Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Analysis of Hungarian Financial Crisis Case Study
Analysis of Hungarian Financial Crisis - Case Study Example The occurrence of the international financial crisis has forced the financial markets to reexamine their patience to tolerate uncertainty. Day by day as the financial disaster increased, this, in turn, resulted in the reduction of international liquidity and also an increase in uncertainty. On the other hand, the shareholders had started to distinguish among the rising markets and judged that the Hungarian possessions have become riskier. However, it can be concluded that the vulnerability of the Hungarian economy was mostly due to these uncertainties. In this situation, the Hungarian authorities were not very sure in what way they would handle these problems. They examined the market more minutely and had increased the deposit securities as per the European Union policy. But still this policy did not work and the Hungarian government was not able to save the public from this financial crisis and there was instability throughout the economy. So, in such a situation the Hungarian gove rnment had no other option than to take help from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union (Horvath, 1-2).  Moreover, auctions were held to sell the new government bonds, but this too did not work. Again the shares of the Hungarian bank had fallen to a great extent. The forint had started to fall; the rates of interest had started to increase. The security market of the Hungarian government had suffered huge loss and also there was the scarcity of liquidity in different financial institutions. The Hungarian authority already had huge debt under the communist administration. The GDP-debt ratio had decreased from 90% to 50% in the year 2001. Again due to incorrect policies adopted in the year 2002 the ratio had increased to about 15% and this resulted in a 65% rise in GDP. On the other hand, the debts of the Czech Republic and Slovakia were 30% and 50% respectively (Horvath, 1-3). Reasons for Hungarian Weakness In the year 2008, Hungary was the first member of the European Union who had wanted financial help from the International Monetary Fund. This was considered as a failure of the Hunga rian government. At this moment it was very difficult to state that in the near future which are the other countries who will have to face such a crisis and which country will be most affected.
Monday, October 28, 2019
The first organisation I collected two documents from was Vodafone Essay Example for Free
The first organisation I collected two documents from was Vodafone Essay 1. INTRODUCTION This report was specially made to describe, compare and evaluate two different standard business documents from three different organisations, a total of six documents. I was asked for the first unit to gather these documents, to clearly and accurately explain their purpose and to identify the common elements of similar documents for example: use of boxes, headings, gaps between headings and logos etc. I was also asked to compare the documents and accurately evaluate the god and bad points about writing and presentation styles (formal/informal, blocked or indented style, method of emphasis such as underlining, italics and bold writing. It is also important for me to comment on their suitability for purpose and to suggest how they could be improved. I will then produce an in depth report which enabled me to show effective skills in the appropriate use of software facilities to automatic aspects of my document production, such as bullet and numbering, paragraph and heading styles and standardised layout. 2. Organisation One: Vodafone The first organisation I collected two documents from was Vodafone. The documents I collected were a letter from Vodafone and a leaflet of Vodafone top up. 2.1 Vodafone Letter The purpose of this document is to inform customers of Vodafone PLC about the latest polyphonic ring tones available. The layout of the letter is A5 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The document has a Wide screen television visual out the outer parts of the letter with a man snow boarding in some snowy mountains and then under this it states Starring below this it states the name of person it has been addressed to. On the second side the following information is displayed: The right hand side a line has been drawn to separate the actual content with the address of where it is purposed to go, a postage paid sign in the top right hand corner and diagonally in small text an address the document should be sent to if it is undelivered. On the left hand side the text is laid out like a letter using paragraphs and clear headings above the paragraphs. There is also a flow chart diagram of what to do if the receiver of the letter would like to purchase ring tones or pictures via the internet. Below this a line has been drawn and in smaller text it states the terms conditions of purchasing ring tones and that downloading ma restricted in some countries. This document is similar to the other letters as it is notifying it customers the products and services available to its customers. The documents have all used paragraphs to make the document easier to reader. The good points that about this document is that its initial headings have been typed in bold colour red and that the information given in the letter has been shown in either a paragraph or a flow chart diagram with links to the next step with a writing style that is clear to read. As the diagram has been made efficient with the use of arrows appropriate boxes and pictures. The bad points about this document are that the whole document should be changed as the actual information that has to be notified to the customer is not clearly emphasised as the address column has taken up too much space foe what is actually needed and also that the address could have been printed on the other side where the big picture is printed. The method that this letter has been distributed for is not good, and the product that the company is trying to sell has not been emphasised enough. I think this document is not suitable for its purpose. 2.2 Vodafone Top up Leaflet The purpose of this document is to inform customers about the electronic way of topping up your credits on your mobile phone. Also about how to linking your E-TopUp card with your mobile. The layout of this leaflet is A6 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The document has a red front cover with in the top two corners logos of Vodafone and the TOP-UP log that can be found on outlets that offer electronic top up. Between these two logos in white font it says How are you? below this is an outline of a white speech bubble and inside the bubble it states, Im ready to TopUp. On the second side the following information is displayed: The background of the document on this page is white. The first paragraph is in a red font and slightly larger font is a brief introduction about the topic of the leaflet. Underneath in small black font it says that top up is easy to use and that card is simple and secure. The second paragraph in a bold red font says The benefits of topping up with your new swipe card, underneath this in a smaller black font it states the benefits. The third and final paragraph in a slightly larger red and bold it says Linking you E-Top swipe card to your mobile, underneath this in a smaller black font it bullet point the stages of how to link your swipe card with your mobile. On the third side the following information is displayed: The background of the document on this page is white. The first paragraph heading states in a red and bold font about how the swipe card scheme works. Underneath in a smaller size text bullet points about how the actual swipe card scheme operates. The second paragraph heading says in a slightly larger red and bold font Existing E-TopUp swipe card customers, underneath this in a smaller black font it offers customers to have personalise top up cards with there phone number on the card stated. On the fourth side the following information is displayed: The background of the document on this page is red with white font. It states in bold font Where you can use your E-TopUp swipe card, underneath this in smaller font a list of large retailing outlets such as Argos but also where ever the shown signs are displayed. Underneath this in a smaller text states Vodafones Terms and Conditions of using there top up swipe cards, with a large Vodafone logo outlined in white in the bottom right hand corner of the leaflet. The good points about this document is that it uses the same colour co-ordination throughout the document but also the colours used contrasted together so the text could easily be read and the were the companies colours used on logos. The information text was cleverly spaced out with every paragraph was about a different aspects of using the swipe card. The leaflet did not for second go of task about what the leaflet wanted to achieve and the information needed by the customers. The bad points about this document are that the Terms and Conditions were in very small text that was hard to read; this was as Vodafone were hiding some not so good information about the swipe card. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. 3. Organisation two: Halifax The second organisation I collected two documents from was Halifax. The documents I collected were a letter from Halifax and a leaflet of Halifax, The facts and figures. 3.1 Halifax Letter The purpose of this document is to inform customers about their new bank account and the ways they can withdraw and bank money into their new current account. The letter is on a single A4 page that has been printed on one side. The background of the document of this page is white. In the top right hand corner is the Halifax logo and the address of its headquarters. The first paragraph heading starts off saying Dear Customer, Welcome to Halifax!, In a black font. Underneath in the same sized font says Enclosed you will find your, and then bullet pointed below stating the objects that have come with the letter. The second paragraph starts with a bold blue text stating how to get started with your new account. Then it states a step-by-step guide how to activate your credit card. The third paragraph starts with a heading in a bold and blue font giving information about the credit card PIN number. The good points about this document are that it has initial headings have been typed in bold above every new paragraph for emphasis and that the information given in the letter has been shown in either a bullet point or numbered form with a writing style clear to read. The bad points about this document are that there are headings in a letter making the subject of the different sections hard to identify. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. 