Monday, September 30, 2019
Morbid Obesity The Problem Health And Social Care Essay
Fleshiness is a medical status in which unnatural surplus fat has accumulated in our organic structure. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in populations. Harmonizing to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United state, 850 million people worldwide were undernourished in the old ages between 1999 and 2005. Genes and unhealthy life style do play a function in the development of fleshiness. Obesity besides associated with several comparatively common diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, bosom disease ( CVDs ) , and some malignant neoplastic diseases. So, I feel that is of import to hold an effectual intervention that can assist them lose weight for good. I am traveling to discourse the a possible solution for this job in this study.BMI = Weight in Kilograms / Square of tallness in metres.Obesity-image001 SoA A BMI = Kg / square MS. orA A A BMI = Weight ( pound ) * 703 / tallness ( inches ) 2 BMI is indexed as follows for mention: BMI A & lt ; 18.5 A = A Underweight BMIA 18.5 – 24.9 A =A Normal weight BMI A A 25 – 29.9 = A Overweight BMIA A 30 – 39.9 =A Corpulent BMIA A & gt ; 40 = A Severely corpulent Table 1: Body mass index ( BMI ) is the most simple and utile index to gauge organic structure fat. Overweight is the index people are being corpulent. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.obesity-cause-symptoms-treatment-cure.asp.htm ( 207 words ) bmiCompGraphSimple_-1661997252_Small Graph 1: Graph of BMI & gt ; 30kg/m2 by differents state for ages 15+ in 2005, harmonizing to the research made, the figure of people acquiring fleshiness is increase along the old ages in many state. hypertext transfer protocol: // Based on the graph, the prevalence of fleshiness is increase dramatically in all Europes and United States. This observation is support in the book Obesity, Etiology Assesement Treatment and Prevention preface by Jack.H.Wilmore and edited by Ross E Andersen. ( 308 words )A possible solutionAfter making some research, I have found that bariatric surgery is the most effectual method in assisting those who are holding fleshiness. There are two types of bariatric surgery that are most common usage which are cut downing the volume of the tummy ( e.g. by adjustable stomachic stria and perpendicular banded gastroplasty ) , which produces an earlier sense of repletion, and cut downing the length of intestine that comes into contact with nutrient ( stomachic beltway surgery ) . Adjustable stomachic stria. MMPE_01NUT_06_01_eps Figure 1: Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding ( LAGB ) Restrictive processs [ 24 ] A silicone set is puting around the top of the tummy utilizing cardinal hole surgery. It so making a little pouch and a narrow transition into balance of tummy. No film editing or stapling of tummy involve. It will cut down the tummy gap where the gorge and tummy meet. The size of gap can be adjusted or controlled by increasing and diminishing the volume of saline solution inside it, through a port placed under the tegument. Patients usually can travel place after 1 or 2 after surgery [ 22 ] . ( 485 words ) Roux-en-Y stomachic beltway surgery. MMPE_01NUT_06_02_eps Figure 2: Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Malabsorptive processs [ 25 ] The tummy is divided and a little pouch which limits Calories is formed silmutaneously as the bulk of the tummy is sealed of. A part of the little bowel is so divided and sewn to the freshly created little tummy pouch. It can be performed as the unfastened surgery or laparoscopic surgery [ 23 ] . †Forty per centum are utilizing the set and 30 per centum are utilizing are utilizing the marker †By Dr. Mal Fobi top bariatric sawbones Actually, it is based on the sawbones on taking the most appropriate type of bariatric surgery for the patient. ( 592 words )Effectiveness OF Bariatric SurgeryBariatric surgery is effectual in dainty fleshiness by lose their weight. It besides said have less complication therefore do it most suited as a intervention. †I do n't desire to be chesty, but I popularized the fleshiness surgery in America †By Dr Mal Fobi top bariatric sawbones Figure 3: Singer actress Jennifer Holliday, weighing 340 lbs is shown in this 1982 file exposure with the Tony award she won for her work in the Broadway knock Dreamgirls. In 1989 Dr. Fobi done beltway surgery on her and she lost 200 lbs until today she managed maintain her weight. [ 32 ] Graph 2: Shows decrease in organic structure mass index over clip ( B ) and percent surplus weight lost over clip ( degree Celsius ) after laparoscopic duodenal switch and concurrent processs [ 31 ] . ( 719 words ) I have found the effectivity of bariatric surgery based on the research done in the 1995 in Florida. The research included 34 patients who had undergone either a stomachic beltway ( RYGBP ) ( N=30 ) or a perpendicular banded gastroplasty ( VBG ) ( N=4 ) . The mean follow up period was 6 old ages. The per centum weight loss ( % EWL ) was 66 % . †When asked, most patients agreed that if they had to make it over once more they would ; merely two said they would non †based on research done in Florida in 1995 [ 32 ] . All the informations above are dependable beginnings since the informations are all in different beginnings but still shows about the same consequence in the effectivity of bariatric surgery. The writers of these beginnings are good known people that had done their research on bariatric surgery. Although, all the surveies showed the old ages that can be see out to day of the month comparison to now but this proven that the engineering in that clip is possible in overcome fleshiness by surgery. Therefore, now we have advanced in engineering which makes surgery go more effectual in dainty fleshiness. For illustration, now we have laparoscopic technique instead than open surgery which minimize the cut on the tegument and complication during carry out the surgery. ( 918 words )Social and economic deductionsSOCIAL EFFECTSWhen people are acquiring fleshiness it is really the beginning towards many fatal diseases particularly cardiovascular disease ( CVDs ) . This may take to the unhealty society in a large figure. Since people acquiring disease from the consequence of fleshiness that can likely do a patient bash non capable to execute their day-to-day activities particularly go to work and do a big load to their households and friends particularly their loved 1s. In the movie of play series †Manjalara †in TV3 which illustrates a teenage miss holding an fleshiness, it conveys the palpably existent hurting of household and loved 1s. Sometimes she besides being humilliated by others particularly by some of her relations and friends. The surgery done do work-albeit with side effects-and she are acquiring better after that [ 2 ] . Furthermore people with fleshiness tend to acquire emphasis when they are strive to cut down their weight. Some of them seek many medical specialties including pills, herb teas, and even utmost manner by non eating or others likes holding binge-eating syndrome and aneroxia nervosa syndrome of fearing acquiring weight addition that cause an inauspicious effects in their wellness. Some of Herbal weight loss pills are non regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. So there are no limitations to go around hazardous and unsafe herbal weight loss pills in the market [ 3 ] .Economic EffectsMedical costs associated with corpulence and fleshiness may affect direct and indirect costs ( Wolf and Colditz, 1998 ; Wolf, 1998 ) . Direct medical costs may include preventative, diagnostic, and intervention services related to fleshiness. Indirect costs relate to morbidity and mortality costs. Morbidity costs are defined as the value of income lost from decreased productiveness, restricted activit y, absenteeism, and bed yearss. Mortality costs are the value of future income lost by premature decease [ 4 ] . Corpulent air riders demand the offering of wider seatsA in the aircraft. A survey reveals that corpulent riders are bing air hoses and other clients an estimated $ 75,000,000 US dollars a twelvemonth [ 3 ] ( 1242 words )Benefits and hazardsSurgeryOne survey of bariatric surgery, found a weight loss of between 14 % and 25 % ( depending on the type of process performed ) at 10A old ages, and a 29 % decrease in all cause mortality when compared to standard weight loss steps. A pronounced lessening in the hazard of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and malignant neoplastic disease has besides been found after bariatric surgery. Marked weight loss occurs during the first few months after surgery, and the loss is sustained in the long term. The most common perioperative complication is wound infection ( in approximately 3 % ) ; the most common late complication is anastomotic tummy stricture ( in approximately 5 % ) . Patients should be monitored every 4 to 6 hebdomad while weight loss is rapid ( normally about the first 6 minute after surgery ) , so every 6 to 12 minute. Weight and BP are checked, and eating wonts are reviewed [ 8 ] . ( 1472 words ) Type of comparing Gastric Bypass Gastric Band Duration of processs 1 – 4 hours 0.5 – 2 hours Length of twenty-four hours 2-3 hours A 1 – 2 yearss Postoperative addendums MVI, Fe, Ca MVI, Ca Estimated weight loss 50-75 % EBW 40 – 60 % EBW Side effects Dumping syndrome Vomiting Short term complications DVT/PE, anastomotic escape, pouch escape, GI hemorrhage DVT / PE, port-site infection, esophageal perforation Long term complications Gasterojejunostomy stricture, Fe lack anemia, Ca lack, B12 lack, fringy ulcer, internal hernia set slippage, device escape, eroding into stomach/esophagus, pouch expansion, device infection Mortality rate 0-1 % 0-1 % Table 2: Comparison between Gastric beltway and Gastric set ( bariatric surgery ) hypertext transfer protocol: // article_id=638Alternate solutions1.Anti-Obesity Drugs/MedicationBesides surgery drugs, medicine besides can be utile to handle fleshiness. Most weight-loss medicines are â€Å" appetite-suppressant †medicines. Appetite-suppressant medicines promote weight loss by diminishing appetency or increasing the feeling of being full. These medicines decrease appetite by increasing 5-hydroxytryptamine or catecholamine  two encephalon chemicals that affect temper and appetite [ 13 ] . There are two types of drug intervention which are individual drug intervention and combined drug intervention.GENERIC NameTrade NAME ( S )Phentermine Adipex-P, Fastin, Ionamin, Oby-trim Sibutramine Meridia Table 3 – Prescription Weight-Loss Medication, illustration of drug intervention approved by the U.SFoodAndDrugAdminstration ( FDA ) for short term and long term usage. hypertext transfer protocol: // medical specialties.html Proactol is one of the new drug which is clinically proved and recommended by the professional. ( 1612 words ) †It is hence encouraging to see that a merchandise like Proactola„? offers a healthy manner of doing it easier to take charge of your weight and eating wonts. It besides turn toing issues beyond weight direction, such as take downing cholesterin and equilibrating blood glucose fluctuations. ††( Dr. J GruenWald had to state about Proactola„? ) clinical_study Graph 3: The graph shows how the proactol works to adhere the fat. hypertext transfer protocol: // Proactol drugs can adhere up to 28 % of our day-to-day fat consumption, lower blood cholestrol and act as of course supressing your appetency. Proactol drugs have been trial and passes all of the guidelines set by the EU Directive ( MDD/93/42/EEC ) . It is 100 % side effects free [ 14 ] .2.Screening procedureNowadays we have dedicated pysicians, dieticians, physical therapist to assist those who have obesity by talk to those who are expert.Initial testing procedure include: Individual audiences with our physicians Nutrition reding including anthropometric informations assemblage and organic structure fat appraisal Behavioral alteration therapy ( 1768 words ) Physical activity guidance and exercising prescription [ 5 ] In order to contend and get the better of fleshiness one should non contend and stand entirely since they need support and aid from others.3.Social theraphySocial therapy is the therapy that involved the action taken by household, authorities and society in overcome this job either among themselves or others. What are you making about the environment? The city manager has outlined a program to hold a park within a 10-minute walk of all New York City occupants. This is portion of an attempt to make an even more walkable and bicycle-friendly metropolis. ( New York City and the Public Health Interview with Thomas R. Frieden, M.D. , M.P.H. Commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Interviewed by Xavier Pi-Sunyer, M.D. ) [ 6 ] . †Prof Anthony R. Leeds ††¦ For each kilogramme of weight lost, there is some metabolically active thin tissue lost with it. ( 1919 words )LocationStairss to Help Prevent and Decrease Overweight and ObesityHomeReduce clip spent watching telecasting and in other sedentary behaviours Build physical activity into regular modus operandisSchoolsEnsure that the school breakfast and tiffin plans meet nutrition criterions Supply nutrient options that are low in fat, Calories, and added sugarsWorkCreate more chances for physical activity at work sitesCommunityPromote healthier picks including at least 5 helpings of fruits and veggies a twenty-four hours, and sensible part sizes Create chances for physical activity in communities Table 4: Stairss to assist prevent and overcome fleshiness in different