Saturday, August 31, 2019
Heart Failure Essay
Heart Failure The heart is one of the body’s most vital organ. The heart pumps blood throughout the body which carries nutrients other organs need. It also carries oxygenated blood to the lungs which allows us to breathe. Since the heart is so important, relying on it that it will do its job is necessary so we can live, but sometimes the heart can fail. Heart failure is a syndrome that occurs when the heart can not pump enough blood to meet the body’s metabolic needs. This paper will discuss what heart failure is, the signs and symptoms, and lastly the treatment and prevention of heart failure. Heart failure is usually classified according to the side of the heart that is affected. Either â€Å" left or right side, or by the cardiac cycle involved†(Lippincott Wilkins & Williams, 2011). Left sided heart failure occurs when there is ineffective function of the left ventricular contractile. As the pumping of the left ventricle fails, cardiac output also fails. The blood that is suppose to go to the body is no longer being pumped out, thus backing up into the left atrium and the the lungs, causing â€Å"pulmonary congestion, dyspnea, and activity intolerance†( Lippincott Wilkins & Williams, 2011). Right sided heart failure results from ineffective right ventricular contractile function. Blood is not being pumped effectively through the right ventricle to the lungs, causing blood to back up into the right atrium and the peripheral circulation. When this happens, the patient gains weight and develops peripheral edema and engorgement of the kidney and other organs. Heart failure not only effects the heart but also other systems in the body. The cardiovascular system is affected by the heart not being able to pump blood throughout the body. Also, as the blood backs up into the left atrium, blood backs up into the lungs causing pulmonary congestion which affects the respiratory system. When blood backs up into the right atrium, the kidneys become engorged which cause problems with the renal system. There are different signs and symptoms for heart failure. People with heart failure can develop shortness of breath, also called dyspnea, caused when the blood is backed up in the pulmonary veins. The patient will feel breathlessness during activity or while sleeping. Another sign and symptom is persistent coughing or wheezing, caused when fluid is being backed up in the lungs. The patient will cough up pink or blood stained mucus. Another sign and symptom is build up of excess fluid in body tissues, also called edema, and is caused when blood flow out of the heart slows down, the blood returning to the heart through the veins backs up, causing fluid to build up in the tissues. Patient can also develop swelling in the feet, ankles, legs or abdomen, or weight gain. A patient with heart failure may also feel tired and develop fatigue caused by the heart not pumping enough to meet the body’s needs. They also might develop digestive problems causing loss of appetite and nausea. Th is is a result of the digestive system not receiving enough blood causing digestive problems. ( Chen, 2013) If a patient has been diagnosed with heart failure there are some treatments that are involved to keep the syndrome under control. The patient will have medical therapy that involves medications such as an angiotensin- covering enzyme, diuretics to reduce fluid volume overload and venous return, beta- adrenergic blockers to prevent remodeling, any many others. A patient may also have to undergo surgery such as cardiac bypass. There are many life style changes that the patient also has to comply with. Some include weight loss, limited alcohol intake, smoking cessation, stress reduction, and development of an exercise program. If the case is severe, the patient might have to have a heart transplant, but even so, many complications and a hospitalizations are experienced. In order to porevent heart failure there are two ways to approach it. First is to stop or slow heart failure, and second is to avoid a repeat of any event detrimental to the patient’s life. (Shaddinger, 2014) Heart failure is a very serious disease. It should never be be taken lightly and although the most common cause of heart failure is coronary artery disease. It can also occur in infants and children with heart defects. References Chen, M. (2013) Hear Failure Overview. The New York Times. Retrieved from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, (2011) Pressure ulcers. Professional Guide to Pathophysiology. 3rd ed. p. 575-579. Philadelphia. Wolters Kluwer. Shaddinger, D. (2014) Treatment and Prevention. Seconds Count. Retrieved from
Friday, August 30, 2019
International Baccalaureate Internal Assessment Essay
The European Commission has imposed provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of ceramic tiles from China. The move comes following an investigation initiated after a complaint lodged by the European Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Federation (CET) on behalf of 69 tile producers in the EU, the Commission said. The duties range between 26.2% and 73% depending on the company and last for six months. They could be prolonged for five years and are intended to punish tile manufacturers from China who sell tiles below cost-price in the EU. Alfonso Panzani, the president of the CET, said that the duties were not intended to exclude Chinese products from the EU market but â€Å"to bring Chinese prices to a fair level, making it possible for ceramic tile production to continue in Europe, and creating the conditions for healthy competition to develop†. He added: â€Å"There is no reason why we should be less competitive in Europe than when we export outside of the EU.†The provisional duties apply to glazed and unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles and unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes. (c) 2011 European Voice. All rights reserved. According to the provided article, the European Commission (an executive branch of the European Union) has recently resorted to the implementation of a protective tariff of up to 73% on Chinese ceramic products in order to protect the European market from Chinese dumping techniques (Protective tariff – â€Å"a tariff designed to shield domestic producers of a good or service from the competition of foreign producers.†1; Dumping – â€Å"the sale of products below cost in a foreign country,†1 often done to gain a monopoly over that product in a particular country). Facing pressure from the European Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Federation (CET), an organization representing numerous European tile firms who suffer from cheap competition with Chinese firms, the Commission imposed these duties to drive up the cost of imports and stimulate profit for domestic producers (Competition – â€Å"the presence in a market of independent buyers and sellers competing with one another.†1; Imports – â€Å"spending be individuals, firms, and governments for goods and services produced in foreign nations.†1; Profit – the amount of money a business earns after paying all expenses.) The conflicting economic values of free trade and protectionism are disputed in this situation as to which forces are allowed to control a nation’s economy – the government and domestic producers or the global market and consumer welfare (Free trade – â€Å"the absence of artificial barriers to trade among individuals and firms in different nations.†1; Consumer welfare – individual consumer satisfaction depending on prices and income.) Since domestic ceramic suppliers are threatened with economic ruin from such cheap products, the Commission turned to protectionism to force a more equal domestic competition and punish dumping companies through a tariff despite the consequences of higher prices (Protectionism – †policies that aim at restricting the flow of imports into a country.†2). The anatomy and economic effects of a tariff can be demonstrated in Figure 13 where the perfectly elastic world supply (Sworld) has increased in price (to P2) due to the tariff (Sworld + tariff) and, thus, have reduced the quantity of Chinese imports from the difference between Q1 and Q2 to that of Q3 and Q4. The benefits of a tariff not only include a reduction in imported ceramic, but also gains in producer surplus and tax revenues earned by the government (Producer surplus – the difference between the minimum price a producer is willing to accept for their good and the price they actually receive). Due to this tariff, the original quantity supplied domestically at Q2 has now increased to Q4 and domestic suppliers can now sell their ceramic at higher prices (P2), allotting for an increase in producer surplus (Area 1). Since the government collects the fees paid by the tariff, they now have more funding of which they would presumably return to the public. While tariffs may be advantageous for domestic producers and the government, they reap these benefits at a primary loss to the consumer from the higher prices needed to buy ceramics, and Chinese suppliers whose product is less demanded in the European Union. The major disadvantage of a tariff comes from the reduction in consumer surplus where it had originally occupied Areas 1,2,3,4, & 5 and was reduced to only Area 5 because consumers must now buy ceramics at a higher price (P2). Although Areas 1 through 4 represent the total consumer surplus reduction, since Areas 1 and 3 are beneficial to a society, so Areas 2 and 4 represent the net loss to society through higher prices. Therefore, in order to protect the European ceramic producers from being completely swept from the market due to the dumping efforts of Chinese ceramic exporters, the Commission is justified in the imposition of an anti-dumping tariff because the societal loss of an entire industry is greater than that of forcing higher domestic prices to the consumer. 1 – Defined by: Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, 15th edition textbook by Campbell R. McConnell and Stanley L. Brue, publisher: McGraw-Hill Irwin. 2 – Definition derived from: 2 – Definition from: Ziogas, Constantine. Economics for the IB Diploma: Standard and Higher Level, 2008. 3 – Graph adapted from original at: â€Å"Effects of Tariffs.†Linux User’s Group at WSU. Chart. 04 May 2007. Web. .
