Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Commanding poems that continue to be talked about and analyzed to this day. Each sonnet was published by Leigh Hunt early in 1818 in consecutive issues of his monthly Journal, The Examiner (Rumens, 2010). Even though the sonnet written by Smith has taken a back seat to Shelley in scholarly study, both poems explore the opulence of ancient history and the inevitable consequences of time. Inspired by recent discoveries in the Near East, Shelley and Smith were motivated by the words of historian Odorous Sculls who claimed the inscription on the statue of Renames II read, â€Å"King of Kings Commanding am l.If any want to know how great I am and where I lie, let him outdo me in my work†(Mimics, 2010). The motivation for these separatist poems was to create a piece of artwork that would withstand the inevitable passing of time. Unlike the crumbling boasting monuments of Ancient Egypt whose intent was to memorial their rule, their own literary words would be a piece of poetic art t hat would forever be remembered in European literature. While the differences outweigh the similarities between these woo poems, there is a uniting theme expressed by both Shelley and Smith.Each author uses the same subject, tells the same story and makes the same moral point of the arrogance of human authority and the inevitable decline of all leaders. Every great leader wants to be amortized and remembered. Time is the ceaseless enemy of this great wish of mortal men. It never stops, takes pause or shows tire as it breaks down the most triumphant of mortal monuments. Both poems use the expression of time to unite the idea that all power is fleeting as exampled by the only mains of the statue's leg.The variations in diction between Shelley and Smith allows for a vast difference of perspective. Smith, an author of historical novels and financial advisor to Shelley, lacked an overall flare that is seen in Shelley poem. However, his words reinforce the sense of loss and emptiness of t he desert and that forgotten Babylon' (Smith, 1818). Smith chooses a future perspective of someone stopping upon the ruins and wondering what greatness once resided in the Egyptian desert. His words are less imaginative and the tone of the poem comes across more loom than wrathful as compared to Shelley.There is no focus on the arrogance and harsh rule of Commanding. On the other hand, Shelley chooses to present the remains of Commanding from the narrator's perspective. The passage, â€Å"Tell that its sculptor well those passions read†, shows that the unrelenting style of rule, as depicted on the visage, was accurately portrayed to the traveler (Shelley, 1818). Shelley is able to strip focus away from Commanding' own aspiration of being amortized and draw attention to the truth of his unsympathetic reign as depicted wrought the hands of the artisan.Shelley literary style and viewpoint makes clear his disdain for ancient rule and monarchies (Solo Interactive Learning). Shelle y and Smith were both inspired by the political developments of their own day and opinions were heightened by the 1821 acquisition of a statue of Rammers II by the British Museum in London. In their own personal style, each poet conveyed the same paradox: â€Å"Commanding, the self-proclaimed King of Kings, commissioned a statue of himself to guarantee his immortality, but all that's left is a broken statue†(Durbin, 012).
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Beauty of the Fictional World in Nabokov’s Bend Sinister
Since the writer himself claims that Bend Sinister is neither â€Å"serious fiction†nor â€Å"literature of social comment,†I will refrain from making something out of nothing (for, though Nabokov does this through his fiction, I would not wish to offend him, even if he cannot socially comment on my offense, just as Karl Marx perhaps disliked the ruin of his own piece). Rather, I shall make the argument that literature to Nabokov is like beauty to life. It is not the story that matters, but instead â€Å"it is for the sake of the pages about David and his father that the book was written and should be read†(xiv).Hence, let us examine what makes Nabokov’s novel so beautiful: What begins as â€Å"An oblong puddle inset in the coarse asphalt†transforms into Padukgrad, a fictional and totalitarian state somewhere in Europe that hosts two men of differing philosophies yet similar power (1). Krug, the protagonist, immediately surfaces as a danger to t he Ekwilist society, which Paduk rules as dictator. Although there is a tendency to classify Padukgrad as a dystopia, one must note that Nabokov was highly critical of â€Å"Orwell’s cliches,†calling him a â€Å"mediocre English [writer]†(2).Nabokov argues that he is â€Å"neither a didacticist nor an allegorizer,†both of which could describe Orwell’s anti-totalitarian voice in 1984 (2). Rather, Vladamir Nabokov’s first American novel, Bend Sinister, presents his fictional dictatorship not as an entity on a path to Armageddon, but as a metaphorical chess game, wherein the main character can be interpreted as the White King and the antagonist as the Black King. Eventually, Krug learns that he is in fact playing a live game of chess, and thatâ€â€ironicallyâ€â€he is the White King in an Armageddon-style chess match for his life. For Krug, a philosopher and professor, there is no draw.Nabokov conscientiously places Krug in Padukgrad, for it is with precision that chess players both set and move their pieces. Whereas a king piece is safest in its initial location, beside the queen and behind a row of pawns, Bend Sinister begins with Krug’s observing â€Å"a fancy footprint filled to the brim with quicksilver . . . from a hospital window†(1-2). Nabokov details a rather wonderful scene of a puddle in November. Beauty, I argue, and the hospital are places of sanctuary, a place where one can reflect on â€Å"the beating of [his] loving heart†(xiv). The beauty ends, however.It becomes known that â€Å"the operation has not been successful and [Krug’s] wife will die†(2). In the first chapter, to alight on the metaphor of chess, Krug essentially loses his queen and is subsequently forced to play the rest of the game without what is generally the most powerful piece. Also, it is interesting that he loses his queen in the first person. Throughout most of the novel, Krug is written in the third-person-omniscient voice, and only when the writer intends to remind the reader that Bend Sinister is not a contemporary novel, that it is truly an apocryphal work meant for beauty, does he switch his point of view.Perhaps, Nabokov is presenting the dramatic moment (of the chess game) through Krug’s (the king’s) eyes to convey the move’s gravity. However, Nabokov again shifts to the first person perspective on the second to last page, just after â€Å"another and better bullet hit†Krug (240). In this sense, Nabokov utilizes the third person to communicate his story and the first person to denote the loss of White’s two most important piecesâ€â€the King and queen, respectively. It is also this style that categorizes Bend Sinister as post-post-modernism literature, for Nabokov clarifies that, â€Å"among the chaos of written and rewritten pages . . a big moth was clinging with furry feet†to his [the metafictional writer’s ] window (240). Moreover, I shall use this style to make my own points: Orwell’s dystopic world is made realâ€â€Nabokov’s world is made fictionally.This is the greatest distinction between the two books. Bend Sinister remains very much a board of pieces that move according to the novelist. And his characters, in turn, are â€Å"absurd images†and â€Å"illusions†both to himself and â€Å"to Krug†(xiv). In essence, the writer is calling the shotsâ€â€the balls and strikes, and they ‘ain’t nothing till he calls them. By this, Nabokov creates Padukgrad, and in it, Krug and Paduk. Interestingly, Padukgrad’s Ekwilist philosophy of the everyman wishes to create a homogenous, clone-like society wherein each individual is equal and outliers are either integrated or removed. This society, like many totalitarian states, seeks unity through similarity. Thus, Nabokov presents Krug as the counterpart to Padukâ€â€White King versu s Black King, good versus evil. For example, Adam Krug is depicted as a â€Å"philosopher . . . ith untidy, dusty, or faintly grizzled locks . . . suggestive of the uncouth chess master or of the morose composer, but more intelligent†and Paduk as someone who â€Å"never got over superficial neatness†(46, 80). This is important not only because of Nabokov’s explicit metaphor, but also because the Ekwilist philosophy preaches â€Å"a remoulding of human individuals in conformity with a well-balanced pattern,†the opposite philosophy of Krug [and Nabokov]. The duality is thusly created by Nabokov through philosophyâ€â€another ironic attribute.One pleasure of the book, as the writer would agree, is the humor. For instance, Paduk institutes â€Å"the Party of the Average Man as based on Skotoma’s book,†which argues that â€Å"a certain computable amount of human consciousness [is] distributed throughout the population of the world†and that â€Å"the proudest intellect and the humblest stupidity depended entirely upon the degree of â€Å"world consciousness†(75-76). In this, I find that philosophy kills philosophy, king kills king, and the entire purpose of this book arises.That is, if the sake of the pages are for David and his father (Krug), then the genesis of the Ekwilist philosophy and of Padukgrad are highly significant. David is, after all, killed by both. Nabokov includes in Bend Sinister, after describing the origins of Ekwilism, that Skotoma â€Å"omitted to define both the practical method to be pursued and the kind of person or persons responsible for planning and directing the process†(76). I find this quite humorous for several reasons other than those listed afore. First, Paduk breaks Nabokov’s first rule.Paduk not only takes Skotoma’s book to be â€Å"serious literature,†but then he also misinterprets it. To note, this is why I refrain in my introductory p aragraph from making something out of nothing and why I mention Marx, whose philosophy like Skotoma’s is essentially ruined by a lesser, more common man. It is also a reason perhaps for Nabokov’s distaste of George Orwell. Second, it is ironic that the â€Å"kind of person†who instills this philosophy in Paduk is actually Krug, for Krug drives Paduk in their youth to this uniform extreme.On page 36, for example, Nabokov reveals that Paduk, â€Å"the Ruler, colloquially known as the toad, had been a schoolmate†of Krug’s. Then later, on page 50, Krug reveals to his scholarly peers at the University that he â€Å"was something of a bully†and â€Å"used to trip [Paduk] up and sit upon his face . . . every blessed day for about five school years. †This treatment of Paduk eventually leads him to favor the Ekwilist philosophy and form a totalitarian state. It also leads the reader to understand Krug’s and Paduk’s duality, t heir chess match, and the way in which the White King is losing.Moreover, on the topic of irony and humor (which is beautiful), Bend Sinister is a reflection of Nabokov. One might draw comparison to heraldry whereby the novel derives its name. A sinister is in fact a colored band running from the upper right side of a shield to the lower left side; its opposite is the bend sinister, which runs from left top to right bottom. In the novel, Paduk represents the bend sinister of the shield and Krug represents the sinister, in that the Ekwilist philosophy (the extreme of socialism if you will) is a sinister (evil) bend to the left.Also worthwhile to point out is the name of the shield’s surfaceâ€â€the field. A chess match is a battle of kings and pawns on a battlefield. I make my final and daring argument here, as I still wish not to make something out of nothing, but I wish more to make something rather than nothing: Adam Krug is the metaphorical bend sinister to Nabokov. For instance, Adam Krug is â€Å"a non-smoker,†whereas Nabokov admits that his â€Å"daily consumption of cigarettes had reached the four-package mark†(36, xi). Also, the voice of the novel switches between the writer’s conscious thoughts and Krug’s story.In this way, Krug is Nabokov and Nabokov is Krug, but they are not entirely the same. They are the duality of the writer. Just as the protagonist is the king of the book, so too is the novelist. But because Krug is the non-conscientious half, at least in reality, he is the bend sinister of what is good. Literature is often taken out of context or made to be something out of nothing, and Nabokov hated this fact. I have drawn references to Orwell throughout because he, to the abhorrence of Nabokov, wrote in protest to leftist totalitarian states.By doing this, Orwell is upholding the greatest mistake of making something out of nothing because all totalitarian states, like Padukgrad with Ekwilism, take liter ature or philosophy out of context, and thus, to make a story from nothing results in nothing. Nabokov, a man of true genius, does not present Krug as one. For, although Krug is the greatest thinker in his own world, the fictional world is not real. The fictional world is merely aesthetics for the ‘real world. ’ And the sake of his presentation is merely for â€Å"David and his father,†Nabokov’s beautiful creations.
