking, and this was the reason wherefore it was shut down. After this failure, Mark tried a new site that was called tablecloth. Mom, but he was caused of stealing the idea from three Harvard seniors, Cameron Winkles, Divvy Narrated and Tyler Winkles, who asked him to help them create Harmoniousnesss com that was based on a similar idea as Faceable. This led to a lawsuit that became huge and created a lot of problems with time. But still, nonentity stopped the growing of Faceable. Soon, it was opened to other big colleges and even therefore it was easily noticeable that the site had something extremely addictive. In 2005, Mark launched a high-school version of Faceable and soon after that the membership was expanded to employees of several companies.Faceable was formally opened to everyone of age 13 and older with a valid netmail address. The value of the site constantly grew and most of the important companies indispensabilityed a sh be of it. The number of concourse th at had a Faceable profile increased shockingly. If in august 2008 there were 100 million users, and this year in folk there were 800 million, a number that is real almost unbelievable. It even seems that this website bathroom easily become the most important list of people in the world, a huge contact book of almost everybody that lives in civilization.One of the most important things that Faceable did, was the fact that they asked their users to use their real name, and for the internet that was a big deal. ahead Faceable, most people that accessed the World Wide Web were anonymous, and many of them enjoyed it. passel could say anything and be anyone on the internet, and even if it was fun and interesting to be whoever you wanted online, in many ways it was dangerous. It is not healthy, especially for children to be able to be and say anything on the internet, because in a way or another it locoweed bring out the worst in them and not only.Faceable changed that, not completel y but it made a beauteous big impact. The fact that it expanded all over the internet at the point that you can connect to Faceable from most besides, made the internet a little more real, the anonymity not being such a big problem anymore. One of the questions that is on everybody mind is why and how is Faceable so popular and successful? When there were many other Sons that had almost the equivalent idea before it and werent as close as huge. Sons argon popular for a number of reasons and one of the most important one and very the main one is the human enquire to socialize. people love to recognise things about each other, love to stalk their acquaintances, to look at pictures with them, to see what they like, where hey were what they did and in the same time they love to exhibition other people things about themselves. People are so addicted to watching other people that they wake up spirit at profiles of persons that they dont even k directly. They actually tend to use s ocial networks to show who they are, but mostly the social profiles cannot really be trusted, because they dont usually define a person.People put on their profiles what they want others to guess about them, they choose the pictures that they want to show and so and, in the end, creating maybe a different virtual person. O, we can hypothesize that Sons are popular because Of the privation Of humans to gossip about relationships and the need to k at one time everything about everybody. But why Faceable is so popular? in all likelihood because its very easy to use, its accessible to everybody and its very simple. Everything is clear and it has all the necessary things that a Sons has, and even more.After it became popular, the reason why everybody created a profile was because all of their friends had one too. Faceable without people you know on it would be very boring, because thats the main reason why we use it. Its not a dating site, ND its not a site where you go to flirt ne w people, its a site were you go see your existing ones and connect with them. Its very utilitarian because its a great way to always keep in contact with people you know, even from the past. Another thing about Faceable Well, Faceable took stalking to a completely another lever.If you dont have good intentions and you are searching on Faceable For example rapist or thieves, they are in the perfect place, only when like a little kid in a pussy of candy. If you are a regular F-casebook user or an addicted one which is worse, they know were you are, where you are going to events for example), what places do you like, who are your friends, when you are out of country and many more. All of this makes it easier for thieves, who can rob your home because they now you are not there and for creeps and rapist that can have you easily.No more old school stalking behind a wheel, now its behind a monitor. Faceable changes the way we socialize in a rootage way. Before, when you met somebody you had to talk with that person for hours to know things about him/her, like what mannequin of movies does that person like, what sports he/her practice, who are their friends, ex legislations and so on, but now, they are at a click away, all this information. Now, most people when they meet somebody new, go after and check their profile and in a way or another deem that they already know that person.I recall this is not a good think, it influences alarm it makes face to face communicating not so important anymore and supports the concerning problem of young people that have a problem of communicating live?, as in they are so used to typing and not talking that they see the second one as natural as the first. Yes, its the need to socialize, to communicate, to show strictures of us, to see pictures of others, to let everybody know what are you listening to, what are you doing at the moment, the need to see how many people like that you are in a certain place, or that you are eat ing soup.Like most things in life, its good, but not in a excessive way. As anything that people like, at some point it creates habituation. The question is, is Faceable a real addiction danger? A lot of people check their Faceable dozens of times a day and stay for hours and hours just checking profiles, posting things on their wall, looking at pictures and so on. I dont say that having a Faceable ND consumption some time on it its bad, but losing hours and hours of your life just examine what other people do its actually bad. But honestly, I dont think its actually dangerous.In life, anything can be addictive, and accusing something Of being entertaining liberal to become addictive its stupid and unnecessary. Its the people who are the problem, when they feel the need to spend so much time on Faceable, not Passbooks. As a conclusion, we can ask many questions. Why is Faceable so popular after all? Is Faceable a good thing? Does the internet go a concerning important part in our life? There are a lot of answers, but we have to admit that today, we cant imagine a life without the internet and without social networks and this is a reality we have to accept.Its an abominable thing what we can do today with all the technology and with everything that we can do online, the thing is that we dont have to let it lose control. I think that with us spending so much time on the internet, we buy the farm a lot of information about us there that can be easily traceable. Is that dangerous? It could be, but after all, how much is synthetic rubber to share on Faceable? There are a lot of questions that we want to find answers o, and with time, we will find them. Faceable, from my point of view, its a good thing.
Defining Moment in a Career Essay
2.Describe a defining moment in your experience. How did it significantly impact you?There was a grouchy incident where I had a tough time making a decision. One of my team members from a mission critical project precious to return to India as he had a personal emergency. He cherished to sort this kayoed as it had begun to impact his work.I had learnt that peace & rapture in personal front will reflect into your professional creation but bowl this incident I never stood up for such cases. But this time I decided to discuss the issue with my executive program. To my surprise, he was more concerned about the $ losses and losing credibility with the customer. He out rightly rejected this. But I wasnt convert with the supervisors approach and decided to discuss with the client directly leverage my personal rapport. The Customer was empathetic and was willing to let go of him later on a week of overlap with a new person. While this run of mine got me into the good books of my team members it made a seamless gateway into the bad books of my supervisor which had a direct impact on my process rating.I felt dejected but beside this entire scenario I was convinced I was right in my actions and this was my defining moment where I stood up for what I believed in and I continue to do so till today. Meanwhile the new person had picked up job very sound and the project had no impact because of this change.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Lewiss Next
The cater of the internet has catapulted the schooling boom among incompatible societies since its emancipation. Its capabilities and power has shifted the realm of entropy access and potentials not only to several(prenominal)(prenominal) professionals but also to ordinary individuals. With this, much(prenominal) power has been affecting assorted practices and views that argon often emanate direct and/or indirect outcomes. As information becomes more and more open to the public, theThe book of Lewiss entitled neighboring seeks to cater the unexpected occurrences and events that the Internet boom has acquired in societies. Such idea can be associated and compared to the story of the Emperors New garb. With such book and Hans Christian Andersons short story, several overlapping ideas can be observed and seen.One is that there are instances of the relevant and current situations that are taken advantage by great deal due to orders tolerance to such actions. (Yourdon, p.1) ar gues that Lewis is obviously certified of the collapse of the dot-com stock market, and the backlash caused by that collapse indeed, he argues that many of us have become so jaded and misanthropic that were missing the deeper and long-lasting impact of the Internet. Such idea also applies in the other story wherein citizens know that the emperor is addicted to changing his garments e rattling time and tolerates such idea.Commenting on this overlapping situation, it can be argued that no good true idea or scene lasts forever. all(prenominal) action or situation has their corresponding loopholes that will take its monetary value in the future. Yes, there are positive benefits of these ideas in the promotion of something all important(p) however there will come a time that such actions and ideas will become weak or vulnerable to different attacks left wing and right. Such issues have been elaborated by Lewis in his book and at the same time the two scoundrels who took advantage of the emperors habituation to clothes. There must be continuous improvements and changes so as to obstruct such things from happening.On the other hand, there seems to be a discrepancy between the two. Since the introduction of the internet, it has become a necessity among individuals. This continuously applies up to now, as societies become more and more connected. The possibility of changes in this theater remains to be difficult due to societies continued tolerance and addiction on the internet.The quote of Lewiss clearly shows the how society and individuals are willing to contribute and tolerate the status quo for the sake of increased convenience since the introduction of the information boom the internet. The examples of Lewiss clearly showcase the termites he is referring to. The internet had served its purpose of providing decent and added information with relative convenience among users.However, the unexpected consequences and subculture it creates often create d iscrepancies within the core of why it was created after all. These unexpected outcomes, instead of being reprimanded and stop are being tolerated by society itself on the justification of freedom. It whitethorn be the case that people especially the older generations have underestimated the power that the Internet shall create in the future.Yes, the intention and objectives were in-line to the positive aspects. However, the younger generations are using it as a tool to further their cause which intimately of the time connotes something extraordinary or radical in such manner. The about probable solution to such dilemma is creating and digging deep into the very foundations of why it was created in the first place. Then propose solutions that can swear out the process without compromising convenience brought about by the Internet.To conclude, the Internet and information boom has created several unexpected outcomes that in a way society tolerates. There must a consensus among di fferent groups and societies in combating this issue. The internet was meant to be used in such a way that it will create convenience among individuals. It might be good sticking to that objective and zip else.Work CitedYourdon, Ed. Next the Future Just Happened in in-person n.d. accessed February1, 2008 from http//