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Sociology in Everyday Life
Sociology in Every Life One central and important study of sociology is the study of everyday social life. Everyday life and sociology are definitely two distinct terms and situations, but they hold a close relationship. While sociology studies human interaction, everyday life consists of everyday human interaction. Everyday life is filled by human beings interacting with one another, institutions, ideas, and emotions. Sociology studies the interactions with all of these and shows how mere interaction resulted in things like ideas and institutions.Everyday that you wake up and come into contact with what you do and the people you speak to is sociological. You wake up and interact with objects. Some of these objects you see yourself in such as your clothes, and your music, would be called the sociology of identification. If you live with your parents and siblings, you wake up and interact with them, by saying good morning and having breakfast with them. You recognize and participate i n the family institution. When you go to school, or church, or your job, you know what's expected of you and you know how to act in the way that is labeled normal.Therefore, you interact with a set of norms by conforming to them or breaking them which is deviance. The fact that we have an everyday life in which there are patterns in ways of living is what sets a foundation for sociological analysis and for being a witness in what we do, in order to understand ourselves better. You use sociology in many ways everyday. Race and ethnicity are important concepts in the field of sociology and are ones that are studied a great deal.Race plays a large role in everyday human interactions and sociologists want to study how, why, and what the outcomes are of these interactions. There are several sociological theories about why prejudice, discrimination, and racism exist. Current sociological theories focus mainly on explaining the existence of racism. The three major sociological perspectives are, functionalist theory, symbolic interaction theory, and conflict theory they each have their own explanations to the existence of racism. The Structural-Functional theory argues that in order for race and thnic relations to be functional and contribute to the conduct and stability of society, racial and ethnic minorities must assimilate into that society. Assimilation is a process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of a dominant culture. It is believed that deviance encourages social change. A good example of this would be how race and ethnicity are strongly linked to crime rates. The amount of African Americans that were involved in crimes was a higher proportion than any other race. African Americans makes up 13 percent of the population but were accounted for 28. percent of the arrest. There are several reasons why arrest for African American could be this high but the main cause would probably be because of social standing. Some disadvantages to the African Ame rican population are that white people have an overall higher occupational standing and they also receive schooling beyond high school. Many people of this race are brought into single parent homes which lead to a huge gap in wealth and these children receive less supervision which puts them in a greater risk of living in poverty.Over 40 percent of African American children grow up in poor families leaving the high crime rates to not be a surprise. Prejudice is also another factor to the high crime rates because white police tend to arrest black people more readily. If crime involved drunk driving, business fraud, embezzlement, and cheating on tax returns the white population rate of crime would rise dramatically. These factors have made many people of this race strive for the best while others are still not trying at all.Although we operate from a class system it seems like many African Americans are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Individual achievement isn’t happeni ng. If more people would aim for individual achievement, social standing wouldn’t be such an issue in today’s time. I believe categorizing people according to their color, sex, or social background is wrong. The only way to overcome these negative stereotypes is to stand above the descriptions that have been applied to your race. I have learned that hardwork is the key to success, whether it is in life, work, or your social standing.Even though social stratification carries over from generation to generation it doesn’t mean you have to have the same life your parents had. Everyone is able to achieve a better life if they work for it. Social stratification is found everywhere and what is equal and unequal is different in all societies. In my society it seems like wealth and power is the key element of difference. People who are poor or have lower position are downed on. While writing this paper, I learned many things. I learned society has a huge impact on my lif e and those around me. Related post: Social Studies SBA on Teenage PregnancyI learned that personal issues can manifest into a social issue that affects the whole society as a whole, just as the major social issues can affect my personal life. Overall, writing this paper has benefited me to look closer at society and see how different issues affect me in my life. References Macionis, J. (2009). Society the basics. (12th ed. ). The sociology of race and ethnicity . (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. trinity. edu/mkearl/race. html Winant, H. (n. d. ). Race and race theory. Retrieved from http://www. soc. ucsb. edu/faculty/winant/Race_and_Race_Theory. html
Social Security College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Social Security College - Essay Example Economic Security in America, para. 2). One of the first Americans to propose a system of economic security for U.S citizens was Thomas Payne in his 1795 writing titled "Agrarian Justice". It provided sums for citizens reaching the age of 21 and then a yearly payment to those reaching 50. Payne's idea was to pay for it by means of a property inheritance tax. In 1862, a Civil War pension program was enacted. "Following the Civil War, there were hundreds of thousands of widows and orphans, and hundreds of thousands of disabled veterans. In fact, immediately following the Civil War a much higher proportion of the population was disabled or survivors of deceased breadwinners than at any time in America's history. This led to the development of a generous pension program, with interesting similarities to later developments in Social Security" (DeWitt, sect. Civil War Pensions, para. 1). The program evolved, starting with benefits only to those disabled in combat or to their surviving families. As time passed, veterans disabled for any reason could receive payments. After that, aged veterans were added. Later, disability and old age benefits were extended to include family members. Former Confederate soldiers were not allowed any benefits. The last payments to surviving widows of Civil War veterans were made in 1999. With the advent of the Industrial Age a... State Old-Age Pensions, para.1). Prior to the passage of the original Social Security Act in 1935, thirty states had adopted some form of old-age pension plan. Only about 3% of the elderly were actually collecting benefits under the state plans. There was lack of implementation of the laws. The plans allowed insufficient funds. The elderly faced restrictive plan entry rules. The receipt of benefits was stigmatized as "welfare". Throughout the early 1930's and spurred by the Great Depression, movements arose that advocated a federal old-age pension system. Huey Long, Governor of Louisiana, proposed the "Share Our Wealth" plan in which the rich would pay for the poor and the aged. Francis Townsend devised the "Townsend Old-Age Revolving Pension Plan". It proposed that all upstanding citizens over 60 receive a monthly benefit that must be spent within the U.S. and within 30 days. There were numerous plans proposed from every direction during those years, some of them of questionable economic merit like Robert Noble's "Ham & Eggs" plan. It suggested that states should issue a currency to be called "scrip" to the unemployed and aged. The validity of the currency and by what economic backing it would be issued were very hazy indeed. Still, it was part of the social movement demanding the creation of a form of economic security for the masses. Most of the plans had benefits that were based on economic need. When Franklin Roosevelt became President in 1932, he changed the face of the economic security discussion from welfare to social insurance. He proposed "a work-related, contributory system in which workers would provide for their own future economic security through taxes paid while
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Wall Street by Oliver Stone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Wall Street by Oliver Stone - Essay Example However, the theme of the film brings out some of the goings-on in the lives of everyday stockbrokers, and how they take advantage of unsuspecting shareholders (Wall Street 1). The desire to be driven by greed often leads one into doing bad things in order to make it in Wall Street. One thing that happens that might violate the code of ethics is insider trading. Although it may not be considered illegal, there are instances where insider trading may be considered as criminal. This is when personal knowledge is used to disclose information about company shares, and the information is not yet public. This is illegal and is also unethical. The manipulation of stock values also goes against a financial institution’s code of conduct. It is wrong, and, in fact, criminal, to manipulate stock values to make shareholders buy or sell more in a bid to make a profit. This is what the main characters depict, and they go on to show how they benefit from unsuspecting shareholders (Wall Street 1). My favorite quote from the film can be considered the most famous in the film. Gordon Gekko, the main character in the film, is heard as saying that greed is good and that greed marks the essence of the evolutionary spirit. It is also through Gordon Gekko that the audience learns of the innovative and wealth creative ways that are brought on by greed in this quote. Greed, as depicted by the film, drives most of the characters to lie, cheat, and even steal in order to make a name for themselves in the financial corporation and money making machine that is Wall Street (Wall Street 1). I chose this quote as it directly changes the manner in which most people will view greed and its impact on their lives. The most essential question to ask is whether it is actually right to lose one’s sanity and morality in a bid to attain riches and wealth. The context in which this quote was used in the film was to showcase the depth people are disposed to take in order to get
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Project Management Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Project Management Leadership - Assignment Example The organization breakdown structure prods the Mason department manager to minimize spending $2,340 on labor cost. The same structure necessitates the carpentry project manager to avoid the same $ 2,900 labor cost in future activities. Further, organization breakdown structure matrix process entails scheduling the work assigned by two bosses. For example, two project managers use only one carpenter (Hartline, 2011). The two bosses will agree to divide the carpenter’s time through cooperation and contribution activities (Scott, 2011). Project management eliminates ambiguous roles and defines cost and profit responsibilities (Drucker, 1986). Question 2. When running a project to which people are temporarily assigned while reporting to their own bosses (matrix organization), the project manager updates the department managers about what the assigned department personnel are required to work on. The project manager must build a good relationship with the department personnelâ€⠄¢s boss. The good relationship ensures the same project manager can count on the help of the department bosses to get the entire project work accomplished in the shortest possible time (Lewis, 1995, p. 92). Without the good relationship, both the project managers and the department managers will not attain the entity’s performance benchmarks or goals. Managers better manage their organizational responsibilities using the matrix organization breakdown structure. In terms of theory, organization breakdown structure (OBS) is defined as the breaking down of the skill sets of the people who do the work. At any level of breakdown, the structure pinpoints responsibility for products delivery and the skill sets involved as shown in the two dimensional matrix (Turner, 2009, p. 9). Understandably, the average worker gives more loyalty to their department managers compared to their loyalty to the project team leaders. The project team leader must exert all possible efforts to persuade the team members to exert more efforts to the accomplishment of their temporary project objectives (Lewis, 1995, p. 12.) |Question 3. The project manager negotiates with the resource and provides for the use of the providers’ resources. The project manager offers payment for the use of the providers’ resources. The payment will entice the providers to accept the project manager’s request. The company will pay cash to the providers. Furthermore, the project manager will explain that the manager’s expertise in all aspects of project management is enough to ensure maximization of the providers’ resources (Phillips, 2012). In addition, the project manager must retain a good working relationship with the department managers in order to receive the required high quality labor resources (Lewis, 1995, p. 12). Question 4- DVD Marketing. Basically, project management enhances the entity’s competitive advantage over the competitors. Project managementà ¢â‚¬â„¢s matrix organizational breakdown structure (OBS) helps management make decisions using time and cost factors. The project’s scope of work includes controlling labor and equipment expenses. Expense reduction allows price reductions. Price reductions increase client demand. DVD Marketing allows costs reduction by pinpointing responsibility for
Monday, August 26, 2019
Chinese restaurants and foods in the USA Research Paper