3.2 Halifax Leaflet The purpose of this document is to inform customers about the great savings customers can make on home and travel insurance. The layout of this leaflet is C5 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with contrasting blue and green at the top and bottom of the page. On the left hand side of the page in a bold blue text saying Were offering some great savings on your home and travel insurance, with great savings highlighted in a green colour. Underneath this in blue are the Halifax logo and message. On the right hand side of the page is a man wearing glasses in a hot air balloon waving. On the second side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with a picture on the right hand side of the page with a man skiing in mid air contrasting with the white background. On the left in a bold green text if says Annual Travel Insurance from under à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½44*. Underneath this in a small black font a paragraph stating that Multi -trip cover can offer you great value for money and bullet pointed is the savings you could make. On the third side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with a table outlined and shaded in green. On the left is a table of the different covers you could buy ranging from 17 days to 12 months. On the right in a small black font is the rating of there annual travel insurance done by an independent market research company and their company logo. Underneath the terms and conditions of annual cover. Underneath this in a large blue font is a phone number for travel insurance or the website you could visit to find out more. On the fourth side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with a picture of a man in bed relating in bed. Top of the page is a bold and green heading saying how much you could save on home insurance. On the left is a picture of the man in bed. On the right in a small black text was bullet pointed the great discounts and benefits available. On the right is a small logo saying Home insurance 2003 with five stars, this that Halifax has been rated five stars for Building and Contents cover for product features and benefits by Defaqto, an independent market research company. Underneath this in a large blue font is a phone number for Home insurance or the website you could visit to find out more. On the fifth side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is blue with a picture of a man pointing at the title a the top of the page which is in a bold and green font says Call now to see how much you could save. Underneath this in a slightly smaller white font it states Halifax Insurance GREAT SAVINGS to be made beneath this in a smaller white font it offers some impressive savings by saying how much you could save up to on Insurance with Halifax. On the sixth side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is blue. The heading says Great savings from Halifax insurance in a bold green font, with ways you could contact Halifax either by telephone or Internet. Underneath it states Halifaxs Terms and Conditions stating that some phone calls will be recorded for so purpose. In the bottom right hand corner the Halifax logo. The good points about this document are that information is clearly displayed with the use of tables and headings, making the information more interesting to read than a long essay. The bad points about this document are that some of the text could be made a bit bigger so it could read easier. A lot of information is squashed into a small space. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. As it is well designed to sell a service to a potential customer. 4. Organisation Three: Procter Gamble UK The third organisation I collected two documents from was Procter Gamble UK, which owns the beauty, range Olay. The documents I collected were a letter promoting Olay regenerist and a leaflet of the actual Olay regenerist products. 4.1 Olay regenrist Letter The purpose of this document is to inform customers of Gamble Procter UK promoting their new beauty range called Olay regenerist. The layout of the letter is A4 page that has been printed on one side. The background of the document of this page is white with a border at the top of the page. In the top right hand corner is an image of the Olay regenerist range of products. On the left of the page is the Olay logo with a bubble in red saying new. Underneath this is the address of where the letter is going to. The first paragraph has a red bold heading asking the customer Is cosmetic surgery just a step too far you? Underneath in a small black text is explanation of the percentage of women who would not have cosmetic surgery. The second paragraph is introducing the new products available from Olay. The third paragraph is offering a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 free voucher that is attached to the bottom of the page. The good points about this document are that it has initial headings have been typed in bold above every new paragraph for emphasis. There is only information that is needed by the consumer such as what the product can do to your skin. The bad points about this document are that there are headings in a letter making the subject of the different sections hard to identify. Also that there are numbers above and under the address that have no significance what so ever, that spoil the overall image of the letter. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. As it is well designed to sell a product to a potential customer, as there is a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5off voucher from anything purchased within the Olay brand. 4.2 Olay regenerist Leaflet The purpose of this document is to inform customers of Gamble Procter UK promoting their new beauty range called Olay regenerist. The layout of the leaflet is B3 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is black. On the left is a picture of the new Olay regenerist products with a light shining over the products reflecting the silver tray that the products are in. Above this in a white font is says, If youre of cosmetic surgery try this first! underneath is a logo of Red magazine. At the bottom of the page is the logo of OLAY. On the second side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is black with a picture in the centre of a lady and a step-by-step guide of how her skin colour can change into looking younger in just three weeks. Above is a red bubble saying new and next to this regenerist the logo. On the right is reminding the customer about their à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 money off coupon can experience the benefits of younger looking skin. On the left is a short paragraph in a white and large font about what the new product contains such as green tea. Underneath this is a white line going across the page with OLAY logo in both of the bottom corner with in the centre in small text money back, if not satisfied. On the third side is the following information is displayed: The background of this page is black. At the top of the page is a red bubble saying new and the regenerist logo. On the left is a picture of the regenerist products. On the left is a bullet pointed list of the products shown in the picture and an explanation that the products can be used together or singularly. Underneath this is a white line drawn across the page the address of the owners and headquarters of Olay and on the right an Olay logo. The good points about this document is that it uses the same colour co-ordination throughout the document but also the colours used contrasted together so the text could easily be read. The information text was cleverly spaced out. The bad points about this document are that the page fold was slightly to the right hand side of the page and not in the middle. I think the leaflet was a bit too much spaced out. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. 5. Conclusion Overall most of the documents reviewed in this report have followed a basic business layout. All documents stick to one writing style and font throughout the entire document, which shows consistency and is less confusing. The language used in the documents is a formal language because of its purpose.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Great C.S. Lewis :: biographies bio biography
C.S. Lewis, the great author, wrote all kinds of reading material: poetry, novels, and even children's fiction. He even wrote at a young age. He would draw his own pictures. People during his time loved his books, and today people still love to read his books. This author was also intelligent, joyful, and charitable. C.S. Lewis was a very intelligent man. He proved this in many ways during his lifetime. The way he lived is a very good example. When Lewis became a Christian, as J.I. Packer and Jerry Root write in their article, "Mind in Motion," His habits of mind also continued unchanged. He was already thinking how he thought a Christian should. He also shows his intelligence during his teen tears at Oxford, when he excelled as a student. He was also intelligent as a tutor. Kenneth Tynan, Lewis’s former pupil, tells in Bruce L. Edwards’s magazine article “Literary Time Travel,†“The great thing about him as a teacher of literature was that he could take you into the medieval mind and the mind of a classical writer. He could make you understand that classicism and medievalism were really vivid and alive-that it was not the business to be ‘relevant’ to us, but our business to be ‘relevant’ to it. It was not a matter of dead books covered in dust on our shelves. He could make you see the world through the eyes of a medieval poet as no other teacher could do. You felt that you had been inside Chaucer’s mind after talking to him.†It is instances like these that show just how intelligent C.S. Lewis really was. C.S. Lewis was a very joyful man, and his joyfulness shone through in all he did. He would assign nicknames to his family members and friends, like Robert E. Havard “the useless Quack†or as he called his walking companion A.C. Harwood, “the Lord of the Walks.†Another glimpse of his joyful spirit is when he finished his first day at Oxford and wrote to his dad, “The place has surpassed my wildest dreams. I never saw anything so beautiful.†Finally, we see his joy when he wrote to one of his friends right after his marriage, “It’s funny having at 59 the sort of happiness most men have at their twenties… ‘Thou hast kept the good wine till now.’†C.S. Lewis was a very joyful man from whom people could learn a lot.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Juvenile Justice Essay
Should teenagers accused of violent crimes be tried and sentenced as adults? Why or Why not? Adolescence and the death penalty, two words more commonly seen together as of late. With growing number of young adult being tried and sentenced as adults for violent crimes the question rises why did they commit does age matter to the jury when they are put on trial? According to Paul Thompson, author of the article, â€Å"Startling Finds on Teenage Brains†. In the article Thompson notes a massive loss of brain tissue during the teenage years. While research on brain _ tissue loss can help us to understand teens better it cannot be used to excuse their violent or homicidal behavior. But it can be used as evidence that teenagers are not yet adults and the legal system shouldn’t treat them as such However this research can not excuse teens of violent crimes, it does show that they are not yet adults and should not be treated as such (Thompson) â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Juvenile being tried as adults are not competent enough to stand trial,†quoted from Laurence Steinberg taken from the article, â€Å"Many Kids called Unfit for adult trial,†by Greg Krikorian According to a Sacramento to Bee article written in 2003 youth are â€Å"emotionally or intellectually unable to contribute to their own defense†It may common knowledge that a toddler doesn’t understand complex situations like an adult would, but the truth is around half of the kids in the age range of 14 to 15 don’t either. A study show that when compared with young adults children ages eleven to thirteen were more than three times are likely to be found â€Å"Seriously impaired†in understanding the judicial process and aiding their own defense. But so we as teenage s know right from wrong? As teen we are prone to do things that are frowned upon by adults. We are in the stages of life when we are most susceptible to peer _ pressure. And when more adults were faced with this question of whether or not adolescents should be tried as adults they said they didn’t fell that they had the â€Å"POWER†or right to judge whether someone should die or not. Kent scheidegger legal director of the conservative criminal justice legal foundation said that vast majority of teenagers even young ones know enough to be tried in adult court â€Å" The notion that teenagers are not capable of understanding what is going on I find not credible in the case of â€Å"mentally normal teenagers.†1. What was most difficulty about this assignment? The most difficult was to truth what the study that the article gave you. 2. What was easiest Easiest about the assignment was the thesis statement 3. What I learn on completing this assignment was that there a lot or evidence and study that people when through to see if teenage and be trial as adults and what the brains tissue in a teenage body. 4. The strengths of my argument were the evidence that I use in the article and quote on what other people say about the argument. 5. My weaknesses in my argument would be the end of the essay. 6. What I learn for this assignment that they a lot of teenage that do stupid things and the crimes that they do and why do they do. This whole assignment was should you trial teenage as adults.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Facilitate the Counselling Process Assessment Essay