Macro Business Environment Essay
there ar many various purlieus in merchandise which get out influence how successful a merchandise bequeath be. With a well rounded securities industry placeing plan, and taking into account the many different scenes of the environment any product can have a fortune at success. The telephone line blade fits extremely well into the macro teleph ace circuit analysis. Aspects such(prenominal) as trends technology, economic, natural argona, cultural entrust domestic will be discussed .Every area in the macro business environment is important. In this day and age technology plays a big purpose in this role. In terms of B2B it is essential. The impart blade is peeled and one of a kind. in that location are no other products in the market quite like it and for that reason it has a big technological impact. It is much than(prenominal) economical more hygienic than any hand dryer on the market. For this reason the nisus blade is at the top of the food compass in ter ms of technology and has a great chance of solely taking over the market. The air bladeMaking bothday products give and in this particular area Dyson aims to be at the top. Probably its superior advantage over any other product is its technology.The fact that the air blade is more economic and cleaner than any other product proves that it has an edge over any other competitor. Since the air blade is such a high school competitor all other companies in this market are going to have to change how they shake up their product so that the air blade doesnt plump a complete monopoly and institutionalize everyone out of business. There are a few uncertainties is this day and age. There are updated products coming out every day and the key is to conciliate one so well that no one else will make an attempt. The Dyson is so new and well made its almost ahead of its time. There are no products like it and for that reason, it is certain that the air blade will be a success.In this part icular area there are few trends going on. People have been using hand towels for so many years and no new trend have developed. We are without delay looking to develop a new trend. The learn for an efficient and cost effective product is at hand. victimisation high undertaking and slueting down trees to dry off hands is no hourlong an option. There are more people coming into the world every day a stem is needed to keep up with the demand . A new efficient and low maintenance product will set the new trend for a lifetime.Scenario planning for the technological aspect will is that there are advances being made every day. The self-colored fact that the air blade is so new even, if a fall apart product come out which is highly unlikely the market is so small that it will likely not be affected as well much. On the other hand, if nothing new id developed thence the air blade will take over.For an environmental standpoint and looking at the natural and physical aspects of Dyson the air blade is a great product. Using renewable brawn and learning to work more efficiently is now a new priority.The air blade is so advanced that its beat back dries hands quickly and efficiently without heating, saving faculty and resources. A high powered stream that is unheated saves 80% compared to not heating the air saves.Since the air blade uses a high-powered stream it saves us from having to cut down trees. Cutting down trees takes time and effort. As well as delivery and balancing the budget. It is a waste of time to use this solution any longer. Saving trees will also be better for the environment.In the future energy conservation we be one of the top issues. Products that are eco friendly will be applauded.The air blade is a new environmentally friendly solution which will make it so cunning to buy.The scenario for the air blade is that if energy continues to be cheap and available. The air blade may not take off as expected. But if energy becomes scarce then sa ving energy will become more important and be seen as serous issue. Energy conservation has roughly a 70% chance of being the major issue, while teeming energy has only a 30% chance. These numbers are an melodic theme based on news reports and scientific studies. As a go forth this shows that energy conservation is becoming more urgent. In terms of a demographic scenario the air blade will take off and become extremely popular as the worlds population grows demanding new and more efficient solutions toeveryday life. The air blade will become a necessity for its convenient and cost effective as well as energy saving qualities.However if the world does not continue to grow then there is a chance that this aspect will not foster in terms of making the air blade that much more of a necessity.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Organizational Diagnosis
Organizational Diagnosis Are companies at the belligerent edge chore free? Do every geological formations compute flawlessly? Not in the real world. How do the winners everywherecome their hassles? What distinguishes them from early(a) companies? How do they survive while otherwises flounder or fall? Like other ecesiss, winning companies often r apiece for easy- figure proscribeds and quick fixes. But if these short-cut responses miss their mark, winners forbid searching for solid solutions. They delve much deeply into the situation, ultimately stripping the root cause.Top performers distinguish themselves by the sort they tackle governing bodyal problems by apply nerveal diagnosing to make positive qualifys for the overtureing of their business (Long Term supremacy through and through Deep Organizational Diagnosis, 2007). information appeal The purpose of a diagnosing is to identify problems facing the arranging and to de bourneine their causes so that ma nagement hindquarters mean solutions. The starting signal smell in diagnosing an governing is to limit what/where the problem is by using information collection.It is very grievous to ac intimacy that on that point is a problem and it contracts solving more on a long term basis in order to sustenance the future of the agreement prospering. The collection of data should go proficient about in aras in which management believes the problems exist. After the data is collected, allureership piece of ass more easily identify where the issues lie and pose to resolve them (Beer and Spector, 1993). Data collection can be do by doing a dodgeatic analysis where McKinseys 7-S framework can be applied. The motley constituent at this point strategi tendery examines and formulates diagnosing questions.The elements of the dodge atomic number 18 as go ons with examples of typical questions that decision makers pass on requirement to answer in their quest for remove (Bu siness Diagnostic Questions Seven S place Framework, 2007). Strategy the plan devised to maintain and build warring advantage over the competition. What be the main strategies in moving this organization to organism more successful? What atomic number 18 the come upon short-term goals to achieve these strategies? Structure the counselling the organization is structured and who reports to whom. Describe the roles of the main departments. What kinds of role/turf issues go by between departments? What kinds of communications issues occur between departments? What key intimacys are male parente in the organization to back up integrate various functions and departments that are mutualist? How does the structure ease/hinder this organization in obtaining its strategy? What is being d one(a) about this at present? Systems the daily activities and procedures that staff members engage in to get the air make. What are the 5 most important system problems that if solved or ad vance would significantly improve profitability or organisational military posture? Why? What are you doing about these issues now? fashion the style of leadership adopted. How are important decisions made in this organization? How does steer management communicate with key staff? How does it communicate with the wear upon pass? What are the key expectations for how your key commonwealth and labor force should be give way? How would you describe the organizations style of management? How would others differ in their legal opinion of that style? Skills the actual skills and competencies of the employees working for the troupe. What key knowledge and skills are needful to succeed in this business/organization? Why? How is that expected to variety show over beat? How would you assess the organizations current strengths and weaknesses a elevatest the needed knowledge and skills? What challenges does the organization face in strengthening or maintaining this match between know ledge and skills needed now and in the future? What is the organization doing about these issues now? Staff the employees and their general capabilities Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the organizations key people. Describe their most important roles in the organization. Who of these are most important to the success of the business/organization?Why? What are you most touch about regarding the quality of the key staff? Why? Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the organizations labor force. What are you most concerned about regarding the quality of the organizations labor force? What is being done about this now? Shared Values squalled superordinate goals when the model was first driveed, these are the core values of the family that are evidenced in the embodied culture and the general work ethic. If the business/organization were operating most perfectly, describe the key things that would be happening? If I were invisible and walked through the organization, what would I see that contri unlessed to this success? If I were invisible and could sit in on a number of conversations between the top 10 people and their staff, what themes would I hear? If this organization were wildly successful, where would it be in 10 years? If you were thinking of selling this successful business/organization, how would you want to be able to describe it to likely buyers? How would you describe the mission of this alliance to your prospective buyers Organizations forwardness for diversifyOnce management admits that there are problems that need to be resolved, and then comes the question of whether the organization is sic to potpourri. Organizational readiness is a state of preparedness which includes the psychological and behavioural aspects for shift. This requires having the necessary knowledge, skills, resources, and support. An organizations readiness for qualifying go out determine its ability to attend to environmental signals for mixture as ris e as its go awayingingness to listen to internal voices saying that assortment over is needed (Cawsey, Deszca p. 101).It is important for aged(a) management to address the likelihood of change and communicate it effectively with the sculptural relief of the organization. Employees are more apt to support change if they are put to make changes. This agent they believe in the changes, have the clock and efficacy to invest in the changes, and the organization is ready to support the changes. More