topographic points. [ 4,7 ]( 2026 words )3. Using Devicess: Palm runing system and PocketPC 2003 Treat overweight and fleshiness harmonizing to the Clinical Guidelines on Overweight and Obesity in Adults with this free synergistic plan for usage on Palm runing system and PocketPC 2003 devices of your manus that allows you to instantly bring forth individualised and evidence-based appraisal and intervention recommendations for each patient at the point-of-care that mention to the Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults: the Evidence Report and the Practical Guide to the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults [ 9 ] . Features include Body Mass Index computation, appraisal of cardiovascular disease hazard factors, and finding of demand for intervention. ( Palm OS devive and Pocket Personal computer 2003, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ) .PDA imagesFigure 4: Palm OS devive and Pocket Personal computer 2003, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ( 2174 words )EvaluationProactol have been found to cut down fleshiness efficaciously since it is clinically proved and 100 % side effects free based on the mention hypertext transfer protocol: // effects or are at that place practol side effects.htm. It besides been recomended by many physician and dietitions therefore make it a dependable beginnings. It besides shows equal reviewed consequences and certified by many administration such as UK vegetarian society and France ECOcert SAS. I have besides found the other beginnings ( Win control information web ( WIN ) coaction with national institutes of wellness and U.S section of wellness and human services and besides information services of national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases ( NIDDK ) .prescription.htm ) . This web gives the information about the side effects of drugs taken. It explain about the usage of label and which drugs are aprroved by nutrient and drug adminstration. It is a dependable beginnings since the information are from national and many other administrations. ( 2331 words )BibiliographyWebsitehypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //www.obesitytherapy, /a turning job for United Kingdom populations.html, herbal weight loss pills.htm, not medical consequences.htm hypertext transfer protocol: // Centre for Disease Control and Prevention/economic consequences.htm Sime Darby The Expert Weighs In New York City and the Public Health/October 2007 Obesity Management DOI: 10.1089/obe.2007.0063 Obesity treatment.htm Fleshiness and metabolic syndrom: Merck Manual Home Edition.html NHLBI Health Information Network at NHLBIInfo @ www.obesity-cause-symptoms-treatment-cure.asp.htm hypertext transfer protocol: //www.WHO/obesityandaverweight.index.html hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // medicines.html Proactol % 20Side % 20Effects.htm Fleshiness and corpulence for professional: informations and statistics: U.S fleshiness tendencies Genomicss, resources, diseases, fleshiness editorial.htm hypertext transfer protocol: // obesity.htm hypertext transfer protocol: // free fleshiness pictures.html hypertext transfer protocol: // 10 Healthy Dieting Tips Obesity Therapy.htm Good primary attention is the fleshiness medicine.htm International diary of fleshiness: 10 Healthy Dieting Tips _ Obesity Therapy.htm A © 2009 Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved. spouse of AGORA, HINARI, OARE, INASP, CrossRef and COUNTER hypertext transfer protocol: // utilizations of egfr inhibitors to forestall or handle fleshiness hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Heisler, J 2009. What is The LapBand Weight Loss Surgery. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Heisler, J 2009. Understanding Gastric Bypass Weight loss Surgery. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Prima telecasting web in Malaysia ( TV3 play series MANJALARA ) , showed in 7 Mei 2007 with 75 episodes directed by Khabir Bhatia.BooksPearson instruction limited 2008, edexcel AS biological science. International edition, Campbell, reece, 6th edition publish by pearson instruction. Fleshiness, Etiology Assesement Treatment and Prevention preface by Jack.H.Wilmore and edited by Ross E Andersen, right of first publication by Human Kinetics Publishers in 2003 Surgery: A basic scientific discipline and clinical grounds, by Jeffrey A. Norton, A Philip S. Barie, A R. Randal Bollinger, publish by Springer in 2008 ( 2nd edition ) Fleshiness surgery: Principle and pattern by Cid Potombo 417 pages on page 385 article written by Robert A. Rabkin, MD, FACS, published by Mc Graw Hill Professional 2008. Laparoscopic bariatric surgery volume 1 by William B. Inabnet, Eric J. de Maria, Sayeed Ikramuddin,333 pages on page 300, published by Lippincot Williams and Wilkins 2004.Magazines33. JET,15 Dec 2003,64 pages vol 104 No 25, page 33-34, Surgeon Dr Mal Fobi †Revolutionizes Weight Loss Surgery with Fobi Pouch Operation for Obesity †, published by Johnson Publishing Company
Sunday, September 29, 2019
“Red Robin†by Clark Richard
â€Å"Red Robin†by Clark Richard â€Å"Red Robin,†by Clark Richard is one song, which without fail always makes me cry. My little sister Ann and our father danced to this song at her quince for the father daughter dance. It was originally planned for me to sing the song but I got too emotional in order to sing it thus there was a change of plans. This song was written by Clark Richard for a future daughter that he wishes to have. Red Robin,†helped me personally celebrate a very joyous occasion by making me realize my little sister was growing up, letting me know how my parents feel, and by allowing me to show her that our family will always be there for her; especially myself. It has been harder for me to see my sister growing up than some. Unlike other older sisters, where they just had to be an older sister, I helped raise my younger sister. When we were very young both of my parents were in the military and we moved around all the time.When my mom was deploy ed to Germany and my dad become â€Å"mom,†it was horrid. He had never been on that side of the relationship before, where he wasn’t the provider. He would stress out and leave to go work out all the time and we wouldn’t see him for hours. When my older brother was at school, I took care of my little sister. Now don’t get me wrong, my dad was a great dad. It just took him time and patience that he didn’t have just yet to get better and before he would leave he would always make sure everything harmful was out of reach.He became a great mom after a while; it just took time. Until then though, I helped clean, put up my sister’s toys, get us something to eat, help take baths, get her pajamas on, etc. I love my little sister almost like a daughter and in this song, it explains a little girl growing up to be a women and it is a struggle for me because I will always see my little sister as this little girl who I had to help take care of when my m om wasn’t home. In my opinion, this is what also helped me into the mindset of my parents and helped me understand how they must feel.I believe that all parents have different feelings about the love that they have for their children and they all show it very differently as well. The way that Richard describes how he feels for his daughter is moving and passionate. He sings to her saying, in not so many words, that he will always be there for her and watching over her, he can’t rest without knowing that she is safe, and that even after death he will be waiting for her return home. If one was to meet my mom or dad, I would believe that this would be similar to how they feel.I use this song to express the emotion in which me and my parents towards my little sister becoming a women and it makes me want to cry. There is one main lyrical line that even shows the worries and thoughts in which a parent would be thinking through a child life. In â€Å"Red Robin,†Richar d states, â€Å"she knows I’ll toss and turn no chance I’ll sleep tonight till I know she’s made it home all right. †In this line Richard describes how when his daughter is out and about, he won’t be able to sleep at all until she is home and safe.When he states, or sings this line, he shows the compassion and forethought in which a parent would have. He describes how his daughter’s safety matters above all and without the knowledge of her safety he will never be at rest. This is how all parents should feel or worry about their children. The part that frustrates me is that there are a lot of parents who could care less and they just expect their children to be home and don’t even check on them. I have cousins who sneek out all the time and never get caught because their mother doesn’t check on them and they never tell anyone where they are going.They could get seriously injured or even raped and no one would know where they we re. I worry about my sister and when I am home, and I get back from being out, whether my mom as already or not, I always check on her. I see her as a daughter and when she is out with her friends or with a particular cousin I will always worry about her until I know she is home safe. Plus, in my personal opinion, when you have a 17 year old daughter (or sister), you should always worry about them until they get home because they don’t always get into the safest situations; especially when or if they are feeling neglected.Teenagers when they go through their hormonal phases to become adults always have times when they feel neglected, unwanted, that no one listens to them and that everyone’s against him or her and so on. When my sister and I were younger, when my mom was actually home, I was the kind of child that demanded more attention and she was not. Although, now that she’s older, she demands a lot of attention and she gets it since she is still â€Å"the b aby†and she is the only child my mom and dad have left that is not already going to college. When we had her Quince, one big point was to include my sister in every decision that was made.That usually is not true for most Hispanic girls. Usually it is planned for them and they learn the dances and attend, it’s very rare that a soon to be 15 year old girl gets any decision making power in this type of situation, but; my mom is a very open Hispanic. My mom and I did everything in our power to make this whole party all about her and by the end of it, everyone cried, including my sister. If she ever felt unwanted or inconvenienced, it wasn’t while we were planning or Quince and it wasn’t during the night we had the party either. And, even if she did, she didn’t after she looked at the bill.We still have fights today, mainly her and my mom since I’m at college, because she believes that no one is listening to her and that my mom is completely aga inst her. Whenever I come home, if I don’t side with her completely on everything, she still throws tantrums and I have to get on to her and scold her so that she will go apologize to our mom since she wasn’t right and she knows it. She just doesn’t want to admit it or she didn’t â€Å"see it that way†. I love my little sister and no matter how many times we get in fights, I will always be there for her no matter what. Red Robin,†by Clark Richard is a very moving, emotional song. Just singing it in my head still makes me want to tear up. The emotional stress that this song caused me during my sister’s Quince was very annoying but it made me realize and learn many things. This song was written by Clark Richard for a future daughter that he wishes to have. â€Å"Red Robin,†helped me personally celebrate a very joyous occasion by making me realize my little sister was growing up, letting me know how my parents feel, and by allowi ng me to show her that our family will always be there for her; especially myself.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Interpersonal Communication with High School and College Students Research Paper
Interpersonal Communication with High School and College Students - Research Paper Example This notion can be called as "maintained social capital." By recognizing the role of Facebook and filling the gap of social capital, it can be stated that more use of Facebook can enhance the social capital positively (Ellison et al., 2007). A new term â€Å"friendsickness†has become common to express the feeling of loneliness resulting from the loss of past links with old classmates particularly when a student gets admission into a college after finishing school. Cummings et al. (2006) have explored the role played by internet technologies specifically on college-going students. Students maintain their interpersonal communication through the use of emails and short messaging service to remain in touch with their high school friends after they get away from their homes to join a college. Therefore, this measure of students’ interaction with their past companions especially to preserve their social capital by communicating after getting to the next stage of their studen t life by becoming collegiate provides them the opportunity to remain in touch and preserve their school-time friendships Interpersonal communication helps in creating life changing social capital, which students can now-a-days accumulate quite easy way although changes take place with the making or getting away from online links fructified through social networks. Specific changes in social networks can devalue the created social wealth with the shifting in geographical positions wherein the networks were formed, causing loss of generated social relationship wealth of students. Globalization has made people prone to shifting places, particularly in the U.S. people abandon the region for better job opportunities (Putnam, 2000)). Cummings et al. (2006) & Wellman et al. (2001) have explored the part played by internet in bringing communities nearer. Wellman et al. (2001) have researched on the role of internet in bridging the distances through emails by those who use internet increasi ngly in stead of using it as a alternative for offline communication with those living in the vicinity. The link between the use of Facebook, a famous online social network website, and the building and keeping of social capital has been explored. Other than approximating kinship and creating social worth, a new angle of social interaction gets explored that measures one's capability to remain linked with members of a past online populated community, which is named as preserved social value. Regression studies organized on outcomes from a survey of undergraduate students indicate a powerful link between use of Facebook and the three kinds of social values, with the most powerful link being to fill up the gap in social capital. Other than this, Facebook usage proved beneficial to communicate on steps of psychological well-being, indicating that it could offer higher benefits for users passing through a phase of reduced self-respect and low level of life satisfaction (Ellison et al., 2007). Currently, transition to college has become very easy with the online medium of Facebook. The present generation of college students is getting huge leverage of the computer and internet technology in comparison to past students who used to depend on