Concept Comparison and Analysis Across Theories Paper Essay
When nursing began in the Florence Nightingale days, nurses learned their nursing practices from theories. There were two theorist names Dorothea Orem and Virginia Henderson that had their own perspective on nursing practices. This paper will discuss compare and analyze the concepts based of each of these ladies theories to show how they are related. These two ladies developed their own ideas on how nursing should be practiced. Henderson In 1955 Virginia Henderson wrote the 14 components of basic nursing care, this is known as the human need theory. The theory identified areas that the patient may lack in taking care of their selves when sick, and these are the 14 components of basic nursing care. The 14 components are: breathing good, good oral intake/good nutrition, normal functioning of bowel/bladder, sleep/rest, dressing/undressing, keeping normal body temperature, cleanness of patient promote good skin integrity, keep away from injuries/dangers, good communication of fears/emotions, meeting spiritual needs, working, playing/participating in games or recreations, and learning. The development of theory helped nurses know how to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate their patients (George, 2011). Orem Dorothea Orem wrote a theory called the self-care deficit theory, and this theory consist of three theories the self-care, self-care deficit, and the theory of nursing systems. In this theory she explain how person can take care of their selves, when a person needs help caring for their selves, and last is when person needs medical attention. The first theory is self-care, and this is when a person is able to maintain their well-being and health. This theory can differentiate depending on what stage of life your end such as your age, developmental state, or where you live. Within the self-care theory is three self-care requisites. The requisites are universal self-care requisites, developmental self-care requisites, and health deviation self-care. Example universal of self-care requisites is common activities of daily living (ADL’s). Example of developmental self-care requisites is adjusting to new job or change with your body. The last example is of health deviation self-care, and this is when person able to take care of medical problem. The second theory is self-care deficit when person self-care demand out weights their self-care abilities, and nursing is needed. Orem list five ways of helping that nurses can use. The five ways are doing for others, guiding, meet their physical/emotional needs, providing supportive environment to assist person development, and teaching another. The last theory is the theory of nursing system. This theory is when the nurse provides care because the patient is unable to care for their self. Orem discusses three different types of nursing systems that will meet patient self-care requisite. The first system is wholly compensatory nursing system, and this system is when patient depends fully on the nurse to care for them. Example of this system is a patient who had a major stroke. The second system is the partly compensatory nursing system, and this system when patient can take care of some of their needs but still needs nursing care. Example of this system is patient who has pneumonia and can still feed their selves, but depends on nursing to provide IV antibiotic treatment. The last is the supportive-educative nursing system, and this is when patient is capable taking care of doing self-care, but needs support/education on medical conditions. Example of this when home health goes out to teach patient how to do wound care on their wound so they do not have to depend on nursing (â€Å"Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory†, 2012). Comparing the Concepts These theorist Orem and Henderson have a common concept on how a nurse should practice nursing. Theses theorist have established in their theories the role of nursing. They have differ approaches when it comes to the how nurses should practice their care. Henderson theory identifies 14 component of human needs that patient may not take care of when they are sick. Henderson theory is for nursing to assess the 14 component as a whole, andintervene  in the areas needed. In comparison Orem’s theory of self-care deficit identifies when patient lacks self-care abilities to take care of their self then it is responsibility of the nurse to meet the patients self-care demand. These two theorist differ in the aspect that Henderson focuses more on taking care of the patient in a more acute setting. Orem has more of a focus in her theory of nursing system on educating the patient on their health conditions or self-deficit so they can take care of their self (George, 2011). Orem’s Self-care Theory Implication on Nursing Practice Orem general theory is â€Å"Nursing has its special concern mans need for self-care and the provision and the maintenance of it on continuous basis in order to sustain life and health, recover from disease and injury, and cope with their effects, â€Å"(George, 2011). Nurse’s everyday are practicing the self-care theory of Orem in a variety of health care settings. When a nurse gets a new patient the first they do is identify their self-care deficits and self-care abilities. This allows nurses to focus on the patient’s self-care deficit, and start taking care of the patient needs. When the nurse identifies the self-care deficit then that allows them to start assessing the situation, create care plan for the patient, and start treating/teaching on the self-care deficits. Example is when a new patient is admitted to the hospital the nurse assesses the patient’s problem, starts taking care of the problem, identifies where teaching is needed, and creates care plan so patient will get better (â€Å"Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory†, 2012). Metaparadigm Orem’s metaparadigm consist of four factors: Human being, health, nursing, and environment. The factor is human she describes human as self-care, and self-care is practice of our activities of daily living that promotes life and well-being. The second factor is health, Orem describes health as being whole and sound physical, mentally, and socially for the person well-being. The third factor is nursing, she describes nursing as a needed service to meet the self-care of humans. The last factor is environment, and she describe the environment as anything around the human that can hinder their ability to perform their self-care (†Dorothea Orem’s Views on Nursing Metaparadigm†, n.d.). Philosophy According to â€Å"Dorothea Elizabeth and her philosophy on self-care†(n.d.), â€Å"are patients wish to care for themselves.†Basically what Orem is saying if the nurse lets the patient take care of themselves to best of the their ability they will get over their sickness quicker. This relates to nursing today because the more we enable patients to learn and take care their health condition they will function more independently. Example of Orem philosophy in nursing is when patient is home health, and the nurse is simply there to teach them about congestive heart failure, and how to take care the disease we are enabling the patient to take care to themselves. Conceptual Model Orem’s conceptual model is related to her theory of self-care. The model defines her three theories of self-care, self-care deficit, and theory of nursing system. When the person self-care demand exceed their self-care abilities, then nursing is needed. Nurses can help patients meet their self-care needs by using the conceptual model. The conceptual model identifies how nurses can assist the patient under self-care deficit by using the 5 areas identified earlier in this paper. Under the theory of nursing the nurse should identify the patient learning needs, and address them so the patient is meeting his/her self-care needs in the end, and is healthy (â€Å"Orem’S Self-Care Model†, n.d.). Conclusion Orem and Henderson agenda for their theories is to establish nursing practice guidelines for nurses. They two theorist help define the role of nursing, and the profession. In the nursing world nurses practice these two theories in their everyday practices. Nurses have learned how to identify problems of patient when they arrive, and how to address them so they can get on the road to recovery. Nurses also learned how to identify a self-care deficit in patients so it can be addressed, then the nurse educates patient on self-care deficit where they can care for themselves. These two theories basically sum down to assessing, implementing, care planning, and educating the patients. References Dorthea Elizabeth and her Philosophy on self-care. (n.d.). Retrieved from Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory. (2012). Retrieved from Dorthea Orem’s Views on Nursing Metaparadigm. (n.d.). Retrieved from George, J. B. (2011). Nursing Theories: The Base for Nursing Practice (6th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix ebook Collection database. Orem’s Self-Care Model. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Monday, July 29, 2019
Micro economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Micro economics - Essay Example Moreover, a shift in other variables with price as an exception would cause a shift in the whole of the demand curve. The shift in the whole demand curve can be attained to be a shift in demand. Income Certain changes or alterations in income may mean increases or decreases in demand. A commodity whose demand tends to rise with a corresponding rise in income can be called a normal commodity. A commodity whose demand falls with a corresponding increase in income can be called an inferior commodity. This means that increases in income would tend to increase the demand for the mp3 player in the market. This is hence true since this is economically measures by economic experts in the economic field. Prices of other commodities Slight alterations or changes in the pricing of other commodities may result to a rise or fall in demand. A commodity that results to a rise in demand for another commodity when its price tends to increase can be called a substitute commodity. A commodity that brin gs about a fall in demand for another commodity when its price tends to rise can be referred to as a complementary commodity. This ultimately means that, an increase in the price of the mp3 player of another manufacturer or brand, may result to a corresponding rise in the demand of the original mp3 player in question, since it may be used as a substitute for the other commodity. Even if, one takes the case of beverage giants in the name of Coke and Pepsi, one realizes that an increase in the price of Pepsi would result in the rise, in demand of Coke. This is solely because these two products can be considered to be substitutes. . Number of buyers in the market A rise in the number of buyers, both potential and current buyers, would result to a rise in the demand for the mp3 player. Demand can be mainly based on the rise of population in that area. Future pricing actions A rise in the anticipated future prices of a commodity would certainly tend to cause a rise in the current demand. A fall in the anticipated future prices of a commodity would certainly decrease the future price. So a firm must highly be considered its future pricing of the mp3 player in question. Consumer tastes and preferences Shifting of the demand curve may also arise due to changes in the consumer tastes and preferences. If the consumers’ taste changes and starts liking more of the mp3 player, there would be a consistent rise in the quantity demanded. Derived quality Shift in the demand curve can be as a result of changes in the quality derived from the mp3 player by the consumer. If commodities produced are of a higher quality than the rival commodity, then this would bring a rightward shift of the demand curve (Heigy 1945, p.453). 2. The demand and supply schedules for wheat in a free market are as follows: Price per tonne (?) 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 Tonnes demanded per week 725 700 675 650 600 550 500 425 Tonnes supplied per week 225 300 400 500 600 750 1000 1300 I. Draw and briefly comment the demand and supply curves on the following diagram II. Define what is the equilibrium price and state what the equilibrium price is from your graph ? The equilibrium price is 280. The equilibrium price from my graph is 260. III. Suppose the government fixes a maximum price of ?200 per tonne. What will be the effect? Suppose the government fixes a price ceiling of 200 per tonne, it would result to certain effects. First, a disequilibrium