I declare that this assessment is my own work, based on my own personal research/study . I also declare that this assessment, nor parts of it, has not been previously submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications. I also declare, if this is a practical skills assessment, that a Client/Interviewee Consent Form has been read and signed by both parties, and where applicable parental consent has been obtained. 1. Name two signs you would look for to let you know Vara is ready to end counselling. Two signs I would look for to let me know that Vara is ready to end counselling are, firstly, if Vara is sounding a lot more confident and she looks a lot happier, then she probably is. Secondly, if Vara started to run out of issues to raise and discuss in counselling. I would be able to recognise that Vara is ready to end counselling. 2. Briefly describe how you would support Vara’s sense of autonomy. I would support Vara’s sense of autonomy by, acknowledging and helping her to recognise, her achievements since beginning with counselling. I would summarise these achievements for Vara. Vara has spoken to her husband Alec, and made him aware of her feelings. This is something she found quite difficult to do in the past. Since Vara communicated her feelings of ‘being fed up and wanting to end the marriage’, Vara and Alec have decided to trial a three month separation. In speaking up for herself she has generated real change in her life. Both Vara and her husband Alec, are looking into the possibility of seeing a marriage counsellor. In seeking this kind of counselling she is showing strength of character, she is looking for solutions and not just running away from her problems. She has the friendship and support of Julie and is trying to increase her work hours as a translator. I would acknowledge that it was Vara that made these changes in her life, not me. This will empower Vara with the confidence to know that she is a strong and capable women who can stand up for herself. 3. Briefly describe how you would inform her about opportunities for further support. I would inform Vara about opportunities for further support, by communicating to her that although our counselling sessions will be coming to an end, she is always able to reconnect with me, if she feels the need. Vara has indicated that she and her husband are interested in pursuing marriage counselling. I could provide Vara with some contacts for marriage counselling in her local area. Or, if she felt more comfortable, I could arrange a referral for her to a marriage counsellor that I think would be a good match for her. 4. Briefly describe three key steps to assist the process of ending the counselling process with this client. I would start this process a few sessions before the final counselling appointment. Firstly, I would encourage Vara to express any concerns she may have in regards to managing on her own without the support of the counselling relationship. I would be encouraging Vara to express her feelings about ending the counselling relationship. This will give Vara an opportunity to reflect and prepare for ending the counselling sessions. I would set the final appointment sometime in the future, so that Vara can have time to adjust to the thought of managing on her own. Secondly, I would plan with Vara to have a longer interval between our appointments, so that Vara can try out coping with her issues on her own. This will enable Vara to discuss any lingering issues that may need some attention before ending the counselling relationship. Lastly I would summarise for Vara the progress she has made, and acknowledge all the accomplishments she has made. She is now a stronger more capable women, who can stand up for herself and take care of herself. I would make sure that Vara knows that I have an open door policy, and that if she ever felt the need to reconnect with me, I would be happy to see her again. 5. Give an example of what you might say to Vara when ending counselling to ensure the underlying issues are managed. An example of what I might say to Vara when ending counselling to ensure any underlying issues are managed is, ‘Vara can you describe for me some of the strategies you have been using to help bring about the changes you have made’. This will give Vara the opportunity to reflect on how she has implemented these changes, and will reinforce the fact that it was Vara who has facilitated these changes, not me. I would also say ‘what do you think could be some coping skills you could use if these issues start to come up again’. This will give Vara the opportunity to reflect on how she has coped with these issues in the past, and to list some coping strategies that work best for her and her situation. Again this will reinforce the fact that Vara is the one who is coping with her situation, not me. I would also say ‘can you tell me again, what some of your underlying issues have been’. This will help Vara identify what the core issues are, and will make it easier for her to recognise if these issues come up again, so that she is ready to deal with them. 6. Provide an example of one of your session client notes. Client session notes. Clients Name: Vara Clients Age: 56 Date of session: 20/11/14 Session # 8 Session Duration: 60 minutes Others present: Nil Status of session: Kept Location: Office Information given by client: Vara is a 56 year old Polish immigrant. Came to Australia 25 years ago. She has raised 3 children who have all left home. Feeling very unhappy and ‘trapped’ in her marriage. Husband is ‘traditional’ male, who controls finances and has a ferocious temper. She has been secretly working and saving money. She wants to live her own life, but fearful of how she will cope on her own. She still loves her husband Alec. Summary of client’s issues: Vara has spoken to Alec and they have agreed to a 3 month trial separation, they are looking into marriage counselling. I have offered her a list of marriage counsellors in her area and offered a referral if preferred. Vara will be living with her friend Julie during her separation, and will be seeking more work hours as a translator. Notes of counsellor: I feel that Vara has made enormous progress in counselling, and believe that at this point she would benefit from marriage counselling. I have agreed to see her again if she feels the need arises.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Mathematics And Anthropology
Mathematics and Anthropology The ancient Mayans, for instance, used a base number of twenty in their calculations, twenty being the total number of digits on the human body. Their written system of numerals made working with twenty fairly easy – four horizontal bars above one another represented twenty units of five each, with individual units represented by a dot. Fourteen was thus denoted as two bars with four dots above. Counting systems based on units of five and twenty have also been found in Papua New Guinea. Other cultural traditions have used varying methods of counting, some by twos, some by fours, up until sixty, as with the ancient Sumerians. Mathematics is used, consciously or not, in a variety of cultural activities: in the creation and ornamentation of architectural structures; in figuring kin relations; in activities such as sewing, weaving, and beading; in hunting and navigation; in agricultural work such as laying out plots or understanding weather patterns and seasonal scheduling; in cooking and trade; in recreational activities such as gambling and gaming; as well as in spiritual symbolism.... Free Essays on Mathematics And Anthropology Free Essays on Mathematics And Anthropology Mathematics and Anthropology The ancient Mayans, for instance, used a base number of twenty in their calculations, twenty being the total number of digits on the human body. Their written system of numerals made working with twenty fairly easy – four horizontal bars above one another represented twenty units of five each, with individual units represented by a dot. Fourteen was thus denoted as two bars with four dots above. Counting systems based on units of five and twenty have also been found in Papua New Guinea. Other cultural traditions have used varying methods of counting, some by twos, some by fours, up until sixty, as with the ancient Sumerians. Mathematics is used, consciously or not, in a variety of cultural activities: in the creation and ornamentation of architectural structures; in figuring kin relations; in activities such as sewing, weaving, and beading; in hunting and navigation; in agricultural work such as laying out plots or understanding weather patterns and seasonal scheduling; in cooking and trade; in recreational activities such as gambling and gaming; as well as in spiritual symbolism....
Monday, October 21, 2019
Indentured Servanthood in the Colonies essays
Indentured Servanthood in the Colonies essays During the Colonial period many people from Europe arrived in America to live as indentured servants. There were many reasons why immigrants made their way to the colonies, but the most prominent reason was a simple one - a chance at a better life. Documented accounts give us various perspectives of the men and women who took the risk of travelling the dangerous ocean (in a questionable vessel), to live a life of servitude in America. Most indentured servants were treated with disdain, and when we look at the written accounts of these individuals, it's evident that those who left their homeland in search of a new beginning often got more than they bargained for. Physical, mental and sexual abuse, starvation, extreme neglect, violence and corrupted land-owners awaited them. Those who came to America for the purpose of service believed that working for the Master of a home would give them a life of opportunity. Many European immigrants financed their migration by signing a contract that obligated them to a certain amount of time or a fixed term of service. After completion of their commitment, they were told that they'd receive freedom, a foot in the door of independence and the success that comes from living as a free man or woman in America. Unfortunately, these promises were empty and misleading. Mittelberger stated that those who had no formal contracts were auctioned off to the highest bidder upon arrival. The immigrant became property, losing the affects and respect that should be given to every human being. Personal accounts of indentured servants give us a grim view of their quality of life with their problems and hardships beginning well before they arrived in America. Once they boarded the ship that would take them to their new life, troubles began. Many became sick and died on the six month journey. Those who lost a loved one at sea were indentured not only for themselves, but also for the one...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Copenhagen Zoo killed Marius the giraffe and four lions.