important, the great the complexity of the carry outation assign, the great the importance or organizational readiness for change. Creating sense for change change leaders can create awareness of the need for change in several ways.The first method involves devising the organization aware that it is in or near a crisis or creating a crisis that ask to be solved (Cawsey, Deszca p. 104). Most people leave behindinging welcome the change more easily if they know that their fut ure is in jeopardy if they dont strike the change. A second approach to enhancing the need for change is by identifying a interpretational vision. Transformational visions tap into our needs to go beyond ourselves, to make a contribution, to do something worthwhile and meaningful, and to serve a greater good (Cawsey, Deszca p. 105).This fictitious character of awareness mechanism has the potential to gain positive feedback and negative feedback. People who support it are those individuals who are provoke in making things better than they are. The people who oppose it simply dont find it realistic and believe the change element is proposing the change for their own benefit. A third approach to the enhancement of the need for change is through transformational leadership. This type of change makes the most sense to people because it is the leaders of the organization who makes all the decisions. If something is not going well, the leaders are the first to blame.It is important to note that when using both of the three approaches, the change agent needs to be well prepared when entering any type of handleion dialogue about the change. The people in the organization need to trust the change agent and believe in the proposed change therefore, the change agent should have all the right skills to get their point across to the people involved. Vision for change When the organization is ready to make a change, it is very important for the change agent to provide a lapse and detailed vision of the change. Vision is about swear out.Vision can indue some(prenominal) leaders and followers to implement change (Vision and the way of careen, 2008). Change leaders use change visions to create and advance the mental experience they have of the future and to provide directional guidance for others that they need to draught in the enterprise (Cawsey, Deszca p. 110). Vision can provide both a corporate sense of being and a sense of enduring purpose. Without a sensi ble vision, change causes can dissolve into a list of mistake projects that take the organization in the wrong direction. It is important that the vision be easy to communicate.Once an effective change vision is in place, the change agent can begin to expand discussions to a broader audience or organizational members, consecrateing careful attention to their reactions, suggestions, and alternatives (Vision and the Management of Change, 2008). It is also lively for the change agent to be aware that some people in the organization impart understand the vision and want to abet transform the organization, but they cant. The change agent must remove blocks to change, call for new behaviors consistent with the vision, and most importantly, visibly reward the new behaviors (Vision and the Management of Change, 2008).Approval for change Once the vision for change is in place, the change agent needs to find the take up way of winning the acclaim for the change project. When outlining all the elements of the change project, the change agent needs to pay careful attention to managing background. Allowing the projects scope to change mid- data track usually means added costs, greater risks and longer duration. Many projects fail due to curt scope management (Scope and Change Control, 2005). A successful change agent understands that rigorous scope control is essential to deliver projects on time and on budget.The scope of the project should be clearly defined both in terms of its deliverables and in terms of how it will operate. This scope comment will form the baseline against which potential changes are assessed and against which the projects performance is measured. In the rendering, the change agent should also include factors that could lead to scope change. If potential risks exist they should be identified in the definition because this will make the decision-makers more likely to allow changes if it became necessary and it will save costs in the long run (Scope and Change Control, 2005). FeedbackThe nett step for the change agent is to be open to continuous feedback. Change does not come easily to everyone in the organization. The change agent needs to be aware of all the criticism and concerns of the people involved in the change in order to asseverate people motivated and keep the business running in a positive matter. Employee involvement is a necessary and integral part of managing change. Managing change is not a one way street. Feedback from employees is a key element of the change management procedure. compend and corrective action based on this feedback provides a robust vibration for implementing change (Change Management, 2006).Feedback also allows the change agent to stand back from the immaculate program, evaluate successes and failures, and identify do by changes for the next project. Conclusion An organizational diagnosing can be a valuable and revealing process, if properly approached, and if an organizati on is spontaneous to take full advantage of it. Ultimately, what youre trying to accomplish with an organizational diagnosis is a performance check on each of all the moving pieces (Grossman, 2009). During this check, for instance, you will want to examine those pieces that serve to ease create the culture of the business and help drive things forward.Therefore, the key thing with organizational diagnosis is to help utilize a change effort that will benefit the health of the friendship as a solely and help it maintain its competitive advantage. The overall goal of an organizational diagnosis is to apply what should be happening within the organization, so that the effect is improved business performance overall. References Beer, M. & Spector, B. (1993, July/August). Organizational diagnosis its role in organizational learning. Journal of Counseling and Development. 71(6) 642-650. Retrieved from the City University Student Website.Cawsey, T. , & Deszca, G. (2007). Toolkit for org anizational change. Thousands Oaks, CA salvia Publications. Grossman, David. (2009). The Genesis of an Organizational Diagnosis Its All about ameliorate Performance. Retrieved on February 20, 2010 from http//www. hrtools. com/insights/david_grossman/the_genesis_of_an_organizational_diagnosis_its_all_about_imp roving_performance. aspx Business Diagnostic Questions. (2007). Seven S Model Framwork. Retrieved on February 20, 2010 from http//www. change-management. net/7smodel. htm Change management The systems and tools for managing change. 2006). Retrieved on February 20,2010 from http//www. change-management. com/tutorial-change-process-detailed. htm Long Term Success through Deep Organizational Diagnosis (2007). Retrieved on February 20, 2010 from http//www. hrconsultant. com/aw/aw_ter_long_term_success. htmltop Scope & Change Control (2005). Retrieved on February 18, 2010 from http//www. epmbook. com/scope. htm Vision and the Management of Change. (2008). Retrieved on February 18, 2010 from http//www. au. af. mil/au/awc/awcgate/ndu/strat-ldr-dm/pt4ch19. htmlOrganizational DiagnosisOrganizational diagnosis is the process of analyzing a political party, recognizing what problems the association whitethorn have, what strengths the telephoner exhibits, the employees receptiveness to change and how to restructure and implement change to correct any problems. This is done to keep the caller-up from losing money, possibly going under and also to keep the family competitive in a highly competitive marketplace. The process of an organizational diagnosis is generally performed in a few stages. First, the parent high society employees a group of impertinent consultants and researchers to visit the club.The researchers will usually begin their work with a reconnaissance stage. The consultants will guide some time at the organization getting to know the workers and gaining an initial impression of the company and how it operates. This is done by simply spending time talking with employees, detect twenty-four hour period to day behavior and speaking with management. Following the initial research, the consultants will diddle with the organizational clients to develop a written plan of expectations and goals that the organization is want to achieve.Generally, companies will involve the consulting firms because they have a problem or serial publication of problems that they need to correct and are unsure of the best way to implement the change successfully. Consultants are a group of skilled workers that are highly educated in management, human psychology, sociology and organizational behavior. Sometimes it is best to hire a non- biased group of consultants that can come across the company from an external perspective in order to find the best course of action to resolve the problems at hand.Once the client and consultants have agreed upon a plan of action, the consultants will begin a more in-depth research stage. During this time, co nsultants will impinge on with important members of the organization to examine their feelings on change and their perspectives on the consulting project, as well as the proposed change. Consultants may also unobtrusively watch over casual tasks among workers and evaluate their communication skills, as well as their interactions.This will help the researchers develop an understanding of the companies interpersonal and power relations. The conducting of surveys and questionnaires is also a means of gathering information from workers on their stances and viewpoints of the corporation and their thoughts on purposing a change. Researchers will begin a thorough exam of important documents pertaining to the company. These documents can help researchers analyze the organizations strengths and weaknesses, as well as goals and company history.During the examination and researching process, consultants will quickly learn how important members of the organization are impulsive to accept a nd obligate a change. If members of the organization are unwilling to enforce and follow through with change, the consultants will need to restructure their goals and means of achieving these. This go alongs mountain goals that are unattainable. If an organization is going to resist change, there is no need to spend the time to develop a plan to correct problems.This actualisation of the companies softness to accept and implement change will result in a separate set of issues that will need to be corrected. Generally, these types of shelter to change are going to be resolved by a change in personnel and the working staff. This process is designed to prevent move a plan of attack that will fail, causing the organization to engender frustrated when the change is not working, thus setting them just into a hole that they need to dig their way out of.Once the consultants have played out an adequate amount of time learning about the company and think ways to successfully impleme nt change, they will develop peculiar(prenominal) methods of change implementation designed specifically for this particular organizations culture. These can include specialized training programs, team building projects, job task re-designation, supervisory structure change, changing reward systems and goal execution programs just to name a few.Upon meeting with the company to present their last-place plotted list of changes, as well as the implementation plans, the consultants will observe the company for a few weeks as they begin the process of correcting their issues. The consultants will be on hand to answer any questions that the company may have, as well as assist in solving any problems or roadblocks that the clients may run into. During this time, the researchers are basically a good support hotline for the customer. They will be on site to help in any way possible.After a short trial spot of change implementation, the customer and the consultants will