Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Critical evaluation of leadership values, attitudes and behaviours and Essay
Critical evaluation of lead values, attitudes and behaviours and their impact on others and the organisation - strain ExampleLeadership, unlike management, is approximately seting with the intangibles of human behaviour and attitude and attempting to apply empathetic and considerate policies and procedures to purify interpersonal relationship development and to facilitate individual development, thus improving human capital advantages at bottom the organisation, through such coiffures as coaching and mentoring. Having provided an understanding of leadership and its primary definition, it should be reinforced that except a reflective leader is one that will consistently improve and be able to identify with the diverse psychological, sociological, and tangible needs of employees as it pertains to their role within the organisation. One methodology of ensuring reflection as ongoing, cyclical practice is the 360 degree feedback system, a process of engaging multiple stakeholders to provide meaningful feedback about attitude, behaviour and performance of a peer or subordinate to give a broader and more blameless view of where an individual requires development or improvement. ... This project attempts, based on research findings and personal reflection, to induce a best practice model of leadership through contractment with multi-rater feedback processes that can provide advantage to the organisation and its staff population. Nature of current leadership docket The NHS has established a quality agenda that underpins success for health care professionals. According to the NHS, this includes lifelong learning for health professionals and modern systems of professional self-regulation (NHS 2012, p.2). Quality, as it pertains to leadership development, therefore involves being able to continuously improve and engage in reflective practice to improve health care delivery and reduce variations that impact quality of care. The NHS recognises that effective an d competent leadership is a fundamental aspect of create efficiencies and productivity in health care delivery and building capacity for quality outputs. Before establishing a faculty framework for effectual leadership practices, it is necessary to coiffure leadership at its foundation. A leader is one who selects, equips, trains, and influences one or more follower(s) who have diverse gifts, abilities, and skills and focuses the follower(s) to the organizations mission and objectives causing the follower(s) to willingly and enthusiastically expend spiritual, emotional, and physical energy in a concerted coordinated effort to achieve the organizational mission and objectives (Winston and Patterson 2006, p.7). By this definition, a competency framework for leadership development is achievable, through first understanding that leadership is about maintaining influence to engage stakeholder behavioural changes or improvements,
Monday, April 29, 2019
Research article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Research article - Essay ExampleThe study also assessed the environmental conditions in the emergency nurses work environment so as to determine the possibility of these two factors modify each other. In this particular study, recent articles on the burnout experienced by emergency nurses were used in a quantitative study. The data also contained the observations of numerous emergency nurses who were asked to provide genuine answers well-nigh observations about nurse burnout. The results indicate that 52 per cent of nurses in an emergency department in Ireland experience exalted levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation, which are significantly related to the nature of their work environment.Quantitative research is very much used in researches conducted in the healthcare sector because it tends to produce reliable as well as factual results. After the cases of nurse burnout have been documented, for instance, quantitative research allows for the numeric records of the findings to function as an feature of the reality in larger emergency nurse populations in medical facilities. In addition, the statistical trunk that is characteristic of quantitative research is suited for the purpose of determining how to capitalize on interventions that can hamper nurse
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Theatre history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
star sign history - Essay ExampleOne of these elevated stages depart represent Olivias house and will be found at the upper right side of the arena. The cast down stage, a foot lower from the other, represents the wait of her house. At the extreme right of the lower stage looks like an alley where characters enters and the other shutting where they exit. Lights flood the stage as each character enters and delivers his or her lines. We see gothic designs in the facades (I bespeak that it would be a minimalist stage, perhaps columns to represent the foundations of Olivias house and steps that lead to the front of her house). A tree or two (short-growing trees or shrubs, may be flummoxd at sensation or opposite ends of opposite sides of the road, perhaps some props resembling a hawthorn tree, with apple-shaped, bright blushing(a) resemblance of its fruit hanging on its branches).Most likely, this part of the play will take place later in the evening, perhaps a little after dinn er time, that we will observe characters in the play are like having their relaxing time, in one of the dialogues Olivia reveals that she and Sebastian (mistaken as his twin Viola, who will conceal herself as Cesario) have just been married a couple of hours ago, and Toby will later be seen already drunk.Colorful medieval costumes that are common during the Elizabethan and the Renaissance theatre will be seen worn by the actors, except for Malvolio who should be wearing all black which is evocative of his characters mood throughout the play.Music is an element predominantly present throughout the play it is through symphony that the love of Orsino is magnified, the irony as well as comedy is amplified in the portrayals of Feste, Malvolio and his tricksters, and in the drunkenness and frolic of Sir Toby Belch. Music, as one of the underlying themes of the play suggests the comic as well as the tragic chronological successions or scenes in the play. Fast music is played every now and then, which becomes louder when a climactic episode is
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Defining and Assessing Modern CSR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Defining and Assessing Modern CSR - Essay ExampleEthical accountability means the delivery treatment to the stakeholders in a manner that society previously prescribed as acceptable. All companies, especially the Oil Sands increase Corporation, must comply with Canadas prescribed bodily social accountability provisions.Further, the entities social responsibility is divided in two major body politics. One area is economic in nature. The business entities survival is grounded on generating revenues. The revenues must be extravagantly enough to vex net profits. If the companion does not generate a net profit in the current or future accounting period, there is high probability that the entities may file for bankruptcy. The usual step for a bankrupt company is to close shop.Next, another major area of the entities social responsibility is environmental responsibility (Hopkins, 2012). The nation compulsorily requires all companies to implement all environmental protection law prov isions. The companies must not pollute the environment. The entities should never pollute the waters of our plants (rivers, lakes, and oceans). In addition, the entities should not pollute the air. The factories must build high smoke stacks to reduce polluting the community air.Further, one environment-friendly news report divulged one Canadian companys blatant violation of its corporate social responsibility (Wingrove, 2013). Wingrove observed the Oil Sands Development Companys business activities continue to pollute the nearby Alberta lakes. The Canadian government reiterated that Canadian companies sess set up their business to generate profits.However, the Canadian government reiterates all locally set up companies should not violate any of Canadas environmental protection statutes. The continuing pollution of the nearby Alberta lakes result snap out the life of the current and future marine life. The marine life includes the fishes and other
Friday, April 26, 2019
Analyse the corporate governance statement of NewsCorp Essay
Analyse the corporate governance statement of NewsCorp - endeavor ExampleWith the help of the room which ought not have got less than three members, it is expected that the director of the beau monde hold office for only a year (NewsCorp 1). The director also needs to be elective through a majority vote and must enjoy their independence. Under the guideline of the corporate governance, NewsCorp indicates that board meetings ar mandatory and reviews of the previous meetings must be done at every(prenominal) times (1). decision maker sessions of the non-executive members of the board must also be held without the interference of the board members. through and through the board meetings and headship, NewsCorp indicates that it becomes easy for the smart set to run its affairs (1). The board leader also feels free to manage the affairs of the company as an independent person thus, effectual consultations and communication with the concerned stakeholders. It is also recommended t hat the members be keen whilst selecting their leader as leadership determines the kind of performance from the company. Addition tout ensembley, the board is charged with the responsibility of coming up with various committees to facilitate the running of the companys affairs. The committees include the Audit, the Nominating and Corporate Governance and the Compensation Committees (NewsCorp 1). The committees involve independent directors who see under Exchange Act and NASDAQ listing standards (NewsCorp 1). It is important to note that these committees have been given the mandate of retaining, decision making and terminating the fees by the consultants and other legal advisors based on their discretion. For instance the compensation & succession committee reviews on compensation issues of the CEO based on their performance as well as his/her compensation. This is done by assessing the potential of the existing members in the company, and who would be the best suitor in the compa nys abutting management (NewsCorp 1). In terms of ethical standards of the company, the corporate governance does not hesitate to specify its requirements from its members. NewsCorp indicates that the jury of Directors of the Company are keen to ensure that its members act in utmost integrity and respect to all employees in the company regardless of their affiliation (1). With the adoption of the Standards of Business Conduct, the board ensures that all the employees comply with the label of conduct. The company can therefore be argued to comply with the utmost standards of ethics. However, compliance with the ethics would not be achievable if the company did not have a chain of communication. The board then ensures that all the members have access to the ethics code and that they understand its contents well. For instance in relation to conflicts in the company, the members are aware of the procedures to follow, the same case applies in terms of property information and interact ion with other persons much(prenominal) as government officials (NewsCorp 1). Employees are also conversant with what needs to be done in the topic of harassment and safety of the workplace (NewsCorp 1). The CEO and financial officers are also not exempted from the code of conduct. Through its board, the Company felt the need for protecting its whistleblowers. However, stockholder communication has also been provided for, since it allows for effective communication with all the stakeholders of the company (NewsCorp 1). This
Thursday, April 25, 2019
How can we use six sigma(as new tech) to improve the IT department in Essay
How can we use six sigma(as new tech) to improve the IT incision in the RTS(our company) - Essay Example Only SS can make sustainable breakthrough improvements possible that ar clearly identifiable and measurable instead of a few simple one-off quality improvements (due to the enhanced fanciful thinking and improved processes) It has the proven ability for fixing problems in business processes in a sequential and disciplined fashion1 with a break away track record than Total Quality wariness on its own (because it is a complete methodology)- because it allows for easier comparison with benchmarks and competing products and services to demonstrate the real value of engineering science and show the relative position of the company, and pertinent information to reducing costs for instance, and thereby avenues for improvement and gaining belligerent advantageIf youre in IT, that means fewer servers, faster call response times and better project delivery IT always gets caught up i n insatiable demands and lost ROI. Six Sigma solves both those problemsNote each single IT professional experienced with Six Sigma emphasizes that it absolutely, positively requires top-down buy-in. Six Sigma is an executive-directed transformation tool, and if senior heed isnt interested or willing to personally sponsor the strategy, its going to fail wind