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Article critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Article critique - Essay Example The data collection and data analysis methods were appropriate for the research and information was also obtained easily from the target groups. I would carry out the same research making use of suitable references from books, educational journals and information from online resources (, 1999). This would make results more credible and reliable. The article is addressing a critical issue in health care such as health planning and the problems facing veterans in rural areas. The design for the research study was appropriate. The method of data collection was favorable to all participants and the method of analysis t-test was appropriate to obtain good results (, 1999). The research took into consideration other methods that would help in the attainment of credible results. To achieve a better research paper, researchers should improve their abstract and give a summary of all what they have done in the course of study. They should also provide a credible literature review that is supported with evidence from earlier researchers in the same field. The research should also provide recommendations that should be implemented to ensure better health care (, 1999). Further, the research should provide room for future research studies and include references. The figures and tables referred to in the table should be shown to make the paper more appealing to readers and make it easier to understand. The article does not have adequate reliable references. In the article various studies were conducted by various researchers but only their names appear but the writer did not indicate the years when these studies were carried out and published (, 1999). The research problem is in line with the objectives. It also relates well with purpose of the stud y which was to assess the health status of veterans receiving VA treatment and those receiving treatment from mobile clinics (, 1999). Data
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Immigration Admissions and Control Policies Essay
Immigration Admissions and Control Policies - Essay Example To fulfill the second objective of the U.S. immigration policy, the administration should increase the level of restrictiveness in the external immigration control policy. The administration should also revise the internal immigration control policy in order to apprehend the undocumented immigrants more efficiently. Undocumented and unauthorized immigrants should not be given any opportunity to enter the United States. People who are not well educated or those who do not possess good character should not be allowed to enter the United States. The reason is that most of the people belonging to these categories do not find employment even in financially stable countries and get involved in illegal activities, such as, drug trafficking. The U.S. government should take special measures to restrict the entry of such individuals. To fulfill the third objective of the U.S. immigration policy, the administration should create awareness among the public that not all immigrants are bad. The administration should make public aware of the fact that it is only a small number of illegal immigrants who are actually involved in criminal activities. Most of the immigrants are very peaceful and abide by the rules and regulations of the country. Immigrants are fully aware of the fact that getting employment is not an easy task in the United States. This fact makes them work hard to keep their jobs and continue earning money. Moreover, they abide by the laws of the companies and maintain brotherly relationships with coworkers.
Friday, July 26, 2019
What Intergenerational Communicationand Aging means for my own life, Essay
What Intergenerational Communicationand Aging means for my own life, now, and in the future - Essay Example h this course and analyzing related materials, I learned the importance of changing mindsets and communication and relationship goals, so that I can treat and interact with the elderly with respect and recognize and respond to their needs for autonomy and social support, and so that I can pursue a model for successful aging that balances physical and psychological needs and aspirations. Through Comm 119 lectures and various other reading materials, as well as my analysis of my own interactions with the elderly, I realized that social stereotypes about aging and the elderly contribute to the self-fulfilling prophesy of these ageist stereotypes. Cuddy and Fiske (2002) described the various stereotypes of older people that I also practiced in the past, including the grandmotherly and severely impaired stereotypes. I am quite ashamed that I thought that older adults are like babies by focusing on their childish behavior, such as being hard-headed when instructing them to follow proper nutrition practices. I realize now that they are childish (if they are) because of how society treats them. In one of our lectures, the Dallas Morning News (2002) reported that people’s attitudes, and not aging per se, present obstacles to feeling fulfilled during old age (as cited in Giles, 2014a). I agree because I also had the mindset that the elderly, though not all, are the on es making health and social problems by being aggressive in opposing lifestyle or emotional and attitudinal changes that can improve health and social conditions. I would say: â€Å"They can be so hard-headed because they are already old.†By saying this, I frame aging in terms of blaming older people of their health and social issues and aging as the worst phase of mental and psychological development. This kind of framing under-analyzes the needs and goals of the elderly and perpetuates ageism. Besides personal ageist stereotypes, I learned about social institutions that promote ageism and that I must
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Addition of Steroids and Antibiotics in Food Research Paper
The Addition of Steroids and Antibiotics in Food - Research Paper Example This increase in production means a lot of profit for the meat and dairy product industries but on the other hand it is also risking the health of its consumers. FDA and USDA claims that these hormones (steroidal in nature) are free from any harm. Antibiotics which are also used in cattle as preventive measures or to increase the weight of the animal are also producing health concerns in the consumers of the meat and milk. Although the use of antibiotics is banned in Europe it is still legal to inject the low doses of these antibiotics in America and Canada. First we need to be acquainted with Hormones and Antibiotics and to what extent they can affect the health of its consumer. Hormones are the biochemicals produced in the body of human’s as well as animals. Even though they are released in small amounts they control the important body functions such as growth, maturity and reproduction. They are produced by special organs which function to release the hormones according to the requirement and proper timings of its release. This is called the feedback mechanism of the body which manages the amount of hormone released. If body’s requirement of the hormone is fulfilled, by negative feedback mechanism, hormone production automatically stops. Unfortunately, if these hormones are being consumed from any outside sources they can cause serious consequences as there won’t be any mechanism indicating the red alert for the overconsumption. Hormones can be of steroidal or protein in nature. Steroidal hormones remain active even if they are consumed via mouth. Whereas, protein hormones needs to be injected as they are destroyed immediately in the G.I tract (Gastrointestinal tract) by the action of acids and other secretions such as insulin hormone injections by diabetics. Hormones are being used in farm animals to increase their weight and by the use of growth hormones they grow much faster and to a larger extent. They also increase the weight of the animal even if the animal’s food consumption is reduced. In cows, hormones increase the production of milk. Approximately 22% of the Cows are being injected or fed steroidal hormones to get the desired result. Thus, the faster animal reaches to the slaughter weight, the more profitable this procedure becomes for the industries. According to European Union Scientific committee on Veterinary Measures Relating to Public Health, Potential risk to human health can be caused by the use of six types of hormones, including both synthetic and natural hormones. Natural include Oestradiol, Testosterone and Progesterone. Synthetic hormones are Melengestrol, Zeranol, Trenbolone. (Artificial Hormones, 2006). Estradiol and Progesterone are natural female sex hormone and Testosterone is male sex hormone. The other three synthetic hormones are used as growth promoters. FDA approves the use of these hormones in sheep’s and Cattle but not on poultry and Hogs. Recombinant Bovine Growth H ormones (rbGH) is being used in dairy cattle but not on beef cattle.( Consumer Concern about Hormones in Food, 2010) The Committee also put forth questions regarding the issue of such hormone injected animal consumption can cause any imbalance in human hormone system. However, FDA and USDA continuously ensures the consumers that very little amount is
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE OPERATION OF EQUALITY LEGISLATION - Essay Example This plan which came to be known as the Lisbon strategy was launched during June 2000 with the aim of transforming the EU into a â€Å"knowledge based economy†and to channelise the growth and development of the EU citizens (Accessibility Legislation - An Insight. 2005). The main challenges would include meeting the needs and aspirations of the people of the EU, especially in work areas like electronics, content and services including public servicing and the development of specialised skills for its people. Under the EU a public interactive forum has been established on how to make the benefits of computer technology compatible with old and elderly persons. This Commission also seeks to address to the difficulties encountered by the elderly in managing computers, mobile phones and internet services. The three areas in which the EC seeks to emphasise are â€Å"public procurements, certification and use of legislation†(Accessibility Legislation - An Insight. 2005). Under the provisions of Employment Equality Act 1998, of Ireland, any form of discrimination, on the basis of sex, marital or family status, sexual preferences, religion, age, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, presence of disability, and membership of traveller community is illegal and unenforceable. But it is widely believed that these laws could only be enforced on an â€Å"individualistic justice model†(Equality Coalition. 2004, P 5). Rather then the law itself, its enforcement is of more concern since large scale violations could go unnoticed unless immediate claims are made and registered. However this may create risks and difficulties upon underprivileged citizens, especially minorities, and they may not be aware of their rights and privileges under the law. Amending Section 2 of the Employment Equality Act 1998, Section 3 of the Equality Act 2004, provides that concessions may be made in the
People's lives continue to be shaped in the main by social Essay
