Monday, October 28, 2019
The first organisation I collected two documents from was Vodafone Essay Example for Free
The first organisation I collected two documents from was Vodafone Essay 1. INTRODUCTION This report was specially made to describe, compare and evaluate two different standard business documents from three different organisations, a total of six documents. I was asked for the first unit to gather these documents, to clearly and accurately explain their purpose and to identify the common elements of similar documents for example: use of boxes, headings, gaps between headings and logos etc. I was also asked to compare the documents and accurately evaluate the god and bad points about writing and presentation styles (formal/informal, blocked or indented style, method of emphasis such as underlining, italics and bold writing. It is also important for me to comment on their suitability for purpose and to suggest how they could be improved. I will then produce an in depth report which enabled me to show effective skills in the appropriate use of software facilities to automatic aspects of my document production, such as bullet and numbering, paragraph and heading styles and standardised layout. 2. Organisation One: Vodafone The first organisation I collected two documents from was Vodafone. The documents I collected were a letter from Vodafone and a leaflet of Vodafone top up. 2.1 Vodafone Letter The purpose of this document is to inform customers of Vodafone PLC about the latest polyphonic ring tones available. The layout of the letter is A5 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The document has a Wide screen television visual out the outer parts of the letter with a man snow boarding in some snowy mountains and then under this it states Starring below this it states the name of person it has been addressed to. On the second side the following information is displayed: The right hand side a line has been drawn to separate the actual content with the address of where it is purposed to go, a postage paid sign in the top right hand corner and diagonally in small text an address the document should be sent to if it is undelivered. On the left hand side the text is laid out like a letter using paragraphs and clear headings above the paragraphs. There is also a flow chart diagram of what to do if the receiver of the letter would like to purchase ring tones or pictures via the internet. Below this a line has been drawn and in smaller text it states the terms conditions of purchasing ring tones and that downloading ma restricted in some countries. This document is similar to the other letters as it is notifying it customers the products and services available to its customers. The documents have all used paragraphs to make the document easier to reader. The good points that about this document is that its initial headings have been typed in bold colour red and that the information given in the letter has been shown in either a paragraph or a flow chart diagram with links to the next step with a writing style that is clear to read. As the diagram has been made efficient with the use of arrows appropriate boxes and pictures. The bad points about this document are that the whole document should be changed as the actual information that has to be notified to the customer is not clearly emphasised as the address column has taken up too much space foe what is actually needed and also that the address could have been printed on the other side where the big picture is printed. The method that this letter has been distributed for is not good, and the product that the company is trying to sell has not been emphasised enough. I think this document is not suitable for its purpose. 2.2 Vodafone Top up Leaflet The purpose of this document is to inform customers about the electronic way of topping up your credits on your mobile phone. Also about how to linking your E-TopUp card with your mobile. The layout of this leaflet is A6 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The document has a red front cover with in the top two corners logos of Vodafone and the TOP-UP log that can be found on outlets that offer electronic top up. Between these two logos in white font it says How are you? below this is an outline of a white speech bubble and inside the bubble it states, Im ready to TopUp. On the second side the following information is displayed: The background of the document on this page is white. The first paragraph is in a red font and slightly larger font is a brief introduction about the topic of the leaflet. Underneath in small black font it says that top up is easy to use and that card is simple and secure. The second paragraph in a bold red font says The benefits of topping up with your new swipe card, underneath this in a smaller black font it states the benefits. The third and final paragraph in a slightly larger red and bold it says Linking you E-Top swipe card to your mobile, underneath this in a smaller black font it bullet point the stages of how to link your swipe card with your mobile. On the third side the following information is displayed: The background of the document on this page is white. The first paragraph heading states in a red and bold font about how the swipe card scheme works. Underneath in a smaller size text bullet points about how the actual swipe card scheme operates. The second paragraph heading says in a slightly larger red and bold font Existing E-TopUp swipe card customers, underneath this in a smaller black font it offers customers to have personalise top up cards with there phone number on the card stated. On the fourth side the following information is displayed: The background of the document on this page is red with white font. It states in bold font Where you can use your E-TopUp swipe card, underneath this in smaller font a list of large retailing outlets such as Argos but also where ever the shown signs are displayed. Underneath this in a smaller text states Vodafones Terms and Conditions of using there top up swipe cards, with a large Vodafone logo outlined in white in the bottom right hand corner of the leaflet. The good points about this document is that it uses the same colour co-ordination throughout the document but also the colours used contrasted together so the text could easily be read and the were the companies colours used on logos. The information text was cleverly spaced out with every paragraph was about a different aspects of using the swipe card. The leaflet did not for second go of task about what the leaflet wanted to achieve and the information needed by the customers. The bad points about this document are that the Terms and Conditions were in very small text that was hard to read; this was as Vodafone were hiding some not so good information about the swipe card. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. 3. Organisation two: Halifax The second organisation I collected two documents from was Halifax. The documents I collected were a letter from Halifax and a leaflet of Halifax, The facts and figures. 3.1 Halifax Letter The purpose of this document is to inform customers about their new bank account and the ways they can withdraw and bank money into their new current account. The letter is on a single A4 page that has been printed on one side. The background of the document of this page is white. In the top right hand corner is the Halifax logo and the address of its headquarters. The first paragraph heading starts off saying Dear Customer, Welcome to Halifax!, In a black font. Underneath in the same sized font says Enclosed you will find your, and then bullet pointed below stating the objects that have come with the letter. The second paragraph starts with a bold blue text stating how to get started with your new account. Then it states a step-by-step guide how to activate your credit card. The third paragraph starts with a heading in a bold and blue font giving information about the credit card PIN number. The good points about this document are that it has initial headings have been typed in bold above every new paragraph for emphasis and that the information given in the letter has been shown in either a bullet point or numbered form with a writing style clear to read. The bad points about this document are that there are headings in a letter making the subject of the different sections hard to identify. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. 3.2 Halifax Leaflet The purpose of this document is to inform customers about the great savings customers can make on home and travel insurance. The layout of this leaflet is C5 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with contrasting blue and green at the top and bottom of the page. On the left hand side of the page in a bold blue text saying Were offering some great savings on your home and travel insurance, with great savings highlighted in a green colour. Underneath this in blue are the Halifax logo and message. On the right hand side of the page is a man wearing glasses in a hot air balloon waving. On the second side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with a picture on the right hand side of the page with a man skiing in mid air contrasting with the white background. On the left in a bold green text if says Annual Travel Insurance from under à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½44*. Underneath this in a small black font a paragraph stating that Multi -trip cover can offer you great value for money and bullet pointed is the savings you could make. On the third side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with a table outlined and shaded in green. On the left is a table of the different covers you could buy ranging from 17 days to 12 months. On the right in a small black font is the rating of there annual travel insurance done by an independent market research company and their company logo. Underneath the terms and conditions of annual cover. Underneath this in a large blue font is a phone number for travel insurance or the website you could visit to find out more. On the fourth side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is white with a picture of a man in bed relating in bed. Top of the page is a bold and green heading saying how much you could save on home insurance. On the left is a picture of the man in bed. On the right in a small black text was bullet pointed the great discounts and benefits available. On the right is a small logo saying Home insurance 2003 with five stars, this that Halifax has been rated five stars for Building and Contents cover for product features and benefits by Defaqto, an independent market research company. Underneath this in a large blue font is a phone number for Home insurance or the website you could visit to find out more. On the fifth side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is blue with a picture of a man pointing at the title a the top of the page which is in a bold and green font says Call now to see how much you could save. Underneath this in a slightly smaller white font it states Halifax Insurance GREAT SAVINGS to be made beneath this in a smaller white font it offers some impressive savings by saying how much you could save up to on Insurance with Halifax. On the sixth side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is blue. The heading says Great savings from Halifax insurance in a bold green font, with ways you could contact Halifax either by telephone or Internet. Underneath it states Halifaxs Terms and Conditions stating that some phone calls will be recorded for so purpose. In the bottom right hand corner the Halifax logo. The good points about this document are that information is clearly displayed with the use of tables and headings, making the information more interesting to read than a long essay. The bad points about this document are that some of the text could be made a bit bigger so it could read easier. A lot of information is squashed into a small space. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. As it is well designed to sell a service to a potential customer. 4. Organisation Three: Procter Gamble UK The third organisation I collected two documents from was Procter Gamble UK, which owns the beauty, range Olay. The documents I collected were a letter promoting Olay regenerist and a leaflet of the actual Olay regenerist products. 4.1 Olay regenrist Letter The purpose of this document is to inform customers of Gamble Procter UK promoting their new beauty range called Olay regenerist. The layout of the letter is A4 page that has been printed on one side. The background of the document of this page is white with a border at the top of the page. In the top right hand corner is an image of the Olay regenerist range of products. On the left of the page is the Olay logo with a bubble in red saying new. Underneath this is the address of where the letter is going to. The first paragraph has a red bold heading asking the customer Is cosmetic surgery just a step too far you? Underneath in a small black text is explanation of the percentage of women who would not have cosmetic surgery. The second paragraph is introducing the new products available from Olay. The third paragraph is offering a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 free voucher that is attached to the bottom of the page. The good points about this document are that it has initial headings have been typed in bold above every new paragraph for emphasis. There is only information that is needed by the consumer such as what the product can do to your skin. The bad points about this document are that there are headings in a letter making the subject of the different sections hard to identify. Also that there are numbers above and under the address that have no significance what so ever, that spoil the overall image of the letter. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. As it is well designed to sell a product to a potential customer, as there is a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5off voucher from anything purchased within the Olay brand. 4.2 Olay regenerist Leaflet The purpose of this document is to inform customers of Gamble Procter UK promoting their new beauty range called Olay regenerist. The layout of the leaflet is B3 page that has been printed on both sides. On the first side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is black. On the left is a picture of the new Olay regenerist products with a light shining over the products reflecting the silver tray that the products are in. Above this in a white font is says, If youre of cosmetic surgery try this first! underneath is a logo of Red magazine. At the bottom of the page is the logo of OLAY. On the second side the following information is displayed: The background of this page is black with a picture in the centre of a lady and a step-by-step guide of how her skin colour can change into looking younger in just three weeks. Above is a red bubble saying new and next to this regenerist the logo. On the right is reminding the customer about their à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 money off coupon can experience the benefits of younger looking skin. On the left is a short paragraph in a white and large font about what the new product contains such as green tea. Underneath this is a white line going across the page with OLAY logo in both of the bottom corner with in the centre in small text money back, if not satisfied. On the third side is the following information is displayed: The background of this page is black. At the top of the page is a red bubble saying new and the regenerist logo. On the left is a picture of the regenerist products. On the left is a bullet pointed list of the products shown in the picture and an explanation that the products can be used together or singularly. Underneath this is a white line drawn across the page the address of the owners and headquarters of Olay and on the right an Olay logo. The good points about this document is that it uses the same colour co-ordination throughout the document but also the colours used contrasted together so the text could easily be read. The information text was cleverly spaced out. The bad points about this document are that the page fold was slightly to the right hand side of the page and not in the middle. I think the leaflet was a bit too much spaced out. I think this document is suitable for its purpose. 5. Conclusion Overall most of the documents reviewed in this report have followed a basic business layout. All documents stick to one writing style and font throughout the entire document, which shows consistency and is less confusing. The language used in the documents is a formal language because of its purpose.
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