form a meeting t o analyze the effectiveness of the changes that are being carried out. This is a time that is used to pluck any processes or bring new ideas to the table to further improve on the companies reformation campaign. Following a predetermined length of time, as well as confidentiality in the companies ability to further carry out the scope of the change campaign, the consultants will vacate the premises. The consultants are available to call and discuss problems and/or ideas to continually improve upon the preconceived plan.In the months and years pastime the campaign, the company will further evaluate the effectiveness of the changes that were put in place. The company will either decide that the change process was a success, or they will decide that it needs further work. At this time, it may be in the companies best interest to hire a polar reference firm in order to correct the companies problems. It may be possible that the company will come to realize that there are other probl ems at play in the corporation that need to be study and corrected.All of the sources that I have examined and researched, tend to follow the same ideals when it comes to organizational diagnosis and cultural evaluation. A few sources will change the name of the stages, but in effect, they are the exact same processes. Organizational diagnosis is a haulage like troubleshooting a problem with any mechanized system. maven must recognize the problem, find the source/s of the problem and develop a plan to correct or repair the problem. Unfortunately, when you are dealings with people, instead of mechanical objects, there are a lot more variables as well as unforeseeable pitfalls.In order to flake the dissymmetry of a alive(p) corporation, executives, managers and even hourly employees must take a breather dynamic and receptive to a continually changing atmosphere. A company that tends to take a breather closed-minded and unreceptive to improvement is generally a impermanent company that will quickly be outdone by a continually changing marketplace. The global marketplace is a highly dynamic and competitive arena. In order for one to stay on top, you must be willing to continually one-up your competitors.Organizational DiagnosisOrganizational diagnosis is the process of analyzing a company, recognizing what problems the company may have, what strengths the company exhibits, the employees receptiveness to change and how to restructure and implement change to correct any problems. This is done to keep the company from losing money, possibly going under and also to keep the company competitive in a highly competitive marketplace. The process of an organizational diagnosis is generally performed in a few stages. First, the parent company employees a group of external consultants and researchers to visit the company.The researchers will usually begin their work with a reconnaissance stage. The consultants will spend some time at the organization getting to k now the workers and gaining an initial impression of the company and how it operates. This is done by simply spending time talking with employees, observing day to day behavior and speaking with management. Following the initial research, the consultants will meet with the organizational clients to develop a written plan of expectations and goals that the organization is wishing to achieve.Generally, companies will hire the consulting firms because they have a problem or series of problems that they need to correct and are unsure of the best way to implement the change successfully. Consultants are a group of skilled workers that are highly educated in management, human psychology, sociology and organizational behavior. Sometimes it is best to hire a non- biased group of consultants that can observe the company from an external perspective in order to find the best course of action to resolve the problems at hand.Once the client and consultants have agreed upon a plan of action, the consultants will begin a more in-depth research stage. During this time, consultants will meet with important members of the organization to examine their feelings on change and their perspectives on the consulting project, as well as the proposed change. Consultants may also unobtrusively observe day-to-day tasks among workers and evaluate their communication skills, as well as their interactions.This will help the researchers develop an understanding of the companies interpersonal and power relations. The conducting of surveys and questionnaires is also a means of gathering information from workers on their stances and viewpoints of the corporation and their thoughts on purposing a change. Researchers will begin a thorough examination of important documents pertaining to the company. These documents can help researchers analyze the organizations strengths and weaknesses, as well as goals and company history.During the examination and researching process, consultants will quickly learn how important members of the organization are willing to accept and enforce a change. If members of the organization are unwilling to enforce and follow through with change, the consultants will need to restructure their goals and means of achieving these. This prevents setting goals that are unattainable. If an organization is going to resist change, there is no need to spend the time to develop a plan to correct problems.This realization of the companies inability to accept and implement change will result in a separate set of issues that will need to be corrected. Generally, these types of resistance to change are going to be resolved by a change in personnel and the working staff. This process is designed to prevent setting a plan of attack that will fail, causing the organization to become frustrated when the change is not working, thus setting them further into a hole that they need to dig their way out of.Once the consultants have spent an adequate amount of time learni ng about the company and brainstorming ways to successfully implement change, they will develop specific methods of change implementation designed specifically for this particular organizations culture. These can include specialized training programs, team building projects, job task re-designation, supervisory structure change, changing reward systems and goal achievement programs just to name a few.Upon meeting with the company to present their final planned list of changes, as well as the implementation plans, the consultants will observe the company for a few weeks as they begin the process of correcting their issues. The consultants will be on hand to answer any questions that the company may have, as well as assist in solving any problems or roadblocks that the clients may run into. During this time, the researchers are basically a technical support hotline for the customer. They will be on site to help in any way possible.After a short trial period of change implementation, t he customer and the consultants will form a meeting to analyze the effectiveness of the changes that are being carried out. This is a time that is used to fine-tune any processes or bring new ideas to the table to further improve on the companies reformation campaign. Following a predetermined length of time, as well as confidentiality in the companies ability to further carry out the scope of the change campaign, the consultants will vacate the premises. The consultants are available to call and discuss problems and/or ideas to continually improve upon the preconceived plan.In the months and years following the campaign, the company will further evaluate the effectiveness of the changes that were put in place. The company will either decide that the change process was a success, or they will decide that it needs further work. At this time, it may be in the companies best interest to hire a different consultation firm in order to correct the companies problems. It may be possible th at the company will come to realize that there are other problems at play in the corporation that need to be analyzed and corrected.All of the sources that I have examined and researched, tend to follow the same ideals when it comes to organizational diagnosis and cultural evaluation. A few sources will change the names of the stages, but in effect, they are the exact same processes. Organizational diagnosis is a lot like troubleshooting a problem with any mechanical system. One must recognize the problem, find the source/s of the problem and develop a plan to correct or repair the problem. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with people, instead of mechanical objects, there are a lot more variables as well as unforeseeable pitfalls.In order to combat the instability of a dynamic corporation, executives, managers and even hourly employees must remain dynamic and receptive to a continually changing atmosphere. A company that tends to stay closed-minded and unreceptive to improvement is generally a short-lived company that will quickly be outdone by a continually changing marketplace. The global marketplace is a highly dynamic and competitive arena. In order for one to stay on top, you must be willing to continually one-up your competitors.
A Comparison Of Wastewater Treatment Methods Environmental Sciences Essay
irrigate constitutes over 70 % of the Earths surface and is a really of import imagination for all people and the environs. If water gets polluted it nominatet be the elixr of vivification any longer to aquatic and to the wild keep that look on it. Rivers and watercourses polluted with chemical contaminations account as wizard of the most beta environmental jobs. Water pollution is fundamentally a human fallacy.This apply water system is called outflowing . Turning population and rapid industrialization has growing the raft of effluent manifold finally deteriorating the fresh H2O resources and environing environment due to inappropriate management.It is 99.94 per centum H2O, with merely 0.06 per centum of the effluent being dissolved and hang satisfying stuff.Infiltration/in be given immaterial H2O that enters the cloaca arrangement through indirect and direct agencies such(prenominal) as through leaking articulations, clefts, or porous walls.In draw is storm H2O th at enters the cloaca arranging from storm fail connexions, roof headings, foundation and cellar drains or through manhole screens Features Fresh, aerophilic, domestic H2O has been said to hold the smell of kerosine or newly off Earth. Aged, infected cloaca is well much than violative to the olfactory nerves.The attribute rotten-egg smell of H sulphide and the mercaptans is declarative of infected sewage.Fresh sewerage is typically gray in colour.septic sewerage is black.The category of chemical compounds found in effluent are illimitable and so they are better know by the name of the trial used to mensurate them which are BOD5 and fritter away test.Industrial procedures generate a broad assortment of effluent pollutants.The features and degrees of pollutants vary meaning(a)ly from industry to industry.Waste-water quality is assessed based on physical, chemical, and biologic features. Physical parametric quantities acknowledge coloring materials, smell, temperature, and tur bidness. Insoluble contents such as hales, anoint and lubricating oil, are to be considered under this category.. Solids may be farther subdivided into suspend and dissolved solids every bit frank as organic fertilizer ( quicksilver(a) ) and inorganic ( fixed ) fractions. Chemical factors to be considered are biochemical O lease ( BOD ) , chemical O demand ( COD ) , accurate organic C ( TOC ) , and entire O demand ( TOD ) . inorganic chemical parametric quantities include salt, hardness, pH, sourness and alkalinity, every bit advanced as concentrations of ionised metals such as Fe and manganese, and anionic entities such as chlorides, sulphates, sulphides, nit judge and phosphates. Bacteriological parametric quantities include coliforms, fecal coliforms, specific pathogens, and viruses. twain components and concentrations vary with clip and local conditions.VARYING FLOW IssueWaste-water flow fluctuates with fluctuations in H2O use, which is affected by a battalion of facto rs including clime, community size, life criterions, dependableness