The Copenhagen Zoo killed Marius the giraffe and four lions. When the Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark killed Marius the giraffe on February 9, 2014, the public outrage was instantaneous and worldwide. Marius was dissected in front of a public audience, including children, and then fed to the zoos lions. The furor had barely cooled down when, on March 24, 2014, the same zoo killed four healthy lions, including some who had feasted on Marius remains. Unfortunately, animals born at zoos do not always get to live their lives out fully. David Williams-Mitchell, a spokesperson for the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, told CNN that approximately 3,000 to 5,000 animals are killed each year at EAZA zoos. Of these, several hundred are large animals like giraffes and lions, while the majority are smaller animals, including insects and rodents. According to The Independent, five giraffes have been killed in Danish zoos since 2012, as well as 22 healthy zebras, four hippos and two Arabian Oryx throughout Europe. Although policies of the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums are different from those of the EAZA, the animals in American zoos do not always live out their lives at the zoo. Marius the Giraffe  Marius was a healthy, two year old giraffe who was killed by the Copenhagen Zoo to prevent inbreeding. Although other zoos had offered to take in Marius, one already had Marius brother (making Marius genetically redundant at that zoo), and the others were not accredited by the EAZA. Lesley Dickie, Executive Director of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, explained in a CNN op ed that Marius would be unlikely to survive in the wild; sterilization for male giraffes can lead to undesirable side-effects and contraception for female giraffes is difficult, in its infancy, can can be irreversible. Dickie and Copenhagen Zoo officials have repeatedly pointed out that the killing of Marius was within EAZA guidelines. The zoo and their staff have received death threats and threats to burn down the zoo. Four Lions Killed at Copenhagen Zoo  A few weeks.after killing Marius, the Copenhagen Zoo killed a family of four healthy lions - two parents and their cubs. The zoo had brought in a new, young male to mate with the 18-month-old females who had been born at the zoo, and did not want the young females to mate with their own father. The zoo argues that the new male would have killed the adult male and two young cubs, as part of a male lions natural behavior of killing all the cubs and killing the adult male when he takes over a new pride of lions. The zoo claims that no other zoos were interested in taking the lion family. The justifications for killing the lions have focused on the animals natural behavior, but killing the lions is hardly natural. In the wild, the new male would have to oust the male head of the pride before taking over. This would happen only if the new male were stronger. Survival of the fittest keeps the species strong as it continues to evolve. While a new, stronger male would have killed the existing male and the young cubs, this explanation fails to address why the older female lion was killed. Controversy . While animal rights activist oppose keeping animals in zoos regardless of their breeding and killing policies, the practice of killing excess animals is especially objectionable and draws public outrage. If thousands of animals are killed every year, why did Marius death garner so much media coverage? It may have been because Marius was dissected and butchered in front of a public audience, and then fed to lions. The controversy, however, was not centered around the dissection and butchering, but on the reasons the giraffe was killed. As Dickie points out, a zoos resources are finite. They knew or should have known in advance that Marius would be genetically undesirable for breeding and yet they allowed Marius parents to breed. The arguments against sterilization or transferring Marius are unconvincing. The British zoo that wanted Marius is capable of making their own determination as to whether Marius was valuable, and the problems with sterilization cannot be worse than death. The whole problem appears to stem from the zoos desire to feature baby animals, even if allowing the animals to reproduce leads to overbreeding, overcrowding and killing. Supporters of the zoo point out that lions are regularly fed meat from dead animals, and many critics of the zoo are not vegetarian. However, whether some critics of the zoo are hypocrites is a separate issue from whether the zoo was right in killing Marius. Animal rights activists do not believe in keeping any animals in zoos (not be confused with sanctuaries), and are vegan, so there is no inconsistency in the animal rights position. After the four lions were killed, humor website The Global Edition published a satirical piece, Copenhagen Zoo Kills Four Healthy Staff Members To Make Space For New Employees. American Zoos and Aquariums While European zoos would rather allow the animals to naturally reproduce and kill excess animals, American zoos prefer contraception. Regarding Marius killing, the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums stated in a press release, Incidents of that sort do not happen at AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums, pointing out that AZA-accredited zoos minimize overbreeding. AZA zoos do sometimes overbreed, leading to animals being sold to unaccredited zoos, circuses, and even canned hunting operations. Jack Hanna, director emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio, called the killing of Marius the most abominable, insensitive, ridiculous thing Ive ever heard of. What is the solution?  Many have argued that Marius could have been sterilized, that his parents could have been sterilized, or that Marius should have been transferred to another zoo. The lions could have also gone to another zoo, the zoo could have built a second lion enclosure, or the zoo could have passed on bringing in the new lion. While these solutions may have saved these five lives, the issue is bigger than these five animals. Keeping animals in captivity, regardless of whether they are bred, overbred, or intentionally killed, violates the animals rights to live their lives free of human use and exploitation. From an animal rights viewpoint, the solution is to boycott zoos and all animal cruelty, and go vegan.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Psychology Bsc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Psychology Bsc - Essay Example If they are asked to go beyond their stage of development they can only do some of the tasks required, and this depends on the child. When watching children we must take a look at the various developmental studies so that we can be sure that children we are watching are doing those tasks that are appropriate for their developmental stage. Piaget suggested that there were four basic cognitive stages of development. The children that we researched were in the preoperational stage where "children begin to use symbols for objects, thinking is influenced by fantasy" and the child assumes that other people have the same viewpoint as they do. (Loose Leaf Library 1990). As we watched the children in our group, they seemed to be doing exactly as Piaget suggested. They were alert and were able to work with the plastacine and create their own object by making it something that they saw in fantasy. The cognitive stage of development is important to the project that our group did because it assumed that the children already knew how to work with plastacine and that they would understand the interview questions. A similar study was done by Bub, Masson, and Lalonde (2006) in which children were subjected to reading tests to see whether they could overcome Stroop interference in their reading. The point of the Stroop effect is to show that when a child reads a colour that is a different colour than the word, they will take longer to perform the task of reading the word (p. 351). This study worked with 65 children between the ages of 7 and 11. They used five colours (blue, green, pink, red, and yellow) and five words (back, cold, face, home, and look) for the colour matching and reading words (p. 353). What they found was that the younger children had more Stroop interference than the older children. Although this study was interesting to read, it would seem that this topic would n ot be very important in helping children learn how
Issues and Controversies in Management Project Essay
Issues and Controversies in Management Project - Essay Example Hence, workplace efficiency is observed only when employers enjoy smooth and cordial relationships with employees through creation of a discrimination free shared-value and family-based internal atmosphere (Liechty & Anderson, 2007). Quite unequivocally, clever employers minimise the probability of employee – employer and organisation – employee conflicts that actually result from role overloads, unrealistic expectations and targets, and the absence of links between instrumental and terminal values (Mullins, 2007). The researcher would like to critically review the existing literature on Workplace Flexibility to study how it impacts, either positively or negatively, the employee behaviours, attitudes, job satisfaction, need fulfillment, morale, confidence, trust, normative and affective commitment and finally the overall performance. This chapter will first include a discussion on importance of workplace flexibility in today’s unpredictable, unstructured, unclear and uncertain business environment followed by a discussion on various methods and policies that could be used for implementing flexibility across new workplaces (Bauer, 2004). It must be recalled that the core features and characteristics of an old workplace were authoritative leadership style, stability and control, centralisation, individual accountability and adversarial approach (an employee had inclination towards personal achievements only) and task – orientation. The new workplace, in contrast, is more decentralised and focuses on employee empowerment, relationship – orientation and employee – centred behaviour, democratic and leaderless leadership styles, team work and mutual accountability, Management by Objectives (MBO) and Total Quality Management (TQM) principles, delegation, R&D, innovation, change management process, automated assembly lines and induction of information systems etc. This is primarily because 21st century organisations have been o perating in unstructured and complex general environment; therefore, they are obliged to attain productive efficiency and cost leadership for maximising financial profits as well as shareholders’ wealth (Mullins, 2007) ; (Daft, 2009). The researcher will then evaluate how workplace flexibility affects employees as well as organisations. 2.1 – Workplace Flexibility Mangel & Konrad (2000) have defined Workplace Flexibility as a blend of procedures, policies and arrangements that allow employees to balance their family and corporate life. Indeed, the flexibility at organisations allow employees to continue making productive contributions to the organisation, since their need fulfillment is ensured that in turn enhance their affective and normative commitment. These arrangements include flexible working hours, job sharing, provision of computers to facilitate communication and phased retirement of older workers with retirement benefits and pension plans. According to Diane (2010), flexibility is measured after analysing answers to following questions: where an individual works, how many hours are spent, what are job responsibilities and assignments, what is the nature of contract (part-time or full-time) and what schedule does an individual have? There are three factors that drive the need to identify and support flexibility. These factors are legislation, unpredictability and nature of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Assignment on Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Assignment on Criminal Justice - Essay Example This paper focuses on the Drug Enforcement Administration (hereinafter, DEA) which works under the ambit of the Department of Justice and whose sole responsibility is the enforcement of drug control laws. It is the only federal law enforcement agency with drug control as the only mandate. Why was the DEA created in the first place? The DEA was created in 1973 when the realization came that effective drug control meant not only controlling the demand side, e.g.. criminalization of drug possession and rehabilitation of offenders, but also by controlling the supply. In an effort to streamline the bureaucracy, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) and the Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (BDAC) were abolished and the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), which was working under the Department of Justice, had enforcement responsibility over drug laws. The Office for Drug Abuse and Law Enforcement (ODALE) and Office of National Narcotic Intelligence (ONNI) were then created to assist in the enforcement of drug laws both at the national and local levels. ... The FBN continued its mandate until a report by the Katzenbach Commission found that, among other things, the enforcement staff in drug control had to be increased and the bureaucracy streamlined. Drug enforcement then became under the Department of Justice and the DEA was created. Lyman (2011), in describing the overall philosophy of the DEA describes it as follows: â€Å"to eliminate drugs as close to their sources as possible and to disrupt the drug trafficking system by identifying, arresting and prosecuting traffickers.†(page 329). Intelligence work is a big part of the tasks of DEA agents, who regularly monitor and conduct surveillance operations on the transportation of drugs into American shores. There is intense pressure to kick the drug problem and resultant from this, â€Å"drug enforcement is commanding a growing share of local police, prosecution and correction resources.†(Kleiman and Smith, 1990: 69). A theory being propounded is that the concentration o f police force in drug enforcement is causing a rise in the spate of crime and that is a constant criticism that the law enforcement sector of the country has to faced. Whilst the DEA is doing its utmost to ensure that it performs its duties efficiently and with judicious use of resources, it also cannot be denied that the drug cartels and the crime syndicates are getting wiser and more able to get around the law. Hence, innovation is an important ingredient in enforcement of anti-drug laws. It must also be understood that policing supply of drugs and curbing demand cannot be seen as independent variables. They must work together. There is growing evidence to the effect that effective drug enforcement increases the price of drugs in the market and suppress use (Caulkins
MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
MARKETING - Essay Example In the present day, the motive behind production is no more about searching customer but delighting customers through path of customization and research. According to the American Marketing Association, Marketing is â€Å"an organizational function and a set of process for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and managing customer relationship is a way that benefits the organization and its stakeholders†(AMA, 2004). Financial success fully depends upon right marketing. Corporate goals are achieved through meeting customer needs and delighting customer expectancy and right marketing is the way to it. Right marketing is obtained through research oriented planning and execution of those marketing strategy effectively. Ten types of entities can be marketed by marketers to these categories of market. These entities include properties, services, organization, events, place, goods, information, experiences, persons, and ideas. All organizations that work under this umbrella need marketing to sustain in ever rising competitive market of the present day. Due to the affects of globalization, changing technology, deregulations, privatization, customer empowerment, customization, increasing competition, there has been a remarkable change in behavior of market. It is facing new challenges and new opportunities with changing environment. Even market leaders like GE, Microsoft, Walt Mart, Intel, and Nike are kept on their toes. In order to ensure sustainable development, the companies need to remain flexible and adaptable to the external situations. Marketing function survives on its fundamental core concepts as well as changing trends. Its fundamental concepts include needs which are basic requirements of an individual and can comprise of stated needs, unstated needs, real needs, secret needs, and delighted needs, whereas want and demand are specific needs towards a particular object (Kotler & Keller,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Human Resources Development in Qatar Petroleum Research Proposal