People's lives continue to be shaped in the main by social structures'. Discuss this view, drawing on material from at the least three blocks of DD100 in your answer - Essay Example tity of a man is not only vital representation of his self but it is also medium that significantly contributes to a knowledge base that others can instantly access to have a general idea of their orientation towards conflicts and other relevant issues. The social construction of human identity thus becomes the most important element which significantly impacts people’s lives. Construction of social structures and social identities are often influenced by hordes of issues, which are defined by individual ideology, group representation, professional competencies, intercultural compulsions etc. which facilitate better understanding and access to networking with organizations and groups in order to avail the emerging opportunities for their personal and professional growth. Thus giving rise to behavioural pattern of the people that directly correlates with the values and value system of the person and his environment. There are various means through which persons imbibe the values that they carry all through their life. Some of them may be through the socio-religious culture that they follow while others might be acquired through changing paradigms of the work environment that is in perpetual influx. A person identified as student, as American or as an artisan etc. can proclaim certain privileges that are associated with that particular identity. ‘Identities are produced in a social context, but through individuals thinking about what links them to the social world†¦ Symbols and representations are important in the production of identities. This is how we signal our identities to others and how we know which people we identify with.’ (Woodward, 2004, p.12). Social construction is a distributed network of human relationship with respect to its environment. The role of religion in the life of a man is one of the most important facet that has long lasting effect not only on an individual’s life but its influence can be observed as a kaleidoscope of mixed
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Portrait Photography Survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Portrait Photography Survey - Essay Example Markets of portrait photography include restaurants, taverns, stores and business premises. These organizations use portrait photos to reach out to their consumers (Kelby 36). This is because portrait photos are more appealing and conspicuous to motorists, pedestrians and other road users as they are normally attractive. Portrait photographers make money by making saleable portraits which they sale them to businesses which use them for advertisement purposes their websites and in local television programs. On the other hand portrait photographers make sales when they are hired to make photo shoots in institutions’ events such as graduations and in special occasions such as in church weddings. Requirements of a portrait photography business is photography equipment which should be modest, several pieces of cloth for backdrop ,lenses with good magnification, some sources of light and a tripod stand (Wilsh 47). These equipments should be of lightest weight so as to make them more portable thereby easing movement. Portrait photography has undergone a list of trends over the past years. A few decades ago, images were in a black and white portrays, that evolved to hand coloring pencils then to hand coloring paints. Currently, images are taken using digital cameras, which produce neat colored photographs. These advancements are attributed to progress in the new technology which has been given abreast. Location of portrait photography is mostly influenced by the subject; this is the intention of the photographer. If the intended expression involves environmental aspects like natural features, then a rain forest would be the best location. However if the photographer is new to the business then simplicity should guide him or her. He/she should look for the simplest places. To enhance more effects, studio photographers should concentrate more on improving the background of the
Monday, July 22, 2019
Tropical Rain Forest Essay Example for Free
Tropical Rain Forest Essay Afterward, biodiversity suffers. Decomposers like leaf-cutter ants, termites, bacteria, and fungi live on the forest floor. These decomposers quickly turn fallen leaves and dead organisms into nutrients. This creates food for trees and other plants and animals. Today, we know that the soil of the tropical rainforests is thin and very low in nutrients. Decomposers like leaf-cutter ants, termites, bacteria, and fungi quickly turn falling leaves and dead organisms into nutrients. Plants take up these nutrients the moment they are available, so they don’t get a chance to enrich the soil. Keeping Tropical Rainforests Healthy Conservation of tropical rainforests should be easy. They have survived for millions of years. The trick to keeping them healthy is to not take too much too fast. This gives the rainforests time to recover from human activities like logging. But many countries that have tropical rainforests are poor. They can make money by cutting down and developing the rainforests. But uncontrolled development results in deforestation, erosion, and loss of biodiversity. Carving up the Forests Roads are cut through previously untouched rainforest to make way for logging trucks, mining equipment, and farm machines. These roads cut forest habitat into small pieces. This isolates the animals in those areas, which makes it harder for them to travel and find mates. One of the most damaging effects of development has been dividing the rainforest habitat into little patches of forest. This is called fragmentation. Today, many species are isolated in these small areas of forest because they will not or cannot enter open habitats. The result is that species such asorangutans cannot connect with one another to mate and have babies. Conservations Efforts
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Social Networking our Young Generation Essay
Social Networking our Young Generation Essay Social networking sites are web-based services, with a large online community. Websites like Facebook, MySpace or Twitter provide social networking services which bring people together all over the world by allowing them to get to know each other in an online environment. This interaction is likely to include families, friendship and romantic and group relation. With the help of networking, it can help people make friends and to search to find some personal relationship and families can stay in touch more easily. Nowadays, huge number of people connects to networking sites and it also increases the number of relationship. The websites combine many internet features into one: personal profile, blogs, places for photos and videos, the latest news about music groups, user groups, and more. People use social networking sites to developing business contacts and maintaining contact with them. Websites like LinkedIn can be convenient place for professionals to meet and talk about business. Developing business contacts on the internet is most of the time easier and faster than offline. Aims The aim of the study is explain the Importance of participating in internet groups and interactive with others and one-on-one from the individual self concept and social relationship. This research also tell how the knowledge is to be explored and social action is to be taken which shall be carried out in the field so this research aims at understanding transformation reconstructing and striving for an understanding of the whole. So approach which suites my question is qualitative research and the primary aim of this investigation is to study the people interaction on internet as we all know the now days people have been curious about how the powerful new information and communication media known as internet interaction is going on in the society. Objectives Promote your business using social networking sites. Effects of social networking websites on the young generation. Safety sites of young generation. Advantages and Disadvantages of Social networking sites. Literature review Internet is first and foremost communication technology with the potential to change people social interaction. Internet adoption in homes has grown rapidly since the early 1990s. For Example by 2003 63% of American had used the internet. In 1990s, Information technology experts expected the internet to be consigned to the trash heap of history. Internet has become an essential part of our lives; many websites have facility ways for people to keep in touch in the form of social networking. Social networking sites are the way for interact with new people and to make connections as well as share photos, videos, and activities with each other (Red Sox Nation, Northern California).. In the past 5 years, such sites have rocketed and millions of people use networking sites. According to Amanda Lenhart and Mary Madden indicates that 55% of online teenagers have created a personal profile online, and 55% have used networking sites like MySpace and Face book. A social networking site includes both the exchange of information among individuals and group online. Expression also represents a view perspective, reflection, or quality of the individual or groups. Social networking is more focussed on individual relations and goals than is city and community involvement and networking with specific others whom one either knows initially or eventually comes to know. This interaction is likely to include families, friendship and romantic and group relationship. Video-sharing site is an also place where humans can make connection with one another. YouTube also allows a user to add another user as his or her friend. Expressions refer to the material that is created by individual or groups to reflect their views, interests or talents. Mainly internet based on social networking sites to build the personal and relationship and give the meaning to peoples lives. This sites help to people allow creating social relationship and it also used to find new friends in new locate. There are many ways the internet can be used for social relationship as follows are:- Online chatting Online dating Finding life partners Online friendship Many more Online chatting By using online chatting on internet many friends and relatives have come closer and to know very well to each other. Calling is very expensive and people cant afford to call. With the help of networking sites, people can connect to their relatives and get to talk each other very easily and they can see each other and chat through internet. Online dating Social networking websites are a great way of meeting people new people all over the world. Now days, people are meeting and dating on the internet. People can chat to somebody anytime, anyplace and anywhere. They are having huge relationship with others, so they will ask they will not go out with them because they are dating to someone. Finding Life partners Social sites focus on many different aspects of life, which makes it easier to find and make connections with other people who share common goals and interests, including love. By using traditional forms of marriage creation mainly of arranged marriages, internet has slowly being modified to the arrange marriage because it can serve the strength of tradition especially when modern condition of technologies seen to in decide tradition. Friendship Circle By using these sites instant messaging it allows cheap chatting between people and among group of friend or family. It also offers a good way of communicating with friends nearby or far away, without worrying about time or cost. This activity leads to vast expression of contact and interactivity many people enjoy ready for outcomes relationship. I just like keeping up to chat with somebody and it makes me feel very great to know somebody and to make new connection. So in this research the evidence strongly suggest that the internet has already been used to powerful enhance the social relationship. The importance is social and is creating both individual level and collective level social capital. Networking sites also used for developing business contacts and to make connections with them. Websites like LINKEDIN can be suitable place for professionals to meet and talk about business. Developing business on the internet is the most of the time easier and faster than offline. Social networking sites are also promoting a business to a wider audience and global marketing .Nowadays, the majority of business at least one kind of online presence. All the above reason involve that the easy and rewarding interaction with other people, as well as the personal or professional gain that people obtain from joining social networking sites. These sites succeed at making everyone part of global society. In our research, social networking sites can effects on the young generations. As a result, social networking websites have extensive attraction for youngsters with the number of users growing daily. In 2007, Pew Internet and American life Project report that 55% of online teens have a personal profile (facebook, twitter, orkut) on this kind of website. Today, youngsters attract these sites just because of this websites combine many features into one like personal profile, blogs, videos and photos sharing, and many more. Along with these benefits come some risks. As conclude that there are number of cases for harassment