Friday, September 27, 2019
Defending Slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Defending Slavery - Essay Example Despite this, opinions regarding slavery varied widely, and the abolition of slavery purely on moral grounds was argued against especially in the Southern states of the US, since slavery had become part of the economic, social, cultural and political life of the South (Chapter 12). For the most part, it was suggested that slavery was part an established way of life in the South. Slaves, it was claimed, were treated well, in most households, and even when slaves were not necessary labor on vast sugar or cotton plantations, they were being taken care of by the white, civilized society of the South. The fact that the two races – whites and blacks – existed together but were so different was used to justify the institution of slavery: â€Å"†¦ distinguished by color †¦ other physical differences, as well as intellectual †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Calhoun, 1837). In the stereotypical argument of the Colonizer, or in this case, the slave-owner, it was argued that the â€Å"s uperior†race had a responsibility to educate, look after and protect the â€Å"inferior†other races. Calhoun (1837) goes further than even this to claim that it was better to be a slave in the South than a poor worker in Europe.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
MATH & ESSAY Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
MATH & ESSAY - Speech or Presentation Example The budgeted costs can be compared to the actual costs in order to control activities and identify significant deviations from expectations. The budgeted cost is to communicate the objectives and expectations down the organization, whereas the actual costs indicate the performance of the organization with respect ot he budgeted values. In financial terms, firewall refers to the regulatory legal barriers placed by the Glass – Steagall Act 1933 which attempted to prevent the transfer of inside information and performance of financial transactions between commercial and investment banks (Darwish & Evanoff, 2007). The regulatory firewall between the commercial and investment banking activities indicated that the commercial banks should curb their investment activities and that the income from investments should not be over 10%. These rules were extended and the Bank Holding Act came into practise in 1956 which separated the banking and the insurance sector. The banks were allowed to sell insurance, but they were not authorized to underwrite insurances. This acted as a firewall between the banking and the insurance sector. The firewall was initiated as it was found that the commercial banks were involved in the stock market to a great extent and were thus putting the deposits received from customers at great risk. Also, it was one of the reasons for the early stock market crash. Hence it was decided that there has to be some legal barriers in order to separate the commercial and investment
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Why starting a franchise is better than starting a new business Essay
Why starting a franchise is better than starting a new business - Essay Example As a matter of fact, there is a vast array of different available alternatives and opportunities such that it is often difficult to decide on the best plan to follow. After choosing the best path, one would require help starting the business, hence the need to appreciate the differences between starting a business and franchising opportunities, as well as choosing which plan is the most applicable (Bradach 99). Although franchising is similar to starting one’s own business in various aspects, these business initiatives are inherently quite dissimilar. This paper will examine the reasons why it is better to start a franchise rather than a new business. Broadly speaking, franchising refers to the means of operating a commercial operation through the use of certain elements or aspects of other businesses, for instance, its products, brand and name. Previously, this entailed licensing agreements where business operators had the right to sell certain products in certain markers, di stribution deals that work on the same basis or other form of agency agreement in which one runs part of a greater business. However, today, franchising refers to the granting of licenses to trade under similar names as the parent companies and to make use of all or most of the aspects, which make these businesses successful to enable one’s venture to strive. ... Such support, however, runs for the duration of the franchise agreement. The contract entails the franchisee agreeing to pay the franchisor for the privilege to use such support and business tools. In most instances, such payment is made upfront although the franchisee has to pay numerous staged payments as the business develops (Libava 81). However, it is evident that certain franchise agreements stipulate that franchisees have to make additional payments if the business grows to be exceedingly successful, but, in most cases, this amount is a regular flat rate. Although in most cases the startup cost of starting a franchise is quite large, this cost is substantially lower than the cost of starting the same business from scratch. Some of the most notable franchises include, among others, Subway, Hampton Hotels, 7-Eleven Inc, Anytime Fitness, Supercuts and McDonald’s and Pizza Hut Inc. These businesses are quite profitable and their brands are widely acclaimed all over the worl d. Starting such a business from scratch can cost quite a lot. However, franchising allows business owners to pay low costs in order to start these businesses. For instance, in order to start franchises such as McDonald’s, one only requires between $1.07 million and $1.89 million, to start a Subway franchise one needs between $85,200 and $260,350. On the other hand, in order to start a Hampton Hotel franchise, one must pay the franchisor between $3.7 million and $13.52 million. These figures go to show that starting a franchise is way cheaper than establishing such a massive company. Perhaps one of the most attractive aspects of franchising is the reduction of risk. The business is not essentially a new
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Strategy creation in non-profit organizations The National Development Research Paper
Strategy creation in non-profit organizations The National Development Foundation of Jamaica - Research Paper Example Entrepreneurs in their quest for profits adopt various strategic measures to promote business growth and development. These are common perceptions that are held for any kind of business activity. On the one hand it is true that businesses exist for profit creation and sustaining business development activities, but the fact that firms have moral and social obligations to the community in which they exist cannot be ignored. Quite a lot of organizations exist and operate to serve the community and its social needs. These organizations are popularly termed as non-profit organizations that seek to improve the society in which they live. The National Development Foundation of Jamaica (NDFJ) is one such organization that is committed to assist micro, small and medium enterprises in setting up and promoting their business goals through the delivery of innovative financing products. How can a non-profit organization sustain its business goals and activities and what are the strategic measures such organizations can take to survive and grow in existing economic conditions. These are some of the vital issues facing the management of organizations like NDFJ. The paper highlights the sig nificance of strategic plans and the measures that can be taken by organizations to sustain and meet their developmental goals. Strategic plans and their role in businesses Managerial strategies are essential to running a successful business venture especially in today’s chaotic market and business scenario. Strategy refers to a plan of action set out by those who are at the organization’s helm providing direction to the managers and employees. The company directors and professionals for achieving long-term company goals and business objectives often design the strategic plans. Strategic planning therefore consists of competitive moves and approaches to increase performance and productivity within an organization. It is basically a game plan for running the business, strengthening the company’s competitive position, satisfying customers and achieving performance targets. Strategic planning answers three vital questions important in guiding the organizationâ€⠄¢s moves. It identifies the company’s current position providing answer to â€Å"Where are we now?†The second question that it strives to answer is â€Å"Where do we want to go?†This refers to the company’s marketing financial and business objectives. Identifying the objectives of the organization helps in finalizing and framing of operational plans and strategic approach that will be required to achieve the goals. The process of strategic management aims to answer the most important question â€Å"How will we get there?†This is the stage where the strategic alternatives relevant to the particular business scenario are weighed and measured against the desired outcome and the most appropriate move adopted. The strategic management process thus involves developing strategic mission and vision that is translated into measurable objectives. The organization then develops plans, referred to as strategies, to achieve the set objectives. The next stag e involves the effective implementation and execution of the strategic plans. The results or outcome of the implemented strategies are evaluated at the end of the cycle. These strategies need to be revised and modified time and again in face of critical situation. Hence it is hardly possible for a company to follow set strategies across an extended
Monday, September 23, 2019
Plato Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Plato - Essay Example o that we gain the knowledge of Socrates, perhaps one of the ancient world’s most famous philosophers but what were the ideas of Socrates and which were the ideas of Plato remains a mystery today. Plato, who was a student of Socrates, pulled together the ideas of his mentor and Pythagoras to combine them with his own response to what he’d seen of the world to develop his Theory of Forms. In this theory, the ultimate goal was to progress through the levels of reality to the highest level, also known as the greatest good. According to Plato, reality is not the world of substance and things that we can see in everyday life, but is something more abstract that can only be obtained through intellectual thought (Strathern, 1996, p. 25). To help explain his Theory of Forms, Plato developed what is today referred to as the Allegory of the Cave. In the dialogue Plato presents, Socrates explains how people have been chained since childhood with their vision restricted to a giant screen in front of them. They can see the shadows of marionettes and other things dancing, but the actual colors and nature of these things cannot be perceived from such a perspective. These are the Forms of Plato’s theory. Not having known anything else, Socrates argues that the humans don’t know there’s something to miss: â€Å"To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images†(Plato 388). Because of the pain of the bright light of truth, Socrates also explains that individuals will attempt to reject the truth, the colors and textures of the real Forms, for the more comforting and familiar shadows. Eventually, they come to accept the truth, though, and are sometimes able to help others still trapped in the cave to come out and see the truth. Plato also outlined an elaborate description of utopia in The Republic. Here, he sets forth an example of a just society in which there are no possessions, children removed from their parents soon after
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Living in Multicultural Societies Research Paper