Human Resources Development in Qatar Petroleum - Research Proposal Example On the other hand, there are some difficulties that are commonly experienced by all employees and they have difficulties in dealing with such issues. Such difficulties include but are not limited to limited funds of the organization, unequal distribution of resources at all levels in the organizational structure, and the criteria of eligibility established by the organization to consider providing the employees with opportunities of development. The target of this report is to offer a clear and practicable technique on managing career development in the organizational context of Qatar Petroleum (QP). QP has developed a Strategic Qatarization Plan where employees within the organization can be trained and developed so that they are equipped with the skills needed to achieve the goals of the business and address the needs of competencies and capabilities in Qatar labor market. It will be a quantitative research in which data will be collected from the employees of QP through questionna ires consisting of both open and closed questions. Closed questions would be used to collect the demographics of the survey respondents whereas open-ended questions will be asked to explore their views about effective ways to manage career development (Qatar Petroleum, 2013). Qatar Petroleum (QP) is a well-known organization in Oil and Gas industry. QP is focusing on achieving their objectives; such as long-term strategic targets such as developing their employees in order for them to achieve higher positions and improve their performance in work. To achieve this, QP offers good opportunities for employment and development to all employees in general and the Qatari employees in particular because they have been highly recommended by H. H. Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani who is the Emir of the state of Qatar and upon the recommendation the Minister of Energy and Industry (Qatar Petroleum, 2013). The idea started when the numbers of Qatari employees serving at
JOURNALISM AND DEFARMATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
JOURNALISM AND DEFARMATION - Essay Example Journalists handle critical stories each day and have to remain on guard each time. Staying on guard will prevent them from getting overwhelmed by the stories and going overboard to publicize public opinion concerning the stories. Therefore, a journalist will need adequate research from reliable sources before publishing any story. However, it is proving much more difficult for journalists to reserve their opinion especially in the current world whereby there are so many media forums1. In the recent past, many journalists have found themselves in much trouble. For example, the yahoo organization fired one of its chief journalists after making a joke about the Romney campaigns. According to many people, Yahoo took the joke with too much weight yet the journalists uttered the statement without malice. In other numerous cases, journalists find themselves sued for causing damages on the reputation of others2. The law classifies such cases as defamation3. However, the law provides defence s that journalists can use in such cases4. The first defense that a journalist can use is justification. Being able to present proof that what the journalist published concerning a plaintiff is true. This requires journalists to publish information after careful research from reliable sources. Justification may require the journalist to present a witness in court in order to expose the truth in what he published. Presenting a reliable justification will serve to clear the plaintiff’s claims of defamation. If the court establishes that the journalist only said something that is true, then he clears the defendant of the charges5. However, the court does not need the defendant to prove beyond doubt that the statement under investigation is true. The courts consider a lower level that involves presenting acceptable proof that the statements made about the plaintiff are true. The challenge for many journalists lies in convincing a witness to testify before a court. Sometimes, thes e witnesses present information in privacy and decline to appear in the limelight. It is worthy noting that regardless of the fact that the standard of ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ does not apply, a court may expect a high level of contextual truth because it expects journalists to be cautious of the statements they make. The second form of defense occurs in the presence of a conviction indicating that the plaintiff had previously faced a conviction regarding the act mentioned in the statement claimed to be defamatory. However, the court will require substantial evidence of conviction in order to prove that the convictions made translate to the statement under investigation. This will require evidence of several instances. For example, making a claim that someone lacks integrity to hold office will require at least two convictions concerning abuse of office6. However, depending on the conviction and the time elapsed; the court may consider the conviction spent. Therefore, a journalist must understand the spending duration of different convictions before drawing conclusions. In other cases, the journalist may use the defence of ‘fair comment’ and give proof to the court that any individual in such a situation would draw similar situations7. This
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Human Resources Development in Qatar Petroleum Research Proposal
Human Resources Development in Qatar Petroleum - Research Proposal Example On the other hand, there are some difficulties that are commonly experienced by all employees and they have difficulties in dealing with such issues. Such difficulties include but are not limited to limited funds of the organization, unequal distribution of resources at all levels in the organizational structure, and the criteria of eligibility established by the organization to consider providing the employees with opportunities of development. The target of this report is to offer a clear and practicable technique on managing career development in the organizational context of Qatar Petroleum (QP). QP has developed a Strategic Qatarization Plan where employees within the organization can be trained and developed so that they are equipped with the skills needed to achieve the goals of the business and address the needs of competencies and capabilities in Qatar labor market. It will be a quantitative research in which data will be collected from the employees of QP through questionna ires consisting of both open and closed questions. Closed questions would be used to collect the demographics of the survey respondents whereas open-ended questions will be asked to explore their views about effective ways to manage career development (Qatar Petroleum, 2013). Qatar Petroleum (QP) is a well-known organization in Oil and Gas industry. QP is focusing on achieving their objectives; such as long-term strategic targets such as developing their employees in order for them to achieve higher positions and improve their performance in work. To achieve this, QP offers good opportunities for employment and development to all employees in general and the Qatari employees in particular because they have been highly recommended by H. H. Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani who is the Emir of the state of Qatar and upon the recommendation the Minister of Energy and Industry (Qatar Petroleum, 2013). The idea started when the numbers of Qatari employees serving at
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Discussion 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Discussion 5 - Essay Example mally held at the home of the elder family members, this is the one time during the year when the whole year when the clan is expected to gather to partake of a dinner normally composed of chicken and fish. The strange part is that the chicken and fish dishes are not consumed but are instead meant as offerings. I have often had to explain to our foreign guests that the chicken and fish are meant to honor the Chinese pun that says â€Å"every year have chicken and fish left over†or â€Å"have profit every year†for businesses, and for families, it could mean â€Å"be blessed every year†. I realize that it is a waste of perfectly good food not to partake of the dishes served specifically for the â€Å"pun†purpose. However, it is Chinese tradition and culture that dictates we must do it. It is a tradition that has the best of intentions and has never brought harm to anyone. Which is probably why my family also continues to honor the tradition to this very day and we find ourselves constantly having to explain ourselves to our foreign guests who, in the process, learn more about Chinese cultures and
Monday, October 14, 2019
Classroom Observation Instruments Essay Example for Free
Classroom Observation Instruments Essay The following checklist it based off the Charlotte Danielson Framework. Teacher evaluations are based on four components or domains. Domain 1 is preparation and planning, domain 2 is classroom environment, domain 3 is instruction, and domain 4 is professional responsibility. When completing a classroom observation, only aspects of domain 2 and domain 3 are observable with a walk through. The following is an evaluation checklist of things a principal will look for while completing a classroom walk through. Sections marked with a (T) are teacher behaviors being observed, those marked with an (S) are student behaviors. Domain 2- Classroom Environment 1. Creating a classroom environment of respect and rapport (T) 2. Establishing a culture for learning (T) 3. Managing classroom procedures (T) 4. Management of student behavior (T) 5. Organizing physical space (T) 6. Work stations for group work (S) 7. Student desks are organized and material accessible (S) Additional notes on classroom environment: Domain 3 – Instruction 1. Communicating with students (T) 2. Use of questioning and discussion techniques (T) 3. Engaging students in learning (T) 4. Using assessment in instruction (T) 5. Demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness (T) 6. Whole class participation (S) 7. Student Engagement/on task behavior (S) 8. Confidence displayed in assessment (S) Additional notes on instruction: The above checklist is meant to be a guideline for principals to use during a walk through evaluation. Can you see the five aspects of each domain present in the classroom for teachers and the five for students? A simple yes or no will suffice. The above checklist is meant to be a guideline or springboard to complete next steps in the learning process. Those areas marked yes should be a cause for celebration. Evaluators and teachers can then discuss to what extent those aspects were present during the observation. In addition to the yes or no answers for each aspect of the two domains, an evaluator can write comments that fall within the domain descriptions as well. Are classroom procedures posted? That can be noted for classroom environment. What type of graphic organizer did the teacher use? That is part of an instructional strategy. The bottom part of the checklist allows the evaluator to add to the things he saw or did not see. This evaluation checklist should be copied and given directly to the teacher for reflection. That way the teacher has immediate feedback of what the principal observed in her classroom. This allows the educator to see what is being observed in her classroom and in her teaching. She can reflect on what aspects were not observed, adjust her teaching and include those aspects going forward. As much as it is a checklist for the evaluator, it can be used as a check-in for the teacher. If time allows, the principal should sit down and discuss the findings with the teacher, but time is not always available for this conference opportunity. This communication method would fall into a non-directive supervisory approach. Nondirective supervision involves the teacher being an essential part of the decision making process. While the teacher is reflecting and thinking through his actions for instructional improvement, the supervisor assists in this thinking and reflection process (Glickman Gordon, Ross-Gordon, 2008). This is shown through the principal giving feedback, but the teacher working out the next steps on her own. The positive aspect of this type of supervision includes the teacher feeling comfortable enough to ask their administrator for help when needed and feeling comfortable enough to take risks in their classrooms (Rettig, Lampe, and Garcia, 2000). References Glickman, C.D., Gordon, S.P., Ross-Gordon, J.M. (2014). Supervision and instructional leadership: a developmental approach (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Rettig, P.R., Lampe and Garcia, P. (2000). â€Å"Supervising Your Faculty with a Differentiated Model.†The Department Chair 11(2)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Race Stereotyping Leads to the False Accusation of Kabuo Miyamoto Essay
Race Stereotyping Leads to the False Accusation of Kabuo Miyamoto David Guterson based his novel, Snow Falling On Cedars, during a racially charged time of history. This book takes place during the time period of 1940 to 1955. The setting of this novel is a small town, Amity Harbor, on the island of San Piedro. This is a small island, and Amity is the largest town on the entire island. This island is home to Japanese strawberry farmers and one-man gillnetting boats. This novel is based around the murder trial of Carl Heine Jr. The accused man is Kabuo Miyamoto, a Japanese gill-netter as well as a World War II veteran. By non-fiction facts, from historical documents, and fiction facts from the novel itself, Kabuo Miyamoto was accused solely because of his race. On December 7, 1941, aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. About half the United States fleet was at Pearl Harbor at the time. More than 2,400 American servicemen and civilians were killed. Another 1,200 were wounded. Eight battleships of the Pacific Fleet were damaged or sunk, though the fleet's aircraft carriers were at sea. Hundreds of aircraft were destroyed. The same day, or shortly thereafter, the Japanese launched attacks against Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Guam and Wake Island. Because of the swift advances of the Japanese military, many Americans concluded that an invasion, either of Hawaii or the West Coast, was inevitable. (Leitich 1) In February 1942, Lieutenant General John DeWitt, the commanding general of the Western Defense Command, which included California, Oregon and Washington, urged the evacuation of all Japanese American citi... ...anese decent then they are the ones that fought against and killed American soldiers during World War II. Many of the American’s of Japanese decent fought and died for the same country, the same cause, and the same humanity that the American soldiers did, but this was never looked at, never taken into consideration, and never respected. Works Cited Guterson, David. Snow Falling On Cedars. New York: Vintage Books, 1995. Internment Camps. Ed. 04/15/2001. . Japanese Internment. Ed. Lamb, Judith. St. Francis Xavier School. 04/5/2001. . Leitich, Greg H. Japanese American Legal History: Internment/Relocation. 04/17/2001. 04/5/2001 .