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Dimensions of Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Dimensions of Health - Essay ExampleEven with ongoing debate for and against the explanation proposed by WHO, it is clear from this definition that health is an entity with multiple dimensions. This definition envisages three specific dimensions, the physical, mental, and social. These dimensions appear separate, b arely in reality, they are dynamic and interact with each other. Human conduct is a common floor in human health. Human behaviour is the resultant of physical and mental factors interacting in complicated ways. The panoptic categories of factors that may captivate individual health behaviour include knowledge, beliefs, values, attitudes, skills, finance, time, and many others. It is important to give skilful considerations to the social context, a particular behaviour occurs. Health behaviour refers to those activities that an individual undertakes to avoid ailment. These behaviours are low-level on the environmental contexts as well as on emotions and touchs. Mos t importantly, health behaviour depends on the health needs (Hawks et al., 2008, 319-324).Attitudes are acquired characteristics of an individual that are considered to be more or less ageless ways of behaving. An attitude contains three components, a cognitive or knowledge element, an affective or feeling element, and a tendency to action. Thus attitude foot be defined as a relatively enduring organization of beliefs around an object, subject, or concept that predisposes to a response in a invidious manner. Most human beings learn attitudes from social interactions, and once they are formed, it is very difficult to change. In the late(a) time, attitudes are being recognized as very important determinants of health behaviours, and consequently, psychologists and health care professionals are increasingly dwelling on attitude surveys and attitude measurements, since it is becoming clear that healthy attitudes gravitate from parents, teachers, ghostlike leaders, and elders (Niels en et al., 2004, 28-32).The beliefs and attributions that people hold can influence their health. This can influence health by affecting their behaviour such as food habits and by a direct influence on the physiological system. Although these devil modes are not mutually exclusive for the patient, and there is another set of health beliefs and attributions from the health professionals that can affect the health of individuals. These beliefs may influence health decisions and also influence patients cognitions. Healthcare professionals may influence the beliefs and attributions, hence behaviour of patients by giving them information and through expression of their beliefs about the patients health and the dress hat way to overcome a particular health problem. Hence health professionals beliefs about a disease and its management are large factors in influencing the values of the patients and their approaches to the management of illness (Ohea et al., 2005, 705-717).Values are trai ts such as honesty, loyalty, intelligence, or talent. This is a set of submissive values. The other conceptions of values as traits include instrumental and expressive tendencies. Values have also been defined as need strengths including achievement, affiliation, and dominance. The contemporary values berth towards a persons value-directed preference for quality rather than quantity of life. The values ascertain the strength of
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Unethical trade practices of Tesco on fresh produce from developing Essay
Unethical trade practices of Tesco on fresh take a leak from developing countries - Essay ExampleThis research will begin with the statement that the impact of unethical practices of short earn especially conducted by multinational corporations has long been the center of debates. Multinational companies operating in developing countries in the complex supply chain and the increased international trades, their business activities and decisions can have a sullen impact on local communities and pot from developing countries, which are producers in the supply chain. According to the ILO, culture is the largest sector of employment in most developing countries, which employs one-third of the worlds labor force. about(prenominal) families and people rely on agricultural and production for export for their livelihoods. Agricultural supply arrange are complex and international. However, it is considered a vulnerable sector for its high production cost, price fluctuations, and the unbalanced market power. In the complex supply chain, multinational companies that purchase their products from developing countries can have immense impacts on people living in those countries. In the international market, actions taken by the dominant buyers and retailers may create a situation where it undermines the capacity of suppliers and compromises farmers and workers basic rights. According to Wearden, the United Kingdom imports over 90 percent of its fresh fruits and 60% vegetables from other countries each year. These products are imported mainly from European countries and some developing African countries such as Kenya and Morocco and have estimated value of GBP 1.5 billion per annum. In the UK, a tiny number of retailers dominate the food retail market a factor which is seen to in turn for the most part contribute to the power imbalance in the trading relationship between purchasers and suppliers. According to the UK Competition Commission, supermarket chains are in creasingly exerting pressure on suppliers and farmers from developing countries to conform to ethical standards. Tesco PLC is the grocery market draw in the United Kingdom with a market share of around 30 percent in 2013. It is one of the worlds largest merchandise retailers. TESCO was founded by Jack Cohen in 1919 as a root word of grocery stalls in East End of London. In forming the name TESCO, the first two letter of Jack Cohens his surname were combined with the initials of his tea supplier, Thomas Edward Stockwell. The first Tesco store was opened in Middlesex in 1229. Originally Tesco focused its business on grocery retailer until the early 1990s when it alter its products and serve into a greatr range inclusive of items such as clothing, furniture, books, DVD rental electronics, financial services, network services and software in addition to its expanding its business abroad. Since then Tesco has continued to grow and offers new services in addition to opening new stor es globally with a principle to sell a wide range of quality products at lower prices for everyone. In the present, Tesco has more than 6,500 stores worldwide and employs over 500,000 staffs around the world. Tesco is considered to be Britains biggest and most profitable supermarket chain and is currently seen to be expanding globally at a rapid rate. In 2013, Tesco announced its group trading profit before tax at GBP 3.5 billion with the UK gross sales accounting for over GBP 2 billion. With its aggressive worldwide expansions, Tesco purchases its products from suppliers in over 70 countries around the world. condition its continual success and the highest market share in the UK retails market, Tesco is in a powerful position, especially in grocery supply chain.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Electrical Rotary Actuators Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Electrical Rotary Actuators - Essay ExampleActuators are devices employ for driving various types of objects to obtain a craved amount of displacement. This displacement may be of a linear or rotary nature. The driving force of an actuator may be generated by each an voltaical, hydraulic or pneumatic input. The rotary actuators discussed here, are concerned with applications where a rotary displacement with a desired angle of revolution is requisite, and use electric energy to generate the driving force.Construction The basic components of an electric rotary actuator are a motor and a reduction gearbox mechanism. Electric rotary actuators endeavor components rotationally via electromagnetic power from a motor. The reduction gear translates the speed and tortuosity of the motor to the required scale. Suitable damping and spring return mechanisms are also built in. The rotational element can either be a shaft or a table. Circular shafts often include keyways, while tables provide a bolting pattern to mount opposite components. They usually provide control and indexing capabilities to allow fourfold position stops along strokes. Other auxiliary components include return springs, seals, limit switches for both ends of rotation span, etc.A simple rotary actuator model using a DC motor is considered for the education and analysis of the device. The DC motor directly provides a rotary motion. For practical application, this rotary displacement is convey into suitable transitional motion by attaching an output coupling mechanism, consisting of wheels or drums and cables. The figure 1 shows the electrical circuit of the armature, and the free body diagram of the rotor of the DC motor.Electrical circuit of Armature Free body diagram of rotor Figure 1.In the electrical circuit of the armature, the resistance of the armature coil is represented by R in ohms, and the inductance is presented by L in henrys. The input source is shown as a potential difference V. Th e back EMF produced, is shown as a voltage source, which opposes the input source. For the rotor free body diagram, the torque developed is T and rotation angle is . The effect of the moment of inertia of the rotor and damping method industrious is also taken into the account. The damping is provided to avoid large overshoots of the rotational displacement. For the purpose of sample study, the following values of other parameters are initially assumed as1. Moment of Inertia of the rotor, ( J ) = 3.2284E-6 kg m2 / s2.2. Damping ratio of the mechanical system, ( b ) = 3.5077E-6 Nms3.
Using an essay style format, discuss why might banks be considered as
Using an style format, talk of why might banks be considered as the key players in the fiscal organisation - Essay Example either of these parts are closes dependent on each other. A good financial system makes authentic that all these parts function together to make sure that the m bingley is optimally channeled in an economic system. If one part of the financial system is in conflict with the other, or if there is a distortion between the motives of the two parts of a financial system, then there are chances that the financial system pass on collapse. This is very dangerous for the entire economy, because when one part of financial system collapses, other parts as well as face the domino effect causing the economy to face serious recession and plummeting demand. Hence, it is imperative for an economy to have a stable financial system if it is to work well. (Mishkin) financial markets make it possible for community to trade securities. It is a good way of raising capital, tra nsferring risk, liquidity maintenance and trading foreign exchange. The financial markets play an important role in instilling level of confidence in the investors. They know that they bed invest now and liquidate in future when they need funds and resign them earn sideline on their money. Examples of Financial Markets can be Stock Markets, Money Markets, Forex Markets and IPOs (Lipsey and Chrystal). A good financial system usually contains financial markets as a platform that allows the trading of financial securities and instruments. Similarly, Financial Institutions consist of those organizations that allow channeling of funds and create credit in the economy. In case these are missing in a financial system, then the economy is deprived of multiplier effect and can face serious levels of unemployment and want of investment motives. Examples of Financial Markets include Banks, Building Societies, Leasing Companies etc. Financial Instruments are securities that are traded in th e Financial Markets. These include bonds, stock, money market securities and derivatives. These are again very important
Sunday, April 21, 2019
An Introduction to Religion in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
An Introduction to devotion in chinaware - Essay ExampleOther reasons also come to play their part as well and they will be discusses later on (De et al 73). In China devotion was something of a taboo because practicing every single faith was considered incorrect. It was more of a pluralistic society which was against allowing members to adhere to any organization. They were more practicing in their cultural customs and believed in determineing genius particular family as a dynasty with its specific rules of living and policies of the state. Scholars still indulge in the argument intimately China having a religion or not from the meter the country took its shape on the planet. Various terms which are instantly associated with legendary and traditional practices are considered to be the earliest form of value-drilling such as Buddhism and Confucianism, which help in understanding the culture of China even better (De et al 74). Starting with the teaching of Confucianism which g oes back to the 551 BCE, one will observe that it was an attempt to revive the golden age. Kong Qui who came to be cognize as Confucius was inspired to follow the rituals of the ancient commonwealth. He exercised ethical force to make his dynasty follow the same rituals and make these practices common amongst the people. These practices include i. Consciousness to do the right thing ii. Be loyal to the superiors iii. Be benevolent towards each another(prenominal) The rituals were known as li which, if practiced, largely affected the role of the individuals in the society and so did their status. Hence, the deities of worshipping were divided up into various classes according to the level of peoples doing. Kong Qui was the sole transmitter of the social hierarchies and rituals who stood the weight of the revival of the ancient times. His teachings include the lessons included in the previous books and the people who followed him started associating the teachings as Confucianism. During the late imperial age, the performances in China were unusually at their peak and elaborated with various local opera genre and solo performances. Since rituals had been the bedrock of Confucianism, during the time of Tang dynasty, theatricals of all kinds became eminent. For Father Evariste Hue, a European traveler who had lived in China for years exclaimed that China looks more like a fair for amusement of people (De et al 75). Countless works of belles-lettres depicted the Chinese tradition including Mulian zhuan. This opera is considered the best amongst other colonisation performances. In 1929 a performance was recorded in the recital form which was organized and created by the Ding Countys experienced village actors in Hebei. The Ding County yangge was not a valuable evidence of popular culture. The themes of political righteousness and truth are absent while there is much farce and romance to discuss (De et al 104). correctly after Kong Quis era or even during hi s time which came considered an overlapping of the phase, the concept of Daoism began to emerge. This was all about patience and seeing life as a whole despite all the chaos touch it. Those persons or hermits who had a connection with the previous teachings including Confucianism were asked to escape the civilization. This made Daoism the most complex tradition curiously for the current times. As time passed and people became more accustomed to the modern world the government asked the people to establish temples for every community so that those who wanted to practice Daoism or the teachings of another tradition including Buddhism could do so with peace and strengthen their network (De et al 92). The teachings Buddha emerged next in line and were commonly known among the Chinese as Fojiao. Buddha is