Chinese restaurants and foods in the USA - Research Paper Example Despite the fact that the Chinese restaurants were one of the founders of the food business in the state of California, it is important to note that there were only a few of them within the state. Most were American restaurants until in the last three decades of 19th century. There were only 14 Chinese restaurants in San Francisco by 1882 when the American congress passed the very first Chinese exclusion act. This was opposed to the over one hundred and seventy-five Chinese laundry stores that were distributed all over the town. One ought to note that it was as a result of the numerous Chinese exclusion laws that were passed between 1882 and 1904 that discouraged the expansion of the Chinese food business despite their spectacular cuisines. The disparity between the Chinese and the American eating culture was evident. It was for this reason that the Americans made rice look like the racial symbol of the Asian inferiority and beef as the American superiority. As a matter of fact, food became a racial ideology and the culture of eating rats in Chinese restaurants made the American doubtful of the hygiene in these restaurants. The Chinese culture of eating rats was perhaps the most stereotyped image in the 19th century. In 1897, a company that advertised a pest control product used an image of a Chinese man with his mouth open ready to eat a rat which was, as a matter of fact, a rodent. This was an illustration that the Chinese were perhaps the most effective in exterminating these rodents from the face of the earth.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Process Explanation -Dog Grooming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Process Explanation -Dog Grooming - Essay Example Baths, a traditional part of grooming, should only be given about once a month. This helps keep the natural oils in the coat that the animal relies on to act as a water repellant (Woolf). When giving the dog a bath, care must be taken to use shampoo specifically designed for pets. It is less strong than shampoo that is made for humans and does less damage to the natural composition of the fur. The groomer should take care during bathing to notice any irregularities in the pets skin. After the bath, the dog should be trimmed of excess fur and brushed. However, grooming does not stop here. There are additional areas to be inspected, cleaned, and trimmed. After the bath, a dog needs to be trimmed in the areas of matted fur, excess fur, nails, and ears. For a long haired breed such as a Golden Retriever, a firm long bristle brush helps to remove tangles and matted fur from the dog. When encountering a tangle, it is advisable to work slowly from the outside of the area a little at a time (Woolf). If the coat is excessively tangled, work in short sessions and give the dog ample amounts of praise for its patience (Woolf). Other important areas to groom include trimming the toenails and cleaning the ears. Look for the appearance of ticks, mites, or infections that could become complicated at a later date. Grooming serves an additional purpose in that it develops a bond between the dog owner and the dog. Grooming should be continued daily with regular brushing and inspection. Long haired breeds shed routinely and need to have the loose undercoat removed with a firm bristle brush. This is a good opportunity to inspect the pet for fleas or skin irritations. This period of brushing brings the owner and the pet together and helps the owner better understand their animal. Daily brushing will create a life long bond between the pet and owner. In conclusion, grooming starts with a monthly
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Plan for Establishing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Plan for Establishing - Essay Example Career development process is a process that involves the identification of unique personal abilities of employees and their potential to achieve set goals in their careers. They want to pursue with regard to their careers. Given that the employees comprise of specialists in various departments, Veracity pact limited will benefit a lot from highly skilled manpower. Then employees set their goals and objectives. Every objective selected by the employees should be time-bound. It should also specify materials for the learning process, the mode of evaluation and the expected results are to be outlined. This is to help them have the blue-print of what they desire to achieve over a given duration of time. It is at this level that they are required to set the timeframe of their development goals. In addition, they are to analyze their expectations in sync with the major objectives of the organization which is to create wealth and maximize profits of the company (Rothwell, 45). The appropriate planning is paramount because financial resources are required to support the exercise of career development. In addition, the management needs to make considerations on the pattern to be followed in granting the employees opportunities to update their skills ion their various jobs. Then programme of carrying out the studies is prepared for efficiency. Their proposals are collected by the supervisors and submitted to management for it to have ample time to do strategic planning on how activities are conducted. This is performed to avoid dissatisfaction and friction from employees who are to benefit from the career development. A brief interviewing of employees is carried out by the supervisor in order to assess the career gaps that exist among the employees. For instance, there might be a lack of expertise in some fields of work, miscommunications, lack of
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment Essay
The Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment - Essay Example Further, the 14th amendment will also be considered and discussed as a means of providing a greater degree of equality, citizenship, and fairness under the Constitution and the law. The most cited of these ten amendments is naturally the first. As a fundamental right of the citizen, the first amendment gives the right to freedom of speech, press, religion, and petition. From a societal perspective, this is the amendment that, perhaps more than any other, allows for the continual growth and development of the American society based upon the premise of the enumerated freedoms. As freedom of religion, press, speech, and petition are guaranteed as a fundamental right which cannot and should not be infringed, the ability of the citizen to express a degree of self determination that would otherwise not be possible under a different code of ethics or laws is actionable (Kayman 324). Naturally, as with all the Bill of Rights and further amendments to the Constitution, each of these is given by means of entrusting the citizen not to break any law in the practice or implementation of these rights and privileges. The second of the ten amendments relates to the right to keep and bear arms. This hotly debated issue comes to the forefro nt of the political and societal discourse as acts of horrific gun violence bring out the anti-gun and pro-gun forces to a nearly seasonal battle royal in which both camps argue over the true meaning of the second amendment and how it relates to our current cultural reality (Case Law 1). With the exception of some key restraints being placed on the ownership and use of automatic weapons and a few regulations concerning what defines a handgun and what defines a rifle, the interpretation of this amendment has been historically quite liberal. In this way, American society has seen that, as with the other amendments in the Bill of Rights, the judiciary is keen on upholding the original intent, as best they see it, of the framers. Although it receives little attention, the third amendment which is included in the Bill of Rights is nonetheless important. Whereas the colonies experienced great hardship during the Revolutionary War period as well as before with relation to being required to quarter and provide sustenance to British Redcoats, the framers sought to enumerate upon the rights of the populace with regards to being required to provide material support for the military. Accordingly, this amendment secures the rights of the citizen against imposition by the military or the government in both time of peace and time of war with relation to providing quarter for soldiers and/or other military personnel. Socially, this amendment has experienced little growth and/or development due to the fact that the need of the government to require such an imposition of its citizens has been limited. The fourth amendment is infinitely more complex than the others which have heretofore been discussed. This fourth amendment states that the rights of the citizen to be free in their house, person, papers, and effects.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Black Americans Essay Example for Free
Black Americans Essay Firstly black Americans faced problems in the south because of lynching and the Jim Crow Laws. Lynching meant that racist white Americans would put the law into their own hands and punish black people whenever they please. They would hang the victim from a tree. In 1897 123 black people were lynched in the south, 84 in 1903 and 61 in 1921. The police would turn a blind eye and made no effort to stop lynching from happening. Even though slavery ended in 1865 black people faced the threat of violence, intimidation and racial discrimination on almost a daily bases. The Jim Crow Laws were created to keep whites and coloured people away from each other. The Jim Crow Laws covered all the aspects of life. Black Americans were stopped from using the same restaurants, hotels, libries, taxis, and even cemeteries. If black people wanted to vote the Jim Crow Law made them have to pass a difficult literacy test and they would have to pay high taxes. Nearly 2million black Americans moved from the southern states to the north in hope of a better life. This was called the Great Migration They thought they would be able to escape the Jim Crow Laws and racism as a whole, they wanted to go to the north for a better chance at jobs and education but little did they know. Secondly black Americans faced problems in the south because of the KKK. The KKK stands for the Ku Klux Klan; they were a racist group and were part of a secret society. The leader of the KKK in the 1920’s was a dentist called Hiram Wesley Evans whose name in the KKK was Imperial Wizard. Only WASP’s could belong to the KKK- White Anglo Saxon Protestants. The KKK targeted blacks mainly, but they also hated Jews, Catholics and Liberals but there main focus was poor black families that were very vulnerable. 5 million white Americans joined the KKK between 1920 to 1925. Most members where poor white people because they were afraid that black people would take over their jobs. Some of the KKK members were judges, policemen and lawyers. They would dress in white sheets and white hoods to cover their identities. The KKK used a variety of different methods such as intimidation, murders, raping, whipping, lynching, castration and tar burning. The Black Americans tried to fight back using non-violent methods. The NAACP -National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People- asked the president for new laws to help combat the KKK violence but received very little results. In the 1920’s Black Americans started to turn to the ‘Back to Africa’ movement which told blacks that they should return to their native America. This was started by Marcus Garvey but the whole movement faltered when he was arrested for fraud and sent to prison. In 1926 membership of the KKK dropped from 2million to 300,000 people. Lastly black Americans faced problems in the north because there was still racism around. Black people would be sent to live in the worst parts of the poorest cities. They were last to be hired and first to be fired from any jobs that they could get their hands on. Factory owners in northern cities knew that huge numbers of black people knew how to work well because of the slavery era. So they sent people down South to encourage them to take jobs in their factories up North with promises of good salaries. They wanted to add to the pool of white workers to keep down wages. So the black workers were encouraged to move North to compete with white workers. The white workers did not welcome the black workers with open arms because they naturally saw them as a threat. The black workers were willing to work for less money at least at first. So this led to racial tension. The white Americans refused to accept black members to protect the jobs. Another thing was that white neighbourhoods did not want poor black people and the problems that came with them moving into their neighbourhoods. It was a bad situation all around and led to much racial issues and even race riots These are the problems black people faced in the USA during the 1920s.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, USA, Inc. Essay Example for Free
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, USA, Inc. Essay 1.If you were Doug Friesen, where would you focus attention and what would you do to address the seat problem?One of the first things that I would do is to determine if the process that is being used to solve the problems with defective seats is the best method to use, especially since it doesnt follow the TPS method of stopping production, trying to figure out why the problem occurred and how to prevent it from happening again, fixing the defect, and restraining production. Also, I would take a look at the communication between the seat supplier, Kentucky Framed Seat (KFS) and the plant, if there a miscommunication of some sort. One other issue to be looked at is why the cars are sitting in the overflow parking lot for so long. KFS was making special deliveries of new seats twice a day, but there were cars with defective seats still sitting in the lot for over four days. Another issue that also must be looked at is the problem caused by cross-threading and the breaking of the hook, also the deliveries of wrong seats by KFS. I would also go to the KFS plant and watch the production lines and see if there are any easily noticeable problems. Then I can go and watch the team who installs the seats and make sure there are no problems there. Overall I will need to find the root of the problem. 2.What options exist? What would you recommend and why?One solution to the problem could be that employees can spend more time on installing the seats in the way they would fit, the bolt through the hook with more caution. Another option could be to redesign the seat to resolve the problem with the breaking of the hook. Even though Mr. Friesen has looked into this and found out that it would cost KFS $50,000 to redesign the seat, the question is how long it would take to recover that cost and is it really worth it. A third option could be to rework the off-line process since something needs to be done to reduce the number of cars sitting at the overflow lot for a long time. Last but not least, Mr. Friesen could adjust the seat assembly team by determining if there are any new employees, any changes in the processes or if more training that needs to be done. 3. What is the real problem facing Doug Friesen?The real problem is the fact that the cars are sitting in the overflow lot for too long which is causing a 10% drop off in run ratio from 95% to 85% which is very significant and it causes a shortfall of 45 cars per shift thus making overtime a necessity to meet their goals. There appears to be a problem with handling the cars through the off-line process. Mr. Friesen needs to determine whether the increase in the number of cars sitting in the lot is caused by the process used for defective seats, the overall off-line process, or the suppliers ability to meet Toyotas standards and needs. Also, the production process as a whole contributes to the seat problem because currently the plant is overloaded and the workers suffer from overtime. Toyota would have a very hard time succeeding if this problem continues to slow down their production times and a solution needs to be worked out quickly and effectively.