Saturday, October 12, 2019
George Orwell’s Animal Farm :: Animal Farm Essays
What is George Orwell’s message in Animal Farm, and how does he use two of the animal characters in the novel to present his political views? In this book George Orwell has tried to put a political view into the story. This political view is that Communist ideas can not work without using excessive power, also that political systems can easily be corrupted by power-hungry people. George Orwell uses animals in this clever allegory to represent humans. Two main characters of ‘Animal Farm’ are Napoleon and Boxer. Napoleon acts like a dictator and leads the farm and animals. He has power over the animals so they have no freedom, so much so, that they can’t rebel against him if they wanted to. Boxer an idealistic follower for Napoleon; he will sacrifice anything for the farm and the other animals. Boxer believes everything that he is told by Napoleon and cannot see that Napoleon is a corrupt leader. As soon as Old Major had died Napoleon took his place as the leader of the Animals, and so he controlled them after the rebellion against humans. At first he was a fair leader and treated the animals kindly, or so they thought. â€Å"The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others.†This shows that the pigs were lazy and demanding from the beginning when they started to run the farm, and it wasn’t that they grew power-hungry, they already were. The animals started to realise that the pigs were not doing any work. The majority thought there must be an excellent reason for them not doing any work. â€Å"We pigs are the brain-workers. The whole management and organization of the farm depends on us†After hearing this, the animals understood that they were there to do the hard work, but they thought that was because they couldn’t run the farm as well as the pigs. They did not mind lying to the animals and not doing any work while the other animals are. Napoleon knew that there was a chance that the animals might rebel against him so when 9 puppies were born on the farm he took them to train as his bodyguards. â€Å"As soon as they were weaned, Napoleon took them away from their mothers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ After the animals knew what he was doing, even if they did disagree with what he was doing could not do anything about it even if the wanted to either because they were not strong enough or that they were to scared. So this meant that Napoleon could do whatever he wanted to, just like a dictator. The only animal threatening Napoleon’s place in power was Snowball, so
Friday, October 11, 2019
Positive Effects of Social Networking
AbstractionSocial networking has changed the manner people interact with each other everlastingly. Social networking foremost existed as an innovation created in 1975 known as electronic mail, which is still used today ( Email ) . However societal networking has advanced in to utilizing a profile to give information about a user and his or her involvements, and has integrated the usage of electronic mail. Now societal networking involves sharing narratives, exposures, and involves the usage of apps every bit good as messaging to pass on with others. This type of societal networking did non go popular until the twelvemonth 2003 when MySpace and Friendster were launched. Shortly after Facebook was launched but was non unfastened to the general populace until 2006, which has become the figure one societal networking site today. These webs have many positive effects such as staying in contact with friends, run intoing new people, supplying educational benefits, every bit good as the conv enience of mobilly accessing it. Besides there are some negative effects which include individuality larceny, cyber intimidation, decreased societal interaction in existent life, and societal isolation. Increase in nomadic societal networking could possible do future wellness jobs. The first type of societal networking created was Email, which was invented in 1975 ( Email ) . Since so societal networking has advanced into a profile with legion characteristics that can be used and has integrated the usage of electronic mail. Now societal networking is altering the manner the universe interacts with people, and has provided many utile tools for the universe to utilize. Still these societal webs are go oning to progress to supply better characteristics for users, and these popular sites will go on to turn in size. Even though societal webs can hold negative effects such as blowing clip, it besides affects people positively by leting people to pass on and stay in contact with friends in a much easier manner. In the article â€Å" Are societal networking sites good for our society? †( 2009 ) societal networking is defined as â€Å" an online community that allow people to develop profiles of their backgrounds and involvements, communicate with friends and aliens, and portion ideas, exposures, Internet links, music, and more ( p.1 ) . Once a societal web is joined users are prompted to place others in the system with which they have a relationship known by and large as â€Å" friends. †Social networking sites vary greatly with the characteristics they have to offer, and is what makes each site different from the other. Six Degrees was the first major societal web, similar to societal networking today, to be launched and was launched in 1997 ( Bhutkar, 2009 ) . Social networking as it is today did non go popular until 2003 when Friendster MySpace and LinkedIn were launched. Then in 2004 Facebook was launched but was merely unfastened to college pupils with a valid universit y electronic mail. Facebook remained a college merely web for two old ages before it opened to the general populace in 2006. Since so Facebook has become the figure one societal networking site ( Bhutkar, 2009 ) . Social networking sites allow people to pass on and stay in contact with friends every bit good as fitting new people. These sites allow people to happen others with similar involvements that they can make a relationship with and acquire to cognize one another. Groups can be joined or formed to run into people with similar involvements, and positions. Social networking allows for originative look by utilizing tools such as blogging and messaging to post thoughts and narratives ( Are societal networking sites good for our society, 2009 ) . Users besides portion poems, involvement in music, Television shows, avocations, exposures, and many other things ( Jasson ) . Event invitations can be made and sent to friends instead than holding to get off invitations and friends can besides rsvp for an event on the site. Not merely is it used to speak to friends, but it is besides used to discourse educational subjects. Social networking is said to increase a individual ‘s quality of life, and can cut down wellness hazards. Many people report that they have non had any negative experiences with societal networking, and schools are get downing to look at it as an educational tool ( Thelwell, 2006 ) . The usage of societal networking helps better technological accomplishments of pupils, and exposes them to many diverse positions about things. It besides has helped with communicating accomplishments, and allows the acquisition of civilizations from users all over the universe. Besides pupils use societal networking to discourse prep subjects with equals online, and to acquire aid on assignments ( Reid, 2009 ) . Sixty per centum of pupils on societal webs have said that they talk about instruction, and 50 per centum specifically speak about school work assignments. These pupils seem to hold an extr aordinary set of traditional and twenty-first century accomplishments including communicating, creativeness, coaction, and leading accomplishments and engineering proficiency. Parents are anticipating schools to take advantage of utilizing on-line societal networking to educate kids, but to make so in a safe manner. Some public schools have created a secure societal web for its pupil to be able to pass on with other pupils, and to make so in a more safe manner ( National School Board Association, 2007 ) . Social Networking does non merely profit persons, but it besides benefits concerns every bit good. These sites allow concerns to publicize and market services to a big audience, and a profile is free to put up ( Gillin ) . Numerous concerns have created profiles that provide elaborate information about the concern to publicize in a low cost manner ( Roberts, 2008 ) . Businesss will derive more attending on societal webs because the concern profile is available to for all users of the societal web to see. Besides concerns like to utilize societal webs to larn what possible employees are like, and do determinations based on the information provided on the individual ‘s profile ( Ellison, Steinfield, & A ; Lampe, 2007 ) . Social networking has already wholly changed the manner people interact in the universe, but besides it is progressing more to do it easier to entree. Now societal networking is going nomadic and can be accessed through the usage of a cell phone. It is thought to be a great thought and would increase the usage of societal networking since a batch of people carry cell phones with them at all times. Peoples can utilize nomadic phones to update their position, station remarks, upload exposure, send messages, and update profile from merely about anyplace ( Kharif, 2006 ) . This allows people to be able to acquire things done every bit good as take some clip to log onto societal webs. Making societal webs accessible through cell phones is besides expected to increase the figure of users by a important sum ( Gillin ) . So far nomadic societal networking is being used more than societal networking from personal computer computing machines. The top sites that are being visited utilizing noma dic phones are Facebook, MySpace, and Bebo. Bing able to entree societal webs from the cell phone unlocks the full potency of societal web, and makes it more convenient for people to utilize. Since it is more convenient to utilize the figure of users has increased and the nomadic societal networking has increased significantly ( Hamblen, 2008 ) . Social networking does hold negative effects every bit good, but are nil compared to the advantages of utilizing it. These sites cut down the sum of face to confront socialising and replace it with on-line interaction which is believed to ensue in low quality relationships with other people ( Mikami, Szwedo, Allen, Evans, & A ; Hare, 2010 ) . Teens over portion information to the populace that can ache them in the hereafter when seeking to acquire a occupation, and canceling the information is non good plenty. Cyber strong-arming occurs every bit good, which is strong-arming people online in a public manner, but occurs at a little per centum. Peoples that often use on-line societal networking are besides prone to societal isolation which can take to depression and decreased societal accomplishments ( Mikami, Szwedo, Allen, Evans, & A ; Hare, 2010 ) . A false sense of security leaves societal networking site users vulnerable to security onslaughts such as hacking, leaking sensitive in formation, and directing viruses. Identity larceny can happen when a cybercriminal uses the web to garner personal information posted about people ( University of the Pacific ) . It besides has been said that societal networking sites endanger kids by leting paedophiles to seek out kids ( Are societal networking sites good for our society? ) . Besides since they are going mobile it might promote people to utilize cell phone to entree these sites while driving merely like text messaging was a popular thing to make while driving. Social networking going nomadic usage will increase cell phone usage and the