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Economic Crisis in Argentina Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Economic Crisis in Argentina - Essay ExampleThe political sympathiess policies largely focused on addressing the human rights issues and ensuring independence of judiciary thereby strengthening the democratic process. These policies were very effective in increasing Alfonsins popularity. However, when the independent judiciary started to hinder the new governments objectives, government dispose the policy of judicial independence by promulgating laws such as Full Stop Law and due(p) Obedience Law (Tedesco, 2002, p. 472). These policies greatly decreased the popularity of government and provoked military rebellion, guerilla attacks and labour conflicts thereby weakening the government (Tedesco, 2002, p. 473). Hence, the increased confrontation between the labour class and government resulted in a failure of scotch policy. Carlos Menem succeeded Alfonsin as president of the Latin American Republic. Menem tried to bring about a consensus between the labour class and the ruling el ite and was somewhat successful. However, he used the power realise from the political consensus to establish a hegemonic rule over the expanse. He restructured the supreme court of justice and inducted his supporters and nigh(a) aides as judges at the highest level. Similarly, the accountability courts or the Tribunal de Cuentas was reformed with government amiable judges. These policies encouraged large-scale corruption by government officials. This resulted in a large scale economic unrest (Tedesco, 2002, p. 476). Different economic factors paved way to the grave economic crisis of Argentina. Alfonsin inherited a country with severe economic issues to be resolved. The government introduced a series of economic reforms including...This essay is one of the outdo examples of thorough retrospective analysis of the origin, transmission and cessation of the economic crisis in Argentina, with focus on the economic policies, that led to the overcoming of the crisis.The shift from di ctatorship to real democracy did not yield the anticipated results. Carlos Menen, the Argentinean President from 1989 to 1999, introduced reforms that proven catastrophic for the economy. His policy of privatizing the government owned corporations and encouraging unknown investment in banking and other sectors back-fired. coarse amount of funds were transferred overnight out of the country decreasing substantially the countrys foreign reserves. The government froze all the foreign currency accounts. But this move angered the countrys monied middle class. They deemed it as a violation of basic human rights and a pro-elitist policyDifferent economic factors paved way to the economic crisis of Argentina. The government introduced a series of economic reforms including introducing a new currency. The government has to take huge loans to support this move but could not pay the interest. This decreased the confidence in new currency. The economic bail-out packages offered by internatio nal monetary organizations contributed a little towards containing the situation. It was the peoples life story and its recognition on the part of government that finally led Argentina out of the crisis. The country needs a political culture which strengthens democratic institutions.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Microsoft projecr Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Microsoft projecr - Assignment ExampleThe first human body provide deal with the design of the Customer Relationship counseling System while the second physical body go forth deal with the implementation of the system to the normal work flow environment. The design phase will incorporate various key features that will facilitate its efficient operation.The product that will arise from the protrusion will be required to conduct tracking on the various trends of customer purchasing. The product is likewise to provide points to purchases that have been made cumulatively. The customers who have enrolled and registered into the system should therefore be able to redeem their points and accept various benefits.For the system to be able to produce the various deliverables, it is important that the Customer Relationship instruction System be developed. It should also be complemented with a good intranet and extranet infrastructure that will allow synchronizing of bonuses and loyalt ies from any government issue store.Apart from that, the software will need to work together with a file Of Sale system which will be capturing the initial costs while the Customer Relationship Management System converts the prices to bonuses and royalty.The System will be developed and then introduced in the chief(prenominal) branch to test. It will involve the installation of the system to computers which have the capabilities of running the software without any incompatibility issues. At the identical time, a network infrastructure will be laid so that the whole company has a de-centralized system of operation with the main servers located at the head office. Shopping cards will be introduced where the bonus and loyalty points are stored. The system will also be installed in the other outlet chains to verify the synchrony of operations to the central server and test whether a customers points can be identified on any other retail store affiliated to the main store.Executive s upport The management must support the system development process and the
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Business Negotiations Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business Negotiations - Coursework ExampleHowever, the employees do not want to misplace their jobs or have their salaries deducted because of the responsibilities they have. Negotiation is a good way to handle the conflict. It provides both parties with a meeting place to bring forward their grievances and the affected parties depart work something out that could solve their differences.I have both options to urge the union leaders act ethically and agree to have a mature and cultivable negotiation process where both parties washbasin benefit or to claim bankruptcy which will shrive my firing some employees and reducing their wages. If the union leaders agree to have an ethical negotiation process, I will suggest the laying off some of the employees during this bad economic period, then rehire them once the causation is good or convert some of the permanent employees to contracts such that they can be recalled during high pate seasons. Consequently, all employees can agree to stay in the company but have their wages reduced. The employees will have to understand that these decisions are not selfish but are circumstantial. If the negotiation process results in laying off some employees, they will be given a three months notice during which they can look for other jobs or sources of income. The employees will be laid off, according to their productivity levels. Those with poor transaction and poor productivity levels will be the first ones to get a compulsory leave (Reitz, Wall, & Love,
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
The Recent Expansion of Tesco into the US Case Study
The Recent Expansion of Tesco into the US - Case Study ExampleTesco is establish out of the UK, dealing mainly with grocery items and general merchandising retail chain. If the global sales and home(prenominal) market share of the high society are taken into account then it is found that the company is the largest British retailer by far. The profit of the company exceeded 2 billion for the year 2008 and it is believed that the profit will be much higher in the year 2009. The company mainly focuses on food and drink exactly it has also started dealing in clothes, financial services, internet services etc.The brand Tesco first appeared in the year 1924 when Jack Cohen supposedly bought a tea shipment from Mr. T. E Stockwell. The year 1929 marked the break of a store in North London and the company rapidly developed from there on. The home plate of the company was first established in North London in the 1930s. In the year 1932, the company became a private limited company, anothe r feather in the cap of Tesco.The current success of Tesco is more often than not because of the favorable political climate, Tesco has managed to penetrate into nations which were previously considered difficult to penetrate into and this is certainly paved the way for success.politically the organization has helped in solving the unemployment problem in the UK, the credit crunch has taken a bell on the employment rate but Tesco has still managed to provide job opportunities hence bringing down(a) the unemployment rate in the UK.The EU laws largely favor Tesco, the EU laws tend to favor organizations that have a large presence in a country, Tesco not only has a large presence in the UK but it has also expanded rapidly in other countries as well and this has certainly worked to the returns of the organization.The specialty of the organization was initially in drink and food business but the giants gradually unconquerable to enter into consumer products like music players, CD pl ayers, computers and other products that sell like hotcakes.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Role of the Media in American Politics Essay Example for Free
intention of the Media in Ameri posterior Politics EssayA impec guttert and open media is essential to a performance country. Its role in politics is to encourage democratization, strengthen the rule of law and promote institution mental synthesis (UN recents Center). In prescribe for a country to work properly, citizens need to be informed on the issues at hand, in a fair and unbiassed manner, so they offer make sound decisions as to which candidates to vote for. The role of the media in democracy has been realized since the institutes earliest inception. In 1791 the initiative Amendment was made to the Bill of Rights, and it stated that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press or the right of the mickle to pacifically to assemble, and to petition the g all overnment for a redress of grievances (PBS). If free press becomes compromised, such as being t aken over and control by biased private corporations, then a countrys democracy is at risk, and it can lead to the country becoming a fascist state. In America, the media plays a crucial role in politics and in determining which agendas ar triple-crown and which be not and whether or not it has been compromised by private interest continues to be debated.Bias in the MediaWhether or not some(prenominal) press can be truly free appeases a subject of much debate. Media outlets, erect like any other enterprise, depose on a steady flow of funds in order to operate. Thus, they rely on sponsors either through the sales of advertisements or through authorities funding. Media outlets as fountainhead as much appeal to the demands and tastes of the auditory sense. Various media outlets essential compete amongst each other for viewers, so catering to the tastes of that audience becomes a science. Restricted by the limited tastes of the audience and reliant upon political elites for most information, journalists participate in an inter directent parole system, not a free market of ideas (Entman 3). Since the media depends on private funds and hulky numbers of viewers, it is possible that its agenda becomes compromised, from giving a fair and unbiased news report to genius that caters towards the tastes of viewers and investors.While media outlets do have the opportunity to be biased, depending on their audience and funding, there be still a wide range of push-down store media outlets for viewers to choose from. Viewers have a choice as to where to hold their news from. If one station seems biased towards one viewpoint, the channel can right away be changed. Over the decades, technology has increased the miens in which a viewer can give their news. In the 1970s, television was the main outlet for mass media. There were in force(p) seven bring available to the average household, and these captured 80% of all viewing.However, technology has changed this dramatically. In 2005, 85% of households had access to satellite or cable TV and had on average a hundred channels to choose from. Today, viewers can besides choose to get their news not just from TV nevertheless also from the net and smart phones (Muntz 224). With the wide range of choices as to where to get the news, it would not be presumptuous to expect a wider range of political viewpoints to be expressed from various media outlets. However, this does not appear to be the case.Journalists themselves are also inherently biased. While the goal of journalism is to give a fair and unbiased representation of the hi tier being covered, a reporters individualised views, preferences, and identifications with an issue or politician allow for doubtless(prenominal) come into play. As well, journalists themselves are seeking a successful career in media. In order to be successful, and stand out, they must cover stories that make it onto the front page or get a good deal of airtime on the evening news (Zaller 21-22). Those stories that get on the front page are those that appeal to the exoteric. Thus, those journalists are mare most adept at appealing to the interests of the unrestricted are those that are the most successful (Zaller 22). Thus, the audience may often times end up receiving information that is more sensational than it is unbiased and informational.Despite the wide range of choices as to where to get their news, it has been observed that the publics viewpoints, as well as those of media outlets, have become increasingly polarized over the years (Muntz 224). It has been proposed selectivity is to blame, that is, peoples inherent nature to select those outlets which go around represent their own ideals. Selectivity can take place at several junctures with respect to mass media, including picture to a particular source of political news, attention to what the source says, and biased interpretation when processing the satisfy of political new s (Muntz 225). It is human nature to want to avoid that information which conflicts with their preexisting ideas and beliefs. Thus, while media outlets may offer viewers information, the audience is not necessarily going to listen to the information in a fair and unbiased manner. Thus, bias in the media is a two-way street between media outlets and the viewers themselves.The Media and Political Campaign CoverageThe media and politics come most closely into play during presidential elections. all(prenominal) four years, politicians battle it out to see who will win the most favor from the American people to become the next president. It is the job of the media outlets to inform the public about the various political candidates. During elections, the candidates can get quite negative on each other. The media, as it should, covers the stories behind negative campaign advertisements, political speeches and debates. Politicians who run the most negative campaigns, thus, can end up getti ng the most media coverage. This can lead towards voter bias on both sides.For example, during the 2012 campaign, the republican candidates received a undischarged deal of media coverage. The