or sexual advances. Most of these sites are open to all, especially MySpace or face book which means that teenagers could be exposed our personal information and our identity to someone. Cyber-bulling and harassment are more often commit by other youngsters and mostly tend to happen most to older girls and either gender who have a strong online presence. There so many several forms like posting threatening messages, publishing private messages, e-mails or text messages, posting embarrassment photos and many more. Another risk is identifying theft, which means somebody can enter your personal profile they can know about everything like, your name, birthdates and your location. So today, its very rare for harassment to all over the world but it can still be a cause of emotional distress for youngsters. As a result, most social networking sites have privacy controls in place, but youngsters hardly ever use them. If you can do active monitoring of profiles and behaviours catches some hackers, but not all of them. Here some tips of safety sites for young generation as well as child also when they created our profile it make sure they understand not to post personal information like home address, birthdates, email address, mobile number etc because this information is private to them and not for sharing. And also explain that what gets put on the inte rnet can live forever its means if you remove your picture later it may have been copied by someone else and misuse of your picture also. The main safety tips are that you should use for password for your profile and make sure their password cannot be easily guessed. Survey results show that percentage for adults with profile on social networking sites September 2009 data. In this graph shows that adults in all age group favour for face book by a wide margin, with older adults preferring it slightly more. In 73% of all adults 18 and older have use face book as well as adults 30 and older has 75% and young adults 18-29 has 71% who use social networking sites have a face book account. C:UsersHarmeet SinghDesktopuntitled.png In contrast, 48% of all adult social network users have a MySpace account. Young generation is much more using MySpace with 66% but only 36% of the 30 and older bracket. In other rates for professional networking sites LinkedIn are the reverse of MySpace. 14% of all adults 18 social networking sites users have LinkedIn account, which breaks down to 7% of adult 18-29 and 19% of adults 30 and older. In conclude that the highest percentage of internet users have use face book in social networking sites the second sites used is MySpace and other LinkedIn sites. Advantages of social networking sites The most common advantages of social networking sites, it is the good way for communicate with new people and to make connections as well as share photos, videos ,blogs, services and activities with each other. Its also build the personal relationship and give the meaning to peoples lives. Social networking sites are also promoting a business to a wider audience and global marketing. By joining different communities, now people can easily know about the latest news related to that community. And the best parts of this that advice is free u dont need to pay any euro. Experts and your friends always ready to give you advice and share information with you. Here some most common positive things that has to make social networking really popular among people and spread smiles. Disadvantages of social networking sites There are some major disadvantages of networking sites that Security is the topmost matter of social networking sites which we used more. There are some people who always search for fake identity, which means somebody can enter your personal profile they can know about everything like, your name, birth date, email address and your location. So today, its very rare for harassment to all over the world. It is always advisable to dont provide your entire identity information online otherwise it makes our life spoil. Methods of Research: Philosophy of research There are many different types of research philosophies used by researchers like positivism, realism, interpretive, objectivism, subjectivism, pragmatism, functionalist, interpretive, radical humanist and radical structuralism. There are two types of realism direct and critical and the meaning of direct is what you see is what you get. Critical realism is the real world images of things and theory suggests data which specify technique at back observables. It means before data collection selection the selection of theory is must and then collection of data according to requirement (Saunders et al, 2007). Types of Research There are two main type of research approaches qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative research, by definition deals with quantity and relationships between attributes; it involves the collection and analysis of highly structured data in the positivist tradition (Bowling 1997) .This method of research is appropriate in situations in which there is pre-existing knowledge which will permit the use of standardized data collection methods like survey, questionnaires.(Bowling 1997). Qualitative is an empirical research in which data is in text form rather than in number form. Qualitative method as opposed to quantitative used to collect and analyze the information in as many shapes, mostly non numeric. Main focus of this technique is to explore as feasible in detail, idea is to attain deepness instead of breadth (Blaxter ET at, 2007). I will use qualitative method of research here. The strength of this approach is the capability to study people in the field. Qualitative research describes words rather than numbers, the equality of social phenomena through observation. I am using in depth interviews and questionnaire and discussion group at the same time for collecting my research data. Methodology The methodology shall be illustrative qualitative using a case study methodology. This method offers an opportunity to study a particular subject and this can be used to express theories. Case study is a strategy for doing research method which involves an empirical investigation of a specific occurrence within its real life context using multiple source of indication.
Research Assignment on Data File Structure
Research Assignment on Data File Structure Raghavendra Tyagi TOPIC OF ASSIGNMENT The letters in English language, make up words. While no word is less or more than another, one could view a word that appears before another in the dictionary is less than that word, and a word that appears afterwards is more. By this definition, identical words are the same. Parsing a file is when you read a file to collect information from the file. In this assignment, you will parse a file, and put all of the words in a Binary Search Tree. You will use the Binary Search Tree to collect data about the number of times a word was found in the file. The first word you encounter will be the root. If the next word is greater, put it to the right. If it is less, put it to the left. It is possible that the tree you make will be very sparse. Assume all words in the file are lower case or covert them to lower case. After you have loaded the file into your Binary Search Tree, the program should display the in-order, pre-order post-order traversal of the Binary Search Tree. The user should be given the chance to type a word. The computer should say the number of times the word was found in the file (zero or more). BINARY SEARCH TREE INTRODUCTION: In computer science, a binary search tree (BST), sometimes also called an ordered or sorted binary tree, is a node-based binary tree data structure which has the following properties The left sub tree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the nodes key. The right sub tree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the nodes key. The left and right sub tree each must also be a binary search tree. There must be no duplicate nodes ADVANTAGE: The major advantage of binary search trees over other data structures is that the related sorting Algorithm and search algorithms such as in-order traversal can be very efficient. BINARY SEARCH TREE (PROPERTY): Letxbe a node in a binary search tree. Ifyis a node in the left sub tree ofx, theny. key x. key. OPERATIONS: Operations, such asfind, on a binary search tree require comparisons between nodes. These comparisons are made with calls to a comparator, which is a subroutine that computes the total order (linear order) on any two keys. This comparator can be explicitly or implicitly defined, depending on the language in which the binary search tree was implemented. SEARCHING: Searching a binary search tree for a specific key can be a recursive or an iterative process. We begin by examining the root node. If the tree isnull, the key we are searching for does not exist in the tree. Otherwise, if the key equals that of the root, the search is successful and we return the node. If the key is less than that of the root, we search the left sub tree. Similarly, if the key is greater than that of the root, we search the right sub tree. This process is repeated until the key is found or the remaining sub tree is null. If the searched key is not found before a null sub tree is reached, then the item must not be present in the tree. INSERTION: Insertion begins as a search would begin; if the key is not equal to that of the root, we search the left or right sub trees as before. Eventually, we will reach an external node and add the new key-value pair (here encoded as a record new Node) as its right or left child, depending on the nodes key. In other words, we examine the root and recursively insert the new node to the left sub tree if its key is less than that of the root, or the right sub tree if its key is greater than or equal to the root. DELETION: There are three possible cases to consider: Deleting a leaf (node with no children):Deleting a leaf is easy, as we can simply remove it from the tree. Deleting a node with one child:Remove the node and replace it with its child. Deleting a node with two children:Call the node to be deletedN. Do not deleteN. Instead, choose either its in-order successor node or its in-order predecessor node,R. Replace the value ofNwith the value ofR, then deleteR. BST FIGURE: Preorder traversal sequence: F, B, A, D, C, E, G, I, H (Root, left, right) In order traversal sequence: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I (left, root, right) Post order traversal sequence: A, C, E, D, B, H, I, G, (left, right, root) ASSIGNMENT CODE #include #include struct treeNode { char data[10]; struct treeNode *left, *right; }; struct treeNode *root = NULL; struct treeNode* createNode(char data) { struct treeNode *newNode; newNode = (struct treeNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct treeNode)); newNode->data = data; newNode->left = NULL; newNode->right = NULL; return(newNode); } void insertion(struct treeNode **node, char data) { if (*node == NULL) { *node = createNode(data); } else if (data data) { insertion((*node)->left, data); } else if (data > (*node)->data) { insertion((*node)->right, data); } } void deletion(struct treeNode **node, struct treeNode **parent, char data) { struct treeNode *tmpNode, *tmpParent; if (*node == NULL) return; if ((*node)->data == data) { if (!(*node)->left !(*node)->right) { if (parent) { if ((*parent)->left == *node) (*parent)->left = NULL; else (*parent)->right = NULL; free(*node); } else { free(*node); } } else if (!(*node)->right (*node)->left) { tmpNode = *node; (*parent)->right = (*node)->left; free(tmpNode); *node = (*parent)->right; } else if ((*node)->right !(*node)->left) { tmpNode = *node; (*parent)->left = (*node)->right; free(tmpNode); (*node) = (*parent)->left; } else if (!