Moods Themes And Ideas Created English Literature Essay
Moods Themes And Ideas Created English Literature Essay Growing up is an inevitable and everlasting process in every humans life, it is the way that we develop and the choices we make that define our personality. The fragility of childhood does not only refer to physical characteristics, this stage in life is when one is most socially delicate, and most easily manipulated by societys many stereotypes. In this composition, explore the themes of childhood, excitement and innocence in the 6 poems of Section C in the reading anthology will be explored. By analyzing the themes, literary techniques and writers craft that may be more cryptic to the average reader, we can reveal just how each respective author attempted to depict childhood, innocence or a completely other theme in itself and the personal motives that may have been behind this emotional topic. The 3 poems; Once Upon a Time, A Mother in a Refugee Camp and Prayer Before Birth written by Gabriel Okara, Chinua Achebe and Louis MacNeice respectively share a common goal to criticize some of the principles and ideals of modern society. Particularly in A Mother in a Refugee Camp, the author Chinua Achebe attempts to portray images to the reader that would normally be unheard of in a modern home due to how terrifying and horrendous they are. The cringe-inducing actions that take place in the extract show the audience just how gruesome the poor conditions are, furthermore, the way these events are depicted to the reader allows them to understand just how insubstantial the events are. Achebe compares their life to perhaps the readers when he writes, In another life this would have been a little daily act of no consequence before his breakfast and school; now she did it like putting flowers on a tiny grave. This bold comparison compares a normal morning routine with putting flowers on a grave, using such a simile shows that the occurrence in Achebes writing, the death of a child, happens all too often in the camp and is not of great significance. The idea that different people have different views on the same events is a main theme in this poem and life, especially when it comes to childrens perspectives. This is also the main theme in the poem by U.A. Fanthorpe, Half-past Two, the child being referred to for the entire poem is yet unable to comprehend time in the same way that others do, instead his perspective is different, picturing the times only as how they are significant to him, nothing more. This is probably true to an extent for everyone, not only children, in that not being able to understand something doesnt restrict our curiosity and we try to incorporate it into our lives regardless. Alternatively, in the piece Once upon a time by Gabriel Okara the concept of adults starting to lose their humanity as they mature is related to how pure and innocent children are. Evidence of this theme is shown towards the end of the poem when Gabriel Okara writes that the father is asking his son to teach him how to live and regain his former self. So show me, son, how to laugh; show me how I used to laugh and smile once upon a time when I was like you. This is done to show the reader just how envious an adult may be of their child who is yet to be exposed to the crippling stereotypes the modern day has to offer and of just how large a scale a poisoned society may affect ones mind. Moreover, the persona (the father) seems to be a bit envious of his child, he deeply wishes to be able to experience the naivety and innocence of being a child once more. I want to be what I used to be when I was like you. This shows that from the viewpoint of an adult, youth is something to be cherishe d dearly, which leads on to the next idea that childhood should not be taken for granted which is also explored in the poem by Vernon Scannell, Hide and Seek. It seems a long time since they went away. Your legs are stiff, this part of the poem is a metaphor that all of the childs friends have already lost interest and moved on, hence accentuating how little time we have, that childhood should be made the most of and that this is only truly realised when it is eventually lost forever. In Louis MacNeices piece, Prayer Before Birth he expresses how negative he thinks the typical modern lifestyle is. MacNeice creates an image of a perfect world from his perspective by using a single stanza to describe this ideal place. The third stanza serves this purpose, the way it is much livelier creates an impression on the reader as the rest of the poem is dark and depressing. In MacNeices poem, a vast array of techniques are used to better convey the theme of an unforgiving modern society for most of the writing, for example the repetition of the word me and the numerous instances of alliteration aid MacNeice in his attempt to engage the reader show them just how passionate he is about this subject. This is a stark contrast from the third stanza where MacNeice begins to use a calmer town and softens the rhyming and alliteration that was almost aggressive prior to the third stanza. For example, the phrases such as sing to me sound for friendlier than in the first two stanzas. T he way MacNeice wrote this poem makes it extremely apparent to the reader how passionate he is about his views on modern society; he shows his viewpoint of what humanity currently is in a bad light, while comparing it to his own wants which are shown to be a great solution. The final sentence of Prayer Before Birth ends the poem in quite a gruesome manner, Otherwise kill me. This is after the long list of desires the unborn child wishes to be born in to, after its prayers. MacNeice is hinting that if he had the choice before he had been born to be saved from this toxic humanity he would rather have not been born. Furthermore, he is possibly presenting an ultimatum to the audience that if the persona in his poem cannot be born into their ideal world they would rather not be born at all. Another key point displayed in this poem is the helplessness and delicacy of a child, in this case an unborn one, this theme is can also be seen in D. H. Lawrences poem, Piano the children in both of these poems are completely unable to fend for themselves. In Prayer Before Birth the child is unborn and just hoping to be born into the best possible environment, whereas in Piano a grown man is looking back on his childhood, no aware of how incompetent he was as a child and how he shall never be able to experience such a time again. All six poems I have written about portray our childhood as a time of purity, innocence and simplicity. In some poems it clearly shown to be the main themes while in others it is depicted far more subtly. In Prayer Before Birth, the use of some phrases describe the childs fears accentuate how childish the persona truly is, blood sucking bats and club-footed ghouls these may seem comical to the reader but from the perspective of the unborn child they are indeed their worst nightmares, further proving the personas innocence. Furthermore, the child refers to itself in first person a staggering amount of times, each stanza but the last is started with I while me and my are very common too. This gives the reader of the poem and insight into how frantic the child may be as the pace of the poem seems to be increasing throughout, the child seems only to be concerned with their own safety. This reflects a somewhat immature character that is yet too narrow minded to be afraid for anything that will not concern them. Once Upon a Time seems to celebrate childhood far more than the other two main poems I have chosen to write about, Gabriel Okara depicts the persona to be an adult looking back on his childhood and wishing he could experience it again, thus showing how much he misses it. However, the other two poems do not express this theme at all, in Prayer Before Birth the unborn child is listing all the terrible things modern society has waiting for it, even in childhood and MacNeice ends the poem with the child saying that it would rather stay unborn than be corrupted by such a poisonous environment in the childs opinion. Moreover, A Mother in a Refugee Camp supports the idea that childhood can be extremely painful too, not just to the child but to their parents as well. Achebe attempts to convey to the reader that despite the death of children happening so often it is still a terrible and soul ripping occurrence. It is stated that her child has already died and that the mother will soon have to forget this once again illustrates just how fragile children and life in general can be without proper conditions. Ultimately, Gabriel Okara, Chinua Achebe and Louis MacNeice use a wide array of literary techniques to convey various moods, themes and ideas that they want the audience to experience. They regard childhood as a time of purity, innocence and fragility and the ageing process as a slow and inevitable corruption of the mind and body. Each writer has different ways of representing these ideas; Gabriel Okara makes use of emotive language to illustrate an adult showing his envy to a childs innocence. Whereas Chinua Achebe uses a child to represent the only source of hope and happiness in a condemned and forgotten place, a refugee camp. Finally, Louis MacNeice attempts to depict children as a symbol of clarity, yet to experience the exploitation of society.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Friedrich Froebel and Marie Clay Essay -- essays papers
Friedrich Froebel and Marie Clay Friedrich August Wilhelm Froebel was born in Oberweissback, Germany in April 21, 1782 (Ransbury, 1995). He was the sixth child of a Lutheran Minister, but lost his mother before his first birthday. As a young boy, he played and explored in the gardens surrounding his home most of the time. His deep love of nature would later influence his educational philosophy. He did not become educated until age eleven. When he was fifteen years old, he was apprenticed to a Forester. He then studied at the University of Jena. He accepted a teaching position at the Frankfurt Model School in Yverdon, Switzerland. This school was based on the teachings of Johann Heirnrich Pestalozzi. Froebel embraced Pestalozzi’s philosophy that children need to be active learners. He left the school to be a private tutor where the children’s parents offered him a small patch of the property to use as a garden. The learning experiences that the children had there made Froebel realize that â€Å"ac tion and direct observation were the best ways to educate†(â€Å"Friedrich Froebel,†2000). Froebel continued his education at the Universities of Berlin and Gottingen. In 1813 he served in the Prussian Army against Napoleon. His invention of Gifts might have been shaped while he was an assistant in the Mineralogical Museum in Berlin. His first book, The Education of Man, was published in 1826. In 1837, at the age of fifty-five, Froebel founded his own school in Blankenburg. It was called â€Å"Kindergarten,†a garden of children. This would be a place to cultivate a child’s development and socialization because prior to Froebel’s Kindergarten children under the age of seven did not attend school (Sadker and Sadker, 2000). People believed that young children did not have the ability to focus or to develop cognitive and emotional skills, but Froebel stated, â€Å"because learning begins when consciousness erupts, education must also†(â€Å"Friedrich Froebel†, 2000). Kindergarten acts as a bridge between home play and school life. Froebel expanded on Pestalozzi’s philosophy that school should be an emotionally secure environment. He said the teacher should act as a moral and cultural model for children, a model worthy of emulation. Before this time teachers were considered a disciplinarian. The early years in education are the most critical for forming a foundation ... ... (1998). By Different Paths to Common Outcomes. York, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. Corbett, B. Friedrich Froebel. Retrieved October 17, 2001, from Gaffney, J., & Askew, B. (Eds.). (1999). Stirring the Waters: The Influence of Marie Clay. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Jalongo, M. & Isenberg, J. (2000). Exploring Your Role: A Practitioner’s Introduction to Early Childhood Education. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill. Ransbury, M. (1995). Friedrich Froebel. In M. A. Johnson & G. F. Roberson. (Eds.), A Century of Early Childhood (pp. 15-17). Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster Custom Pub. Sadker, M. & Sadker, D. (2000). Teachers, Schools, and Society. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw Hill. (Original Work Published in 1988). Thomas, R. (1992). Reading Recovery. Retrieved October 17, 2001, from Woodill, G. (1995). The European Roots of Early Childhood Education in North America. In M. A. Johnson & G. F. Roberson. (Eds.), A Century of Early Childhood (pp.4-11). Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster Custom Pub.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Anthony Whiteside :: Business and Management Studies