candidates Mitt Romney, newt Gringrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum were competing for republican nomination. The democratic nominate was assured, as it was the incumbent Barack Obama. So, there was far less media scrutiny on Barack Obama and his issues, such as the success of his healthcare act or his wishy-washy military capability on Super PACs (Mark). Voters were more informed on the issues, and negative campaigning, of the republican candidates.Politicians rely on media politics to both win elections and to mobilize public support for causes and the implementation of projects while they are in office (Zaller 1-2). Thus, they rely on journalists and reporters to get their story out to audiences. However, the story that journalists choose to get out may not be the one the candidate wishes . This happens when the press uncovers a skeleton in the closet of a politician, or when a candidate suddenly changes their position on an issue and the media exposes them as wishy-washy (Zaller 13). Depending on the candidate, the media can be either a boon or a part to their political career.Citizens also rely on media coverage in order to know who to vote for. The public wants to know what kind of morals and ethics a politician has and what their stance is on issues that are outstanding to them. Individuals all have different issues they want to see addressed during a presidential campaign, ranging from taxes to abortion. Mass media outlets will poll their audiences, and study their demographics, in order to know which types of stories their audience will be most probable to identify with and those are the stories that will be covered in the news.Media and Government ExposureThe media also plays a strong role in keeping the government honest by exposing scandal and controversy . In the previous(predicate) 1900s, during what is known as the Progressive Era, a new style of investigative journalism was born. Dubbed by Theodore Roosevelt as muckrakers, these journalists revealed illegal and unsavory practices of capital, labor, and state and local government (PBS). Fast forward to the 1970s, and it was the same type of muckrakers who overt the Watergate scandal. However, while democracy relies on the ability of investigative journalism to expose scandals, this type of investigative report can also lead to sensationalism and stories that are overly sordid.While the media can over sensationalize genuine stories, it can also under expose them as well. An example would be the Iran-contra scandal. Before its ikon in late 1986, the Reagan administration has denied that Oliver North had supported the Nicaraguan contra rebels during the congressional ban on its aid. Most members of the media, as well members of congress, simply accepted the denials and failed to investigate the story (Entman 6). Another example is the way in which the media heart-to-heart the Watergate scandal. When the crimes actually occurred, in 1972, Nixon was running for re-election. During this time, the media only presented sporadic reports to the public, leaving them ill-informed about the issue. Had the public been more advised of the scandal and its implications, they may have decided not to re-elect Mr. Nixon. Instead, he was re-elected and later impeached, which was an embarrassing scandal for America. familiar Misinformation and Media ResponsibilityThe public accepts for fact that what they are told by the media. They trust the media to give them the whole story and for that story to be truthful, correct and unbiased. However, despite this, viewers of mass media have been found to still be seedy informed. For example Six months into the Iraq war, a study by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland found that FOX News viewer s were more likely than consumers of any other major media outlet source to have mistaken beliefs about Iraq. Including the belief that U.S. led forces had already found weapons of mass destruction there. This belief was held by one out of every three FOX viewers at the time, compared to only one out of ten respondents who cited PBS or NPR as their main source of news (Boehlert et al).Media Matters, an online news source, has exposed media sources, like FOX, That systematically misinform the public (Boehlert et al). Individuals who are loyal to a special media outlet trust them to give them the professedly facts, however, this trust may not be warranted. Viewers must also be held responsible for doing their own research in order to fully understand an issue. Citizens depend on media to be the watchdogs of government, but who then is watching the media? Organizations like Media Matters seek to expose bias in media. Getting this message out to the public has become easier with adva nces in technology and the emergence of social media.New MediaA new type of media has begun to emerge as a result of the rise of social media and the Internet. some(prenominal) people get their news today not from a TV or print newspaper publisher but from internet sites, blogs, and social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. The World Wide Web and the accompanying explosion in new media have forced an upheaval in U.S. politics in at least(prenominal) four areas, creating 1) innovative ways to reach voters 2) a radically changed news system 3) an unprecedented inundation of small donors and 4) newly empowered interest groups on the left and right (Edsall).The internet is an inexpensive way for politicians to gain maximum exposure. Even candidates with smaller campaign funds can reach a astronomic audience if they are savvy to the ways of social media and blogging. Since their overhead is lower, small internet based media outlets do not have to rely on advertisers to keep the ir ventures afloat. Thus, their coverage does not need to bend to the fancy of corporate sponsors. In turn, the Internet also allows for constituents to feel more connected to politicians. They can follow their personal Twitter and Facebook pages, which may or, more likely, may not be updated by the actual politician themselves, but more likely a paid staff member. However, the level of intimacy between the candidate and the public is heightened, and this may gain them more favor and, in the end, more votes.The internet has given a section and the power to change to even the most marginal players. For example, during the 2008 presidential election, an aide to Senator Barack Obama made a postiche campaign ad depicting Hilary Clinton as an all-powerful dictator. The ad was played on YouTube and received over 1 million hits. While the ad itself may not have changed the course of the election, it did show just how powerful the Internet can be in coloring public opinion (Edsall).Concl usionIf it is true that democracy depends on the existence of a free and unbiased media, then it may be argued that the join States if far from a true democracy. Bias is inherent in media in the media outlets themselves, in the various members of government and politics, in the journalists who report the news and in the way in which viewers and audiences interact with media. However, the ideal that democracy depends on a truly free and unbiased media may be an unrealistic expectation because, in fact, the media will always be biased because that is just part of its nature. We do not live in an ideal world, and ideals quickly fade in the face of everyday reality. Media must change along with its changing society and political environment. In this way, it does represent the ideals and values of the day.Today, we are witness to a time of great change in terms of technology and the way in which information is disseminated. Just as quickly as the political environment is changing so is the media that covers it. New technology is giving rise to the exposure of political corruption and government incompetence. It is giving a voice to the under paid and underrepresented voices of the public. So in fact, it appears that the media is still doing its job. However, it is still up to the individual to remain informed on the issues at hand and to remain a loyal and informed citizen by scrutinizing the media just as they scrutinize the government.
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Essay Example for Free
An Occurrence at snout Creek Bridge EssayIn Ambrose Bierces shortly tosh, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, he uses his screen background to carry out the game of the story better than the short film of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. The words in the short story flow so beautifully, and give such detail as to fully render the emotions running through Peyton Farquhars head as the time progresses to his hanging. In my opinion, the storys life analogous settings and imagery easily grasp the introduction rising action/climax, and conclusion as Ambrose Bierce originally cute the story to be told. In the introduction of the short story, Bierce tells of a man, soon to be known as Farquhar, standing above a bridge engaged to be hung. As he is waiting for the surrogate to complete preparations, he lays eyes upon a piece of tout wood in the swirling catamenia infra the bridge. The story then goes into detail about how slowly the stream appeared to be moving the drift woo d along, He then let his gaze wander to the swirling water of the stream racing madly down the stairs his feet. A piece of dancing driftwood caught his attention and his eyes followed the current.How slowly it appeared to move What a sluggish stream (Literature 71). However, in the short film it precisely represents the image of the piece of wood. This driftwood symbolizes the situation he is currently in that he is in a chaotic predicament but is still able to slowly drift through the problem. Therefore the story helps the reader fully grasp the introduction of the story better than the short film. During the middle of the story, before Farquhars exist moments he thinks about his wife and children only to be off-and-on(a) by the sound of his pocket watch.As if time were slowing down in his last seconds, the interval between each tick is symbolic to how little time he has left. Striking through the purpose of his dear ones was the sound which he could neither ignore nor unders tand, a sharp, distinct, metallic percussion like the snapshot of a blacksmiths hammer upon the anvil.. the delays became maddening (Literature 72). In the short film of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, time speeds up and his pocket watch was taken from him by one of the officers, clearly non as in dept to relate why Bierce wrote the pocket watch into the story.Also during the rising action of the compose story, it is told in great details of how he plunges into the water, and begins to swim through the stream. When he removes the noose from his neck, he sees himself do but doesnt follow through. He commands himself to place the cord back once he feels a sudden pang throughout his body, but his hands disobey him. This gives the reader inside details of the characters privileged state, which is not expressed in the short film.Lastly, before it is known that Farquhar has been hung and this was his mind flashing through his last moments of life, the soldiers begin firing guns while he swims to safety downstream. At one point the written story tells of how he is spinning and whirled around in the water which brings us back to the symbolism of the driftwood in the introduction. He spins round and round like the driftwood, finally caught up and not in control of the predicament he is in. He had been caught in a vortex and was being whirled on with a velocity of advance.. spinning like a top (Literature 75).The film does not show the final symbolism of the driftwood and rushes through the stream to only have Farquhar advance to the bank and run through the forest to his wife and children. Therefore, in my opinion, Bierces written version of An Occurrence at Owl Creek, uses the setting to advance the story and plot to the readers. It is more in dept and brings all things to light internal state, physical state, symbolism, and his flashbacks. The introduction, rising action, and conclusion were all better carried out with setting in the written version rather the short film.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Discuss the contribution of material culture Essay Example for Free
Discuss the contribution of material civilization send awayvasThe aim of this essay is to explore how useful material culture studies is to at a lower placestanding societies which existed under romish rule, specially those of Gaul and Britain. These provinces of Rome adopted Roman culture and used Roman objects for their own use, which could come under the heading of cultural bricolage, where new cultural items are obtained by attributing new functions to previously existing ones, only I shall address this later on in the essay. Woolf comments that anthropologists and archaeologists use the concept of culture as a way of making sense of the diversity of human societies that can non be expressed simply in footing of biological variation. It is seen by many to be a more precise way of understanding societies sooner than seeing how advanced or rich a society was.1 Studying and understanding social individuality can also be seen as an excellent alternative to relying on n arratives written by Roman authors who were biased and wrote from a Romano-centric position, and it also allows us to consider other elements, for instance class,status, gender, age, occupation, and religion.Material culture can be defined as the field of battle with craftifacts (and other pertinent historical evidence) of belief systemsthe values, ideas, attitudes, and assumptionsof a particular(a) community or society, usually across time. As a study, it is based upon the obvious stick in that the existence of a man-make object is concrete evidence of the presence of a human see operating at the time of fabrication. The common assumption underlying material culture research is that objects made or modified by humans, consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly, reflect the belief patters of individuals who made, commissioned, purchased, or used them, and, by extension, the belief patterns of the larger society of which they are a part. 2 Concerning Roman culture, Wo olf defines it as the range of objects, beliefs and practices that were characteristic of people who considered themselves to be, and were widely acknowledged as, Roman.It is believed that every man-made object required the mathematical operation of round thought and design. Therefore it is the assumption of material culture studies that this thought is a reflection of the culture that produced the man-made objects. With this theory we can see, in some way, how a culture, which had no written records of its existence, lived. One reward of material culture studies is that it is beneficial to social historians who wish to know about an entire group and not just the elites of a particular society.A useful definition of the term archaeology is that it uses fieldwork and excavation, and the comparative study of sites and objects to compile information about the pastwhich can illuminate aspects of Roman life which were never recorded. However it does puzzle its limitations as it canno t achieve certainty as all known sites and artefacts are merely a hold up sample of what once existed- and not necessarily a representative sample.4 So in understanding personal identity we may be able to place these artefacts in context as we will know what particular objects are used for certain practices, for instance burial usage or forms of pottery produced.5 Jones defines cultural identity as that aspect of a persons self-conceptualization which results from identification with a broader group in opposition to others on the dry land of perceived cultural differentiation and/or common descent..6Concerning material culture, Pitts chose 12 areas of study, these were architecture, art, epigraphy (inscriptions in stone), faunal remains(animal bones), floral remains, funerary evidence, literature, monumentality, pottery, settlement (morphology and landscape archaeology) and small finds(portable material culture other than pottery).7 Epigraphic inscriptions allows us to observe how literacy spread through Gaul and Britain, along with helping us to trace an outline of the cultural geography of Roman Gaul8 Woolf also comments that inscriptions are useful as they represent a wide range of Roman cultural customs which included political, cultic, and funerary practices. He adds to this by suggesting that inscriptions should be seen as attempts made by people to ramble their identities and to show their achievements in terms of status.Art and architecture are important as it gives us some insight into cultural ideologies, however this type of evidence only really survived if it was owned by the elites of the society, and the art and mosaics were only limited to this class, so it has its biases. Although it does have its uses as we can see how the adoption of villa architecture by the British and Gaulish tribes shows the acceptance and spread of Roman culture throughout the conquered countries.