job with that is that cell phones have been found to breathe electromagnetic radiation that is absorbed by the encephalon and organic structure. This soaking up disrupts the encephalon sites for memory and acquisition and can do confusion and forgetfulness ( Thomas, 2004 ) . It is besides been reported that cell phones can do malignant neoplastic disease from the electromagnetic exposure to other parts of the organic structure, but small accent has been placed on it. The cause of malignant neoplastic disease in the encephalon has been the chief wellness concern with cell phones, which societal networking by nomadic phone is non exposing the encephalon to the moving ridges. Besides, cell phones give little sums of radiation off and would necessitate a batch of usage and over a long period of clip for it to get down to do malignant neoplastic disease. Research is needed to supply grounds to find that existent wellness hazard of cell phones. Social networking has its advantages and its disadvantages like everything else does. The sites are continuously progressing, and altering to repair the negative jobs. One illustration would be accessing societal networking sites utilizing cell phones so that people can entree the site on the spell instead than sit at place on a computing machine. Most users have stated that they have had merely positive experiences with societal networking, and really few people experience cyber intimidation. There are still jobs that need to be fixed, but it seems that the positive effects outweigh the negative effects. Social networking is a really valuable tool that can be used to run into new people, and allow people to stay in contact with friends. Even though it can blow clip, societal networking positively affects the universe by leting people to pass on, and remain in contact with friends in an easy and convenient manner.MentionsAre societal networking sites good for our society? ( 2009 ) . Social Networking Retrieved April 9, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: //socialnetworking.procon.orgBhutkar, G. ( 2009, January 29 ) . Users on Social Networking Sites. Journal of HC Vistas, 5 ( February 2009 ) . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? UsabilityInsights/ ? ? p=103Ellison, N. B. , Steinfield, C. , & A ; Lampe, C. ( 2007 ) . The benefits of Facebook â€Å" friends: †societal capital and college pupils ‘ usage of on-line societal web sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12 ( 4 ) . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? vol12/ ? issue4/ ? ellison.htmlElectronic mail: The First -and Largest- Social Network Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing. ( n.d. ) . Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang: Web Marketing, Social Media. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: //, P. ( 2008 ) . Business anyplace, anytime. Computerworld Communications Brief, 1-5. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? PingElizabeth/ ? the-promise-of-mobile-unified-communicationsHamblen, M. ( 2008, September 11 ) . Get Ready for nomadic societal webs. Computerworld. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? s/ ? article/ ? 9114487/ ? Get_ready_for_mobile_social_networks_ ? taxonomyId=165Jansson, Y. ( n.d. ) . Online societal networking positive facets. In article splashboard. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from articledashboard database. ( 477721 )Kharif, O. ( 2006, May 31 ) . Social Networking Goes Mobile. BusinessWeek. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? technology/ ? content/ ? may2006/ ? tc20060530_170086.htmMikami, A. Y. , Szwedo, D. E. , Allen, J. P. , Evans, M. A. , & A ; Hare, A. L. ( 2010 ) . Adolescent Peer Relationships and Behavior Problems Predict immature grownups ‘ commu nicating on societal networking web sites. Developmental Psychology, 46 ( 1 ) , 46-56.National School Boards Association. ( 2007 ) . Making & A ; Connecting: Research and Guidelines on Online Social and educational networking [ Data file ] . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? sourcefiles/ ? CreateandConnect.pdfReid, K. ( 2009, November ) . The rise of societal networking sites. Education Journal, 119, 22. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? login.aspx? direct=true & A ; db=aph & A ; AN=47781789 & A ; loginpage=Login.asp & A ; site=ehost-liveThelwall, M. ( 2008, January 25 ) . Myspace, Facebook, Bebo: Social Networking Students. ALT Newsletter, January 2008 ( 11 ) . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? alt/ ? e_article000993849.cfm? x=b11,0, wThomas, W. ( 2004 ) . Cell phone wellness effects: busy signals think twice before you place that call.Alive. Retrieved from hypertext trans fer protocol: // Investigations/Articles/cellphones.htmUniversity of the Pacific – Online Social Networking Dangers and Benefits. ( n.d. ) . University of the Pacific – Stockton, San Francisco, Sacramento. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // ss=print
Thursday, October 10, 2019
My Desired Leadership Style the Transformational Leader
I aspire to be a transformational leader. Transformational leaders possess the unique to inspire their subordinates to be the best they can be. This leadership style can be used for good or bad some Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Adolf Hitler were both transformational leaders. No matter what the circumstances are that motivate a transformational leader, they must possess values that guide them through their leadership. There is no cookie cutter example of a transformational leader each leader has their own way of doing things but an authentic transformational leader must utilize certain skills, competencies, experiences, knowledge, and traits. I personally believe that it is very important for a leader to have a versatile leadership approach. As I have developed my leadership skills over the past few years I have experienced uncomfortable situations and different personalities than my own and I have had to evolve my or change my leadership style based on the circumstances that I was faced with. Although I have had to adopt some characteristics or traits from other leadership styles I believe my core leadership style would be considered transformational leadership. Based on what I know about myself and what I have learned from others is that I am currently a transformational leader, but I desire to be a better transformational leader. What is a Transformational Leader? Transformational leadership is a type of leadership style that leads to changes in those who follow. A leader who is transformational motivates by transforming the identities and goals of individuals to coincide with those of the group (Lovaglia, Lucas, & Baxter, 2012). Transformational leaders have the innate ability to inspire their followers into action to achieve a common goal. For example during the 2008 presidential campaign Barrack Obama used his transformational leadership style by inspiring many, who had never voted before to get out and vote. Through his inspirational speeches, grassroots movement to register voters, and his seemingly American Dream come true life story he was able to, for a short period of time inspire and motivate an otherwise jaded and broken country that had been fractured among racial and economic lines for years to believe in and demand change. Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic and passionate, and they invoke a since of ownership and pride in their followers. When faced with a problem or issue within an organization the transformational leader can create relay a message so that it is either accepted with enthusiasm or without contention. Instead of trying to force change on their subordinates the transformational leader creates an atmosphere of even exchanges of thoughts and ideas toward the changes. This type of leader seeks to motivate followers by transforming their conceptions of self and their private goals to coincide with the larger purposes of the group. Rather than working for money, employees work to be part of the success of a larger mission. The concept of transformational leadership was initially introduced by leadership expert and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns. According to Burns, transformational leadership can be seen when â€Å"leaders and followers make each other to advance to a higher level of moral and motivation. †Through the strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are able to inspire followers to change expectations, perceptions and motivations to work towards common goals. Later, researcher Bernard M. Bass expanded upon Burns original ideas to develop what is today referred to as Bass’ Transformational Leadership Theory. According to Bass, transformational leadership can be defined based on the impact that it has on followers. Transformational leaders, Bass suggested, garner trust, respect and admiration from their followers. Bass suggested that there are four components of a transformational leadership which are intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation and idealized influence. Intellectual stimulation is when the leader encourages their followers to be creativity, the followers is encouraged to explore new ways of doing things. Recognizing that all followers are not the same is an important aspect of a transformational leader’s influence, offering support and encouragement to individual followers, that leads to an increased since of accomplishment and self-esteem is considered individualized consideration. Inspirational motivation is when the leader can invoke the same passion and enthusiasm that they have about a vision and goal, in their followers. On January 20, 1961 President John F. Kennedy inspired and an entire county with one sentence from his inaugural speech â€Å"ask not what your country can do for you  ask what you can do for your country†. This important quote inspired Americans to take action and make changes during the 1960’s the country changed the way it looked at civil rights, women’s liberation and war. Idealized influence is the same as leading by example, because followers trust and respect the leader they tend to model their behavior and actions after the leader and began to internalize and adopt the leader’s ideas. Modern Day Transformational Leader A good example of a modern day transformational leader is Bill Gates, former chief executive and current chairman of Microsoft, the world’s largest personal-computer software company, which he co-founded with Paul Allen. Bill Gates can be considered a transformational leader because he is regarded by his followers as an expert and visionary in his field, also has gained respect and credibility based on his past management experience. Through his philanthropic work and can do attitude he leads by example. Transformational leaders build trust in their leadership and attainability of their goals through an image of seemingly unshakable self-confidence, strength of moral conviction, personal example and self-sacrifice, and unconventional tactics or behavior. They are perceived to have unusual insight and ability to act in a manner consistent with their vision and values. Gates has managed to display most of the characteristics of a transformational leader. Why I selected this Leadership style? The reason I chose transformational leadership as my desired leadership style because this leadership style is most aligned with my natural personality according to the traits of a transformational leader. I strive to be a transformational leader because transformational leaders in my experience are the most successful and have more respect and loyalty from their followers. Transformational leaders have the ability to make an impact on not only organizational growth but also