Human resources The human resources are expected to look around and see what jobs need to be done, make sure the company is being advertised and they also deal with applications. They also choose who would be the best to employ by setting tasks for the employees. They make sure that all the staffs have got the appropriate training needed for the job. They talk to employees about wages and the employees have to agree. They make sure the staffs understand what they have to do and encourage them to work harder. Finance The finance area watches how much money goes out and how much money comes in they make sure the company don’t over spend * The finance area is responsible for all the financial documents and the amount spent they also have to understand how the documents work and were they go. * What ever the finance area say the company have to trust them and do what they say. * They have got the task to pay the wages of the staff and making sure there is enough money to pay them. * The finance area is in charge of the loans and bank amount if a firm has borrowed money of the bank to start up a business it would be their job to make sure that it got paid when ever it needs to be paid and their job is to make sure the company doesn’t go into bankruptcy. * The finance area will inform the business when they are spending more money than their making so the firm would close. Operations/production The operations department needs inputs which are then processed to produce an output, this is a product. The overall function of this department is to over see and organise the whole production process. The production department will make decisions including * They decide what materials will be needed. * Where to get the raw materials from and how they are transported. * They decide the amount off raw materials needed. * They also decide how the materials are delivered. * They decide what new equipment will be needed. * How many workers will be needed to carry out the program. * What skills the workers will need. * They are in charge of how the production will be carried out. * How the product will be packaged. * How many products will be produced and how long it should take. Anthony Whiteside Customer service A business will not be able to run if they don’t have customers to buy
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Child Abuse and Neglect :: Violence Against Children
Outline Thesis: What is Child Abuse and what are it’s effects on the child and his/her family? I. Introduction II. Different types of child abuse A. Physical Abuse B. Sexual Abuse C. Incest D. Exploitation III. Neglect A. Physical Neglect B. Educational Neglect C. Emotional Neglect D. Moral Neglect IV. Sexual Abuse A. Exhibitionism B. Sexual Acts V. Incest A. Sexual acts between relatives B. Victim statistics VI. Child Pornography A. Boomed in the 70's B. Abused passed on through generations VII. Where abused children are found A. All neighborhoods B. Low income families IX. Abuse Laws A. Laws in all states B. Abuse statistics X. Conclusion What is Child Abuse? By definition, child abuse is the deliberate and willful injury of a child by a caretaker hitting, beating with an object, slamming against a wall, even killing. It involves active, hostile, aggressive treatment. The key word in the definition of child abuse is deliberate. Why would anyone physically harm a child? The physical destruction of a child is the extreme reaction of parents to the stress of having children. Most people are not aware of the fact that deliberately hitting a child is considered a felony in all fifty states. Abuse of children is more common than most people realize. At least one out of five adult women and one out of every ten adult men report having been abused in childhood. Recognizing child abuse in its several forms is a twentieth century phenomenon. Child abuse is also more likely to be recognized in economically developed countries than in other parts of the world. Children have been beaten and abandoned for centuries, based primarily on the belief that children are the property of their parents. By educating yourself and your children about abuse, you can help prevent it from happening to your children and better cope with it if it does. (Child 6) There are four different forms of child abuse. They are physical abuse (child beating and neglect), sexual abuse, incest, and exploitation (such as child pornography). Physical abuse occurs when a caretaker deliberately beats the child. Some examples of 2 physical abuse include burning with a cigarette, striking a child, and scalding with hot water. According to social agencies, beatings of children have been multiplying over the past twenty-five years or so. The increasing number of reports could mean that in recent years, social workers, health professionals, and other experts have become better able to recognize cases of mistreatment. Child Abuse and Neglect :: Violence Against Children Outline Thesis: What is Child Abuse and what are it’s effects on the child and his/her family? I. Introduction II. Different types of child abuse A. Physical Abuse B. Sexual Abuse C. Incest D. Exploitation III. Neglect A. Physical Neglect B. Educational Neglect C. Emotional Neglect D. Moral Neglect IV. Sexual Abuse A. Exhibitionism B. Sexual Acts V. Incest A. Sexual acts between relatives B. Victim statistics VI. Child Pornography A. Boomed in the 70's B. Abused passed on through generations VII. Where abused children are found A. All neighborhoods B. Low income families IX. Abuse Laws A. Laws in all states B. Abuse statistics X. Conclusion What is Child Abuse? By definition, child abuse is the deliberate and willful injury of a child by a caretaker hitting, beating with an object, slamming against a wall, even killing. It involves active, hostile, aggressive treatment. The key word in the definition of child abuse is deliberate. Why would anyone physically harm a child? The physical destruction of a child is the extreme reaction of parents to the stress of having children. Most people are not aware of the fact that deliberately hitting a child is considered a felony in all fifty states. Abuse of children is more common than most people realize. At least one out of five adult women and one out of every ten adult men report having been abused in childhood. Recognizing child abuse in its several forms is a twentieth century phenomenon. Child abuse is also more likely to be recognized in economically developed countries than in other parts of the world. Children have been beaten and abandoned for centuries, based primarily on the belief that children are the property of their parents. By educating yourself and your children about abuse, you can help prevent it from happening to your children and better cope with it if it does. (Child 6) There are four different forms of child abuse. They are physical abuse (child beating and neglect), sexual abuse, incest, and exploitation (such as child pornography). Physical abuse occurs when a caretaker deliberately beats the child. Some examples of 2 physical abuse include burning with a cigarette, striking a child, and scalding with hot water. According to social agencies, beatings of children have been multiplying over the past twenty-five years or so. The increasing number of reports could mean that in recent years, social workers, health professionals, and other experts have become better able to recognize cases of mistreatment.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Strategic Marketing of Giordano
University of La Verne – BUS 567 Service Sector Marketing| Giordano | Positioning for International Expansion| Sheng-I, Chang (Becky)Chang-Ta, Yang(Frank)Chieg-Chiung, Chen (Jeff)September , 15th, 2011 | Introduction Giordano established in 1981 by Jimmy Lai. It is a Hong Kong- based retailer of casual clothes targeted at men, women and children via its four company brands, Giordano, Giordano Ladies, Giordano Junior and Blue Exchange (Bitner & Zeithaml, 2011).Giordano is one of the best known and established apparel retailers in the Asia Pacific region, employing over 8,000 friendly staff with over 2,400 shops operating in 30 territories worldwide (About Giordano, 2011). They are committed to delivering quality products and service to their customers in the worldwide market. Their vision is to be the best and the biggest world brand in apparel retailing with the mission of making people â€Å"feel good†& â€Å"look great†. This paper starts with a corporate prof ile of Giordano.The main part of the case is positioning the international expansion of Giordano and a detailed analysis of its competitive environment and alternative solutions. Furthermore, the company’s growth strategies are discussed with recommendations provided to conclude the case. Company Profile The Giordano Group is a leading international retailer of men’s, women’s and children’s apparel and accessories. Giordano’s success is measured by the company’s relentless focus on its five corporate business values of quality, knowledge, innovation, simplicity and service.The company has its own apparel manufacturing division where many of its own clothing styles are produced. Giordano is also renowned for its basic and practical men’s, women’s, and children’s T-shirts and trousers, especially denims. In comparison, Giordano is very similar to the American based popular retailer The Gap. Responding to the slow sales in the past, Giordano changed its positioning strategy in 1987 which the company decided to shift its focus to maximizing sales instead of maximizing price margin via a â€Å"value-for-money†policy with selling discounted casual unisex apparel, and increased commitment to customer service.The shift in strategy was successful. The management values and style leads Giordano to be successful, which including a willingness to try new and unconventional ways of doing