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Morality Play Essay Example for Free
Morality Play Essay* Popular from the first 1400s to the 1580s. * Morality plays were about the fate of a single individuals soul. * The main lineament delineate all men and often had a name such as Mankind or Every worldly concern to base their allegorical function. * They include vice and temptation characters attempt to corrupt the Everyman figure. * Allegorical characters also represent virtues. The Everyman character listens to them and takes note of warnings, often returning briefly to his good lifestyle.* A reform/relapse pattern is perennial several times. * Through a series of blunders and moral lessons the hero is gradually educated into an understanding of the inequality between right and wrong and the nature of god. * At the end, the main character settles his accounts with God and either lives or dies forgiven and Christian. He is wiser and better at the end of the play. * A chorus, such as the Messenger and Doctor characters in Everyman, is used to comment on and explain the action for the audience. Elements of Renaissance plays.* Contain soliloquies in which a highly distinct self reflects upon his own desires and actions. * Celebrate the scope of human powers while acknowledging their boundaries there is a dichotomy at work which praises mans creative powers (by implication also those of the poet, or author) but concedes that man is not God and that ultimately all his powers derive from God. * They begin to refer to the new countries and things being observed by explorers, mentioning exotic settings and transporting their audiences around the world.Renaissance creative thinkers * The body and soul are separate and linked with assorted elements and humours. * Catholicism was banned in England and the Pope was considered the antichrist by some. * Renaissance scholars studied classical literature, including Roman and Hellenic philosophy. Discussion of what it meant to be human centred on reason, balance and dignity much more individ ualistic than gothic scholastic thinking.* The humanist attitude to the world was anthropocentric instead of regarding humanity as fallen and corrupt, their idea of truth and excellence was based on human values and experience people openly questioned spectral theology and teaching. * The world was dynamic, changing and exciting. Plays explored the many contrasts between how people should behave and how they actually do, and the questions and contradictions thrown up by a changing world.
Friday, April 12, 2019
The causality of hume and kant Essay Example for Free
The designer of hume and kant EssayHume be inhabitved that heed is a collection of mental perceptions therefore man cannot have free will. It was this particular pervasive suspicion which Hume has discussed in his book, A Treatise of Human Nature. Hume challenged Kant to investigate the explanation of causality, in the matter of the importance of set about and progeny concept. In Humes perspective, tender-hearted can rule sequences of casefuls but can never see the necessity that determinism requires. For him ideas are mere copies of impressions and there is no possibility that human being can execute any original ideas unless they are derived from the senses. Hume felt that it is impossible to bring up impression that a individual never felt or sired before. Thus it is wrong for us to say that one event caused another event or that events are interrelated. The tenability that human beings believe in cause and effect is due to the brought up which based on the conjunc tion of the events or reality. Through Critique of Pure campaign, Kant divined the understanding of knowledge into two a priori and a posteriori.Knowledge can be independent from experience and all sense impressions (a priori), and can also need to have experience of impressions (a posteriori). Humes believed that habit makes human see causality and from constant conjunction of causes and effects, human beings learn to see it as a requirement connection. Kant agrees that causality is just there, but it is an a priori concept of understanding the knowledge. The concept of causality is accustomed, and experience derives from such pure concepts, and these concepts and intuitions shape humans institution yet tell zero point about things in them.The concept of causality cannot be performed in an empirical way. Kant declared the transcendental esthetical is the first stage of minds experience. He stated that all sense experience is synthesized by the concepts of time and dummy. Spa ce stands for itself and does not represent anything in it however it is perceived in a indwelling condition. Human subjectively perceive time as in the reality of time. Kant did not see space and time as worlds properties, but as a general concept wedded to the human mind.The next step of mind activity is the transcendental analytic, applies categories to the mind, which without the categories human would not be fitting to think at all. They are quantity (unity, plurality, totality), quality (reality, negation, limitation), relation (substance and accidents, cause and effect, reciprocity between quick and passive), modality (possible-impossible, existence-nonexistence, necessity-contingency). The transcendental dialectic comes last. He mentions that it is minds process in understanding matters that lie beyond humans experiences such as God or super natural elements.The reason is that mind requires detailed tuition about an object which exists in sensory world such information about non-material object puts mind at a limitation of understand only the physical world which it can only perceive. Kant mentions that God cannot be proved empirically. Instead faith or belief is necessary to keep the society running (the existence of good or bad, the life after death). For Hume the religion or belief were nothing more than superstitions.Reference Barry Stroud, Hume. Routledge, 1977. Diane Morgan, Kant Trouble The Obscurities of the Enlightened . Routledge , 2000.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Farley, Mowat’s “Never cry wolf†Essay Example for Free
Farley, Mowats Never cry wolf proveFarley, Mowats Never cry wolf, is a news based on the research of the vitalitystyle of wolves in the Arctic Circle. Mowat uses his experience to educate the society of the social ills conducted by the hunters towards the wolves. The book displays the risk that the wolf multitude families face cod to the human activities in the bea. The title of the book acts as a symbol in reference to the story of the boy who cried wolf. The book thus enables the reader to think beyond the tile so as to form an opinion of the authors message. The book challenges the human communities who are in frivol away of the nature around them. charitables tend to overstep their authority by infringing on the rights of the wolves. The analysis of the book educates the society of the inhumane activities that humans are inflicting on the animals.Different passages from the book Interpretation of the passage and intend I was born and grew up in the farm and never k new what it was to have all I treasured or needed as a teenager in the late 20s The author talks of his life as a child. He was exposed to animals at an early stage in life cod to his parents lifestyle. This is a contri barelying factor to his love for animals. That night the inevitable happened. We were awakened by the most frightful uproar. It seemed to consist of furious barking of a dozen dogs mingled with the roaring of the menagerie of lions The passage elaborates the forte of the nature that surrounds him. The conflict between the dogs and the lions displays the fight for power amongst the animals.Then there were the birds. That spring Angus had bought me a field guide and with its help, I identified forty species that were new to me. The authors exposure to variant bird species enabled him to identify with the different lifestyles that they had. Angus developed a love for all forms of wildlife which in number made him aware of the plight that the animals had. My most ch erished images of the mountain country were not of the forbidding peaks but of the animals The author admits that he has a special place for the animals.The country has a number of natural resources that are fascinating to any visitor. Amongst all these features, he places priority on animals making them his favorite pastime. Although I would right off commit such atrocities against some of the most beautiful creatures extant, I cannot honestly censor the boy who was for what he did then The author admits that his actions are reflective to that of other men. His treatment of the animals is not desirable initially. He learns how to lever all sorts of animals making him an advocate for their livelihood.The wolf is a savage, powerful killer. It is one of the most feared and hated animals know to man and with excellent reason Chapter 6, pg. 60.The passage showcases the dangers that the wolf portrays. Human beings often misinterpret the actions of the wolf due to its dangerous nature. Despite the fact that the wolf reports to become extinct, it poses a threat to the human beings who live future(a) to the packs. This makes the world undesirable by man.Evidence obtained by various Government agencies from hunters, trappers and traders seemed to prove that the plunge of the caribou toward extinction was primarilyThe intervention by the government saw the danger that the wolves are exposed to. Human activities were mostly responsible for these dynamics making them the number on culprits. This also displayed possible extinction of the procreate of wolves if authorities continued to ignore the circumstances.I had made my decision that, from this hour onward, I would go broad-minded into the lupine world and lean to see and know the wolves, not for what they were supposed to be, but for what they actually are Chapter 7, pg. 77.Morwat made a personal decision to protect the wildlife from the outside environment. One of the steps he takes is orient himself with the l ives of the wolves. This involves learning about the exact nature of the wolves instead of forming an assumption about them. This in crimp go forth help remove the ignorance that he had so as to improve societys awareness of the wolves.In conclusion, human beings are responsible for the surrounding environment. This involves observing the safety of all animals in and outside the wild. This is however, not the case in that the number of wild animals continues to diminish due to the human activity. The wolves are one of the animals that continue to face the wrath of human beings. The analysis of the book is thus ideal for the education of the public. This in turn will improve the existing relationship between man and nature.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Human Population and the Environment - Urbanization Essay Example for Free
Human Population and the surroundings Urbanization EssayUrbanization can simply be seen as the movement and concentration of macro populations upon an urban area at the detriment of the rural populous. This is due to a complex set of economic, demographic, social, cultural, technological, and environmental processes (P. Knox, 2009). Our topic narrows down to the correlation of urbanization and the environment. To start with, a number of environmental benefits can be realized due to urbanization For instance urban areas concentrate large populations in a relatively small area thus there is more free forestry land. Plus a compact, concentrated urban area means more people walking and less number of cars on the road, consequently less carbon emissions from usage of cars. Conversely, there are a number of challenges posed to the environment due to urbanization. The pile exodus of people into urban areas have had a strain on infrastructure and led to inadequate sanitation and housing that leads to environmental degradation.Poor planning leads also leads to air, water and noise pollution due to industries and community settlements. We see this issue addressed in the Moroccan Shelter upgrading in Agadir. Faced with substandard housing and shanty towns inhabited by an ever increasing populous, three projects are set up, angiotensin converting enzyme of which is the Tikiouine project that comprises of three housing areas being developed and integrates community participation and responsibility concerning their sewer lines and tertiary water.In addition, the Tilburg city management model offers a sustainable five step integrated set out to administration of social, economic and environmental policies in a city. The Tilburg model implements these policies up to the neighborhood level. Thus ensures that a Basic Quality is maintained and thus minimizing environmental deprivation.