(*node)->right->left) { tmpNode = *node; (*node)->right->left = (*node)->left; (*parent)->left = (*node)->right; free(tmpNode); *node = (*parent)->left; } else { tmpNode = (*node)->right; while (tmpNode->left) { tmpParent = tmpNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->left; } tmpParent->left = tmpNode->right; tmpNode->left = (*node)->left; tmpNode->right =(*node)->right; free(*node); *node = tmpNode; } } else if (data data) { deletion((*node)->left, node, data); } else if (data > (*node)->data) { deletion((*node)->right, node, data); } } void findElement(struct treeNode *node, chardata) { if (!node) return; else if (data data) { findElement(node->left, data); } else if (data > node->data) { findElement(node->right, data); } else printf(data found: %sn, node->data); return; } void traverse(struct treeNode *node) { if (node != NULL) { traverse(node->left); printf(%3d, node->data); traverse(node->right); } return; } int main() { char data; int ch; while (1) { printf(1. Insertion in Binary Search Treen); printf(2. Deletion in Binary Search Treen); printf(3. Search Element in Binary Search Treen); printf(4. Inorder traversaln5. Exitn); printf(Enter your choice:); scanf(%d, ch); switch (ch) { case 1: while (1) { printf(Enter your data:); scanf(%s, data); insertion(root, data); printf(Continue Insertion(0/1):); scanf(%d, ch); if (!ch) break; } break; case 2: printf(Enter your data:); scanf(%s, data); deletion(root, NULL, data); break; case 3: printf(Enter value for data:); scanf(%s, data); findElement(root, data); break; case 4: printf(Inorder Traversal:n); traverse(root); printf(n); break; case 5: exit(0); default: printf(uve entered wrong optionn); break; } } return 0; } [[emailprotected] ~]$vi t.c [[emailprotected] ~]$gcc t.c [[emailprotected] ~]$./a.out OUTPUT: 1. Insertion in Binary Search Tree 2. Deletion in Binary Search Tree 3. Search Element in Binary Search Tree 4. Inorder traversal 5. Exit Enter your choice:1 Enter your data: aim Continue Insertion(0/1):1 Enter your data: age Continue Insertion(0/1):1 Enter your data: admit Continue Insertion(0/1):1 Enter your data: agree Continue Insertion(0/1):1 Enter your data: blue Continue Insertion(0/1):0 Resultant Binary Search Tree after insertion operation: aim / age blue / admit agree 1. Insertion in Binary Search Tree 2. Deletion in Binary Search Tree 3. Search Element in Binary Search Tree 4. Inorder traversal 5. Exit Enter your choice:4 Inorder Traversal: admit, age, agree, aim , blue 1. Insertion in Binary Search Tree 2. Deletion in Binary Search Tree 3. Search Element in Binary Search Tree 4. Inorder traversal 5. Exit Enter your choice:2 Enter your data:admit Delete node admit aim / age blue / agree 1. Insertion in Binary Search Tree 2. Deletion in Binary Search Tree 3. Search Element in Binary Search Tree 4. Inorder traversal 5. Exit Enter your choice:3 Enter value for data:age data found: age No of occurrence:1 1. Insertion in Binary Search Tree 2. Deletion in Binary Search Tree 3. Search Element in Binary Search Tree 4. Inorder traversa 5. Exit Enter your choice:5[[emailprotected] ~]$ COMPLEXITY OF BINARY SEARCH TREE It could be O(n^2) even if the tree is balanced. Suppose youre adding a sorted list of numbers, all larger than the largest number in the tree. In that case, all numbers will be added to the right child of the rightmost leaf in the tree, Hence O(n^2). For example, suppose that you add the numbers [15..115] to the following tree: The numbers will be added as a long chain, each node having a single right hand child. For the i-th element of the list, youll have to traverse ~i nodes, which yields O(n^2). In general, if youd like to keep the insertion and retrieval at O(nlogn), you need to use Self Balancing trees
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Illegal Typography :: Graffiti Crime Papers
Illegal Typography Enter TAKI 183, a kid that lives on 183rd street in the Washington Heights area of Manhattan. The number means just that, TAKI lives on 183rd street, therefore he chose his number street as a sign of location, as a base saying " yo' kid I'm from 183rd ". TAKI works as a messenger, going through all 5 boroughs of the city. When he travels he writes his name on all of the stations that he came upon, he was "up" (name being written everywhere). Which is an important part of graffiti, but this objective does not have any importance at this time. In 1971, a reporter from the New York Times looking for a story, tracked TAKI down and interviewed him. As a result the article was hot, this gave TAKI his 15 minutes, and sparked a citywide rush of all of these kids wanting fame that TAKI received. Kids were very impressed by the notoriety of a name that appeared all over the city, therefore they now realize the pride they felt in seeing and having their friends see and talk about whom they saw up.The kids also realized that in order to get fame they must go beyond the neighborhood. This began the frenzy of competition for fame. As hundreds of kids following what TAKI did, even though he followed someone named JULIO 204, that was writing graffiti for years, but never outside of his neighborhood. Realizing that they can use the transportation system for free advertising, is just what the writers needed for a mass audience. Their names traveled outside of the neighborhood, and increased their fame 1000 fold. Though I lived in Chicago I followed a similar path. New York is considered the birthplace of artistic graffiti, even though the act is preformed all over the world before 1960. The history of graffiti is recent and brief, but has a monumental place in the art world. It is the only art movement that is illegal. And it does not contain a series of welfare kids from torn and broken single-parent homes that are screaming for attention. The phenomenon differs from all other sorts of writing on the bathroom wall of a run-down bar. In New York 1960, teenagers began to write their names all over, I mean everywhere, soon are more surfaces written on then open space. All of these names are appearing, but they were nicknames, few choose to use their real names.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Philippa Foots Hypothetical Imperatives Essays -- Ethics Kant Philoso
Philippa Foot's Hypothetical Imperatives Philippa Foot finds trouble with the arguments of Kant, who said that it was necessary to distinguish moral judgments from hypothetical imperatives. Although this may have become an unquestionable truth, Foot says that this is a misunderstanding. Kant defined a hypothetical imperative as an action that addresses what "should" or "ought" to be done. He believed that the necessity of performing a certain action was based on other desires. This particular action would only be important if it was beneficial for another reason. It is prudent that a man feel the responsibility to achieve his own wants. However, Kant speaks of a second group of imperatives known as "categorical imperatives." These are actions which are important in themselves, without considerations of any other matter. At a glance it appears that Kant is accurate in saying that moral judgments are categorical imperatives. Perhaps the best way to analyze this is to break down the uses of the words "should" and "ought." For example, consider a man in a business suit looking lost a railroad station on a Friday afternoon. One would point the man to the train that will take the man home, assuming the man in the business suit was on his way home. If however, that man is headed somewhere else, then the statement should be withdrawn. Our should is unsupported. However, the use of should and ought in moral contexts is different. The situation changes if the man being advised is receiving suggestions regarding a moral judgment. An opinion on a moral judgment does not need to be backed up because in essence it is not an opinion. Rather, it is a strict rule in which the considerations of the man do not matter. One need not ... ...w a matter of etiquette or moral judgment without questioning why he must do it, this same man can refuse to follow the rules until a reason to follow is stated. This leaves us with one conclusion, which is best stated by Philippa Foot: Kant and his followers defend having morals in the group of categorical imperatives "are relying on an illusion, as if trying to give the moral `ought' a magic force." Society is losing grip as a result of lacking explanation of moral law. There is no hard evidence backing moral judgment and society is losing touch with doing "what's right." Foot claims that we maintain moral judgments to be categorical imperatives simply because in doing so we are forced to care about the issue. Analyzing this from a broader stance, we are conditioning ourselves to believe in something that will hopefully influence the betterment of society.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
An Education Film Essay Essay
Analyse how conflict (either internal or external) was used in a film you have studied to help us better understand a main character. â€Å"Often, it’s not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be, and already are, but don’t know how to be.†An Education directed by Lone Scherfig is a film about coming of age and discovering whom we are. The film is set in the early 1960’s a time ruled by moral code and strong feminist rules. Jenny is the main character who is 16 and aspiring to read English at Oxford. She soon meets playboy David, who seduces her and they fall in love. This relationship lets Jenny see into a whole new world of thrilling and current things. This creates a big internal conflict for Jenny who now must decide what she wants to do with her life. She has three pathways she can choose from, and the characters of Helen, Mrs. Stubbs and Jenny’s mother Marjorie model all of these paths. She must decide if she wants to live an exciting life but is filled with fraud and larceny. She can also living a boring life of teacher marking ‘pony essays’ but also one that has had the purpose of an education and is fulfilling in numerous ways. Jenny can also become a housewife though like her mother Marjorie, this is the most common paths for women in the 1960’s and is a tedious and unfulfilling lifestyle. Jenny is internally conflicted between all three of these paths, because whichever one she picks will determine the rest of her life. Very early on in the film we are introduced to the character of Helen, she is an affluent person and lives an abundant life style of which many people in the 1960’s would be jealous. She has the privilege of lavish clothes, attending fabulous concerts, going to art auctions, eating in Michelin star restaurants and traveling the world. This is the life Jenny wants to live. Jenny is able to access this life style through David; he opens her up to all sorts of new possibilities. When we first meet Helen at the concert in Saint James Square we can tell the Jenny is in awe of Helen. Jenny strokes Helens velvety fur cape, admiring the fine piece of clothing. Jenny asks Helen â€Å"it is beautiful, where did it come from?†Helen being very wealthy probably has many coats and beautiful clothes like this and so simply replies â€Å"oh South Ken somewhere.†The area Helen is talking about is South Kensington and is one of the wealthiest areas of London. This is the kind of area that Jenny wouldn’t have been able to afford anything from so when Helen suggests to her that they should go shopping together there and that David can pay, Jenny is a little taken back because something so luxurious and exorbitant shouldn’t come so easily. Jenny realises that this life can become possible if she sticks with David. There is no need for her to attend Oxford to have a fun and fulfilling life. With David she can live Helen’s life, where she can go to France; her escape in life â€Å" I want to be French. She wouldn’t have to deal with her parents, school and Oxford. With David she is not confined in her life, she can do whatever she wants. Jenny must make a decision as to whether she wants to stay with David and to continue living this exciting lifestyle or to continue on the path of life she had originally planned out for her life in Oxford and one of an Education. Jenny must remember that â€Å"when life’s path is steep to keep your mind open†Jenny is focused on David in the movie because she thinks it is what she wants. We must all keep be level minded when we are making decisions, Lone Scherfig has alerted this too the audience that these choices we make are important and they will leave a mark on us forever. Mrs. Stubbs is a very influential person in Jenny’s life. Mrs. Stubbs life could foreshadow one that Jenny might live if she gets an education at Oxford. Mrs. Stubbs is Jenny’s English teacher, and she studied at Cambridge. Cambridge is a very prestigious school, which is very similar to Oxford. Both schools hold high reputation and only the elite and highly respected can attend these two schools. Judging from the lifestyles of the female role models around her, Jenny’s future can be narrowed down to two options; housewife or a secretary if she doesn’t get an education. In order to avoid those to paths in life, Jenny’s caring but overly concerned parents Jack and Marjorie and Mrs. Stubbs forcefully suggest an education at Oxford. In order to market herself as a valuable candidate, Jenny must ace English, Latin, French (hence the title), and show cultural breadth (her â€Å"hobby†is the cello). Yet, if all goes according to plan, Jenny will meet a similarly cultured wealthy man and will no longer need to do any of those things. The irony, of course, is that an Oxford education is simply a means of making the bait more alluring. Jenny comes to this realisation early into Scherfig’s film and asks the question â€Å"Why must I attend Oxford when I could easily take a shortcut and reach the same inevitable conclusion by attending the school of life? I’d have a lot more fun.