Living in Multicultural Societies - Research Paper Example Since the developed nations of the world offer superior education, health, employment and individual as well as collective growth and development of the people, the populations belonging to the under-developed and developing countries tend to move to the developed states for brighter job and business prospects on the one side, and to lead a better, comfortable and luxurious life on the other. Situated in the Island of Hispaniola, in the southern part of Atlantic Ocean, the Dominican Republic serves as the second largest Caribbean nation existing on the face of the earth (Seelke 1). Being the poor economy, but rich with the natural resources, the country had been the target of the adventures of the European powers since the seventeenth century onward. Since the Spanish royalty had taken keen interest in keeping the country under the Spanish control, the Caribbean island had been one of the Spanish dominions for decades. By the end of eighteenth century, the country came under the sway of French authorities, though the French had to experience the revolt of the indigenous population against them. It eventually encouraged the neighboring Haitians to occupy the island for establishing their rule over it (Lancer 2002). Migration is a social phenomenon, which is equally popular among the individuals belonging to all geographical zones, different ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds, various age-groups and both the genders (Weeks 263). Identical with the rest of the world, the people belonging to the Dominican Republic also observe migration from their native country to some other regions of the globe. It is partly because of the very fact that the country had been the victim of poverty, massive corruption at national scale, bad governance, nepotism, political unrest, sociocultural chaos and economic uncertainty that force the masses to explore new dimensions for making progress in life (Morgan, Espinal, & Seligson 10-1). In addition, the country also
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Nature of the Bureaucracy Essay Example for Free
The Nature of the Bureaucracy Essay Many Americans today have a negative perception of the federal bureaucracy. They consider it a huge, immovable object that hinders progress and intrudes on their lives. Most Americans believe the federal bureaucracy has grown in the last few decades to an enormous size. This is a misperception. Since the 1960s, the size of the federal bureaucracy has been very stable. By contrast, however, state and local bureaucracies have grown steadily since World War II, reflecting the increasing extent to which federal programs are administered by the states. Most Americans also feel that the federal bureaucracy is very wasteful. Whistle-blowers and reports of abuses fuel this perception of waste, which does sometimes occur. The late Senator William Proxmire of Wisconsin was famous for his Golden Fleece awards given to departments and individuals for wasteful spending he found in the bureaucracy. Senator Proxmires focus on spending abuses helped end many wasteful and unwise practices. Writing in the first decades of the twentieth century, the German sociologist Max Weber theorized on governments, institutions, and bureaucracies. Weber believed that bureaucracies function to implement the policies of elected government in a rational, efficient, non-partisan manner. He felt that workers in bureaucracies develop specific expertise and technical knowledge that could not be acquired in the relatively short tenure of elected or appointed policy makers. He also felt that they possess critical knowledge about the history and practice of their agency within the larger framework of government and society and that they provide continuity from one administration to the next, which is essential for an orderly transfer of power under rule of law. Leadership may change, but the engine of government does not falter on account of having a new driver in a government that possesses a strong bureaucracy. Weber identified the structure of a bureaucracy as a hierarchical pyramid with levels of rank and power and a single director at the top. He said bureaucratic jobs tend to require specialized knowledge, such as accounting, statistics, economics, or health care. Obtaining a position within a bureaucracy is ideally based on merit for performing the job rather than on other factors, such as being a friend or relative of someone with pull or being owed a political or financial favor. Modern theorists feel that while Weber made some good observations about bureaucracies, he did not sufficiently address the manner in which bureaucracies function in government. Bureaucracies tend to resist change because change uses resources and introduces unknown elements into the system. For this reason, a bureaucracy is often at odds with elected officials and their appointees, who by contrast often get elected or appointed on a promise to implement change. To minimize the effects of leaders who come and go, a bureaucracy will tend to seek power of its own and uses its power, for the most part, to maintain the status quo. When asked to change, bureaucracies often respond with a request for more people and resources rather than with a plan to restructure or become more efficient. In this way, bureaucracies can become large, cumbersome, and complex if they are not required to account for their own practices. Bureaucracies tend to be monopolistic because it makes little sense to have more than one government agency performing the same function. Complaints about bureaucratic monopolies are generally the same as for corporate monopoliesâ€â€without competition or some strict means of regulation, a monopoly becomes inefficient at best and tyrannical at worst. Government bureaucratic monopolies can have competition from private sources. The U.S. Post Office, Amtrak, and NASA are all government monopolies. Until recent decades, the U.S. Post Office was by law the only carrier of mail and parcels. Private companies that felt they could deliver packages at a profit lobbied for a change in the law to allow pr ivate carriers. Now there are several parcel delivery companies that are very successful and profitable.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Third Battle Of Ypres History Essay
The Third Battle Of Ypres History Essay The Battle of Passchendaele also known as the Third Battle of Ypres. This was one of the major battles of World War I and consisted of a series of different operations and engagements between the 31st of July and the 6th of November with the objective of capturing vast amounts of German territory as well as destroying German submarine bases along the Belgian coast in an effort to thwart enemy naval capabilities. This campaign, unlike some others launched in the First World War, was meticulously planned by British Commander-in-Chief General Douglas Haig. However, General Haig was known as a stubborn man and showed major reluctance to modernise his tactics and strategies as a Commander, failing to see the use of artillery and being of the opinion that the Cavalry Charge still had a place in modern military tactics and because of this he may have been responsible for the heavy losses suffered by Allied forces at both Ypres and the Somme due to his unwillingness to deviate from his initi al strategies. The precursor to the Battle of Passchendaele was to be a preliminary artillery barrage against the entrenched Germans and their defenses on June 7, 1917 with the objective of softening the defensive lines to allow for an easier advance by Allied. Earlier, the British and Australians had deviantly planted 21 mines containing 450,000 kilograms of high explosives beneath the German defensive lines and their detonation signalled the initial attack by ANZAC forces who managed to take the town of Messines proper within two hours and subsequently the Messines ridge. The Battle of Messines alerted the already aware Germans of an impending attack. Three Victoria Cross medals were awarded to the ANZAC forces here. -Show Battle of Messines overview and point out battle lines- Following the Battle of Messines British forces began artillery bombardment on the Gheluvelt plateau which overlooked the town of Ypres. The bombardment again notified the German forces of impending attack and they moved troops to the front lines in response. The beginning of what would eventually become known as the Battle of Passchendaele started on July 31st with the Battle of Pilckem Ridge, in which 32,000 Allied lives were lost for the gain of 1,800 meters, and with the Battle of Langemarck which commenced slightly later on the 16th of August. These attacks allowed British forces to secure valuable footholds from which they would later attack Passchendaele. -Show Battle of Passchendaele overview, point out Allied and German positions- It is at this point that General Herbert Plumer took command of the Allied forces from General Hubert Gough, who favoured sweeping aggression, and abandoned the tactics that were failing to help the Allies to gain any appreciable ground and started to employ the same tactics that the ANZACs used successfully in the Battle of Messines. General Plumer planned to create smaller, more easily obtainable objectives instead of having the advancing parties rushing as far as they could before becoming exhausted and being repelled by fresh German reserves. September 20th, 52 days since the beginning of the Battle of Passchendaele. The Allies have gained a mere 2.5 kilometres for the loss of approximately 60,000 men or 24 men per meter. Haig was wagering that the German army would break soon, unable to continue reinforcing the front lines due to the heavy losses they sustained earlier at the Somme and Verdun. Plumer now starts the Battle of Menin Road, an engagement that would last 5 days. German defences are fierce with many young Australian soldiers falling to the bullets and shells of enemy infantry, pillboxes and artillery, ultimately limiting the gain of the Allies to 1,400 meters of territory while costing the lives 21,000 Allied soldiers or 15 men per meter gained, ANZAC deaths included. It followed a heavy artillery barrage with a reported 3.5 million artillery shells being fired with an allotment of one artillery piece for every five yards of the attack front. This major loss of ground by the Germans convinced them that their p revious tactic of defence in depth was obsolete and prompted a change in the way the lines were reinforced and held to create a more elastic defence. This caused heavier loses for the Germans during the preparatory bombardment and their subsequent counter-attacks. This would bode well for the Australians as more lives were about to be thrown at the enemy for more trivial territory gains. -Show picture of Australian soldiers are the Battle of Polygon Wood- The day after the Battle of Menin Road the Australian 4th and 5th Divisions would fight in a small conflict called the Battle of Polygon Wood, named for the shape the woods lay across the axis of the advancing Australian forces. The Australians were tasked with building upon the gains made during the Battle of Menin Road, however atop a large earthen mound overlooking the battlefield was the German position, heavily fortified by machine gun nests, dugouts and foxholes, ready to repel the advancing forces. Artillery covering the advance of Australian soldiers was heavy with one gun for every nine meters of the front, demolishing the Wood itself and destroying some of the German emplacements. By the time the soldiers had assaulted German positions the wood had been reduced to naught but splinters and broken wood but despite the heavy bombardment by Allied artillery, German pillboxes harassed the Australian soldiers, protecting the machine gunners hidden inside, ending the lives of appr oximately 7,200 Aussie men. It was the courage, mateship, fighting spirit and unwillingness to back down that helped the Australian soldiers take the Wood that was so heavily defended by the German army and repel the subsequent desperate counter-attacks launched. The following Battle of Broodseinde was the final time General Plumers strategy of biting and holding territory was successful and was a shining example that the spirit of the Allied forces could overcome even the hardest of German defences. From the outlook the men of I ANZAC and II ANZAC were tasked with capturing the crest of the previously mentioned Gheluvelt Plateau In conclusion, the Battle of Passchendaele was a cohesive event for the Australians as they gained respect as a formidable and capable fighting force from their Allies, strengthening the bond between the nations fighting men. It is also the embodiment of the courageous fighting spirit shown by the ANZACs that allowed the men to continue taking the battle to the Germans after losing 38,000 men of the original 70,000 to the bitter battle of attrition. For the massive number of troops lost on both sides, approximately 310,000 for the Allies and 260,000 for the Germans, for the gain of only a few kilometres. It is interesting to note that Adolf Hitler fought in the Battle of Passchendaele with the 6th Bavarian Reserve Division where he was injured on October 13, 1918 by a British gas attack.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Presence of Darkness in James Baldwins Sonnys Blues Essay