and quality of H2O cede, H2O preservation demands or patterns, and the effect of metre services, in add-on to the grade of industrialization, make up of H2O and supply force per unit area. Wide fluctuations in effluent flow rates may therefore be expected to happen within a communityEffluent does non flux into a municipal effluent discourse works at a changeless rate. The flow rate varies from hr to hr. In most metropoliss, the form of day-to-day activities sets the form of sewerage flow and strength. Above-average sewerage flows and strength occur in mid-morning.The invariably altering fit and strength of effluent to be treated makes efficient procedure military operation difficult.Also, many interpellation units must be intentional for the maximal flow conditions encountered which really consequences in their being oversized for mean conditions.Flow equalization is non a disturbance procedure in itself , but a technique that can be used to better the effectivity of both secondary coil and ripe effluent noise processes.The intent of flow equalisation is to stifle the fluctuations so that the effluent can be treated at a active changeless flow rate.Flow equalisation can significantly better the existence presentation of an bing works and increase its utile capacity.In new workss, flow equalisation can cut down the size and make up of the discourse units. effluent incumbrance options may be classified into groups of procedures distressonizing to the map they perform and their complexnessThe basic methods of handling municipal effluent autumn into the undermentioned phases, which is shown in the signifier of block flowThe procedure flow diagram of a basic effluent intervention procedure is as followsConventional effluent TREATMENT PROCESSESGeneral footings used to depict different grades of intervention in order of increasing intervention degree are preliminary, primary, seco ndary and tercet and/or pass on effluent intervention. feeler interventionPreliminary intervention prepares waste-water inflowing for farther intervention by cut downing or extinguish non-favourable waste-water features that might otherwise impede operation or overly increase care of downstream procedures and equipment. These features include big solids and shreds, scratchy grit, smells, and, in trus devilrthy instances, intolerably high extremum hydraulic or organic burdens. Preliminary intervention processes consist of physical unit operations, viz. testing and comminution for the removal of dust and shreds, grit removal for the riddance of coarse suspended closeness, and flotation for the remotion of oil and lubricating oil. Other preliminary intervention operations include flow equalization, septage handling, and odour control methods.Primary TreatmentPrimary intervention is designed to take organic and inorganic solids by the physical procedures of deposit and flotation . well-nigh 30 40 % of the pollutants are removed from the waste Waterss. Primary intervention acts as a precursor for secondary intervention.Secondary interventionThe intent of secondary intervention is the remotion of soluble and colloidal organics and suspended solids that corroborate fly the primary intervention. This is typically done through biologic procedures, viz. intervention by trip sludge, fixed-film reactors, or laguna systems and deposit.Chemical intervention utilizes a coagulator such as Fe or aluminium.Then solid organic function and P are precipitated into larger pieces which are separated as sludge. Suspended solids removal through chemical intervention involves a serial of three unit operations rapid commixture, flocculation and settling..A once-through chemical intervention system is shown below the tabular array.Advantage greater remotion capacity, the feasibleness of utilizing higher(prenominal) overflow rates, and more consistent public presentation. O n the other manus, curdle consequences in a larger mass of primary sludge that is oft times more hard to inspissate and dewater. It besides entails higher operational cost and demands greater attending on the portion of the operator.Adsorption WITH ACTIVATED CARBONAdsorption is the procedure of straddle uping soluble substances within a solution on a suitable interface. In waste-water intervention, surface assimilation with activated carbon-a solid interface-usually follows normal biological intervention, and is aimed at taking a part of the staying dissolved organic matter.Particulate affair nowadays in the H2O may besides be removed.. The two most common types of activated C are farinaceous activated C ( GAC ) , which has a diameter greater than 0.1 millimeter, and pulverise activated C ( PAC ) , which has a diameter of less than 200 mesh. A established of an activated C contactor is shown below the tabular array.Advantage Exploitation powdered activated C in concurrence with traditional biological intervention provides first-class outflowing bio-assay consequences, provides for venomousity control within the bioreactor, and proAmotes higher nitrification efficiency than that of a conventional activated-sludge system.CWAOOxidation is a procedure widely used for effluent intervention by which the pollutants are removed or converted into more biodegradable substances. Catalytic moisture air oxidization ( CWAO ) is a quiet stage reaction between organic stuff in H2O and O. CWAO is an attractive intervention for waste watercourses, which are excessively dilute to fire and excessively concentrated for biological intervention. It can be defined as the oxidization of organic and inorganic substances in an aqueous solution or suspension by agencies of O or air at designate temperatures and force per unit areas. It is besides called flameless burning Typical conditions for CWAO scope from cxxv to 300a-C and at force per unit areas from 0.5 to 20 MPa. Residenc e times may alter from 15 to 120 min, and the chemical O demand ( COD ) remotion may typically be about 75-90 % .DECHLORINATIONDechlorination is the remotion of free and entire combined Cl residue from chlorinated effluent wastewater before its apply or discharge to having Waterss. Chlorine compounds react with many organic compounds in the wastewater to bring forth unsought toxic compounds that cause long-run inauspicious impacts on the H2O environment and potentially toxic make on aquatic microorganisms.Beginning Adapted from Liu and Liptak, wastewater TreatmentACTIVATED CARBON CONTACTOR Beginning Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering, 3rd edition.Comparison OF chemic AND biological PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL IN WASTEWATERFactorBIOLOGICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVALCHEMICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVALEFFLUENT spiritbiological P remotion was observed to make a cut limit of 0.4mg/l in the wastewaterChemical P remotion was observed to make whatever outflowing quality demand as more and more chemicals are dosedSLUDGE PRODUCTION ( The occupation of sludge is considered as a really of import factor in the pick of a effluent intervention method presents )Sludge achievement is less compared to chemical method.Chemical P remotion produces more sludge, nearly 25 % more sludge than by biological agencies.NEEDED do VOLUMEAs the volume of the anaerobiotic zone of the Bio -P procedure is reduced, there are alterations in the outflowing quality and the efficiency of P remotion is reducedThe decrease of the volume of the anaerobiotic zone has no effects on the chemical P remotionConsumption OF ENERGYIt was workable to cut down the capacity of the aeration device down to 1000kg O2/hr and nonoperational hold good intervention consequences in footings of COD and nitrogen remotion in the Bio-P process.Beyond this bound ( less than 100kg O2/hr ) COD and the newton in the wastewater are excessively high.Same sum of COD and Nitrogen in the wastewater is observed at 500kgO2/hr.So chemical me thod is more immune to decrease in aeration capacity than the Bio-P procedure by atleast 500kgO2/hr aeration capacity.ECONOMIC COST OF TREATMENT )Annual cost for sludge governing body is saved by Bio-P compared to chemical method.The cost of buying chemicals is high and no approach eggs with respect to sludge disposal compared to Bio-P remotion.The economic cost of intervention has been evaluated based on a summing up of the single cost associated with sludge production, cost of chemicals, nix cost and costs associated to volume nest eggs. The purpose of an economic cost is non to reflect the exact fiscal cost but an estimation that could be used as a rule of thumb for the building of a new works or for comparing of the two procedures.DiscussionChemical VS BIOLOGICAL TREATMENTBiological procedure removes solid organic affair and dissolved organic affair. The chemical procedure removes solid organic affair and phosphorus.Chemical precipitation cleans the H2O really quickly, say i n less than 15mins after the induction of the procedure, we have clean H2O, whereas with biological intervention it will take 3 hour to accomplish the same.Biological procedure taenia points relatively long clip and is dependent on the effectivity of the microorganisms.Chemical and Biological interventions work in different ways and accomplish different results.We have to find the major causes of O lack in Waterss and choose the intervention in conformity with local environmental requirements.Purification in itself demands resources.Biological intervention requires a long abode clip and energy is consumed when air is blown into the sewerage water.Consequently the Biological works is large and more complex.The micro-organisms have to be commensurate to the pollution which sensitises the whole system.Chemical purification requires add-on of coagulators which is done in a little pool and at lower energy consumption.The entire energy used for chemical intervention is merely 15 % of tha t required for biological intervention, even if the energy used for production and distribution of coagulators is included.In footings of the entire ecological emphasis, the chemical procedure is favoured.Life rhythm appraisals show the biological procedure to be a larger consumer of resources and therefore it is more negative interms of its full environmental impact.If there is no demand to take dissolved organic affair a biological procedure could make greater ecological harm than chemical procedure due to the entire energy ingestion and the innate stuffs used when building the works. The environment makes demands on the purification procedure and if advanced purification is necessary both biological and chemical methods must be used..In Norway, the bing chemical works built wholly within bedrock was extensive with the N remotion system due to the increased food load.With the al unitedly combination of chemical and biological procedures this works occupies less than half the v olume of the conventional biological procedure.CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONSEffective effluent aggregation and intervention are of great importance from the point of view of both environmental and public health. Any effluent intervention works needs important investing and Operation Maintenance and control, and hence any determination to put on such a installation should be carefully considered. It is non a good thought to reason that any intervention method is better than the other.Each one has its ain advantages and disadvantages.The pick of which method is to be used will depend on the society, the discharge demands and the costs they are ready to incur.As a last-place decision, the winning construct these yearss should non be based on which procedure should be used in isolation to the other, but instead utilizing the advantages of both processes together to obtain best consequences, while at the same clip understating their disadvantages. colossal research activity in this f ield has led to important forward motion and variegation in the procedures and methods used for waste-water intervention and sludge direction. Public wellness jeopardies are frequently associated with waste-water reuse, and accordingly it is indispensable to circulate cognition and reading about the danger of natural waste-water reuse and issue safe reuse guidelines.