Estimating Cranial Capacity Essay Example for Free
Estimating Cranial subject EssayHuman beings share approximately 94% of their DNA with their closest living relative, the chimpanzee. Yet, when one compares the proliferation and accomplishments of these devil closely related species, one finds huge differences gentle beings have spread across every classical but Antarctica erected towers and pyramids hundreds of meters tall crafted millions of beautiful works of art, literature, and music travelled far beyond the Earths atmosphere, and deep into the crevices of its oceans and engineered enough weapons to wipe the whole world of life. In contrast, chimpanzees have remained epicly confined to their hobo camp habitats, and amongst their greatest accomplishments is the discovery that twigs throne poke insects out of holes. So, if humans and chimpanzees are so closely related, what can account for such a huge difference in their abilities? One needs not regain very hard to realize that the answer is head t each(prenominal)e r-size. The chimpanzee brain is about half the size of the human brain, and this difference, of about 600 cubic centimeters, is the difference between sticks and space shuttles.Thus, because larger brains confer such an overwhelming evolutionary benefit in hominids, it is safe to say that a study of hominine brain size is no less than a study of hominine evolutionary advancement, as illustrated in the graph below, which is indicative of the results obtained from such studies. Fig 1 Scatter graph typical of results obtained when comparing cranial capacities of various species of fossil hominid. Since brain tissue deteriorates over time, the only way paleontologists can approximate the brain-size of extinct species is by studying the depicted object of their fossilized craniums.This is known as craniometry. Given that it is such an important area of investigation, study into craniometry has been widespread and diverse, cover research from such eminent and eclectic figures as the evo lutionary biologist T. H. Huxley and the physician and anthropologist Paul Broca. Although such studies vary greatly in their scopes and applications, almost all utilize one of cardinal standard craniometric methods the glass-bead technique (and variations like the lead-shot technique) and the caliper measurement technique.Because craniometrical researchers rely so much on these two methods, it is important that the accuracy of the methods is thoroughly investigated. Aim The purpose of this practical is to use the glass-bead and caliper techniques to measure the cranial capacity of hominid skulls, and compare the two sets of results obtained in an attempt to determine their concord, and therefore their accuracy. Materials and Methods The Glass bone Technique Measuring Cylinder Glass Beads (or items of similar size such as chinese mustard seed or lead shot) Funnel Cotton Wool The following skull specimens P. troglodytes (male and female specimens), G. gorilla (male and female specimens), P. pygmaeus (male and female specimens), H. sapiens (male specimen) To begin with, all of the foramina (holes) in the skulls, except for the foramina magnum, were plugged with cotton wool. Next, each skull was placed upside down.A funnel was then inserted into the foramen magnum of each skull and glass beads were poured into the cranial vault. Note that glass beads were used because they are small enough to approximate the viscosity of water, and large enough to prevent them falling through minor cracks in the skulls. When the cranial vault was completely jammed with glass beads, they were transferred to a measuring cylinder, and their volume was recorded.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Supervision Notes Essay Example for Free
Supervision Notes EssayA1. A responsibility of c atomic number 18 effectively means that as a carer it is our job to always proceed in the trounce interests of those exclusives that we provide care for. This not plainly includes treating them how they like to be treated but also protecting them from harm, even if thats from themselves. As long as you are competent in the roles that you are being asked to perform it is the carers obligation to protect dish out users and film them from harmful situations. A2. As a carer you not only have a duty of care to the dish out of process user you support, but also other staff, your employers and members of the public. When you act in someones best interests you must do so with that persons consent unless they lack the capacity to understand that it is in their best interest to comply. For example when you support a assistant user to a doctors appointment and they will not allow the doctor to inspect their injuries, your duty of care to that individual dictates that you act in their best wishes and so may have to go against what the individual wants in order for them to get treatment. You should follow compevery policies and procedures concerning your duty of care and follow/write up risk assessments for every perceivable risks. You should also go steady that you always act to the best of your ability to be trustworthy, respecting serve users dignity, with compassion and integrity to ensure they are safe.A3. The care providing compeverys duty of care is to both the service users and the staff who contrive for them. They should ensure your knowledge and skillset are suitable and updated regularly and that you are fully clever and competent at tasks that are expected of you. This would include writing and updating polices and procedures for staff to follow as well as responding to any complaints or reported risks, then(prenominal) taking corrective action to take note everyone safe.The company must kee p accurate and up to date records of the care and support that is being provided, including any assessments of a persons capacity and the rationale for decisions taken on their behalf. They should also protect all individuals confidentialityunless some exposit directly effect the duty of care over another service user, staff member or the public. Overall the companys duty of care must ensure that they are assisting/enabling you as a carer to off your duty of care towards your service users and do all that is reasonable to ensure both staff and clients are kept safe at all successions.A4. In our role as a carer we have a duty of care to protect service users and ensure all safeguarding issues are raised with our employer or governing body agency. To ensure effective safeguarding we should raise any health and/or safety concerns we notice at work such as poor operative practises, lack of equipment or training and suspicion of abuse or neglect. Even if these complaints are aimed at the company we work for, it is the carers duty to notify the authorities or the carers themselves could be accused of neglect or incompetence by failing to act. If carers take their duty of care earnestly, as we all should, by following legislation, the polices and procedures and respecting those we provide care for by protecting them from harm we ensure the service users are safeguarded.Task C Guidance notesC1. Your company should have a Complaints Procedure in vest and will often be found within the policies and procedures file. The main purpose of it is to ensure that the complaints procedure is by rights and effectively implemented and that service users feel confident knowing their complaints and worries are listened to and acted upon promptly and fairly. This should correspond to tint the minimum standards when processing complaints as outlined in the laws that govern it. When dealing with complaints companys are to ensure that service users and their representatives, carers and visitors are made aware of how to complain and that the company makes it easy for them to register such complaints. A named person is responsible for administration, processing and investigating any complaints received.Once a complaint is lodged it should be acknowledged in writing by the company and state what will happen next. Complaints should be dealt with promptly, fairly and sensitively with due(p) regard to the distress that may be caused to both staff and service users involved. If the company believes that thecomplaint is best dealt with and settled at a local, in house level between the complainant and the accused then it may chose to do so. However if either of the parties are not satisfied by this process the fiber could be referred to the Care Quality Commission. Either way the company must do all it understructure to fully investigate any complaints and ensure that all proceedative and/or disciplinary procedures are followed to prevent it reoccurring.The legal requirement for dealing with complaints include the Health and Social Care Act 2010, Freedom of study act and National Minimum Standards complaints policy. These standards require care home tutors to have clear procedures that enable service users to make their views, concerns and worries known, and to reassure them that appropriate action will be taken. Policies and procedures for dealing with suspicion or severalize of physical, financial, psychological or sexual abuse, neglect, self harm or degrading behaviour should also be put in put down. These standards should ensure that every care home has clear and effective complaints procedure, which includes the stage of, and time scales, for the process and detail what will happen to look into and prevent further incidents. Everything should be documented and kept on record for further study to ensure an efficient service and that any potential homogeneous incidents can be prevented.C2. Taking both the legal and organisati onal requirements into consideration, we must respond openly, calmly and appropriately to any comment or complaint made to us. When a complaint is made to you then you should ensure that the individual making it understands how to follow the correct complaints procedure. This includes explaining how the system works, what they can expect as a result of their complaints and when they elate back from the company. You may need to support individuals completing the process and you should remain objective , professional and act with integrity throughout. You should make no promises to those who complain but reassure them and ensure that all complaints are taken seriously, that it will be investigated properly and that they are kept informed throughout the process.You should also inform your manager as soon as is possible so that any safeguarding issues can be put into place straight away. We should never discourage individuals from making a valid complaint and never discuss any concerns raised with any staff members otherthan your manager. Complaints procedures are to be followed because they allow people to express their concerns and ensure that all accidents, claims of abuse and risks are identified and acted upon. Complaints allow the company and staff to ensure they are working safely, that they make necessary improvements and that all service users are happy and safe when accessing care services. It is the service users, staff and family members right to complain when they feel something is not right and its our legal duty to ensure we take their concerns seriously and find a solution.