The Presence of Darkness in James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues In the story Sonny's Blues the author, James Baldwin, uses the image of darkness quite frequently. He uses it first when the older brother (main character) talks about his younger brother Sonny. He says that when Sonny was younger his face was bright and open. He said that he didn't want to believe that he would ever see his "brother going down, coming to nothing, all that light in his face gone out." Meaning he had gone from good (clean and innocent) to bad ( giving into drugs like so many of the other young people). The older brother then goes on to talk about his students and how they had limited possibilities stating that "all they really knew were two darknesses, the darkness of their lives, which was know closing in on them, and the darkness of the movies, which had blinded them to that other darkness, and in which they now vindictively dreamed, at once more together than they were at any time and more alone." He believes that there is little opportunity for these kids to get out of the pretty much doomed future they have with drug addiction and crime being what it is in the city. There was one boy whistling through the "harsh, bright air," while the other boys were laughing in their unforgiving way. The brightness of this boys whistling could symbolise that some of them do get out and make something of themselves ( bright futures). The author then uses darkness to describe the faces of the adults on Sunday evenings after dinner when everyone is relaxing with their own thought's. "For a moment nobody's talking but every face looks darkening, like the sky outside...The silence, the darkness coming and the darkness in the faces frighten the child obscurel... ... way they are moving from the bad things all around them into the good, that is, the music. In this way they are in a way escaping from the darkness that is around them every day even if only for a short time. It's the only light they have. This is when the author uses the image of darkness for the last time. " For, while the tale of how we suffer, and how we are delighted, and how we may triumph is never new, it always must be heard. There isn't any other tale to tell, it's the only light we've got in all this darkness." This supports that their music is the only thing that is totally good in their lives. With all the violence and despair that is around them all of the time, music is the only way they can free themselves. Work Cited Baldwin, James. "Sonny's Blues." The Norton introduction to Fiction. 6th ed. Ed. Jerome Beaty. New York: Norton, 1996. 47-70.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Robert Bells 10 Ordeals of a Takeover :: Essays Papers
Robert Bells 10 Ordeals of a Takeover Companies often face the possibility of being taken over. During the take over many events within the each of the companies will arise. Some examples would be, employees would fear the loss of their job because the other company might not have any use for your position; rumors will start spreading about the merger or takeover that may have been started by individuals who â€Å"leaked†the news; many other events will also arise. In the book Surviving the 10 ordeals of a takeover by Robert Bell, looks at ways that an individual can cope with the takeover of your company or if your company takes over another company. Robert Bell breaks down the 10 major ordeals that a person might face. The First Ordeal: The Niagara of Rumors, is something that almost everyone will face and that is once the word on an impending takeover gets out, the cascade of rumors is â€Å"the major thing that happens†inside executive offices. All rumors are started by operations on Wall Street. The rumors are started because fear and greed become visible. The fear that one might lose their job or the greed that there might be an opportunity lurking out somewhere. There are many ways we can deal with rumors and a few suggestions are (1) Don’t trust anyone or anything for face value; (2) Listen to the existing grapevine and cultivate contacts from cleaning people to former executives from your company; (3) Always ask people on the outside of your company whether they’ve heard anything contrary to what you have been told inside the company; (3) Be very suspicious of official pronouncements, no matter how reliable they’ve been in the past; (4) Always look for anoth er position. Rather than spending too much time â€Å"rumoring,’ use the time to get your resume together an build contacts on the outside. The Second Ordeal: Who are these guys? While rumors are roaring in your ear, you may now be desperate to know one thing and that is who are these people who are taking over? Everyone will have that curiosity. The reasons people will wonder about the new people is because it will affect them in some way in the future. There are many things a person can do to find out about what
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Turn of the screw Essay example -- essays research papers
â€Å"The Turn of the Screw†Henry James, the famous author of ‘The Turn of the Screw’ was born on April 15, 1843 to his wealthy parents Henry James and Mary Walsh. His father, also called Henry James, was an Irish immigrant and by the time his own children were born he had inherited a lot of money from his father; and at this time Henry James senior and his family were living in New York. Henry James author of ‘The Turn Of The Screw’ was one of five children and had an older brother William who was born in 1942 he had four younger siblings also; Garth Wilkinson born 1845, Robertson born 1846 and Alice born 1848. Henry James’ father was devoted to studying theology, philosophy and mysticism (religion) as he was keen on studying and wanted his children to get the best education he could possibly afford. He made his children’s lives very academic and all four children were taught in very unusual ways to a normal family. They never stayed in a single school ,were sometimes taught by private tutors and always had access to books. They were constantly always open to new experiences also. On many occasions, famous artists, writers and thinkers visited the children giving them views and teaching. At the age of twelve Henry James and his family went on a three year long trip to Geneva, London and Paris, a trip that later in life would influence Henry to live and write his famous book in England, also become a British citizen, rather than a member of his home country America. His older brother William was very intellectual and studied medicine at Harvard and spent most of his professional life there, first as a professor of psychology and later in a new department of psychology. William became renowned for his public lectures on psychology and became well known in America and Europe. Henry also attended Harvard but went to the law school for a year but withdrew to concentrate on his writing career, he was awarded an honorary degree in 1911. Throughout Henry’s life he was always questioning things and was also brought into the world with a family that did exactly the same. The family questioned everything and were particularly intrigued in the working of the mind; his brother William, was even named the ‘father of psychology’. Many of Henry’s books dealt with problems of hysteria and stress and how this affected his characters was a frequent theme in his writing. Henry h... ... the noises are that she claims to hear. The reader would also like to read on to know if the house is haunted and if Flora is as angelic as the governess makes out. The book is so well written it can be read in many different ways, as I have mentioned. In the first chapter we get hints as to all of them and the ambiguity of the story starts as early as chapter 1, giving the reader different paths to read the story, in different ways. The reader gets a very strong feeling that the governess feels she is not suitable for the job at of looking after two young vulnerable children, as she seems very young herself without any experience of this kind. Chapter 1 is full of questions and strange issues, not only does this make the reader wants to read on to find out the answers but builds up the tension. To conclude, the sense of ambiguity makes the story what it is: either a thrilling ghost story or a tale of the mad young woman. Henry James has written it so well that we will never know which is the real interpretation of the story and whether the evidence I have found is relevant or if there is some other reason in to the true meaning of the novella. The story will always be a mystery.
Teoria De Los Rasgos Del Liderazgo Education Essay
La teor a se basa de la propuesta de que los lderes eficaces disfrutan de rasgos y caracter sticas personales que pueden influir casualmente con EL exito. Los lideres que alcanza EL exito, alcanza una altura city manager de un metro noventa, esta teoria sostiene que aparte de este resultado responde asi a tal caracteristica. Se admite que los lideres deben tener rasgos en comun, pero EL concepto esencial, es mas alla de los numeros de rasgos, existe una relacion insouciant entre estos Y sobre EL triunfo del lider. Segun los autores Ordway Tead, Chester Barnard [ 1 ] Y Erwin Schell que se destacaron asi en la escuela de los rasgos, ellos mencionan que esta teoria sostiene a traves de los rasgos del liderazgo esta difundido en la poblacion y puede observase Y medir, su posicion Es vinculada con EL logro que tiene EL liderazgo. La hipotesis de la vacante del lider seria buscar un candidato con cualidades que se asocien con los lideres que logran exito. Esta teoria define Las caracteristicas en la mayoria de los individuos categorizandolos como: atrevido, como character sociales, honradas y timidas. La personalidad estudiada en terminos de interaccion de los rasgos mas o menos independientes, Las actitudes y valores. Si las educadoras o docentes en cada faceta de su rol procuran comportarse de una manera mas adecuada, entonces este docente estara ensenando a Sus alumnos ( as ) a comunicarse Y a desenvolverse de modo mas armonico y justo, esto precisamente de lo que trata la formacion del lider. 2.3.6 Teoria de la Interaccion del liderazgo.Esta teoria Se caracteriza Al enfoque de la importancia que aseguran La interacciones entre la educadora y Sus alumnos. Esta teoria tiene como fundamento en la proposicion de exigencia de situaciones y necesidades tanto emotivas como intelectuales, requeridas parity efectuar asi una tarea parity que influya en la eleccion de un lider. Esta interaccion entre lideres y los grupos que desarrollan una actividad tal que constantemente asignan roles del lider hacia los miembros de un grupo. En esta teoria existe La traslacion Y asimilacion de actividades y funciones a realizar en el lider que pueden ser asumidas por un miembro del grupo, lo que permite asimilar facilmente el rol del lider. Esta teoria Se caracteriza Al enfoque de la importancia que aseguran La interacciones entre la educadora y Sus alumnos. 2.6 Liderazgo Transaccional y transformacional.El lider transaccional Es aquel donde EL lider reconoce lo que quiere conseguir en el trabajo Y lo garantiza con conseguir los resultados requeridos. Este liderazgo O EL lider intercambian estimulos por respuestas a La vez responde a los intereses de las characters con quien trabaja Si ellos mismo responde a su trabajo. Hace ampliar EL esfuerzo que conduce Al desempeno esperado. Los lideres transaccionales reconocen las necesidades de Sus subordinadores para asi cumplir los objetivos propuestos. Aclaran las funciones y las tareas organizacionales, instauran una estructura organizacional, permite Al desempeno Y toman en cuenta asi Las necesidades sociales de los seguidores. Trabaja intensamente vitamin E intenta dirigir a La organizacion con eficiencia Y eficacia. â€Å"Liderazgo transformacional como opuesto Al â€Å"liderazgo transaccional†que Es mas rutinario Y diario†( Bernard Boss 1981 ) . Este liderazgo logra excepcionales efecto en los subordinados cambiando asi La bases motivacional del individuo desde una motivacion comun hasta llevarla Al compromiso a su vez eleva los deseos de logro y autodesarrollo de los seguidores y a su vez promueve EL desarrollo de grupo y organizaciones. Los lideres transformacionales articulan una vision vitamin E inspiraran a Sus seguidores y poseen asi La capacidad de influir, de adecuar la cultura organizacional Y de hacer en ambiente favourable parity EL cambio organizacional. [ 1 ] Fue un estadounidense de negocios ejecutivos, administrador publico, y el autor de un trabajo pionero en la gestion de la teoria y los estudios organizacionales.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Conflict resolution Essay