Monday, February 25, 2019
We Simply Cannot Wait
I was near the emergency harbor of a hospital to claim my laboratory results when an ambulance came rushing in, carrying two victims of a vehicular accident, both of them seriously wounded and unconscious. From there I thought, should these things happen, who leave alone the hospital att kiboshants respond to, if both patients are in danger, both in need of immediate care, and both washbasin non arrest, does the hospital have enough resources and capableness to respond to such situations? Such reflections immediately come to mind when I read about Dr. Martin Luther Kings idea on the fable of measure. Undoubtedly, he is office when he says, We Cant Wait (2000) when traffic with problems in our country. . The attitude of waiting for time to come when all things give be good and beautiful is basically an old Christian tradition. Priests in the earlier times usually advise people to beg for graven images mercy and wait for His caternce. In contrast, King tells us that compos ition hunger and suffering persist in the land, we can non just wait until someone, equal the g everyplacenment, finally decides to help us alleviate our sufferings.Applying this in broader terms, we realize that presumptuousness the everyday struggle that Somali children face severally day, we simply cannot wait for when donors will schedule sending relief goods. We need to act counterbalance away. Similarly, when we see people lying common cold on the streets, we do not think of rallying in front of the senate the next morning to hold for their equal rights, we do not go to the social welfare to confabulate these people for help. While these actions could help the majority of the needy in the tenacious run, these would take too much time, and in the beginning the government agency responds, the psyche would already be ill or dead.The quarrel that Dr. King imposes in his article is timeless. It is addressed not only to the government, to civil rights organizations, or to plastered businessmen. Rather, it is addressed to everyone, to all of us, regardless of race, gender, age, religion or economic status. This contend requires only one thing, that is, to respond to the problem at hand, right away, right on time. Responding to this challenge, we give immediate help to those in need. To those spirit cold on the streets, we give out our jacket, old sheets, shirt, etc. Likewise, to those who are hungry, we provide some food and water.These things are not difficult, especially since we do not consume everything we have on our plate. When we eat, we always have some leftovers which we edit inside the refrigerator, and most often, we forget about them so they still end up in the trash bin the next day. Moreover, reflecting on this challenge in the education area, teachers cannot take too much time before they respond to the needs of their students. In the classroom setting, they take responsibility over the needs of their students, and not wait for the s chools recommendations.Likewise, on a personal level, students extend help to others who are in need, and avoid feeling indifferent to the needs of their schoolmates. In sum, the challenge that Dr. King imposes on each of us requires our efforts to lift a finger and be good Samaritans to others. In addition, it also asks us not to discriminate, but rather help those in need regardless of their culture or origins. If we can exercise this in our everyday life, there will be less suffering. Therefore, the next time we encounter people needing our help, we should bear in mind the words of Dr. King, We (simply) cant wait.
Define and discuss what is hearsay, what is not hearsay, and some common exceptions to the hearsay rule
Hearsay is a testimony given in which the beauty does non callly hear or experience what he or she is giving testimony to. In that slip of paper, the testimony being declared is rumour beca purpose what is being asserted was not experienced first hand by the declarant, and therefore ordurenot really testify if it happened or not because the information came from person else. This brings complications because the genuine or first-hand witness is not yield in the court, and thus, assnot be cross-examined, or exhaustively scrutinized. For this reason, rumor is generally un accredited as test in the US court system, especially in criminal fonts.But as with all rules, there are exemptions to it as well. There are instances when hearsay is the only way to present a certain piece of yard. For practice, if the original witness has passed away, then presenting hearsay testimony is the only avail commensurate dividing line of action. In this case, the court must consider the he arsay evidence few common exemptions are dying declarations or a statement make while the person is dying declarations against interest or when the person testifies to both(prenominal)thing that whitethorn cause some negative effect on the witness. . How has the Crawford vs. capital letter case impacted the admissibility of hearsay evidence in criminal trials? The case of Crawford vs. Washington is a landmark court decision which necessitated the need redraw the rules guiding the use of hearsay evidence. The self- governance coquette overturned the decision of the Washington Supreme Court and upheld the decision of the Washington Court of Appeals to reverse Michael Crawfords prison term for assault and attempted murder against Kenneth Lee.The case revolved around whether Susans save statements in the police station would be admissible as evidence against her husband. Under court rules, spouses are not allowed to testify against their partner, without the exhibit permission o f the guess, or if the spouse is the complainant in the case. In Crawford vs. Washington, the plaintiff presented the court with Susan Crawfords testimony in front of the police the self-denial argued that this evidence cannot be stimulateed because Michael, the suspect, cannot confront the testimony because Susan, as his spouse, cannot prevail witness in his trial.The court denied the exonerations petition and accepted Susans save statement made to the police where she said that Kenneth was not holding a weapon at that time. This testimony shattered the defenses not guilty plea by virtue of self-defense, and Michael was convicted of the crime. The ingredient of hearsay in this case lies in the fact that Susans recorded testimony is presented by the police, and Susan cannot be presented in court to corroborate or refute the statement because as Michaels wife, she cannot do so.In this case, the Supreme Court overturned the conviction because Michaels right to confront the witn esses testifying against him was denied. Based on this, the Supreme Court decided to strike out Susans recorded statement, and thus, there was insufficient evidence to convict Michael, and he was exonerated. 3. Discuss some of the situations where the exclusionary rule does not apply, despite the commission of some constitutional trespass by the government. The Exclusionary radiation diagram holds that any evidence that is gathered through felonious or unconstitutional means will not hold in any criminal trial.Particularly, any evidence that is gathered through self-incrimination under(a) duress or ignorance, and un police forceful searches and seizures will not be acknowledge by any criminal court in the United States. The Exclusionary Rule is one of the principal ways to enforce a system of checks and balances in spite of appearance the US court system. This pr pull downts any abuse or misuse from victorious place. This rule is the reason why police are mandated by law to i nform suspects of their Miranda Rights, especially when they will be detained and interrogated.If the Miranda warning was not explicitly given, then any statements made during the ensuing interrogation will not be considered by the court. Of course there are exclusions to the Exclusionary Rule as well. The Exclusionary Rule is very specific only in so far as spend a pennying the guilt or innocence of the suspect is concerned. This evidence can still be presented in indian lodge to question the reliability or honesty of the defendants testimony. Another exclusion is called the inevitable husking doctrine.This doctrine argues that there are some pieces of evidence, gathered though an outlaw(a) search, that would have eventually been discovered by elements of the law in the normal course of their investigation. This assumption maintains that the evidence would have been found and that it is only a matter of time before it is discovered. There are also legion(predicate) cases wher ein the exclusionary law may be challenged, depending on the circumstances that led to the illicit search. 4. Discuss the Fifth Amendment privilege against self incrimination and some of the unlike situations where it does not apply.The Fifth Amendment ensures the privilege of an accused to refuse to answer questions that magnate but incriminate or be used against him. This right can be invoked at any given time during investigation, up until the last-place deliberation of the case. The Fifth Amendment can only be invoked during a direct questioning or interrogation. This right against self-incrimination protects the individual from saying something that readiness further damage his or her case. There are cases when the individual may lease to disclose what he or she knows about a particular case in exchange for immunity.The government often uses this to bait the bigger fishes, for example in a criminal ring or network. In order to gather valuable information that would lead to more indictments, law enforcers draw out immunity against criminal persecution. They may also be entered into the witness justification program to ensure the witnesses and their families safety. 5. Discuss the four major tests that govern the admissibility of confessions in criminal trials. The Fifth Amendment prevents and protects suspects from making self-incriminating statements, and because of this, the US courts do not accept confessions at face value.Before accepting confessions as evidence in a court case, it must pass a four-pronged test made to establish if the confession was indeed given voluntarily without threat or coercion of any kind. The first test asks whether the statement was given voluntarily or not. This establishes the circumstances surrounding the act of confession. The second determines if the confession was given in spite of being given the Miranda warning. This means that the confession was given in full deliberation, and acceptance of the consequences of his confession.The third test finds out if any variety of waiver was issued by the suspect. Finally, the fourth determines if the waiver, if there is one, is clear and unambiguous, without any live for double meaning or misinterpretation. In this case, a waiver refers to a document or a recorded statement that certifies that the suspect is hand his/her legal rights and is giving a full confession. However, this waiver presupposes a thorough understanding of ones rights before these rights can actually be waived. If the suspect is not capable of such discernment, then the confession might be disputed. . How do some of the rules of evidence limit or even frustrate the search for the truth? Discuss the operation of these rules and their impact on justice. The basic prerequisite of any case is being able to present enough evidence to determine if the suspect is guilty beyond conceivable doubt. If the evidence fails to show guilt beyond reasonable doubt, then the suspect should be acquitted. In a criminal case, the prosecutor has the burden of produce meaning that the defense is not required to present any evidence if the prosecutor failed to make their case in the first place.As such, being able to present material evidence is important for justice. The problem is that sometimes, the rules governing the admissibility of evidence prevents the truth from coming out, and impairs the sportsmanlike disposal of justice. However, it is a fair trade. The rules of evidence ensure that the rights of the accused are protected, even as the rights of the naive are upheld. It is not foolproof, but it is the best arrangement that can be made under the circumstances a compromise to balance the rights of everyone involved.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Dissertation Conclusion Example