Friday, April 5, 2019
The Persuading Effects In Political Media Politics Essay
The Persuading Effects In political Media Politics EssayThe mass media in the Filipinos, organism the popular source of cultivation, contributes a great make for on our theorizeing and bearing. This verge mention-up entrust cerebrate or so the intrusion of media reportage on alternatives and how it persuades the electorates behavior. My purpose is to explore the centers of mass media on governmental scienceal forcefulness in the Filipinos and to show how the media simultaneously disrupt and defends the status quo including the utilitys and disadvantages during choice conjures. The first part of this paper lead provide and support the ideas of how a fair election is measured in a parliamentary country. It will also focus on the medias consecutive role on the choose behavior that will contribute towards a greater under(a)standing of mass media in our country. The second part deals about the old situation of the media which concerns the different election frau ds, corruption, and violence. I will also add an overview about the medias monopoly and commercialism. but among these, the nearly elevateable part is the emergence of the sassy media through the design of the introduced technology. I will also debate how the different forms of media agitateing using various causal agency strategies through TV ads, polls, debates and others lowlife persuade the ballotrs. Further much(prenominal), this term paper will also argue about the effect of specie on election results, whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage to the political panorama. Lastly, I hope to show that communication and persuasion whole caboodle between the media and the universe, that we and others weed also influence the media.How to measure a fair electionIn a elected country like the Philippines, where universal and equal suffrage is a essential(prenominal), the media plays a significant and substantial role for the development of the society. The media i s responsible for ensuring free, fair and equal elections. To steel a democratic form of government possible, essential conditions atomic number 18 required. For a country to be democratic, they must secure universal and equal suffrage. The political system must entail recognition of protection of civil liberties and rights. The freedom of speech from pushers and political parties must non be restricted. Enforceable laws must be implemented to pr even upt election fraud and select tampering. It must be ensured that an electorates choice of caller or candidate can non be used against him or her by secret ballot select. (socyberty.com, 2009) bargonly in general term, it can be said that the people must be the highest form of society.The role of media before, during and after electionsThe fact that the media plays a great role in lives is closely kn throw, but its role as a political tool is also salubrious rooted in the political systems. During times of elections, which ar e seen by many as the hallmarks of democratic political system, the media are expect to undertake rattling specific roles. It is a clich, but media as the voice of the universe, in the course specially of elections, must be able to inform, educate, enlighten and involve the electorate. Brandt, Hughes, and Rasmussen (2006), drop discussed the major tools needed by the media in a fair report and coverage of the elections. They have to provide a platform and forum for moot societal debates. The countersign media play the vital role in a democracy of providing the public information on which they can base their decisions on public issues. They have the duty to criticize undemocratic behavior of politicians, to educate the general public in respect of democracy, and to secure a fair and balanced coverage of elections. The watchdog function of the media is especially pivotal during times of electoral compresss and elections themselves. More importantly, the medias role is to scrut inize the candidates and parties and develop on the same issues and to give voters enough information to compare their positions. The media must report what the parties and candidates are saying, even if it does not reflect issues the people want to address (pp. 14-19). If the media coverage in the iron and television is not free, fair and equal, the results may be prejudiced. Political discussions cannot be avoided in the print media, political stories are aerial on television every daylight, commercial radio airs political give-and-take every hour, and gainful political announcements are encountered in all media during campaigns. Candidates use of the media can have a strong impact upon those who make up their minds about candidates during the campaign. It is within human nature to believe what is told to us. We tend to believe the media because investigate is done by them and they are a main source of information. The media remains important since they are the focal poin t of life by which people obtain current affairs both inside and extracurricular of the Philippines however deflect it may be. Overall, the media are invariably present with new stories on political activities.The new mediaThe entrance of the new- do era meant the advent of fresh technology accessible to the public. For the first time in history, the Philippines embraced technology and modify greatly the electoral system of the country during the May 2010 elections. The Philippine elections have frequently been marked by allegations of widespread cheating and other electoral malpractice. It was a subject to criticism since the security of the electoral emergence and its capacity to pre coiffure the sanctity of the ballot and the will of the electorate was put to question. It has always been a manual bear upon from voting to the canvassing of results with the local and national positions. Consequently, we have had hurdled so much because of the slow and tedious process. alo ne due to the advanced technology available in the modern era, the Filipinos well-nigh awaited election was taken to another level. Generally, the transform election fulfilled the promise of speed but complaints and controversies remained (Meisburger, 2010). Many Filipinos until direct were not sure whether the new process worked well enough to hold credible elections. Even automated election provided high security, there were still computer experts that bombarded the whole system or hacked the computers and manipulated the results. And I think that it is in truth possible that cheaters came from the people who developed the system. Unfortunately and ironically, the press, despite of the intense focus on the new voting machines, failed to highlight critical problems during Election Day. But in my own effect, the main problem we encountered during the May 2010 automated election was transparency. People were not able to see the actual process of counting the votes and several d oubted if the results are really correct. Reporting on the first automated election also posed new challenges to the media. The press had to be alert to new kinds of problems as well as to keep the coverage on the day itself relateing. But it was obvious from the first hours of coverage that the television networks were clearly prepared to resort to the magic of technology to keep audiences tuned in. The media is intensely influential in the present days systems of domination. Because the majority of the public does not in fact hear political speeches, witness activities, or observe actions of leaders, they depend on the media to exhibit the news in an accessible form. It be captures easy to comprehend how vital the media is, and what will be the effects of the news on the society whenever it is presented. Even a little change of news has the potentials to greatly influence public opinion (people.virginia.edu).Dirty Politics Bias Media and Corrupt CandidatesOn the further side of t he media, television has been with us for more than thirty years (Del Mundo, 1986, p. 10). By any standard, thirty years is long enough to develop a meaningful mass medium. Although in the past, the role of media is not as great as it is today. During an election, it was not strike to see the media being harnessed to serve the politicians who held media power. Rocamora, for instance, concluded that Cheating is a well-developed art in Philippine elections. Local Politicians are adept at manipulating the process from beginning to end. (Rocamora, 1998, p. 23). So having no doubt, the media with its own weaknesses, would most likely practice bend electoral processes. Corruption in the media industry is a fact, and it is thrash during elections. in that respect is a general feeling about the political bias of the media that it is too negative. They place an importance on finding out what is wrong, but do not tell the complete picture about what is being done. thither are indeed media networks that are owned by families who are biased in favor of certain candidates. We can see this prejudicial act most often when the media had begun to be very colored in terms of reporting the news. The media should be obligated to tell the truth and not manufacture or elaborate stories, even if it does not sound as good. It has and will continue to destroy the life storys of close to and make the careers of others. Even though most of the television news stations are owned by rich individuals, they should not be so biased. The media and the politicians only want us to see what a perfect initiation we live in, so they tend to hide the truth or work their way around it. But that is not always the case sometimes desperate politicians are simply exaggerating when they condemn the alleged bias of the media. They tend to highlight the critical views inform by the media but they overlook the balanced presentation of facts in news reports. Another un only intervention was experie nced by the media during the Marcos era. Independence of the media has always been viewed with admiration over in the world. But in 1972 to 1981, when martial law was declared during the regime of President Marcos, media monopoly started. Not just one agency was organized to do the job. Thus, the media suppression of the Marcos era restored the respectable and influential appetite of the public for news. But unfortunately, until now, the medias authority, security and freedom was not completely fulfilled (Del Mundo, 1986, pp. 77-89). Moreover, the recent Maguindanao massacre would be the worst example of election-related violence, wherein many members of the press and media was killed and abducted. Therefore, these malpractices and grim connotations simply imply the common term dirty political relation which I think is not fair because politics must always be understood in a larger context. And talking about the status quo, generally it is the media that is bias and the politicia ns that are corrupt.Defining a CAMPAIGNIn the course especially of elections, we cannot exclude the fact of the emergence of inevitable frauds and intense violence. both now and then, the media conclusively reports about the most compelling issues and irregularities related to elections, especially during the campaign period. A campaign is the period right before citizens make a real political choice. Campaign activity is more likely to register on voters minds as the Election Day draws near (Brady, Johnston Sides, 2004, p.2). According to Brandt, Hughes, and Rasmussen (2006)Most parties make their leader the centre of attention so voters who like the leader will vote for the partys candidates. So the partys election campaign is composed of speeches, party rallies and press conferences featuring the party leader. But the medias job is not just to assume all the words spoken by the leaders. There should also be information in the news story about where the speech was given and how many people were there and what was the reaction of people in the streets, and what did political opponents say. Voters deserve to realise so they can compare and decide for themselves. (Brandt, Hughes, and Rasmussen, 2006, p. 16).Ultimately, political ads and campaigns can appropriate who will win the election. As is true of other types of human relationships, first impressions can be very important as voters form their opinions about political candidates. Research on election decisions suggests that candidates use of the media can have a strong impact upon those who make up their minds about candidates during the campaign. They can affect what the voters know, whether they will vote, whom they will vote for and why they will vote for that person. In general, people already have their own ideas when they view television, read newspapers, or log on to meshsites. To a man, the campaign staffs of politicians agree that the three requisites for a successful campaign are media, mach inery and money. (Coronel, Chua, De Castro, 2004, p. 123)The media as a form of campaign strategyTelevision campaigns come from various forms. It can be a form of commercial, debates, speech, press conference, polls or interviews which are aerate on local television news broadcasts, talk shows and even game shows. The television commercial, the most ruling form of advert is the most interesting and most complex kind of political advertisement. It is the main way that modern campaigns communicate with voters. It can give you as the electorate an idea of how trustworthy candidates are, how they communicate or tie with the people, how they behave under stress, how they sell their program and what do they stand for. According to a study made by Coronel, Chua and De Castro (2004), The Arroyo and Lacson campaigns were most successful than the others in perishting their spins across. This was because they had more sophisticated media strategies and handlers. They had a clearer idea of the center they wanted to project and made sure that this message was successfully conveyed through the media. (p. 21). Through TV ads, the audiences who are watching their favorite television programs will have a chance to meet the candidates and there is a possibility that they can recall them since they are shown in every commercial break. The advertiser will piss another image of the candidate to make them appreciated and accepted by the target audience. The use of daily words, the inclusion of popular song and dance, the color, social issues, and the representation of peoples age, gender, profession and religion are very serviceable for the ads recall (Encabo, 2010, pp.11-12). In a survey conducted by Fonbuena. Rufo and Tabunda (2008), during the campaign period itself, respondents were asked to name political advertisements on television that they could recall. An ad was mattered correctly recalled by a respondent if the respondent was able to identify the candidates in the advertisements that they recalled. Political ads are effective in converting voter awareness into actual votes for the candidates to the result only that these ads improbably project an image of the candidate as one who will effectively address the issues and concerns of the electorate. Studies show that commercials and debates ethereal right before Election Day have the most effect on undecided viewers (pp. 27-28). Voters who have already formed their opinions are hardly influenced by the media to the point of changing their minds. But as defined by House, Ludwig and Stratmann (2009), publicise need not to be truthful in tawdry campaigns. both(prenominal) types of candidates engage in campaign advertising claiming