the personal and professional growth of those that work for and with them. I want to be a transformational leader because I want to be a solution to the problem instead of complaining about or being part of the problem and I want to guide people to do the same. I live by the old adage â€Å"if you’re not part of the solution you are part of the problem†. Transformational leaders are part of the solution. Important Values The values I feel are important for me to model the transformational leadership style are adaptability, openness, enthusiasm, and morality. Adaptability is an important value for a transformational leader to have because they must adapt their leadership style to the different personalities, needs, and skills of their team. Act as a mentor or a coach more so than a boss. Assign and delegate work based on talents and interests, but also challenge their comfort zones. This was the value I struggle with the most because I am stubborn and I am at tine relentless in my beliefs and I sometime refuse to bend. In order for a transformational leaders to transform effectively they need to foster innovation by challenging assumptions about what can and cannot be done. React to mistakes and failures in a way that shows that risk-taking is condoned. Give support, provide resources, and remove barriers to change. Approach problems as learning opportunities. By showing that there is value in independent thinking and reward people who challenge. By allowing an atmosphere that promotes creativity and inspires change a leader has to be open to idea’s that are different. In order to guide a team in the direction the leader needs the group to go is by measuring and monitoring results in order to even began to inspire anytime of inspirational a leader needs to start with setting a vision, strategy, and goals. Then motivate them to bring their best by expressing the leader’s passion, by communicating with confidence and optimism, and connecting tasks to a greater purpose. It is important for a leader to have morals and lead by example, and act with integrity and ethical standards; with both behaviors and words. Just as small children mimic and emulate their parents, subordinates will take note of what their leader does and use it as a template for how they act and behave. It happens automatically and subconsciously, whether the behavior is positive or negativeâ€â€people will follow a leader’s example. Model of a Transformational Leader In order to model the transformational leadership style there are certain skills competencies, experiences, knowledge and traits that a person needs to possess. According to the Piedmont Resources group a Real Estate consulting group and Small Business Advisor a transformational leader should possess 5 skills. Those skills are communicate vision and goals clearly and without uncertainty, being able to listen, collaborate and empower, build relationships, provide intellectual stimulation, and lead by example. In order for people to follow a leader a leader must be able to set the road map for the trip the group is about to take. A true leader provides a clear direction with confidence and certainty. Hearing a massage and listening to a message are not the same thing, they are not hearing is a biological process that can be scientifically explained, listening is a psychological phenomenon. Listening is the ability to process what you here. When a leader listens to their followers there collaboration becomes effective and then the leader can empower followers to create change. Relationship building is a given part of the leader and subordinate roles. Building Relationships that Work helps you revitalize the relationships that affect the quality and profitability of your business. It goes beyond strategies for influencing the behavior of others to provide a process for creating clear communications, effective collaboration, and relationships that achieve results (http://executiveeducation. wharton. upenn. edu, 2013). Transformational leaders stimulate the efforts of their followers as regards innovativeness and creativity, stimulate permanent reexamination of the existent assumptions, stimulate change in the way of thinking about problems, and plead the use of analogy and metaphor. The last and most important skill needed by a transformational leader is the ability to lead by example a transformational leader needs to show followers the correct behavior by modeling appropriate actions. For me I am fulfilling my dream of being a leader in my company. I feel that I possess most of the qualities of a transformational leader. My only problem is that I have I am fairly new and I do not have an extensive leadership background that is needed to be a strong transformational leader. I think that I possess all of the skills needed to be a transformational leader. In fact I was just evaluated 2 weeks ago by our company’s Vice President and I was complimented on being and effective and enthusiastic leader who turned a struggling team around. Conclusion Transformational leaders are individuals who with their own knowledge, imaginations and ability to influence the behavior of people, make conditions for transforming. The key to being a successful transformational leader is producing real change through people to achieve the company’s ultimate goal through inspiration rather than fear, intrinsic rewards rather than monetary rewards and creating an atmosphere of innovation. References (2013, July 13). Retrieved from The Wharton School :Aresty Institute of Executive Education: Lovaglia, M. J., Lucas, J. W., & Baxter, A. (2012). The Transforming Leader: New Approaches To Leadership For The Twenty-First Century. (C. S. Pearson, Ed.) San Francisco, California: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. Shriberg, D., & Shriberg, A. (2010). Practicing Leadership Principles and applications. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
M.L.K and Malcolm X Compare/Contrast
The two most influential civil rights activists in American history were Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. They supported equal rights for every race, but when comparing MLK’s â€Å"I Have a Dream’ and Malcolm X’s â€Å"The Ballot or the Bullet,†one sees the similarities in their rhetorical styles and differences in their tone and message. As seen in â€Å"I Have a Dream,†MLK has a more civilized and peaceful solution to the nation’s problems; whereas in X’s he has a will to do whatever it may take to solve the problems. Martin Luther King Jr. nd Malcolm X use the same rhetorical strategies to enhance their message in their speeches. One device or strategy is repetition. In King’s speech he repeated the phrase â€Å"I have a dream’ in order to emphasize to his audience the importance on their cause and to stimulate the people’s pride furthering civil rights. King wanted everyone to see America’s true potential and beauty and how America could be. Malcolm X also demonstrated the use of repetition when he repeats â€Å"I’m not here. †He illustrates to his audience that he is not there to talk about himself, but of the greater cause, in other words, the fight for civil rights. Though both may have used the same devices and advocated the same goal, both had opposite solutions to the nation’s problem. Another shared quality in their works is the use of antithesis. In Dr. King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†, he states â€Å"Now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. †He depicts that the nation should end all discrimination and come together as one and become a unit of one another harmonizing. X also had great use of this device to amplify compassion for his cause. An excellent example is the phrase and title, â€Å"The ballot or the bullet. †He like King wanted to end all the racial barriers that the nation had, but instead of encouraging the act of nonviolence he told the â€Å"negro†community that they either take â€Å"the ballot†signifying that they wouldn’t do anything or â€Å"the bullet†that symbolizes and provokes the need to take action into their own hands and fight. Both King and X used the same methods to captivate their audiences towards their view, though communicated different messages. King and X employed figurative language in their methods of persuading their audience. In King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech he conveys the use of similes in the phrase, â€Å"We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream,†in order to illustrate the need for justice until all are equal. He stresses the need of discrimination to end and for justice to let all nondiscriminatory in society. He used the negativity of injustice and turned it into a positive of justice being endless water that roars through a mighty stream that will forever be flowing. X also used similes to describe that all â€Å"negroes†are in the same boat and all will get the same treatment from the white man in the phrase, â€Å"†¦you’re going to catch hell just like I am. †He emphasizes that all â€Å"negroes†whether educated or illiterate or wealthy or poor will gain the same result of the hell that is being brought upon the by the same man who happens to be white. Both Martin Luther King and Malcolm X felt the lack of acceptance and the treachery being brought upon them by the white man in their use of similes. Although Martin Luther King and Malcolm X may have used the same rhetorical devices to persuade the same general audience, both broadcasted entirely different messages, with entirely different tones, on what should be done on their problems. King concentrated on a more pacifist approach in his speech with the use of such words as dream, happy, greatest, and freedom. His message was to thwart racism with as much nobility as possible, so that when viewed upon you’d be the light in the darkest of rooms. He wanted people to not give up on their dreams and not lose their self control of humanity even though they were trying to abolish such wrongdoing that was very inhumane. On the other hand, Malcolm X couldn’t have had a more contrasting message and tone in his â€Å"the Ballot or the Bullet†speech. He chose words like hell, suffered, degrading, treachery and false promises to instill the vengeance in the minds of his audience and for them to commend the will to fight for freedom. He wanted to create total chaos and outrage in the souls and mind of his listeners to ensure the quickest way possible for them to hear the core of his motives. He had no intentions in believing that racism would subside or that any of the white men would see the error in their ways and beg for their forgiveness and to live in complete harmony. He thought that the only way for the black community to really get what they deserve is to use the bullet and fight. King had a solution to end the nationwide problem with a more passive and civilized solution, the brought out the goodness in humanity because â€Å"an eye for an eye will make the world blind†; whereas X wanted the use of forces on the enemy no matter how much damaged caused in order for them to give equal rights to all. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X definitely had the same ambition to end segregation and discrimination, but the question as to whose message was more effective and which was a right way to address the cause is still questionable. King sought to spread pacifism and tolerance- the moral right that you should always live by; whereas Malcolm X sought the need of destructiveness in a highly troublesome situation. One must look at the outcome and the current civil rights situations to find an answer to that question to see that without both types of arguments there would be no balance. For every light there is a cast of shadows that follow it.
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