How to write a terminus for dissertation discourse ConclusionTo write a good conclusion you need to go back to your dissertation title and your Introduction. What you do in this section is to summarize what can now be stated slightly the title. This should be a brief paragraph, or simply a declare or two. You have to join the beginning with the conclusion as you do in an essay. You can almost breathe a sigh of moderateness as the dissertation is nearly finished.However you may need to impart a Recomm closedownations section in your conclusion if there isnt one. If you retract all the other look articles you have read, they usually end in a call for more look.You have to state how your research has alter a gap in the body of research that has come forrader it and state what unanswered questions there are which arise from your research. These might convention the basis for further research on your part in a PhD programme, or they might inspire other post-graduate students t o take up where your research has left off.Perhaps your research leads you to direct new questions which deserve to be answered by researchers in the future. You pose those questions here for others to try to answer in their research. Just because your dissertation is at an end does not mean that it has fulfil its purpose or that there is nothing new to research in the field. Be imaginative as well as objective. What further research could be done in this areaThis is not to cast doubt on your research, but rather to show yourself as an objective expert, who can ask pertinent questions which are still left to be answered in your field.The end may be just the beginning for your career as an pedantic researcher. You may want to follow up on your research or you may feel proud that you have paved the way for others to follow. unofficial Reviewer John our site Admin Review Date 2017-08-18 Reviewed Item Dissertation Conclusion Example Author Rating 5
Teacher Who Influential Your Life
The person who authoritative me to compose a better compiler was my sixth grade side t from for each one oneer Ms. Campbell. Ms. Campbell was not a normal slope teacher. She taught us some(prenominal) writing technique that I still use today. I intend this one day in English class Ms. Campbell was teaching us the fan boys disclose of no where she started rapping the fan boys. Still to this day I can remember the rap that she taught us. Ms Campbell had different ways of each us. Ms. Campbell would suck your right in she do us think out of the box. Also, Ms. Campbell had this way to make writing exciting, and that you cannot live without writing.There neer was a day that was not interesting in English class. Ms. Campbell was the one who enliven me to write everyday. She would constantly tell her students when you have bad days write somewhat it. Ms. Campbell was one of the reasons why I wanted to become a writer. She had a way of make me feel that I can become anything. M s. Campbell would teach us how to write complete sentence. Everything Ms. Campbell taught us she made it into a rap song. We would help her put the rap to wee-weeher. I remember Ms. Campbell was in front of the class we were learning about the writing process.Ms. Campbell went to her desk, and said whoever the number 1 person to say what the steps of the writing process are would get this big chocolate candy bar. I neer had conceiven so many another(prenominal) hands go up so fast. Even through no one know the step of the writing process Ms. Campbell gave everyone candy. Ms Campbell never gave up on her students she always pushes us to finish what we started. There were so many things that I learned from Ms. Campbell, but this lesson I will never forget. The lesson was an essay question was what do you want to be when you get erstwhile(a)? Ms.Campbell made us write whole paper about the topic, and thus made us share with the class. After, that Ms. Campbell hangs them all over the class to see how other students write. Another lesson Ms. Campbell taught me was remember that everyone have different writing from each other all writes have different stories. Ms. Campbell had these little riddles fro example, sticks, and stone mightiness break my bones, but words do hurt. Ms. Campbell had all these different sing for every problem. One of my favourite lessons that Ms. Campbell taught me was independent clause. We would sing it to Aretha Franklin song RESPECT.Another, favorite lesson that she taught me was run-on sentence and breaks. When Ms. Campbell taught us run on sentences her example was talking with out stopping. Then her other example with fragments she would write a fragment on the board and ask us is this complete sentence. Another, lesson that Ms. Campbell taught us was about transition words she had a rap for transition words too. Ms. Campbell is not normal English teacher she had this spark about teaching us about writing process, fanboys, run on sentence, fragments, independents clauses, dependent clause, and transition words. chance(a) I could not wait for the bell to ring to go to Ms. Campbell English class room 106. Ms. Campbell never lost faith in her students she always had faith in her students. She always gives us good feed back. Ms. Campbell made writing exciting. Ms. Campbell lesson stayed with me. For example, fanboys rap, writing process, independent clause song, and last but not least comma rules. Ms. Campbell was an amazing English teacher she taught me so much. That Ill never forget what an amazing teacher Ms. Campbell was.
Why Do You Wish to Participate in the Dss Leader Ship Program?
Why do you press to participate in the DSS Leader Ship course of study? I wish to participate in the DSS Leader Ship program to ratify my leadership skills, to crystalize knowledge and skills in order to advance to a higher position within DaVita. The skills I depart learn impart allow me to encourage higher education and advancement in my police squadmates. In this essay, I will describe my interests, expectations, and goals to participate in this leadership program. First, I believe this program is an excellent opportunity to strengthen my leadership skills.The skills learn in this program will be used and applied in everyday job operations. Also, I hunger to learn how to lead my team according to DaVitas Core set Integrity, Fun, Service Excellence, Accountability, Team, Continuous onward motion and Fulfillment. The skills obtained will also help me to carry out my job much proficiently and confidently. Being a good leader and role mystify is very important to me and I am very motivated to gain any skills that will assist in achieving those qualities. Secondly, the knowledge and skills gained in this program will assist me in advancement within DaVita.Currently, I exit with a group of professionals which include the Medical Director, Facility Administrator, Nurses, Social thespian and Dietitian, together we are the interdisciplinary Team, taking a holistic salute in assessing, evaluating, and implementing care for our patients. According to (http//medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/_dict. aspx, 2011) Interdisciplinary Team means a group of health care professionals from diverse fields who work in a coordinated fashion toward a common goal for the patient.As one of the Interdisciplinary Team Members, I believe this program will broaden my critical thinking and hassle solving skills to help me draw more to the Team for the benefit of our patients. In this ever changing field, I have a thirst for knowledge and feel the need to be challen ged. In my opinion, obtaining knowledge and learning new things should always be on a continuous basis with this ever-changing world, and economy, as well as meeting the needs of my patients and teammates. Thirdly, encouraging higher education and advancement in my teammates is also a priority.I am a firm believer that education within a company means longevity. The goal of world a good leader entails encouraging others to exceed boundaries for success. My affirmation is hint by example. In addition, being a role model to my teammates is exemplified by my interest in this program. In conclusion, strengthening my leader ship skills, gaining skills and knowledge, and encouraging higher education amongst my teammates are some of the major reasons I wish to participate in this program.I believe my role on the Interdisciplinary Team can also be enhanced by my community in this program by broadening my critical thinking and problem solving skills. I feel this will be a big(p) opport unity for me and my teammates to be accepted into this program to learn how to become a strong leader by using the DaVitas Core Values Integrity, Fun, Service Excellence, Accountability, Team, Continuous Improvement, and Fulfillment. Reference (http//medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/_dict. aspx, 2011)
Saturday, February 23, 2019
“I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings†Essay Essay
In the biography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, the main character, Maya, and her older brother, Bailey, swallow a very close family relationship at the beginning of this novel. As children, they were each others best fri lay gains and they were inseparable. They did everything together and they even horizon they had their own language that no one else knew. However, when they premier(prenominal) move in with Mother Vivian, their relationship starts to fall apart. When spring came to St. Louis, I alikek out my first library card, and since Bailey and I seemed to be growing apart, I spent nearly of my days at the library (Angelou 76). As the two of them become older, their relationship grows more distant because of their different genders and the different activities each of them enjoyed doing. In the archives I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, the main character, Maya, and her puzzle aim a very estranged relationship. Whenever Maya sees her father, she thinks of him as mo re of a stranger. Towards the end of the book, Mayas father invites Maya to come visit him for the summer.When she gets there, she is shocked to see that her father lives in a trailer with his girlfriend who is roughly Mayas age. Mayas father invites Maya to come to Mexico with him to go get groceries. Maya agrees to go, and her father ends up loss her in a shabby bar by herself to run off with his other girl. This just proves he is an unfit parent. How could he leave in that raunchy bar and go off with his woman? Did he sustentation what happened to me? Not a damn, I decided, and opened the flood gates for craze (Angelou 236). Maya realizes that her father doesnt give two shoes about her and has no interest in trying to be a father to her. In the autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, the main character, Maya, is moved from target to place and always has the feeling of displacement, or not belonging. I dope relate to Mayas feelings of displacement.Throughout my life, I too have moved to many different places and schools. I was used to being the new take in and having no friends. I used to be afraid to even induct friends because I knew that I wouldnt be in that school for too much longer after I did. After going to atomic number 23 different schools and living in seven different houses, Ive matt-up the feeling of displacement many times and like Maya, had my issues with trying to get together to people. While reading this novel, I knew how Maya felt all those time she didnt feel like she belonged and all the times she moved. Those parts are what go to me the most because I know how it feels to leave behind thepeople you love.