Portfolio is a collection of evidence, usually in written form that presents personal and professional development, by providing critical analysis of its contents (McMullen, et. al., 2003). A portfolio captures learning from experience, enables to measure learning, acts as a tool for reflective thinking, illustrates critical analytical skills and evidence of self-directed learning and provides a collection of detailed evidence of a person’s competence (Gray, et. al., 2004). For Dewey, reflective thinking consisted of two parts: a state of doubt and a search to resolve that doubt. Thus, constructing a portfolio is an act of revealing one’s beliefs. At the heart of portfolio development is purposeful choice making (Davis, et. al., 1997). This portfolio has been written as a part of the Post Graduate diploma in neonatal intensive Care nursing. The author will begin by providing an overview of reflection and mention the models used to guide this process. For the purpose of reflection the essay shall be written in the first person. I will reflect on one specific incident that I encountered in my experience as a neonatal nurse in one of the maternity hospitals which, I will analyse and discuss how it affected my practice. I will conclude by summarising my thoughts and reflections. For the purpose of data protection I have used pseudonyms when referring to those involved in the incident Agent-Based Manufacturing and Control Systems: New Agile Manufacturing Solutions for Achieving Peak Performance Massimo Paolucci and Roberto Sacile ISBN: 1574443364 Curing the Patch Management Headache Felicia M. Nicastro ISBN: 0849328543 Cyber Crime Investigator’s Field Guide, Second Edition Bruce Middleton ISBN: 0849327687 Disassembly Modeling for Assembly, Maintenance, Reuse and Recycling A. J. D. Lambert and Surendra M. Gupta ISBN: 1574443348 The Ethical Hack: A Framework for Business Value Penetration Testing James S. Tiller ISBN: 084931609X Fundamentals of DSL Technology Philip Golden, Herve Dedieu, and Krista Jacobsen ISBN: 0849319137 The HIPAA Program Reference Handbook Ross Leo ISBN: 0849322111 Implementing the IT Balanced Scorecard: Aligning IT with Corporate Strategy Jessica Keyes ISBN: 0849326214 Information Security Fundamentals Thomas R. Peltier, Justin Peltier, and John A. Blackley ISBN: 0849319579 Information Security Management Handbook, Fifth Edition, Volume 2 Harold F. Tipton and Micki Krause ISBN: 0849332109 Introduction to Management of Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chain Processes Donald F. Blumberg ISBN: 1574443607 Maximizing ROI on Software Development Vijay Sikka ISBN: 0849323126 Mobile Computing Handbook Imad Mahgoub and Mohammad Ilyas ISBN: 0849319714 MPLS for Metropolitan Area Networks Nam-Kee Tan ISBN: 084932212X Multimedia Security Handbook Borko Furht and Darko Kirovski ISBN: 0849327733 Network Design: Management and Technical Perspectives, Second Edition Teresa C. Piliouras ISBN: 0849316081 Network Security Technologies, Second Edition Kwok T. Fung ISBN: 0849330270 Outsourcing Software Development Offshore: Making It Work Tandy Gold ISBN: 0849319439 Quality Management Systems: A Handbook for Product Development Organizations Vivek Nanda ISBN: 1574443526 A Practical Guide to Security Assessments Sudhanshu Kairab ISBN: 0849317061 Agent-Based Manufacturing and Control Systems: New Agile Manufacturing Solutions for Achieving Peak Performance Massimo Paolucci and Roberto Sacile ISBN: 1574443364 Curing the Patch Management Headache Felicia M. Nicastro ISBN: 0849328543 Cyber Crime Investigator’s Field Guide, Second Edition Bruce Middleton ISBN: 0849327687 Disassembly Modeling for Assembly, Maintenance, Reuse and Recycling A. J. D. Lambert and Surendra M. Gupta ISBN: 1574443348 The Ethical Hack: A Framework for Business Value Penetration Testing James S. Tiller ISBN: 084931609X Fundamentals of DSL Technology Philip Golden, Herve Dedieu, and Krista Jacobsen ISBN: 0849319137 The HIPAA Program Reference Handbook Ross Leo ISBN: 0849322111 Implementing the IT Balanced Scorecard: Aligning IT with Corporate Strategy Jessica Keyes ISBN: 0849326214 Information Security Fundamentals Thomas R. Peltier, Justin Peltier, and John A. Blackley ISBN: 0849319579 Information Security Management Handbook, Fifth Edition, Volume 2 Harold F. Tipton and Micki Krause ISBN: 0849332109 Introduction to Management of Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chain Processes Donald F. Blumberg ISBN: 1574443607 Maximizing ROI on Software Development Vijay Sikka ISBN: 0849323126 Mobile Computing Handbook Imad Mahgoub and Mohammad Ilyas ISBN: 0849319714 MPLS for Metropolitan Area Networks Nam-Kee Tan ISBN: 084932212X Multimedia Security Handbook Borko Furht and Darko Kirovski ISBN: 0849327733 Network Design: Management and Technical Perspectives, Second Edition Teresa C. Piliouras ISBN: 0849316081 Network Security Technologies, Second Edition Kwok T. Fung ISBN: 0849330270 Outsourcing Software Development Offshore: Making It Work Tandy Gold ISBN: 0849319439 Quality Management Systems: A Handbook for Product Development Organizations Vivek Nanda ISBN: 1574443526 A Practical Guide to Security Assessments Sudhanshu Kairab ISBN: 0849317061
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Statistic Case Study for Bottle Company
The case study that is being investigated is for a bottling company producing less soda than what is advertised. Customers have complained that the sodas in the bottles contain less than the advertised sixteen ounces. The employees at the company have measured the amount of soda contained in each bottle. There are thirty bottles that have been pulled from the shelves. The manager of the company would like to have a detailed report on the possible causes, if any, for the shortage in the amount of soda or if the claim is not supported explain how to mitigate the issue in the future.In order to statistically find a cause in the shortage a hypothesis testing is conducted by finding the mean, median, and standard deviation for ounces in the bottles. Constructing a 95 percent interval will establish the mean of the population since the mean of the population is not known. There are thirty soda bottles being pulled for investigation. The mean will be calculated by averaging the amount of ou nces in each bottle and dividing the total by the number of bottles.The data below shows the ounces in each of the thirty bottles that were pulled. The mean among the sample bottles is 14. 87. The calculation to find the mean is to add all the ounces per bottle. The total is 446. 1 divided by the random sample of 30. The average ounces in the bottles are less than 16 ounces. The median for the soda bottles is 14. 8. The median is imputed by dividing the random number of 30 by 2 which equals 15. Arrange the ounces from smallest to largest, and select the number that falls on 15.This will provide the median for the thirty bottles. The standard deviation for the ounces in the bottles is 0. 55. The standard deviation must be known in order to compute the confidence interval. To find the standard deviation, calculate the individual ounces minus the mean of the ounces and square the total (X-M)2. After the total is calculated, divide by the random count 30 minus 1 (n-1). In order to compu te the confidence interval of 95 percent; the mean, standard deviation, and identifying the value must calculated.A confidence interval gives an estimated range of values which is likely to include an unknown population parameter, the estimated range being calculated from a given set of sample data (Easton & McColl, n. d. ). The confidence interval of 95 percent can be found using a normal distribution calculator. The Z distribution is used in this case study because there are thirty bottles. The Z value is greater than or equal to thirty within the sample size. The Z value of 95 percent is 1. 96. This represents the area on the normal distribution chart between the cutoff points.The cutoff points on the chart are between -1. 96 and 1. 96. The lower and upper limit will be given to locate the interval using the standard normal confidence interval. Calculate to find the interval by imputing Z. 025 equals 1. 96 stores the answer, in this case, using the Aleks calculator. Enter the mea n 14. 87 +/- 1. 96 times 0. 55 divided by square root of 30. The lower limit is 14. 67 and the upper limit is 15. 07. This interval proves the soda in the bottles did not contain sixteen ounces.In Easton and McColl (n. d) article summarized setting up and testing hypothesis is an essential part of statistical inference. In order to formulate such a test, usually some theory has been put forward, either because it is believed to be true or because it is to be used as a basis for argument, but has not been proved. To verify the claim that the bottles contain less than sixteen ounces of soda a hypothesis test will be performed. To find the null hypothesis that represents the claim to be true or to be used as a basis of argument until it is proven. The null hypothesis is H0 greater than or equal to sixteen ounces.The alternative hypothesis is H1 less than sixteen ounces. The type of test used is one tailed testing. If using a significance level of . 05, a one-tailed test allots the e ntire alpha to testing the statistical significance in the one direction of interest. This means that . 05 is in one tail of the distribution test statistic. When using a one-tailed test, it is testing for the possibility of the relationship in one direction and completely disregarding the possibility of a relationship in the other direction (â€Å"UCLA: Statistical Consulting Group,†2007).The value of the test is calculated by the mean 1 minus mean 2. Therefore, 14. 87 – 16 equals -1. 13 divided by standard deviation 0. 55 divided by square root of random sample 30 equals . 375. The P value is calculated by using the formula P (Z < equal to . 375). The P value is 0. 646. The P value is greater than the significance level of test which is . 05. The answer is the mean of 0. 5 < 0. 646. The conclusion of the test for the null hypothesis is not rejected. This suggests the alternative hypothesis must be true that the soda in the bottles is less than sixteen ounces.The typ e of error used in the hypothesis is type I error. There are several causes determining the reason for fewer ounces in the bottles. The air in the lines could prevent the soda from filling bottles, machine may need to be reset to fill 16 ounces to the exact measure, or machine may not be calibrated properly. Issuing a daily calibration of the machinery is a way to avoid the deficit in the future. Statistically the issue could stem from the unknown population of how many customers complained. There could possibly be a million sodas produced with only ten customer complaints.Therefore, pulling more bottles from the shelves and testing the ounces could show a different alternative hypothesis and may prevent a deficit in the future. Other speculations that determine sodas from not being filled to the top are to keep the soda from overfilling so it is not filled to the top line. It has to have a bit of air in the bottle so there can be room for the liquid. Less soda is in the bottles to expand if it gets heated otherwise the bottle could break. In conclusion, the customers are correct there is less than 16 ounces of soda in the bottle.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Bachelor’s Degree and Scholarship Essay
At Full Sail University, we understand that deciding where and how to pursue higher education is an important and life-changing decision. This guide is designed to help you understand your financial options when it comes to Full Sail University by providing a detailed list of possible scholarships that may be available to you, as well as the guidelines and requirements applicable to each scholarship. If you have any questions about the information in this booklet or would like to apply for any of the scholarships within, please contact an Admissions Representative at 800. 226. 7625. 2 Campus Scholarships. 3 Anniversary SCHOLARSHIP MISSION STATEMENT Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and development of future generations of entertainment and media professionals. To demonstrate our commitment, Full Sail University introduces the Anniversary Scholarship program. This program is designed to offer assistance to qualified individuals who are passionate about a career in the entertainment media industry. 4 Anniversary SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS The Anniversary Scholarship program will award up to $10,000 to eligible Full Sail 20- to 21-month campus Bachelor degree program candidates. See more: how to write a scholarship essay for study abroad This scholarship fund is limited and will be awarded to all applicants who meet the eligibility requirements and according to the award determination process as outlined below. HOW TO APPLY †¢ The Anniversary Scholarship application must be submitted to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee prior to the desired start date. †¢ To apply for this scholarship, please contact your Admissions Representative at 800. 226. 7625. PROVISIONS †¢ Applicants must have applied for a start date beginning May 6, June 3, or July 8, 2013 as a new student to Full Sail. †¢ Applicants must have completed a formal interview with their Full Sail Admissions representative. †¢ An interruption of training, change of degree program, or withdrawal may result in cancellation of scholarship award and disbursement(s). Student understands that a change of student status may impact eligibility. †¢ The Anniversary Scholarship may be used with other Full Sail University scholarship programs. †¢ Final award of scholarship is contingent upon receipt of all required Admissions and Financial Aid documents by start date. †¢ Students who delay their start date will forfeit eligibility. †¢ Funds from the Anniversary Scholarship may be used only toward the tuition of an eligible Full Sail 20- to 21-month campus Bachelor degree program. †¢ The scholarship is nontransferable and has no redeemable cash value. †¢ Financial aid available for those who qualify. †¢ SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED. AWARD NOTIFICATION †¢ Recipients will be notified by the Full Sail University Admissions department prior to beginning their degree program, provided eligibility requirements above are met. †¢ Scholarship amount will be disbursed throughout student’s academic years, as applicable, and divided equally between academic years. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying for an Anniversary Scholarship must: †¢ Complete an Anniversary Scholarship application and an original 250-word essay on â€Å"Your Place in the Entertainment Media Industry in Ten Years†in the area provided. 