†David is a shortcut past Oxford and is also a lot more entertaining and fun. Jenny must open her mind up to the possibilities that Oxford and an education can grant her. She must again keep her mind open; sometimes the path that is not as clear is often the better choice. As the viewer we want Jenny to go to Oxford and we can see how her decision will make a last imprint on her. We want her to attend and it makes us reflect on all those important decisions we have all had to make in our lives. In order to market herself as a valuable candidate, Jenny must ace English, Latin, French (hence the title), and show cultural breadth (her â€Å"hobby†is the cello). Yet, if all goes according to plan, Jenny will meet a similarly cultured wealthy man and will no longer need to do any of those things. The irony, of course, is that an Oxford education is simply a means of making the bait more alluring. Jenny comes to this realisation early into Scherfig’s film and asks the question â€Å"Why must I attend Oxford when I could easily take a shortcut and reach the same inevitable conclusion by attending the school of life? I’d have a lot more fun.†David is a shortcut past Oxford and is also a lot more entertaining and fun. Jenny must open her mind up to the possibilities that Oxford and an education can grant her. She must again keep her mind open; sometimes the path that is not as clear is often the better choice. As the viewer we want Jenny to go to Oxford and we can see how her decision will make a last imprint on her. We want her to attend and it makes us reflect on all those important decisions we have all had to make in our lives. In order to market herself as a valuable candidate, Jenny must ace English, Latin, French (hence the title), and show cultural breadth (her â€Å"hobby†is the cello). Yet, if all goes according to plan, Jenny will meet a similarly cultured wealthy man and will no longer need to do any of those things. The irony, of course, is that an Oxford education is simply a means of making the bait more alluring. Jenny comes to this realisation early into Scherfig’s film and asks the question â€Å"Why must I attend Oxford when I could easily take a shortcut and reach the same inevitable conclusion by attending the school of life? I’d have a lot more fun.†David is a shortcut past Oxford and is also a lot more entertaining and fun. Jenny must open her mind up to the possibilities that Oxford and an education can grant her. She must again keep her mind open; sometimes the path that is not as clear is often the better choice. As the viewer we want Jenny to go to Oxford and we can see how her decision will make a last imprint on her. We want her to attend and it makes us reflect on all those important decisions we have all had to make in our lives. The final route Jenny can take is one of the most common paths young women in the 1960’s take and that is to become a housewife and mother. This path requires no education apart from how to cook, clean and sew. These three things are all taught at school along with dancing and posture. These are all qualities a good housewife needs to make their husband look first class and not themselves. In the very opening scenes of the movie we see a montage of shots that exhibit the young girls in the 1960’s learning these qualities. This opening scene illustrates to the audience the traditional expectations of young women. This kind of education the women are getting is to set them up to be wives, to be like Marjorie. Jenny however is different to the other girls. Her education will not stop her hopefully but instead it will continue on at Oxford. One of the most important scenes shown in the movie is when Jenny comes home after being out for the night with David for the first tim e. When we see Marjorie in this shot we can see her through the kitchen door trying to clean a casserole dish. Marjorie is completely framed inside her world. By marrying Jack it has trapped inside this world, there is no fun parties or lavish concerts, instead she is a housewife, â€Å"and I can’t get this casserole dish clean. We had hot-pot tonight, and it’s all burnt round†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Jenny is confused though as â€Å"its twenty-five to twelve. We finish tea at seven.†Jenny soon realises that this is a life you get trapped in, and once you enter into it there isn’t any escape. Jenny is different from the other girls at school she is smart. She will not become a housewife and we can see how fantastic it is to stand out and be different. With this comes choice though resulting in hard decisions. Jenny is forced to make one and as the viewer Lone Scherfig has positioned us to see how all the choices we make in our lives will and can affect us. Jenny is forced to make a difficult decision, and she is conflicted between what she wants to do in life. At this stage in her life she can has to choose between becoming her mother, Helen or Mrs. Stubbs. With decisions comes conflict and Jenny is internally conflicted with all of these options. Lone Scherfig has effectively made the audience look back on all of the decisions we have had to make in our lives and how they have shaped us into who we are today. Our paths should lead us all to a goal and desire. We can only know this when â€Å"if you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.â€
Effectiveness Home Based Exercise Interventions Health And Social Care Essay
In this study effectivity means violatement in measured results. Outcomes which ar traveling to be measured in this mess argon physical common amaze institution ( disgrace appendage respectable skill and hand-grip might ) and available capacity ( dimension and manner of passing playing-timed up and travel ) .For pocket-sizeer appendage muscular force play the chair stand test norm eachy used. The chair stand mental testing is a physical usual display tally used to measure turn down-extremity map. A 5 repeat trial is a step of position ( Ward et al. , 2010 ) . Subjects baseball mitt cargo h grey-headed pull in mark in their left and right custodies bequeath be recorded. Individual patients whose grip position is less(prenominal)(prenominal) than the lower bound of the assurance intervals quite a little be considered to be impaired clasp ( Bohannon, Peolsson, Massy-Westropp, Desrosiers, & A Bear-Lehman, 2006 ) .In addition, rest period and walk of l ifeing ( functional capacity ) and physical public presentation before and subsequently utilisation programme ar measured including ( a ) Berg ratio Scale ( bulletin board system ) , which rated the public presentation of 14 item underpickingss ( B ) the Timed Up-and-Go Test ( moil ) , which measures the clip required to acquire up from a seated lieu and walk 3 m ( both tests ar allowed and the clip required in two tests is aver senior ) . Furthermore, physical public presentation in from each one topic go out be assessed by both the Chair stand firm Test ( CST ) and Hand Grip effectiveness ( HGS ) . The chair stand trial is a physical public presentation trial used to measure lower-extremity map and script clasp strength assesses clients manus force and strength.Justify why you wanted to stinkervass step up found example interference?The take in for a home- ground grooming practice envision to forestall go among frail healed heap is felt by several(p renominal) interpret for workers ( Kamide, Shiba, & A Shibata, 2009 ) . There are promoting informations to demo effectivity of home- ground employment among age residential district in maintaining and increasing functional and health position, when carried out right ( Hinrich 2009 ) . Nelson et al 2004 messagemarized that a home-based utilization purpose in friends pelvis-dwelling seniors with functional damage is exe get alongable and telling in bettering functional public presentation, condescension limited supervising. They besides added that home-based practice intends that boil fine-tune on strength and equalizer eagerness improve functional public presentation in corned people and should be promoted by the allied wellness community ( Nelson et al 2004 ) . A more novel RCT emphasized on feasibleness of home-based exercising plan for senior people populating in community ( Matsuda, Shumway-Cook, & A Ciol, 2010 ) . In add-on home-based exercising plan d epose produce the better of the job of c attain-base plans including, deficiency of public handiness of hi-tech installation in ontogeny courtiers, transit barriers for time-honored, the job of appeal-benefit and cost effectivity of all hi-tech plan ( Nelson et al. , 2004 ) .Conformity, which is a major job in centered-based exercising among aged people, tail be achieved by home-based plans. Previous researches accent that appendix to each exercising plan is low among aged people particularly in long tally ( Campbell et al. , 1997 Dishman, 1991 Gobbi et al. , 2009 Sturnieks, St George, & A Lord, 2008 cheerfulness et al. , 2005 ) . Blanchard 2008 stated that less than 15 per centum of aged people participate in center-based exercising plan. He added that to grasp a lifesize skeleton of participants, there has been a teddy toward implementing home-based rehabilitation plans. habitation-based muscular strength preparation can be considered as an election to expensi ve and low conformity clinical-based heftiness preparation ( Blanchard, 2008 ) . M each research workers feel suggested more community tests designed to sound the better of barriers and supply support for trifling aged people to get down exercising plans ( Judge, 2003 ) nevertheless, pay offly a fewer randomized controlled treatments studied on travel bemuse investigated the effects of home-based preparation intervention among the community-dwelling elderly people.A home-based preparation exercising should be directed toward beef uping wan musclemans and balance. The effect of muscular failing and co-contraction is neediness of assurance ( Tinetti, Richman, & A Powell, 1990 ) which manipulates aged people loss their assurance and pall of waterfall ( Hill, Schwarz, Kalogeropoulos, & A Gibson, 1996 ) . Fear of falling deteriorates the balance reactions and leads to increase affect of falls and increased hazard of hurt ( Okada, Hirakawa, Takada, & A Kinoshita, 200 1 ) . qualifying of assurance among aged people consequences in functional prohibitions and may do limit point in activity due to guardianship of falling, which is really common job among community-dwelling one-time(a) grownups with or without experience of falls ( Hansma, Emmelot-Vonk, & A Verhaar, 2010 ) . So, it is logical that improved muscular strength can ensue in assurance, debase down frighten off of falls, addition balance and lessening hazard of falls.A smashing figure of surveies have proposed that merely bare research with frail aged persons ordain assist reply if home-based preparation would better balance in darkeneder ages ( Nelson et al. , 2004 bread checkr et al. , 2001 ) .What are the issues / job with place based intercession exercising?There have been some jobs in old home-based plans. They whitewash rely on around necromancer forces who penny-pinchingly supervise their patients and supply them with postgraduate criterion trouble at their plac e ( Gardner, Robertson, McGee, & A Campbell, 2002 Nelson et al. , 2004 Luukinen et al. , 2007 ) . The former(a)s emphasize on individualised tailored plans ( Clemson et al. , 2010 ) which raises the cost of intercession plan. Furthermore, these plans, although were inform to be effectual, deficiency in big scale randomisation was the boss restriction of the surveies ( Nelson et al. , 2004 ) . In add-on, because of low wellness literacy among Persian aged population, every home-based preparation intercession without decorous supervising and attachment allow non be able to accomplish its aims ( Carpenter, 2010 ) . A good cited purview suggested that aged people need supervising to better strength in a home-based scene ( bread bedevilr et al. , 2001 ) . To get the better of the job of