business and to learn from past mistakes, and considering front-line workers to be its customer service heroes. Giordano's commitment to service began with its major Customer Service Campaign in 1989. There are three tenets in this campaign which is †we welcome unlimited try-ons; we exchange – no questions asked; and we serve with a smile†.Giordano's philosophy of quality service could be observed not only in Hong Kong, but also in its oversea outlets. There are many companies in the market selling c asual apparel. The way in which Giordano differentiates itself from other companies to gain competitive advantage is critical to its success. Giordano's Strategies Giordano distinguishes itself from the others through its high-quality service and superior customer value. However, Giordano is still a long way off from being well known brand compared to other international brand.Giordano is a label that doesn't shape opinion, After 2005, when the garment quota is abolished, imports into the Asia region will become more competitive. This change could affect Giordano's position and growth potential. Philosophy And Value System Regarding to Giordano's philosophy and value system, they believe that mistakes are unavoidable because of the rapid changes in the market. The critical thing is to learn from the mistakes. Giordano has made his employees comfortable about making mistakes.They believe in empowering people through providing a supportive, participative environment in which employees feel safe when mistakes are made. In Giordano philosophy, they feel that with contribution and participation of all employees, mistakes will be minimized. People only make mistakes when they have decision-making ability. Employees As An Asset Training is an important part of Giordano's strategy. It is provided on a continuous basis in order to support Giordano philosophy that employees are key to the company's success.However, even the most sophisticated training program will not guarantee the best customer services and satisfaction. It is the people who deliver that gives it from and meaning. Giordano has stringent recruitment and selection procedures to match its value and service requirements which continues to maintain top-level service to customers. Performance Evaluations Performance evaluations are conducted frequently at the store level, as well as for individual employees. Stores are evaluated for customer satisfaction twice every month, while individual employees are eval uated once every two months.Internal competitions are designed to motivate their employees and stores intend to do their best in serving their customers. Product Strategy & Quality Services Giordano is able to incorporate a high level of customer service as part of its products through a concerted effort, which involved every employee of the company. The company focuses on the concept of value-for money which constantly improves the value of the products and what the products mean to their customers.However, it is also essential to recognize the importance of the management and leadership’s commitment to be customer-oriented and to provide high quality service. Product strategy is to sell a small number of core products in its stores. Giordano's limited product line is seen as a strength. It has no more than 100 items and no more than 17 core items in the store while other retailers have 200-300 items. Because the company believes that merchandising a wide range of products w ill affect retailers to take a longer time to response to the market changes.Simplicity, flexibility and speed as values at Giordano is reflected in several ways which allowing company to react rapidly to the market changes, and quick decision making and well communication through its flat organizational structure. Competitive Advantage The competitive advantages those worked as key success factors for Giordano to achieve a distinct position in the competitive markets are as following: * Computerization – The POS terminals that are used to record and transmit flows of stocks to a mainframe computer which then aids in controlling stock flow of inventory. A tightly controlled menu – It mainly focus on a few items whose demand and desirability can be closely monitored. * Frugality – Curbed spending on advertising and tight inventory control * Value pricing – Value for money apparel. * A dedicated workforce in all outlets that provides quality service: In ord er to maintain this Giordano follows stringent selection procedures to ensure only desired employees are chosen, conduct workshops on â€Å"attitude training†, follows rotational on the job training method and performance related pay systems on the basis of periodic performance evaluations. Simplicity and speed of operations: Giordano maintained a flat organizational structure and this facilitated easy communication between people within the organization, helped to make speedy decision and to manage the project efficiently. * A recognized brand: Giordano has received awards such as: The American Service Excellence Award, ISO 9002 Award and People Developer Award which helped Giordano to establish their brand as a familiar one in over 30 countries.All these competitive advantages and sources should be maintained by Giordano in order to keep its current competitive position and there are some other competitive advantages that should be developed by Giordano in future. The futur e competitive advantages can be gained through investment into the development of employees and continued development of a learning organization which may not be gained by the other competitors. (Giordano K-10, 2010) Giordano's Problems We have indicated some problems and considerations regarding to the position for international expansion.If at all, Should Giordano reposition itself against its competitors in its current and new markets, and should it have different positioning strategies for different geographic markets? Does the company need to apply different HR strategies to suit different countries? Analysis & Solutions I. Should Giordano reposition itself against its competitors in its existing and new markets, and should it have different positioning strategies for different geographic markets?Regarding to the Giordano's positioning of international expansion, should Giordano reposition itself against its competitors in its existing and new markets, and should it have differ ent positioning strategies for different geographic markets? According to Osama Taha- â€Å"A positioning strategy results in the image you want to draw in the mind of your customers, the picture you want him/her to visualize of what you offer, in relation to the market situation, and any competition you may have†Giordano's current positioning strategy is based on providing â€Å"value-for-money†or quality merchandise of discounted casual unisex appeal.The company also emphasized on the merchandise that is relatively mid-priced which means â€Å"inexpensive yet contemporary and trendy†, and offers quality, value and excellent customer services. The reasons for Giordano's success in market place are filling a gap in the market for trendy with reasonable price and quality unisex apparel, and the delivery of quality customer service. Now the fact is whether or not Giordano should reposition itself against its competitors in its current and new markets.Moreover, a fter thirty years of operation, Giordano's brand name and value have been in the customers' mind clearly. If Giordano changes its positioning strategy, it will be very difficult to obtain high-end customers acceptance in this intensive global apparel competition, and may lose the existing low-end customers at the same time. Therefore, we believe that Giordano should not change its existing positioning strategy. Repositioning is not necessary for the entire company because Giordano’s relatively mid-priced positioning worked well in the past decades. The Inexpensive Yet Trendy†clothing appealed to Asia’s frugal customers in the Asia market. However, Giordano could alter their brand image into a more high-value, high-quality, and high-end market. This could mean primarily repositioning Giordano as a higher priced and higher value brand in particular markets in the world. The price may can increase within 5 ~ 10 %, but not too high. According to the statistics, adju st the middle range of clothing prices within 5 ~ 10% will not affect the consumer's sensitivity of the price. Giordano must continue to be creative in their promotions.Perhaps they should spend more on traditional advertising, as they spend less on advertising and promotion than close competitors. However, compared to other international brands, Giordano still doesn’t shape opinion. One of the Giordano's competitors is Esprit who are seen as more up-market than Giordano, while being stylish and trendy. Besides, Esprit promoted a â€Å"lifestyle†image, even though it is positioned similarly to Giordano. Therefore, Giordano could re-launch its image, to be more stylish and thus promoting a lifestyle and not just a brand.It is not necessary for Giordano to follow same positioning strategies for different market but it will depend on the market condition of a particular whether to follow standardized or customized strategy. The company can go after with standardized posi tioning strategies â€Å"value-for-money merchandise†for different markets within the same region like South East Asian countries. But before implementing this standardized positioning strategy Giordano needs to understand the particular market on the basis of consumer’s tastes and preferences about the products and promotional activities.On the other hand, the other successful strategies of Giordano in proving excellent quality customer services, information system and efficient logistics and human resource policies and practices should be implemented tactically for different markets. It means customized strategies should be developed for different countries even within Asia because there are some variations between countries in terms of their economic, cultural and social factors. II. What are Giordano’s key success factors and sources of competitive advantage?Are its competitive advantages sustainable, and how would they develop in the future? The company is establishing a good key success factors. They serve their clients with good quality service and having other company as a reference for bench mark. The company emphasizes the service and the value-for-money which has a big impact to the company source of success. When they are selling their products, they are selling service which is half the price and the other half goes to the production cost. They are not only for goods but they also sell services.Moreover, Giordano have other key success factors like short product development cycle and fast market-driven new product development, excellence in management’s swift cost-control strategies, good in marketing and strong brand positioning, excellence service with â€Å"no questions asked exchange†and â€Å"unlimited try-on†policy, good location primarily in good ground-floor areas, drawing high-volume traffic and facilitating shopping, browsing, and impulse buying. By all of these key successful factors, they ha ve strong competitiveness in the clothing retail market.However, in the long run, sustainability of key success factors of Giordano highly depend on creativity and innovative of the organization. Some competitive advantages can be Giordano key success factors now, but