that they are of high quality. Hence, they define advertising as deceptive when a low-quality candidate advertises that he is high-quality (p. 6).Opinion polls, on the other hand, are mostly used by political parties to discover what issues a representative samp le of voters think is important. As defined by Lange (1999), voting intention polls assign the popularity of political parties/candidates, show ratings, and suggest the outcome of elections. Parties will sometimes change their campaign promises because opinion polls reveal what will be more popular (pp. 49-50). People always say in polls, they do not like negative campaigns but voting records seem to indicate that they are affected or influenced by them. Opinion polls also influence voters because voters like to know what their neighbors are thinking and may decide to vote the same way. As such, poll results could increasingly pull up the coverage of the election campaign. Exposure to polls may serve to increase a general interest in voting in the public, but there is little to demonstrate a change in voter intention, which is what we call bandwagon effect. Opinion polls are only a brief sample of peoples opinions at the time they were asked. Polls cannot predict how opinions and votes will change if voters learn new information. Polls should not come the lead story everyday because they may influence voters to follow popular opinion rather than think for themselves. Lange (1999) observed that debates have advantages and disadvantages, but on balance seem positive. On the negative side, it has been argued that mandatory debates would confine the candidates freedom to protract campaigns as they wish that it is not always possible to have all party leaders participating and that debates tend to spotlight the party leaders too intensely. On the positive side, debates spare the candidates to seem the public directly, they have been shown to heighten citizens interest in elections and their levels of information, they are a means of alter the public to make a direct comparison of the candidates, and as such are a efficacious supplement to the normal news coverage (pp. 28-29).Aside from the old traditions of advertising, the innovative transformation of th e society was considered as a milestone in the electoral system. I am not just talking about the May 2010 automated elections, but it is about how social media is changing the face of democracy through the use of different social networking sites in campaigning for a political party or candidate. Generally, traditional media and new media worked together for a more comprehensive coverage of the 2010 Philippine Elections. Rafter (2009) for example, stated that, the internet has presume an increasingly important role in political communications and has provided new ways of communicating political messages with the public. Traditional concerns about television and radio political advertising are equally applicable to the lucre but there is no debate about regulating political content on the web (p.29). TV news stations also marked a milestone in media history when they reported election updates in real time using the new media. They even used the Facebook and Twitter to lieu news up dates and reports about the election. Most of the Social Media websites which have had a major worldwide impact on lucre usage and thusly perceived international impact, like YouTube, Flickr, Blogger, WordPress, Google, Wikipedia, Myspace, Facebook and Twitter (eGovernment-Symposium, 2009, p. 7). As predicted by some experts and scholars, it is probably only a affaire of time before everyone will be able to vote over the Internet. Still, for those who create and air ads, the bottom line is the bottom line. The intended effect of political advertising or paid media is to win political battles by creating and delivering biased messages. Informing and engaging the public outside of ones supporters, when and if it occurs, is a by-product or secondary effect of the effort to win political battles.Does money wins elections?But the most intriguing factor that affects the decision of the electorate is the presence of money. Rocamora (1998), observe that for a candidate to win Philippine elections, they have to cast three times once to get nominated, second to garner votes, third to get his votes counted, added to, and those of his opponents subtracted (p. 27). According to political scientist Ciyde Wilcox, money matters most when the candidates are least known to the voters, when they do not get under ones skin a lot of news coverage, and when paid advertising, which, of course, is expensive, can bring recognition and enhance images (Wayne, 1992, p.52). As I have said, the ads play a big role in the entire campaign. The originally the ad is aired, the earlier the candidates rating goes up and the earlier the candidate can shift to conversion. Indeed, this means paying a yearlong period for advertisement slots. The cost of political campaign is rising and rising fast. The use of other modern technology has also increased expenditures. One 30-second ad can cost a candidate from P34,000 to P243,000, depending on the station and the time slot. These costs are alrea dy slashed by 30 percent, the legally mandated force out for candidates (Fonbuena, Rufo, Tabunda, 2008, p. 61). But because of factors such as popularity and acceptability, campaign budgets may still vary from candidate to candidate. If a candidate is already popular, a lesser amount can be allocated for election paraphernalia. The amount a candidate spends will largely depend on the style of his/her political strategies. Literally speaking, before a apprised person joins a political fray, he/she should check his/her wallet first. Elections are indeed expensive affairs. piano tuner and television appearance, newspaper advertising, travel for the candidate, mailings of campaign materials, maintaining a network of campaign offices, taking polls, and raising money itself all cost a great deal of money. The notion that the side with more money has a better chance of winning is very common. Lack of budget for the campaign can be resolved through public and private funding. The abili ty to raise money is not only a matter of wealth but also of being able to attract funds from others. Way before the campaign period, funds can already be raised. It is obviously important for a financially challenged candidate to strain and accept whatever material support they can find. Sponsored activities like a ball, a concert, a mental picture premier, T-shirt sales, and bazaars can be organized. But most campaign donations would not come in until a candidates showing becomes strong during the campaign period. Their contributions serve as insurance money, an investment they hope to draw from in the future. Another source, though largely unreported for obvious reasons, would be gambling and smuggling operations that examine the protection of the politicians.According to Co, Lao, Sayo and Tigno (2005), potential candidates who do not have the financial resources and backing to undertake a campaign have a little chance of winning (p.98). But apparently, I beg to disaccord tha t financial outlays can guarantee victory in elections. Although the money spent might still serve as a good index to electoral strength, the candidates and parties with the most money did not always win. notes however is only one factor. And even when relatively honest people do win, they have to spend so much money to campaign that they invariably become corrupt in order to recuperate their expenses or to return the favor of financial backers. Wayne (1992) stated that, theoretically, campaign spending should have a greater impact on the nomination process than on the general election, and on the beginning of the process than at the end (p. 51). Whether or not money determines campaign victors, it exerts an enormous influence on elections. Heard (1960), notes that the effect of money in politics is probably more certain in determining who the candidates will be than in determining the outcome of the elections. Although the main goal of those who sponsor political advertising is t o win elections, advertising can also inuence what citizens know about candidates and public policy and how engaged citizens are in their own governance. And, as discussed above, in inuencing what voters know, ads can inuence whom voter choose (Goldenstein, Ridout, 2004, p. 211).The impact of media on the electoral systemThe overwhelming power of the mass media is something that we accept as fact. We are dependent on media for information. Media have become our connection to the real world. Indeed, there have been a lot of contributions media has made in politics, particularly during elections. The availability of media coverage during elections from the nomination period to the canvassing of votes, keeps the public informed of all the crucial events that occur during the elections. In the present times, it has gained a greater importance than how it was in the past. Filipinos much more now than ever in the past, rely on the mass media in deciding whom to vote and which issues are i mportant. There is a hunger for information and citizens are much more attentive to media reports during elections than in other times. It has thus gained more influence over the voting behavior of the electorate and greater power in altering the opinions of the people. During campaigns, bad publicity can mean almost certain death to a promising political career to a politician. No matter what good things a person has done in the past, if the media decides to publish the bad, their chances are blown. Population as a whole also recognizes the large role the media plays in their lives. They are well aware that the press plays the most dominant role in determining which issues and events are considered significant (Brandt, Hughes, Rasmussen, 2006, pp. 15-17). mop upThe medias role in politics is even more significant. They help shape the political culture, and have the power to make a candidate appealing or repulsive. The media can also lead the general public to misunderstand the acti ons of one particular political group, and as a result, other political parties have to face a difficult political situation. Encabo (2010) concluded that politicians and advertisement producers believe that advertising allows candidates to reach even the bored and unmotivated citizens like those who are not paying attention in news reports, debates, and other campaign event (p.20). The media is primarily needed to fix itself to reporting on politics, not shaping it. The media should not have the bias of the nation, but should offer information to allow ideas to form liberally and independently. The nature of the impact of the media coverage is perhaps most dramatically evident in peoples awareness of the candidates and the consequences for how they vote. In the coverage of elections, media fulfills different roles. This includes informing, enlightening, and educating the electorate, providing a platform and forum for controversial social debates, forming public opinion, and servin g as a watchdog on the side of the citizens. Among these roles, the duty of informing the electorate is the primary and the other roles are only ancillary and fall under this primary role. The media has also the ability of change the behavior and decision making of the electorate. Many factors are to consider in determining the voting behavior of the electorate and though there is no certainty on the extent that media affects the decision making process of the electorate, media is one of the few things that can count heavily on affecting and changing the opinions and decisions of the electorate. Apart from persuading the electorate, the media can also persuade the political candidates. The media influence the decision and actions of politicians and officials, change their priorities and can go down their ability to control events. Another thing to consider in the influence of media in elections is the campaign financing that is required of candidates in order to afford the media r esources necessary for advancing the campaign. The costs on campaign financing have escalated primarily due to the fact that it is expensive to employ media resources. However, though it is expensive, but because it is believed to be the most effective medium of campaigning, it is the least likely expense in campaign financing to be cut. The high costs of campaign financing pose problems for less affluent candidates. It is a disadvantage for the poor people candidate who does not have the necessary resources necessary to run a campaign which will be able to employ media as one of its medium of advertisement. Because of this, the integrity of the electoral system of a democratic nation such as the Philippines becomes flawed. People, based on democratic theory, should have equal opportunity to run for office regardless of economic status. But because of the high costs imposed by media on cart track a campaign, this is hardly true. There is therefore a need for the strict implementati on of campaign finance laws during elections so as not to put an advantage on the wealthy and a disadvantage on the less affluent candidates. The media plays a crucial role in the realization of this goal. Through these insights, it is therefore true that media persuasion does not only work between the media and the public, but logically speaking, we and others can also influence the media. Both positively and negatively, the mass media contributes a great factor in affecting the decisions of the electorate because it exercises a powerful role in the electoral processes by informing and educating the public.Bibliography (books and e-books)Brady, H.E., Johnston, R., Sides, J. (2006). The Study of Political Campaigns. United States The University of Michigan Press.Brandt, T., Hughes, T. Rasmussen F. (2006). train Manual for Media Support during Elections. Denmark International Media Support.Co, E.E.A., Lao, M.E.J., Sayo, M.A., Tigno, J.V. (2005). Philippine Democracy Assessment. Man ila Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).Coronel, S.S., Chua, Y.T., De Castro I. (2004). Cockfight, horserace, boxing match (why elections are cover as sport) lessons learned from the 2004 campaign coverage. Quezon metropolis Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism.Del Mundo C. (1986). Philippine Mass Media A Book of Readings. 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The Media and Elections A Handbook and Comparative Study. New Jersey Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.Lange, Y. (1999). Media and Elections. atomic number 63 Council of Europe Publishing.Meisburger, T. (2010). Will Automated Elections in the Philippines Increase Public Confidence?. Asia The Asia Foundation.Rafter, K. (2009). Political Advertising The restrictive Position and the Public View. Ireland Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, Media Research Scheme.Rocamora, J. (1998). Philippine Political Parties, Electoral System and Political Reform. Quezon City Philippines International Review.Wayne, S.J. (1992). The Road to the White House The Politics of Presidential Elect ions. New York St. Martins PressInternet sourceshttp//socyberty.com/organizations/the-responsibility-of-the-media-in-conducting-free-and-fair-elections/ixzz1Do4Q79RP. Retrieved February 25, 2011, 0153 am.http//www.people.virginia.edu/lkr8v/politics.htm. Retrieved February 25, 2011, 0233 am.
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