5 Full Sail Merit SCHOLARSHIP MISSION STATEMENT Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and development of future generations of media professionals. In an effort to further this encouragement and development, Full Sail introduces the Full Sail Merit Scholarship Program. This program is designed to offer assistance to deserving individuals passionate about a career in the entertainment media industry. Through the Full Sail Merit Scholarship Program, eligible participants may receive up to $3,000 toward the tuition of any Full Sail campus degree program. 6 Full Sail Merit SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS The Full Sail Merit Scholarship Program will award up to $3,000 to eligible candidates. Scholarship amounts will vary. HOW TO APPLY †¢ The Merit Scholarship Application must be submitted to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee at least two weeks prior to the desired start date. †¢ Official Final Transcripts must be submitted to the Full Sail Enrollment Department and on file at least two weeks prior to start date. †¢ Full Sail will reference official transcripts to confirm GPA eligibility. †¢ To apply for this scholarship, please contact your Admissions Representative at 800. 226. 7625. †¢ Recipients will be notified on Propeller: Launch the Thursday following the application deadline date. †¢ The scholarship will be disbursed during the student’s final academic year, as applicable. PROVISIONS †¢ Applicants must have applied for a 2013 start date as a new student to Full Sail. †¢ Applicants must have filled out a FAFSA or confirmed cash payments. †¢ Funds from the Full Sail Merit Scholarship may be used only toward the tuition of a Full Sail Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science, or Master of Science campus degree program. †¢ The scholarship is non-transferable and has no redeemable cash value. †¢ SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying for a Merit Scholarship should: †¢ Be a minimum of 18 years old or have the consent of a parent(s)/ guardian(s) to attend Full Sail †¢ Have earned a standard high school diploma †¢ Have achieved a minimum overall GPA of 3. 0 on a 4. 0 (B average) scale during their secondary education, or postsecondary (30 semester credits minimum) education 7 The Full Sail Alumni SCHOLARSHIP MISSION STATEMENT Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and development of current and future generations of media professionals. In an effort to further this encouragement and development, Full Sail introduces the Full Sail Alumni Scholarship Program. This program is designed to offer assistance to deserving alumni passionate about advancing their career and education in the entertainment media industry. Through the Full Sail Alumni Scholarship Program, eligible participants may receive up to $3,000 toward the tuition of any Full Sail campus degree program. 8 The Full Sail Alumni SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS The Full Sail Alumni Scholarship Program will award up to $3,000 to eligible Full Sail students enrolled for an additional campus degree program as a returning student. Scholarship amounts will vary. HOW TO APPLY Full Sail will reference the student’s overall grade as of the deadline date to confirm grade eligibility. †¢ To apply for this scholarship, please contact your Admissions Representative at 800. 226. 7625. PROVISIONS †¢ Applicants must have applied for a 2013 start date as a new student to Full Sail. †¢ Applicants must have filled out a FAFSA or confirmed cash payments. †¢ Funds from the Full Sail Alumni Scholarship may be used only towards the tuition of a Full Sail Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science, or Master of Science campus degree program. †¢ The scholarship is non-transferable and has no redeemable cash value. †¢ SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying for an Alumni Scholarship should: †¢ Have achieved a minimum overall grade of B or better in previous Full Sail coursework (80 overall numeric grade average) †¢ Have graduated or will graduate from their previous Full Sail campus degree program as a student in good academic and financial standing †¢ Have demonstrated an exceptional ability and dedication to their desired path in the entertainment media industry AWARD DETERMINATION Recipients will be notified on Propeller: Launch the Tuesday following the application deadline date. 9 Full Sail Entertainment & Media Industry SCHOLARSHIP FOR WOMEN MISSION STATEMENT Full Sail University maintains its commitment to taking dreams seriously by offering the Entertainment & Media Industry Scholarship for Women. This program is designed to offer assistance to deserving women with the potential to make a positive impact on the entertainment industry based on their demonstrated talent, passion, and skills. Through the Full Sail Entertainment & Media Industry Scholarship for Women Program, eligible participants may receive up to $2000 toward the tuition of any Full Sail campus degree program. 10 Full Sail Entertainment & Media Industry SCHOLARSHIP FOR WOMEN AWARDS The Full Sail Entertainment & Media Industry Scholarship for Women Program will award up to $2000 to eligible candidates. Scholarship amounts will vary. HOW TO APPLY †¢ The Entertainment & Media Scholarship for Women Application must be submitted to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee the Tuesday prior to the desired start date. †¢ To apply for this scholarship, please contact your Admissions Representative at 800. 226. 7625. PROVISIONS †¢ Applicants must have applied for a 2013 start date as a new student to Full Sail. †¢ Applicants must have filled out a FAFSA or confirmed cash payments. †¢ Funds from the Full Sail Entertainment & Media Scholarship for Women may be used only towards the tuition of a Full Sail Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science, or Master of Science Degree Program. †¢ The scholarship is non-transferable and has no redeemable cash value. †¢ SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying for an Entertainment & Media Industry Scholarship for Women should: †¢ Be a female first-time student starting a Full Sail University campus degree program. †¢ Have demonstrated an exceptional ability and dedication to their desired path in the entertainment media industry by submission of a 250-word essay. Original essay is on â€Å"How Women Can Have a Positive Impact on the Entertainment and Media Industry. †AWARD DETERMINATION †¢ Applicants’ submissions will be evaluated by a scholarship committee on the following criteria: originality, composition, clarity, and relevance to the topic. †¢ Notification Recipients will be notified via Propeller: Launch, Full Sail’s enrollment portal, on the Tuesday following the application deadline date. †¢ Scholarship will be disbursed throughout the student’s academic years, amount to be divided equally between semesters, as applicable. 11 Platinum Dream SCHOLARSHIP MISSION STATEMENT Full Sail University, one of the world’s foremost colleges for entertainment media and media communications, is dedicated to the education and encouragement of future generations of media professionals. In an effort to further this dedication and encouragement, Full Sail introduces the Full Sail Platinum Dream Scholarship Program. The purpose of this program is to aid deserving individuals that are focused on careers in entertainment media by assisting them with financial need related to their education. 12 Platinum Dream SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS Through The Full Sail Platinum Dream Scholarship Program, eligible participants may receive scholarship funds if need is demonstrated. HOW TO APPLY The Platinum Dream Scholarship nominees will be submitted by a Full Sail University Enrollment Guide or Financial Aid Administrator. Contact your Enrollment Guide or Financial Aid Administrator for details. PROVISIONS †¢ Applicants must have already applied and have been accepted for admission or must be currently enrolled at Full Sail University. †¢ Applicants must have earned a standard high school diploma or equivalent GED. †¢ Funds from the Full Sail Platinum Dream Scholarship may be used only towards the tuition of a Full Sail Associate of Science or Bachelor of Science Degree Program. †¢ The scholarship is non-transferable and has no redeemable cash value. †¢ Funds may not be used to cover Full Sail Application Fee or Seat Deposit. †¢ SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying for a Platinum Dream Scholarship should: †¢ Be a minimum of eighteen years old or have the consent of a parent(s)/guardian(s) to attend Full Sail †¢ Have completed the Admissions/Financial Aid process and demonstrate need, calculated based on a need-based formula †¢ Have completed a FAFSA and fulfilled all Admission Requirements. 13 Global Achievement SCHOLARSHIP MISSION STATEMENT The Full Sail Global Achievement Scholarship is designed to encourage and develop future international entertainment and media professionals throughout the world. Through the Global Achievement Scholarship, eligible participants may receive up to $5,000 toward the tuition of their Full Sail campus degree program. 14 Global Achievement SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS The Global Achievement Scholarship will award up to $5,000 to eligible campus degree program candidates. This scholarship fund is limited, and will be awarded to all applicants who meet the eligibility requirements and according to the award determination process as outlined below. HOW TO APPLY The Global Achievement Scholarship application must be submitted to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee prior to the desired start date. †¢ To apply for this scholarship, please contact your Admissions Representative at 800. 226. 7625. PROVISIONS †¢ Applicants must have conducted a formal interview with their Full Sail Admissions Representative. †¢ Applicants must have applied for a 2013 start date as a new student to Full Sail. †¢ Applicants must have applied as a new student for a Full Sail campus degree program. †¢ Applicants must have met the entrance requirements for the desired Full Sail campus degree program. †¢ A change of degree program, interruption of training, or withdrawal may result in cancellation of scholarship award and disbursement. Student understands that a change of student status may impact eligibility. †¢ The Global Achievement Scholarship may be used with other Full Sail scholarships. †¢ Funds from the Global Achievement Scholarship may be used only toward the tuition of a Full Sail campus degree program. †¢ The scholarship is nontransferable and has no redeemable cash value. †¢ Financial aid available for those who qualify. †¢ SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying for a Global Achievement Scholarship must: †¢ Be a non-US citizen. †¢ Complete and submit the Global Achievement application, and an original 500-word essay on â€Å"How My Full Sail Education Will Help Me Achieve My Career Dream†prior to the first day of class. AWARD DETERMINATION. †¢ Applicants’ essays will be evaluated by a scholarship committee on the following criteria: originality, composition, clarity and relevance to the topic. Essays judged outstanding will be awarded. †¢ Recipients will be notified by the Full Sail University Admissions Department prior to beginning their degree program, provided eligibility requirements above are met. †¢ Scholarship amount will be disbursed throughout student’s academic years, amount to be divided equally between semesters, as applicable. 15 Dedication SCHOLARSHIP MISSION STATEMENT. The Full Sail Dedication Scholarship is designed to encourage and develop future entertainment and media professionals who demonstrate true dedication to achieving excellence within their chosen career path. Through the Dedication Scholarship, eligible participants may receive $1,000 toward the tuition of their Full Sail campus degree program. Students may qualify to receive up to $1,000 in additional funding after beginning their education. 16 Dedication SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS The Dedication Scholarship will award $1,000 to eligible campus degree program candidates in their first academic year. An eligible student may be awarded up to $1,000 in additional Dedication Scholarship in their second academic year. This scholarship fund is limited, and will be awarded to all applicants who meet the eligibility requirements and according to the award determination process as outlined below. HOW TO APPLY The Dedication Scholarship application must be submitted to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee prior to the desired start date. †¢ To apply for this scholarship, please contact your Admissions Representative at 800. 226. 