wellness illiteracy among aged people we be afterwardswards to affect participants grownup kids who have the around interaction with the client in developing plan to oversee him/her durin g preparation and make full up the log books.How would bidding external factors in place based intercession?To bidding external factors of the intercession, the purview result be done on falls high hazard aged people in urban countries who are cared by a female care conferrers for the exercising plan ( homogeneity of caution donors is an of import issue and is discussed in examination 6 ) .Some features of the participants such as age, gender, full point of instruction, matrimonial position, occupation, economic position, employment of Daily Life ( ADL ) and IADL, Medications, Mental position, self-rated wellness are controlled in this surveil.How would you find that the respondents leave aloneA occurA instruction manual given?In inn to actualize truth of participants and aid giver s public presentation ( monitoring and preserve ) , orientation academic session and regular place visit are think.Orientation session severally participant is instructed to execute the instructions right. The requestinning session of direction is allocated to article of belief the participants and their attention givers how to execute the exercisings. A menage atom as attention giver patterns make fulling the log book in the plan in presence of research worker before beginning of the preparation.Home visit Researcher entrust go to at participants place in exercising session one time a month ( ternary times in 12 hebdomads ) .To be assured about(predicate) participants conformity, a female close sept member volition be instructed to make full the log books which reflect the sum of exercising aged client has done. Each log book is filled during each session and submitted to researcher at the entrepot of month. Subjects house crack member will be allowed to name the research worker during the plan to intercommunicate their inquiries. Furthermore, the research worker will name them semiweekly to guarantee proper public presentation of the preparatio n plan.How would you command for homogeneousness of sample/ respondents in your survey?Participitants will be recruited from about 1200 aged people in part. Random taste will be applied to portion at to the lowest degree participants ( N=60 ) into intercession and control groups. The survey is intend to enroll at least 30 topics in each groups. Because of likely abrasion, stressful will go on to accomplish at least 60 participants double-dyed(a) the 12 hebdomads exercising.To increase the homogeneousness of the participants all participants will be recruited from legal residence of urban countries. All topics should be 60 old ages old and above, had old experience of falls in last 12 months. Furthermore, they should hold a female family unit member as a attention giver ( aged 18-50 ) who has wellness literacy. Health literacy will be tested by a criterion questionnaire called Rapid Estimates of Adult Literacy in Medicine ( REALM ) . In order to keep homogeneousness of attenti on givers, merely female attention givers are included. extrusion standards are acute cardiorespiratory diseases ( canonical by a heart specializer ) , terrible dementedness ( MMSE ) , audile lack, vestibular change, impaired vision, hearing and motor coordination confine exercising ( approved by a brain doctor ) , unable to walk independently more than 10m, old hip replacing surgery, old history of lower appendages fracture in last 12 month, terrible articular engagement constricting physical activity and exclusion for any ground by orthopaedic sawbones. Furthermore, aged people with high vigorous degree of activity in last 12 months will be excluded from the survey.All topics will be matched and indiscriminately assigned in intercession and control groups, utilizing random figure tabular array. To make random allotment, after baseline appraisal, topics will be shared into two groups based on features, harmonizing to random Numberss table. Thereafter, one group will be allocat ed to the intercession and the other group to the control.What is the exact exercising protocol that you would utilize to value effectivity?Exercise protocol is designed by American Heart railroad tie s ( AHA ) recommendation for maintain muscle strength, balance and falls bars in 2007. This protocol is planned to better musculus strength and balance among high hazard community aged people for falls. The alike instructions with some differences are recommended by research workers in New Zealand in Otago survey.Intervention group will have 12 hebdomads exercising preparation in presence of their household attention givers. The first session after randomisation for intercession group will be held in client s place to nurture participant and his/her attention giver how to make the exercisings. Since there is no demand for any excess device, all the exercising can be demonstrated in a client s ain place. The plan is non separately tailored, but will be done separately at place. In add-on to face to confront instruction, participants will be given a graphic brochure of all preparation exercising. They will be instructed how to utilize the preparation brochure. A flexible timetable ( harmonizing to participants penchant ) in a log book will be arranged for the topics to apportion 40-50 proceedingss for exercising three times a hebdomad. Each session consists of a 5-10 proceedingss warm-up, 30 minute strength preparation, and 5-10 minute cool-down preparation. They will be instructed to follow sequences of the preparation as warm up, exercising and cool down.What would the sample size be, taking into considerations attrition rates etc. definitely 30 is non plenty. Cells will be empty.In most of old intercessions sample size is less than 70 ( Kameide et al 2009 ) . However, in this survey random sampling will be applied to delegate participants ( N= one C ) into intercession and control groups. The survey is planned to enroll at least 50 topics in each groups. To increase the homogeneousness of the participants all participants will be recruited from abode of urban countries.You are trusting to beg aid from carers? ? ? How would you specify carers? Issue of gender, live-in? ? ? ?A Since, a big figure of community aged people in Iran are illiterate and are non able to enter their exercising in log books, this survey will inquire for aid of a attention giver. Care givers will be recruited from participant s interested close female household member. All attention givers will be recruited from household members who are populating with their parents or able to see them ofttimes at their place ( at least one time every other twenty-four hours for one hr ) . They will be tested for wellness literacy to be able to make full in the log books. To guarantee homogeneousness of attention givers, they will be recruited from female household members, in the midst of 18 to 50 old ages old, able to see the participant freely and are willing to assist th e participant. both participant and attention giver should encounter and subscribe the informed consent to be involved in research procedure.The chief function of household member attention giver is to supervise the participant during exercising and record the exercising in logbook. Furthermore, they can name the research worker to inquire any inquiry about any likely job in any phase of the survey.AimsThis survey is planned to look into the relationship between muscular strength to hazard of autumn among community denizen aged people. To accomplish this aim, the following circumstantial ends are followedTo depict the topics muscular strength, self-efficacy, fright of falls and balance before and after intercessionTo analyze the relationship between topics muscular strength and hazard of falls before and after intercessionTo analyze the relationship between topics background variables, muscular strength, self-efficacy and fright of falls before and after intercessionConceptual ModelThis survey will be conducted based on a modern biologic possible action called take in and tear theory and Orem s self-care theory. In this survey the wear and tear theory is used to forge why muscular strength and balance deteriorates during old ages. Orem s self-care theory is employ to explicate how self-care through exercising can keep and better an old individual s ability for balance and cut down the hazard of falls. Furthermore, Bandura s self-efficacy explains the chair function of self-efficacy between muscular strength, fright of falls and balance to hazard of falls among aged people.Proposed conceptual modelBackgroundAgeGenderMarital StatusEducationMental positionSeleniumChronic DiseasesMedicineHealth literacyADL/IADLSelf-rated Health( IV )Muscular StrengthFear of FallsSelf-Efficacy( DV )Falls Hazard( Balance )
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Economic Factors Affecting Poverty
Poverty is a major enigma in the United States today. This mind constitute includes the categories of individual behavior, loving parts, economic factors, govern mental factors, and cultural factors argon all alter forces that causes poverty.For economic factors, impoverished wages would be the variable that would lead to poverty. Families that receive low wages would b arely support their vivification expenses. therefore they would not have decorous money for programs that would aid their childrens education. approximately families think that criminal offense has better incentives than workings a low give seam and so crime could be target in as an economic factor that leads to poverty.Not having enough money for programs handle education leads to the individual behavior of illiteracy and lower education, since the parents cannot afford to send their children to hurrying level education. And if these children know that they have no future in higher education, th ey leave alone not have the motivation to do swell in take and thus dropping out of school. In warp this ordain lead to having low self-assertion because they know that they allow basically be stuck in poverty for the rest of their lives. This will eventually lead to substance shout out because they need something to overcome their high levels of emphasis that is spend a pennyd by low self-esteem. In tour substance abuse could lead to unwellness and disease, and then could possibly lead to mental illness. Once this happens, individual behavior will cause families to be in poverty.For genial factors, discrimination would be the variable that causes poverty. racial discrimination from an employer could lead for that person to not receive a higher paying job, in which could lead to hysteria from the potentiality employee towards the employer. In turn a crime could be committed in insurrection of the employer. Thus the social factor of violence interconnects with the econ omic factor of crime. in like manner racial discrimination could lead to institutional discrimination. Thus this will lead to substandard schools in which teachers are told to split up a class and place each scholar in a designated group depending on their race and the teachers assumptions of the students learning ability from their social classifications.For cultural factors, biased IQ tally would be coordinated to substandard schools. These tests peak a students school achievement. And if there are substandard schools, the students who are placed into the higher groups, the will do better than those who are placed in a lower group. And thus these IQ tests would lead to the deficiency theory, which suggests that the poor are poor because they do not footfall up to the more well to do in intellectual endowment. Also the social factor of racial discrimination is interconnected to the cultural factor of minority race. Those who are the minority, the main culture will produce b asic assumptions about minoritys abilities to be successful or well to do.For political factors, meritocracy would be interconnected to minority race. Meritocracy basically is the social classification by ability. Thus the assumptions produced will the levels of ability. The power selected produces meritocracy. These are the people who believe that the unsounded assumption of capitalism is individual don without regard for what the resulting behaviors may mean for some other people, especially those in poverty. Also the poor are not significantly counted in the US Census, so the political science is misinformed on the levels of poverty.
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