it may not be in future. For example, information was disseminated to production facilities in real time by IT system but if Giordano’s competitor installed the similar system as Giordano did, it will no longer Giordano’s competitive advantages and cannot become the key success factor of Giordano.Giordano should never satisfy itself in such rapid changing current market situation. As the results, Giordano should look into new ways of improving and strengthening its competitive advantages. Creativity and innovative play an important role in continue to gain competitive advantages as â€Å"people are the key†to create value to organization or so called â€Å"organization culture†which is dif ficult to adopt by its competitors in market.Although Giordano might lose some of competitive advantages in future, investment in human resources will help Giordano to create new competitive advantages to contribute in the key success factors of Giordano and stay ahead in future market. Besides this, Giordano should keep on commit to its excellent customer service orientation philosophy and well monitoring with their market competition. These key success factors would develop in certain training and more research about the service and the products the target market wants to have.Innovation of product and service is a must for a company to develop and gain profit in a long period of time. Also, Giordano should rapidly development in Internet and Intranet technologies, solutions such as MS Office, point of sale (POS) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, and supporting telecommunications service (e. g. broadband Internet access), Giordano’s competitor could acquire i ntegrated IT and logistics technology more easily and more cost-effectively than ever before. III. A third issue to be considered was Giordano’s growth strategy in Asia as well as across continent.Would Giordano’s competitive strengths be transferable to other markets ? Would strategic adaptation to IT strategy and marketing mix be required or would tactical moves suffice? Giordano Company’s main competitive strengths which can be transferred to other market are: the experience of the employees, inventory controlled system, HRM practices but the policies should be different for each country and can use the established distribution, marketing and inbound channels members in order to market their product outside the home country.IT strategy which is currently used by Giordano, it should not adopt the same strategy for other countries where they are planning to expand their business. Because the IT infrastructure for each country in Asia and other continents may no t be the same and the current IT strategy of Giordano may not be supported by that particular country’s technological structure. Giordano needs more efficient, cost effective, and secure internal communication platform which will link its many sites in Hong Kong and other host countries.As the cross border business of Giordano is increasing, the company needed a comprehensive communications tool that would help Giordano employees conduct multisite management meetings, share documents and collaborate for fast business decisions and quality customer service. In such scenario Giordano can go for partnership with the IT company (Like Microsoft), through which they can install such a server and software through which they can equipped their staff with real time teamwork and presence capabilities that dramatically increased productivity.At the same time they can decrease its multi-national direct dialing and travel cost, as well as IT management costs. The marketing mix strategies that are followed by the Giordano for the existing market should not be the same for new markets where the company is willing to enter. The marketing mix strategies mainly deal with arrangements of the 4 Ps’. So the strategies regarding product price, price, place and promotion should not be the same for all target countries as the market differs in terms of their economic, cultural, social and political environment.But the successful strategies which are currently used for other market can be used by Giordano as guidelines and can develop tactical strategies for different market according to the market situation and customers’ requirements. Recommendation In the past, Giordano has relied on a consistent strategy across retail outlets in the Asian countries that it transacts with. The success strategies include the company's positioning and quality service, recruitment and selection policy, training and development, above-market reward and compensation system, flat str ucture, quick decision making.We believe that the same brand in different regions should not apply different positioning strategy, which should keep the same business strategy consistency. Due to the intensive competitions in the global market, same brand name with different positioning strategy will cause the confusion of customers worldwide. Customers in these markets may become confused as to what Giordano stands for, and this inconsistency makes effective service strategy implementation difficult, particularly as consumers are becoming increasingly mobile and travel more frequently between Giordano’s core markets.Moreover, Giordano might can develop a new high-end brands in order to satisfy the demands of high end markets. From the above analysis we have some recommendation for expansion in the international market for Giordano. First, it is essential to start promotions to increase brand awareness when starting businesses in new market. Second, the location and site sele ction for establishing Giordano’s outlet in different country will be critical. The company should carefully select the site to position their stores which will be convenient for the customers. Third, customer is the key and main factor for differentiation is customer care.The company needs to follow customized customer service strategy for each market segment. Fourth, Giordano needs to find out possibility of outsourcing to maintain low costs. Fifth, extensive market research is needed to investigate designs and fabrics required by the target customers. Giordano has perfectly focused in the value-for-money concept and everything they do is managed at a world-class standard. The management conducted their business in such an excellent and professional manner which helped this brand to reach from Asia to the Middle East and India, Australia, Eastern Europe, and now in North America.Reference Giordano (2011). About Giordano. Accessed Sep 15 , 2011 from http://www. giordano. com . hk/web/HK/ourCompany. html Giordano (2011). Giordano International Limited Annual Report 2010. Kowloon, Hong Kong. Accessed Sep 15 , 2011 Bitner, Zeithaml, Gremler (2011). Service Marketing – Integrating Customer Focus Across the File 5th edition. McGraw Hill. Accessed Sep. 15, 2011. Tam, F. Y. , Chan, T. S. , Chu, P. W. , Lai, T. C. , Wang, L. L. (2005). Opportunities and challenges: Hong Kong as Asia’s fashion hub. J.Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 9(2), 221-231. Accessed Sep. 15, 2011 Tyler, D. , Heeley, J. , Bharma, T. (2006). Supply chain influences on new product development in fashion clothing. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 10(3), 316-328. Accessed Sep. 15, 2011 Taha, O. (2000). How to Design Your Positioning Strategy. Retrieved Sep. 23, 2011, from http://www. dime-co. com/marketing/positioning. htm Giordano International Limited (Hong Kong). (2011). Retrieved Sep. 25, 2011, from http://www. giordano. com. hk/web/HK/index. html
Friday, August 16, 2019
Hardware and software report Essay
This logo is attractive as it advertises its name in its logo and so it is a useful selling point, this is unlike other logos such as the Apple logo where there is no text. Secondly logo uses two colours and therefore it looks clean and professional and unlike other logos such as the old Fanta logo (which is cluttered and not colour coordinated). Thirdly this logo is a definite improvement for previous BA logos, such as the one released on the Queen’s Birthday in 1991. However the logo hasn’t been updated for just over fifteen years, certainly there have been modifications and improvements, and however BA hasn’t changed it completely. A report done by The Economist shows this could be why BA’s sales have been dropping gradually over the past decade. This logo represents the British based airline; Monarch. This logo uses two complementary colours, which are purple and yellow. The crown image is very clever because it matches the name of airline. The colours are used to great effect on the crown, the middle part of the crown is filled in with a golden yellow, and the two sides match the purple font. The crown is in a bold shape of an â€Å"M†so that people will notice that it belongs to Monarch Airways. It is extremely simple but also very clever and unique Ryan Air is an Irish Airline company who specialise in cheap flights. This logo is simple and quite plain and dull. The writing is big and bold so that people can read it from a long distance and so that it stands out and it has a short slogan underneath persuading potential customers to fly with them. It also has a small image of a golden harp but it’s not on the subject of flying, planes, or holidays. The Ryan Air logo is far too plain and doesn’t use the beautiful two colours to effect. 2. 2 My Logos 2. 3 My Final Logo Mr Jones chose this logo, because he believed this logo represents the ethos and nature of the company. This is one of the only logos to have the slogan of the company underneath. He believed that this was an essential marketing point, which reflects the company. After research of existing logos (both travel and non-travel) and their colour scheme, I chose brow, yellow, and black. He chose the computer designed logos because they look more professional and pleasing to the eye. Another factor that was imperative to my chosen design is the survey I carried out (see Appendix C for completed survey). 2. 4 Task Evaluation How did you choose what features to include in your logo? I looked at three different logos and evaluated the good and the bad things about each logo, and then created each of my own logos and trying to include all of the good features that I had spotted, to make it as effective as possible. I also created a survey on what customers wanted to see in a logo which has given me more of an insight into customer’s needs. What hardware and software did you use? To create these particular logos I used: Hardware Dell Dimension DM 051 Software Microsoft Publisher 2007 Microsoft Word 2007 Corel Graphics Designer Internet Explorer 7 (www. logomaker. com) Suggest an alternative way for completing the task and what other hardware or software could you have used? For this task I could have used different programs or I could have edited my drawn designs on the computer Software Microsoft PowerPoint 2003/7 Adobe Photoshop CS2 Hardware Apple Mac (OS 3. 0 Beta) How well did this task work? Overall I think I did quite well on this task, as I managed to use different programs and explore the different features of them, also I looked at the differences in the features between Microsoft Word 2003 and Microsoft 2007, I feel this has benefited me greatly. My logos look professional and smart, and I am pleased and the end result, however I feel I could’ve put a slogan on all of the logos, not just one.
How did the “Doctrine of Empiricism” change the way artists created art?