Information Systems Security Essay
In todays IT terra firma every organization has a responsibility to protect the breeding and reasonable selective tuition they be learn. Protecting selective information is not solo responsibility of hostage and IT module but every individual is involved in defend the information. The lay on the lines to information security system atomic number 18 not digital solitary(prenominal), but it involves technology, state and process that an organization may have. These flagellums may represent the problems that atomic number 18 associated to conf use upd and expensive solution, but doing nothing ab place these risks is not the solution.The case we have been assigned today deals with forcible and perspicuous vulnerabilities and protection against the risks and threats by implying the scoop controls to either mitigate, avoid and transfer the risks. Being an Information Security officeholder at a newly opened location in a busy mall, I have been asked to identify physic al and arranged risks to the chemists operations and alike to suggest remedies to avoid all huge pass to the business. The chemists operations involve the unique transactions which involves the critical patients data, worthful medication and apostrophizeing to cash.The regulation set by the government obligates a pharmacy to meet certain standards to secure logical and physical get at to information systems. The pharmacy is comprised of 4 work station, there is a do drugs storage argon and an office in the premises which has a file away server, domain controller and a firewall. The three of the four work stations are placed at the counter to immortalise and retrieve information of customers order. The entry of the store if from the mall and there the drug storage reach is securely clasped location behind the confront counters. The store has a hazard adit entry which is used by the employees and for delivery of new drugs.As an IT officer I have to protect all aspect o f security including physical security of IT systems. Information Systems Security Physical security is an inherent part of information technology security. Physical security encompasses not only the area containing system hardware, but also locations of wiring used to pertain the systems, supporting services, backup provisions and both another(prenominal) part of the systems. Laptops and other types of mobile computing devices must also be protected from thievery. The data on the mobile devices sometimes more than the value of the device. Such devices bed also be an entry point on entanglement.First opine at the physical vulnerable area to IT systems within the pharmacy. After identifying the IT pluss of club we rat surly identify the physical risks. * Server Room * cross-file server * Domain controller * Front Counter workstations * Switches/hubs The back doorstep as showed in the floor plan is used by the employees of the pharmacy and it is often used for delivery o f drugs. The bother through this door is a physical exposure. Only authorized ain should be allowed to use this door. every unidentify entry or occupation should be monitored carefully. Such allowant pot result in loss of physical devices.The server path is a highly secured area which should be allowed only to IT people, other personal should be granted adit by seeking special approval. The door should be locked all the time to protect IT assets. The workstations at the front counters should also be locked and placed securely to avoid either theft. The caged area assnot be locked all the time, it would result in low yieldivity as the staff move between the store, office and front counters. Securing the server room by locking it is the first step surveillance makes it more effective if someone breaks into the server room.In case of an incident, one nates easily bring out up the video and check it for a particular time or for a particular event. A logical breach affects the network, data and software package package without physically affecting the hardware. One of the problems with all logical breach of security is that the damage is invisible and its extent is un cognise. (Georgia Institute of Technology).As we depict in the book, vulnerabilities are implant in all seven domains of the network * wasting diseaser Domain * Lack of awareness of security policy * inadvertent acceptable use policy violation * Intentional cattish activity * Social engineering * Workstation Domain Unauthorized exploiter access * venomous software introduced * Weaknesses in puted software * LAN Domain * Unauthorized network access * Transmitting private data unencrypted * Spreading malicious software * LAN-to-WAN Domain * Exposure and wildcat access of internal resources to the public* foundation of malicious software * Loss of productivity ascribable to Internet access * WAN DomainTransmitting private data unencrypted * Malicious attacks from anonymous so urces * Denial of emolument attacks * Weaknesses in software * Remote Access Domain * Brute-force attacks on access and private data * Unauthorized remote access to resources information outpouring from remote access or lost storage devices * System/ employment Domain * Unauthorized physical or logical access to resources * Weaknesses in server operating system or act software * Data loss from errors, failures, or disasters (Kim, 2012) System and data could be vulnerable receivable a physical breach where an intruder affects any system or node by uploading some invisible malicious code on one of the computers. Usually the logical breach results due an unauthorized access to the system/network. The users on the front desk should be given access to the information they need to perform their job on need to know basis. both workstation is capable to breach into sensitive information. Access to any machine could bakshish to confidential information breach. All users are needed to use their authentication to access information on the network. A strong password is required by the policy outlined by the IT department. Logical vulnerability deals with anything which is to do with computer software/network other than the physical network. People are the weakest link in the consentaneous chain. They are the biggest threat to the IT network any user could compromise the system without even knowing the result of his/her actions.substance abusers using personal device on the deferprise network is the biggest threat ever. Use of personal media should be strictly prohibited because it could bring in the malicious code which gives access to hackers to break into network and steal confidential information. A weak password also helps intruders to disguise them as the legitimate user and access the information to compromise the network. Software and antivirus updates could also be of import if it is not done on time, it can plump into breach. The physical threat and vulnerability can result in huge loss in revenue and confidential information leakage.As mentioned above, any physical vulnerability can result in loss such as theft of the equipment, any device plug to attack remotely or record data. We often printers in the network security, most printers nowadays stores information on built in memory on the printers in the beginning printing. If somebody walks out with the printer, access to information in printers memory can be accessed easily. fingers breadth 1 Key Logger As showed in the picture, there is a small device which is a key logger. If any personal (internal or external) have access to the assets of the company can install such a device which will not be found with careful examination.Such devices can log the keys strokes which will open a door for attackers to get access to information all the time. Figure 2 Threats & Potential Impact The picture above is self-explanatory, is the network is physically or logically vulnerable any at tacker can break which can lead to the impact mentioned above. In case of pharmacy where it is required by the law to take very extra care of customers confidential information no risks can be taken. In-case the network is compromised due to physical and logical vulnerability, the attacker can disrupt the whole business.Some disgruntle employee can cause DOS which will bough down the network which will result in delay in orders, low productivity. Vulnerability can also cause loss of information, loss of privacy of customers, legal liability due to leakage of confidential information which is governed by the HIPAA. And above of all repute among customers, it is very difficult to gain customers confidence if it is lost just because of any event. To identity and deal with risks, we are discharge to take the same approach as defined in the book.After carefully examining the risks, we are going to analyze the impact and based on the impact we will gain a schema either to mitigate, tra nsfer, avoid or accept the risks. Figure 3 Risk Management Process To deal with the physical risks identified above, the take up strategy would be to mitigate or transfer it in-case of any event. Numbers of steps are suggested to mitigate the risk due to physical vulnerability. The back door is used by employees only. The server room is forever and a day locked and with prior permission no other than IT personal can enter in it. All IT assets have been locked securely to avoid any theft. charge is also part of our strategy to mitigate any risks. Risks transfer strategy comes into play if anything happened to IT assets. Based on the value of assets most of the assets are cover under insurance. But data is such a valuable asset of the company that no insurance can cover the loss of data theft. After evaluating the logical vulnerabilities, I am going to suggest risk mitigation and risk acceptance strategy. Malicious attacks increasingly complex variations are continuously being intro duced and can sometimes spread widely before protection software companies deliver the latest detection strings and solutions. well-worn for Technology in Aumotive Retail, 2012) . The first step would be to mitigate the risks at any cost) but since the people are weakest link in the whole IT security scenarios they tend to do things unintentionally which compromise the security. Based on these facts I have also suggested the risk acceptance strategy. This fact is cognise by most of the businesses but they still do it because they do not perform any operations without manpower. The staff working at front desks or any employee at the pharmacy could use personal media which could lead to any attack.The weak password can also help attackers to use logical bomb technique to guess the password. A strong administrative control is required to avoid such incidents. Some of the suggestions to mitigate the logical vulnerabilities Security Awareness- as mentioned above the people is the weake st link in the IT security. User awareness on virus control is the most effective instrumental piece to control it. In the awareness programs they should be reminded that data should be genuine from the trusted sources. Incase they receive files from untrusted source should not be open. fictional character media should be approved by IT department to use.Patch Management- latest tour protects the system against the latest viruses. It is a process that updates the vulnerable areas on the application level. Hackers usually use the flaws and weak points in the system and exploit them to get on the network. Software OEM issues a new update to fix the issue, windows and antivirus gondola update is common examples of such patch management. Most organization does not allow automatic updates due to interference in current operations. They usually test the patch on test environment before replicating it to action nodes.Anti-virus scanners these products scan files and netmail and i nstant messaging programs for signature patterns that match known malicious software. Since new viruses are continually emerging, these products can only be effective if they are invariablely updated with the latest virus signatures. See your product manual for instructions on how to activate this. Anti-virus scanners can be positioned on gateways to the network and/or on network hosts. Anti-virus scanners need to be a great deal updated to be effective. Therefore, regularity and method of update are criteria that need to be considered when selecting anti-virus products.The first line of defense is administrative controls against any physical and logical threats. These are the policies which is prepared and approved by the management to staff for compliance. In pharmacys case strict policies are suggested to comply with restrictive compliance (HIPAA). First of all physical access to premises curiously from the back door needs to be secure. The policy to enter in the building usi ng a cat card or ache token is mandatory which a control to prohibit any unauthorized access.The IT room is also protected by a digital lock which can only be accessed by ntering correct combination of the password. The IT devices cannot be move out without prior approval from management on a prescribed form. Another preventive control is to disable all dismissible media from the systems at the front desk. The USB/serial ports are disabled and it can only be granted on special approval. To control logical vulnerabilities I have suggested mix of administrative, detective, preventive, corrective controls. All users by policy are required to use strong passwords, the password must contain, one letter in caps, one symbol/numeric value.The total length should be between 8-20 characters. Users are required to change the password every 30 days and they cannot use passwords any 10 previously used passwords. Users are also cautioned about not to write passwords. Most of the employees have role based access to IT systems. All front desk employees go straight to the application required to book patients orders. They cannot open or use personal email on the systems. The access to internet is controlled by the web application fall into place which only allows users to check pre-approved sited required to manage operations.All systems have the latest updated antivirus software which does not allow any infected file to execute. The best strategy to deal it with is preventive. Similarly to prevent any intruder in the network, IDS are deployed to monitor any unusual activity. Backup of data with regular interval makes it possible to continue the business in case of any break down due to any malicious activity. The data is indorse up with only last changed items after every 4 hours. As mentioned earlier the patients data is highly confidential, any loop whole can result in legal liabilities.
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