7625. PROVISIONS †¢ Applicants must have applied for a 2013 start date as a new student to Full Sail. †¢ Applicants must have applied as a new student for a Full Sail campus degree program. †¢ A change of degree program, interruption of training, or withdrawal may result in cancellation of scholarship award and disbursement. Student understands that a change of student status may impact eligibility. †¢ The Dedication Scholarship may be used with other Full Sail scholarships. †¢ Funds from the Dedication Scholarship may be used only toward the tuition of a Full Sail campus degree program. †¢ The scholarship is nontransferable and has no redeemable cash value. †¢ Financial aid available for those who qualify. †¢ SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED. AWARD DETERMINATION †¢ Applicants’ essays will be evaluated by a scholarship committee on the following criteria: originality, composition, clarity and relevance to the topic. †¢ Applicants’ Full Sail documentation will be referenced for verification of attendance and date attended at a Behind the Scenes Tour. Applicants’ GPA and GPS score upon completion of first academic year will be referenced for eligibility of subsequent awards as applicable. †¢ Recipients will be notified by the Full Sail University Admissions Department prior to beginning their degree program, provided eligibility requirements above are met. Students will be notified by the Academic Success Department of subsequent awards earned while student is attending. †¢ The $1,000 scholarship award for Behind the Scenes Tour attendance will be disbursed in first academic year, amount to be divided equally between semesters. The $500 award for 3. 0 GPA and/or the $500 award for 100% GPS score will be disbursed in last semester of second academic year, as applicable. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying for a Dedication Scholarship must: †¢ Have attended one of Full Sail’s monthly Behind the Scenes Tours a year or less prior to beginning class †¢ Complete and submit the Dedication Scholarship application, and an original 250-word essay on â€Å"Dedication and My Career Dream†prior to the first day of class in order to be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship award in the first academic year †¢ Maintain a minimum, cumulative GPA of 3. 0 for first academic year, for an additional $500 award †¢ Maintain a minimum, cumulative Global Professionalism Standards (GPS) score of 100% for first academic year, for an additional $500 award 17 Online Scholarships 18 Full Sail Education Media SCHOLARSHIP FOR TEACHERS MISSION STATEMENT Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and development of current and future generations of teachers who want to incorporate the tools of media professionals to create a dynamic learning environment. In an effort to further this encouragement and development, Full Sail introduces the Full Sail Education Media Scholarship for Teachers Program. This program is designed to offer assistance to deserving teachers passionate about advancing their career knowledge and educational role. Through the Full Sail Education Media Scholarship for Teachers Program, eligible participants may receive up to $12,000 toward the tuition of the Full Sail Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts, Education Media Design & Technology Master of Science and the Media Design Master of Fine Arts degree programs. 19 Full Sail Education Media SCHOLARSHIP FOR TEACHERS – ONLINE AWARDS This scholarship provides awards of up to $12,000 to eligible students who meet specific criteria based on financial need. To determine initial eligibility, all applicants must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (www. fafsa. ed. gov) and review their Federal Student Aid Report with a Full Sail Financial Aid Advisor. HOW TO APPLY Check with your Admissions Representative or Financial Aid Administrator for the deadline date applicable to your start date. Deadlines are typically the Friday two weeks prior to the first day of your degree program. †¢ Full Sail will reference student’s date of application for admission, documentation of teaching certificate, or submitted official letters of position, to confirm eligibility. †¢ To apply for this scholarship, please contact your Admissions Representative at 800. 226. 7625. PROVISIONS †¢ Applicants must send in Full Sail’s application for enrollment for the Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts, Education Media Design & Technology Master of Science, or Media Design Master of Fine Arts Degree. †¢ Applicants must fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). †¢ Applicants must meet all admission requirements for acceptance into the degree program by the chosen start date. †¢ Funds from the Full Sail Education Media Scholarship for Teachers may be used only towards the tuition of the Full Sail Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts, Education Media Design & Technology Master of Science, or Media Design Master of Fine Arts Degree Program. †¢ The scholarship is non-transferable and has no redeemable cash value. †¢ The Education Media Scholarship for Teachers may be used with other Full Sail scholarship programs. †¢ SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying for an Education Media Scholarship for Teachers must: †¢ Currently reside in the United States or Puerto Rico. †¢ Be certified as a teacher, any grade, Kindergarten through 12. Proof of certification required. Teachers at private or charter schools not requiring certification must submit an official letter from their principal stating their current teaching position and job responsibilities on school letterhead. †¢ Guidance counselors and other administrators in public education Kindergarten through grade 12, impacting students and teachers on a continual educational basis, may apply with an official letter from their principal or manager stating current position and job responsibilities on school letterhead. AWARD DETERMINATION †¢ Recipients will be notified by the Full Sail University Admissions department prior to the student beginning their degree program, provided eligibility requirements above are met. †¢ Scholarship will be disbursed throughout the student’s academic years, amount to be divided equally between semesters, as applicable. NOTIFICATION Recipients will be notified on Propeller: Launch the Tuesday following the application deadline date. †¢ Recipients will be notified by the Full Sail University Financial Aid department prior to student beginning their degree program, provided eligibility requirements are met. 20 Student Success SCHOLARSHIP MISSION STATEMENT Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and development of future generations of media professionals. To demonstrate our commitment, Full Sail University introduces the Student Success Scholarship program. This program is designed to offer assistance to qualified individuals passionate about a career in the entertainment media industry. 21 Student Success SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS Effective for students enrolled in an eligible degree program, the Student Success Scholarship program will award up to $3,000 to eligible candidates. Scholarship amounts will vary by degree program. AWARD DETERMINATION †¢ Full Sail University will reference SAP at the end of the student’s first semester to confirm eligibility. †¢ Scholarship will be disbursed in either the first or second academic year based upon the student’s degree program. †¢ Students enrolled in the following online degree programs are eligible to apply: †¢ Computer Animation Bachelor of Science †¢ Creative Writing for Entertainment Bachelor of Fine Arts †¢ Digital Cinematography Bachelor of Science †¢ Entertainment Business Bachelor of Science †¢ Game Art Bachelor of Science †¢ Game Design Bachelor of Science †¢ Graphic Design Bachelor of Science †¢ Internet Marketing Bachelor of Science †¢ Media Communications. Bachelor of Science †¢ Mobile Development Bachelor of Science †¢ Music Business Bachelor of Science †¢ Music Production Bachelor of Science †¢ Sports Marketing & Media Bachelor of Science †¢ Web Design & Development Bachelor of Science MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying for a Student Success Scholarship must: †¢ Complete and submit the Student Success Scholarship application prior to the first day of class †¢ Achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) at the end of the first semester of their Full Sail degree program and be an active full-time student. PROVISIONS †¢ Applicants must have already applied for admission to Full Sail University for an eligible online degree program. †¢ Applicants must have met the entrance requirements for the desired Full Sail University Online degree program. †¢ A change of degree program, interruption of training, or withdrawal may result in cancellation of scholarship award and disbursement(s). Student understands that a change of student status may impact eligibility. †¢ The Student Success Scholarship may be used in conjunction with other Full Sail University scholarships for which student is eligible. †¢ Funds from the Student Success Scholarship may be used only toward the tuition of Full Sail bachelor of fine arts and bachelor of science online degree program. †¢ The scholarship is non-transferable and has no redeemable cash value. HOW TO APPLY The Student Success Scholarship application must be submitted to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee at least one week prior to the desired start date. †¢ To apply for this scholarship, please contact your admissions representative at 800. 226. 7625. †¢ Financial aid available for those who qualify. †¢ SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED. 22 Path? nder SCHOLARSHIP MISSION STATEMENT Full Sail University is dedicated to the encouragement and development of future generations of media professionals. To demonstrate our commitment, Full Sail University introduces the Pathfinder Scholarship program. This program is designed to offer assistance to qualified individuals passionate about a career in the entertainment media industry. 23 Path? nder SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS Beginning May 7, 2013, the Pathfinder Scholarship program will award up to $6,500 to eligible students. HOW TO APPLY †¢ The Pathfinder Scholarship application must be submitted to the Full Sail Scholarship Committee at least one week prior to the desired start date. †¢ Check with your Enrollment Guide for the deadline date applicable to your start date. PROVISIONS †¢ The scholarship may be reallocated to future financial aid years based on the student’s tuition need. †¢ An interruption of training, change of degree program, or withdrawal may result in cancellation of scholarship award and disbursement(s). Student understands that a change of student status may impact eligibility. †¢ The Pathfinder Scholarship may be used with the Student Success Scholarship. †¢ Final award of scholarship is contingent upon receipt of all required Admissions and Financial Aid documents by start date. †¢ Students who delay their start date will forfeit eligibility. †¢ Funds from the Pathfinder Scholarship may be used only toward the tuition of a Full Sail University online bachelor’s degree program. Funds may not be used to cover the Full Sail University application fee. †¢ The scholarship is nontransferable and has no redeemable cash value. †¢ Financial aid is available for those who qualify. †¢ THE PATHFINDER SCHOLARSHIP FUND IS LIMITED AND WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE UNTIL DEPLETED. MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS In order to be eligible for consideration, those applying for a Pathfinder Scholarship must: †¢ Have applied for admission to Full Sail University for an online bachelor’s degree program and start classes on June 3rd, July 8th, or August 5th, 2013. †¢ Have met the entrance requirements for the desired Full Sail University online degree program. †¢ Have completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (www. fafsa. ed. gov) and reviewed their Federal Student Aid Report with a Full Sail University Enrollment Guide. †¢ Have completed the Online Education Readiness Evaluation (OERE)* and been found as highly competent, as determined by Full Sail University. †¢ Have completed the Enrollment/Financial Aid process and demonstrated need, calculated by a need-based formula. * The OERE assesses whether the student has the necessary skills, competencies, and access to technology to succeed in a distance education environment. The evaluation consists of a pre-entry questionnaire, a student preferences survey, and an Online Education Readiness Module. AWARD NOTIFICATION †¢ Recipients will be notified by their Enrollment Guide prior to beginning their degree program, provided eligibility requirements above are met. †¢ Scholarship amount will be disbursed throughout student’s academic years, as applicable, based on the student’s tuition need. 24 View as multi-pages TOPICS IN THIS DOCUMENT Bachelor of Science, Bachelor’s degree, Student financial aid, Master’s degree, Academic degree, Financial aid, Undergraduate education, Scholarship. RELATED DOCUMENTS Associate’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree †¦ either an associate’s degree, or bachelor’s degree and with good reason. Although it takes time, and can be expensive, the benefits of getting your college degree are worth it. In this essay I will compare the associate’s degree to the bachelor degree focusing on the amount of time it takes, what it costs, and what the benefits are for degree holders. An associate’s degree is a†¦ 4375 Words | 2 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Analysis of Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing †¦ John Wolf, president of Wolf Motors, had just returned to his office after visiting the company’s newly acquired automotive dealership. It was the fourth Wolf Motors’ dealership in a network that served a metropolitan area of 400,000 people. Beyond the metropolitan area, but within a 45-minute drive, were another 500,000 people. Each of the dealerships in the network marketed a different make of automobile and historically had operated autonomously. Wolf was particularly excited about this†¦ 4375 Words |
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