The term â€Å"empiricism†has a dual etymology, stemming both from the Greek word for â€Å"experience†. (http://www. philosophybasics. com/branch_empiricism. html) The â€Å"Doctrine of Empiricism†changed the way artists created art. They went from an open-minded outlook on the way to express art to a more structured view. It vanished the idea of metaphysical, tradition, and myth and replaced it with critical thought, and the scientific method of experimentation and the knowledge through empirical data. (The Enlightenment) A philosopher that well represents empiricism was John Locke. Portrait of John Locke, by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Oil on canvas. 76Ãâ€"64 cm. Britain, 1697. Source of Entry: Collection of Sir Robert Walpole, Houghton Hall, 1779 Locke believed that everyone was born with a â€Å"blank slate†and knowledge was obtained from experience. ( Theory of Knowledge, Empiricism) That changed the way artists created art because it gave them a more realistic view on how to express themselves. They took what they already knew and have experienced and started a whole new perception. Although this whole concept was new to everyone, not everyone agreed. Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued the idea of perfection in progress and knowledge, but he still presented acceptable ideas because the philosophers of this period argued for the perfection of the natural. (The Enlightenment) Leonardo Da Vinci was an advocate for careful empirical observation and an early version of the scientific method, making him important to the development of both science and skepticism. Leonardo's emphasis on observation and empirical science was not separate from his art. ( Leonardo Da Vinci ; Science, Observation, Empiricism, and Mathematics) Vitruvius: Vitruvian Man, by Leonardo Da Vinci, 1490 The Vitruvian Man was created using contour lines. The detail and shading is limited but portrays his interest in proportion and science. Da Vinci put a visual emphasis on the body itself using shapes to create what acts as a border. Empiricism was a breakthrough in the late 17th century and during the 18th. It took the endless possibilities of art and gave everything a new perspective. It is the theory in which everything comes from experience and evidence. It changed the way artists created art by giving them some insight and background before they ventured off into the divine world of art. Works Cited The Neoclassical (The Enlightenment)–Leonardo-Da-Vinci.htm
Thursday, August 15, 2019
In What Ways Did Sport Reflect Amercian Society in the 19th Century
In what ways did sport reflect American society? This essay will concentrate on looking at the ethnic and class divide within the sports subculture of American society, and how it reflects American Society as a whole. When examining any society there is a always a broad area to cover, while looking at America’s society I will be looking at the arguments that it is the ‘land of the free’ a ‘new nation’ which immigrants flocked to start a new life in a country of much ‘opportunity’. I will be using the sport in the 19th century to examine just how much America was a land of opportunity and of the free, and whether it differed from the attitudes in countries from around the rest of the world. When looking at sport in American society in the 19th century, first we must look at the origins of the sport and games that were played, to see how they were seen within a new growing society. Before the birth of the American colonies, it has been argued that sport in America was a cultural practice for the most part associated with Native American ceremonies and religion, colonisation brought the idea of sport and games for leisure. The English brought with them recreational ideologies, it was not just the particular games and sports but the attitudes and practices in which leisure activities were rooted. The Native Americans had many sports/games similar to that of Europeans before colonisation but they had independent cultural contexts that gave them different meanings. Often the activities accompanied fertility ceremonies, burial rites, healing practices, and attempts to control the weather. It was reported in the American Anthropologist (1890) by James Mooney that Cherokees who played stickball (Also known as Lacrosse) must not engage in intercourse for a month before a game. Also, prior to games they would build fires and dance to the sound of drums, rattles and sacred chants. Players were prepared before games with prayer’s, pipe smoking, body painting and many other rituals designed more to enhance spirituality rather than to ensure them victory. Participation in these games was not voluntary as the reasons they were played were for crucial tribal concerns. Indeed, the English who came and colonised America also played games for similar cultural reasons, though these reasons were not as crucial of a concern for the whole nation, but for smaller areas of society. In general, the British played for leisure, in Europe this formed the counterpoint to the necessity of daily labour, and the ideal of playing sport for leisure is still very strong today all over the world. The English leisure ethic more so than its work ethic became idealised by Virginian plantation owners. They acted like English gentlemen, followed English press, fashion and played English sports such as Cricket, they did this in search of a class distinction. It was mainly for this reason that sporting displays became a big preoccupation among the Virginian gentry; they were some of the few that had the time and money to occupy themselves with such tasks. Due to this, leisure became a very class restricting custom, and the English educated gentry endeavoured to keep it this way. One such example of the class distinctions at this time within American society is that of James Bullocke who was a tailor, he defeated Mathew Slader a ‘gentleman’ in a 1674 horse race on which each man had placed a bet of two thousand pounds of tobacco. However, after this victory the county court told the men that it was â€Å"contrary to law for a labourer to make a race being a sport for Gentlemen†, and fined him one hundred pounds of tobacco. The court also confined Slader (the gentleman) to the stocks for an hour for his loss to a working man. A leading factor in the pursuit of leisure for whites was that slavery made it difficult for them to value hard work, and easy for them to appreciate sport and games. The logic of this was simple, if enslaved blacks had to work; play was proof of freedom and elevated social status. Labour was a burden of blackness, leisure was the prerogative of whiteness. The institution of slavery, in fact, compelled the vast majority of African Americans to â€Å"steal†time for leisure and recreation, just as they stole a certain kind of knowledge when they learned to read and write. The civil war however painful it was, had a good side to it as well, this being that it helped to bring a stop to slavery. This meant freedom, citizenship, and constitutional protections from the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, however this did not mean too much to America’s black population. The good that came from the end of slavery was overshadowed by institutionalised racial segregation and repression that treated African American’s as second-class citizens. Many African Americans turned to sport and leisure to help cope with the racial discrimination, however this was not as easy as one may think it to be. Sport was used as a point of interest that brought many blacks together, Baseball was one of the most unifying of sports for African Americans with many early Black baseball teams, one of the earliest being the Pythian Baseball Club of Philadelphia, they consisted of four teams with players coming from the higher ranks of Black society. The Pythian's played other black teams from around Philadelphia, including one of the most famous, the Excelsiors (the oldest black team in the city). The Pythian’s played for the unofficial â€Å"Colored Championship of the United States†in 1871, they carried a race’s pride when they played all be it separating themselves from the lower and middle classes in the African American society. This showing that although it became more acceptable for black players to play white sports, they were separated out from the white’s and class was still a divisive factor amongst players. So, ‘land of the free’ of ‘opportunity’ it does not look like it, when we see the divide between the players of this sport. Black athletes were involved in almost every sport by the end of the nineteenth century, however, boxing was one they had a larger representation and became most prominent in. Black athletes were more acceptable in boxing as it was believed that it was more suitable to the black athlete’s abilities and there was also a negative stigma attached to the sport. While in baseball black players were cultivating themselves a separate coloured league, boxing was a predominantly white organised sport and black boxers suffered the wrath of much of the white population as well as some from the black population too. A successful and controversial figure in boxing was Jack Johnson, the first American black heavyweight boxing champion, from a white point of view he showed many of the personal qualities disliked of blacks, Johnson was defiant, ill-mannered and incorrigible. Also, he married three white women and he was successful capturing the symbolism of Anglo-Saxon white superiority, the heavyweight boxing crown. Johnson was not just disliked by the whites for his behaviour, many in the black community thought that his actions hindered the progress of the race. He was a hero to many, but also was considered an embarrassment as he refused to act subservient. The way Johnson lived his life could be argued that he was a true pioneer of the ‘American dream’, an operator in the ‘land of the free’ that has taken the opportunity given to him and made it work. His boxing career was a quest for freedom, he formed his own unique style of fighting and his success gained him many of the material things many blacks craved but they would never achieve. Examining boxing, one could argue that this sport showed a truer interpretation of American Society than any of the others, America was supposed to be a ‘land of opportunity’ where people could emigrate, to achieve things that they would not be able to do in their homeland. However, was this sport mirroring American society or one of very few things that actually fell in line with the belief of the ‘American dream’? This being the story of one man, who ac hieved his own dream, at the cost of being disliked by many, surely a ‘land of the free’ would encourage his success. In conclusion, it is hard to fully understand American society from how it affected sport, whether it be racism, gender or class distinctions. One thing that is obvious to any historian looking at this subject, it is that these problems, however much people believe them to no longer be a problem in society, they still are. Class is no longer much of a problem within sport anymore, unless it is stopping you from joining the prestigious tennis of golf club, though these days money will buy you whatever class status you want. However, whether it is gender arguments such as prize funds at competitions such as Wimbledon, or the racism provided by fans to players of all different sports around the world, these problems will never go away. So is it wrong to judge America for its sporting/sociological crimes of the past? When looking at American society now it is still divided between sports which are seen as black and white, white sports such as ice hockey played in the northern states, and NASCAR in the southern states, black players are few and far between while Basketball is predominantly filled with black players. The truth is sport will always divide, the most recent divide in sport has come with homosexuality, David Kopay, was one of the only American Footballers to come out as gay in 1975. After he retired he was considered for many top coaching roles though he believes he never landed one because of his sexuality. Kopay is now on the board of the Gay and Lesbian Athletics Association, an organisation whose purpose is to increase acceptance and visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender athletes in the professional, amateur, and recreational athletics communities. You could use this argument to show that sport does not reflect society as whole but more secular groupings. Modern day racism, homophobia, sexism are all hot topics but society overall is not reflected as any of these things, yet sport still is. To say that trends in sport reflect overall society can be strongly refuted, such as in the army, police force and many working environments these problems have become institutionalised and are a representation of a few minds, not a whole society. However much sport in American society separated and segregated people, the fact is that it has eventually brought everyone together to provide a more sturdy society. America proved itself for a small period of time to be a ‘land of the free’ a ‘new nation’ in which if an athlete was good at a sport it didn’t matter if he was different, the opportunity was still there. It may have taken over a hundred years but the class divide has gone and the divide between race and gender is being depleted. Sport is a catalyst for cohesiveness, and it has helped in the development and the creation of American society as we see it today. Bibliography Books Jable, J. Thomas. Sport in Philadelphia’s African American Community, 1865-1900. Eisen, G. ; Wiggins, D. (1994) Ethnicity and Sport in North American History and Culture. Praeger Publishers. Gorn, E. ; Goldstein, W. (1993) A Brief History of American Sports. University of Illinois Press. Chicago. Wiggins, D. ; Miller, P. (2003) The Unlevel Playing Field: A Documentary of the African American Experience in Sport. University of Illinois Press. Chicago. Vincent, T. (1981) The Rise ; Fall of American Sport: Mudville’s Revenge. University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln. Wiggins, D. (1995) Sport in America: From Wicked Amusement to National Obsession. Websites http://www. glaf. org â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Pg6. Gorn [ 2 ]. Pg5. Gorn [ 3 ]. Pg5. Gorn [ 4 ]. Pg22. Gorn [ 5 ]. Pg21. Gorn [ 6 ]. Pg 7 Wiggins and Miller [ 7 ]. Pg157 Eisen and Wiggins [ 8 ]. Wiggins and Miller pg 34 [ 9 ]. Eisen, G & Wiggins, K. Pg 134 [ 10 ]. Eisen, G & Wiggins, K. Pg140 [ 11 ]. Eisen, G & Wiggins, K. Pg141 [ 12 ]. http://glaf. org/team_bios. html
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